593 resultados para 3PL-warehouse
Kleinskalige, multifunktionale Module haben ein hohes Potential bei der wirtschaftlichen und flexiblen Gestaltung intralogistischer Systeme mit hoher Funktionalität. Durch dezentrale Steuerung und eigener Intelligenz der Module ist das System frei skalierbar und der Installationsaufwand wird minimiert. Mittels eines neuartigen Konzeptes der Datenkommunikation für Stetigförderer erfolgt der Informationsaustausch drahtlos mit Hilfe optoelektrischer Elemente. Die Kleinskaligkeit der Transportmodule gegenüber der Transporteinheit im Zusammenhang mit dem Steuerungskonzept erlaubt eine selektive Beschaltung der Module nach Bedarf und damit eine optimierte Energieausnutzung im Betrieb. Prototypen auf Basis von Schwenkrollen mit integrierter Antriebstechnik und Steuerung lassen das Potential des Prinzips erkennen. Das neu entwickelte Konzept der Schrägscheibe hilft bei der anspruchsvollen Integration der Antriebstechnik in das Modul durch das Prinzip der koaxialen Aktoren. Durch omnidirektionalen Funktionsumfang der Module entsteht im Zusammenschluss zu einer Modulmatrix ein hochflexibel einsetzbares Intralogistik-Modul. Die Vernetzung dieser hochfunktionalen Knoten durch einfache Fördertechnik bietet die Möglichkeit einfacher Planung flexibler Logistiksysteme.
Indoor positioning is the backbone of many advanced intra-logistic applications. As opposed to unified outdoor satellite positioning systems, there are many different technical approaches to indoor positioning. Depending on the application, there are different trade-offs between accuracy, range, and costs. In this paper we present a new concept for a 4-degree-of-freedom (4-DOF) positioning system to be used for vehicle tracing in a logistic facility. The system employs optical data transmission between active infrastructure and receiver devices. Compared to existing systems, these optical technologies promise to achieve better accuracy at lower costs. We will introduce the positioning algorithm and an experimental setup of the system.
Die Verwaltung von Lagerbeständen in Unternehmen muss erhebliche Anforderungen an die Datenverfügbarkeit, -sicherheit und -konsistenz erfüllen. Dies wird heute durch eine zentrale Datenhaltung in Lagerverwaltungssystemen gewährleistet. Auf der anderen Seite ist in vielen Bereichen (z. B. Materialfluss- und Transportsteuerung, Produktionssteuerung) eine Entwicklungstendenz in Richtung dezentraler Steuerungsstrategien zu beobachten, welche eine erhöhte Flexibilität und reduzierte Komplexität versprechen. Im Rahmen eines von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Projekts werden im vorliegenden Beitrag Konzepte zur verteilten Gestaltung von Lagerverwaltungssystemen vorgestellt und diskutiert.
Im Rahmen eines von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Projekts wird ein detailliertes Konzept, bestehend aus einer Softwarearchitektur und Steuerungsalgorithmen, für ein dezentrales Lagerverwaltungssystem (LVS) vorgestellt und evaluiert.
Das Verständnis von Leistungsverfügbarkeit, wie sie in der VDI-Richtlinie 4486 definiert ist, reicht für die Planung komplexer, dynamischer und teil-autonomer Systeme nicht aus. Die Definition in der VDI 4486 setzt den Fokus ausschließlich auf den Erfüllungsgrad vereinbarter Prozesse bei der Inbetriebnahme lo-gistischer Anlagen und regelt die Messungen und Be-rechnungen der Leistungsverfügbarkeit zu diesem Zeitpunkt. Es bleibt die Frage, wie ein Materialflusssystem für eine spezifizierte Leistungsverfügbarkeit geplant werden kann. Dazu werden die Wirkzusammenhänge zwischen dem logistischen System und seinen Sub-Systemen z.B. vertikale Integration von Wirkzusammenhängen der Instandhaltung, von Echtzeiteffekten der Kommunikationsprozesse oder Effekten der Ma-schinensteuerung, betrachtet.
Leistungsverfügbarkeit als Kennwert ist in den letzten Jahren in den theoretischen sowie auch praktischen Fokus gerückt. Zielstellung eines theoretischen Ansatzes in diesem Bereich muss die Schaffung von Grundlagen für den praktischen Nutzen sein. Um die bestehende Lücke zwischen den dargestellten Parteien ein Stück weit zu schließen, erläutert der vorliegende Artikel zunächst Forderungen der Praxis aus Sicht von Anlagenplaner und -betreiber und stellt anschließend einen darauf antwortenden theoretischen Ansatz vor, der die Planbarkeit von Leistungsverfügbarkeit ermöglichen soll.
Our research project develops an intranet search engine with concept- browsing functionality, where the user is able to navigate the conceptual level in an interactive, automatically generated knowledge map. This knowledge map visualizes tacit, implicit knowledge, extracted from the intranet, as a network of semantic concepts. Inductive and deductive methods are combined; a text ana- lytics engine extracts knowledge structures from data inductively, and the en- terprise ontology provides a backbone structure to the process deductively. In addition to performing conventional keyword search, the user can browse the semantic network of concepts and associations to find documents and data rec- ords. Also, the user can expand and edit the knowledge network directly. As a vision, we propose a knowledge-management system that provides concept- browsing, based on a knowledge warehouse layer on top of a heterogeneous knowledge base with various systems interfaces. Such a concept browser will empower knowledge workers to interact with knowledge structures.
Companion animals closely share their domestic environment with people and have the potential to, act as sources of zoonotic diseases. They also have the potential to be sentinels of infectious and noninfectious, diseases. With the exception of rabies, there has been minimal ongoing surveillance of, companion animals in Canada. We developed customized data extraction software, the University of, Calgary Data Extraction Program (UCDEP), to automatically extract and warehouse the electronic, medical records (EMR) from participating private veterinary practices to make them available for, disease surveillance and knowledge creation for evidence-based practice. It was not possible to build, generic data extraction software; the UCDEP required customization to meet the specific software, capabilities of the veterinary practices. The UCDEP, tailored to the participating veterinary practices', management software, was capable of extracting data from the EMR with greater than 99%, completeness and accuracy. The experiences of the people developing and using the UCDEP and the, quality of the extracted data were evaluated. The electronic medical record data stored in the data, warehouse may be a valuable resource for surveillance and evidence-based medical research.
Large amounts of animal health care data are present in veterinary electronic medical records (EMR) and they present an opportunity for companion animal disease surveillance. Veterinary patient records are largely in free-text without clinical coding or fixed vocabulary. Text-mining, a computer and information technology application, is needed to identify cases of interest and to add structure to the otherwise unstructured data. In this study EMR's were extracted from veterinary management programs of 12 participating veterinary practices and stored in a data warehouse. Using commercially available text-mining software (WordStat™), we developed a categorization dictionary that could be used to automatically classify and extract enteric syndrome cases from the warehoused electronic medical records. The diagnostic accuracy of the text-miner for retrieving cases of enteric syndrome was measured against human reviewers who independently categorized a random sample of 2500 cases as enteric syndrome positive or negative. Compared to the reviewers, the text-miner retrieved cases with enteric signs with a sensitivity of 87.6% (95%CI, 80.4-92.9%) and a specificity of 99.3% (95%CI, 98.9-99.6%). Automatic and accurate detection of enteric syndrome cases provides an opportunity for community surveillance of enteric pathogens in companion animals.
In his Descrittione di tutti i Paesi Bassi of 1567, the Italian merchant and humanist Ludovico Guicciardini described Antwerp as the warehouse of the world where all kinds of commodities were traded and displayed. Early modern Antwerp’s pre-eminent position depended upon links between material trade and exchange and the circulation of information, knowledge and beliefs. In this multidisciplinary volume of the NKJ, articles by leading scholars in the fields of art and material culture, literature and history explore ways in which value was propagated in the city from its so-called golden age, before the Revolt of the Netherlands, far into the seventeenth century.
Project justification is regarded as one of the major methodological deficits in Data Warehousing practice. As reasons for applying inappropriate methods, performing incomplete evaluations, or even entirely omitting justifications, the special nature of Data Warehousing benefits and the large portion of infrastructure-related activities are stated. In this paper, the economic justification of Data Warehousing projects is analyzed, and first results from a large academiaindustry collaboration project in the field of non-technical issues of Data Warehousing are presented. As conceptual foundations, the role of the Data Warehouse system in corporate application architectures is analyzed, and the specific properties of Data Warehousing projects are discussed. Based on an applicability analysis of traditional approaches to economic IT project justification, basic steps and responsibilities for the justification of Data Warehousing projects are derived.
Page 2 - The vice provost for University Libraries writes about the many efforts underway to archive electronic resources for future use. • The director of the Tri-Campus Libraries comments on freedom of speech & the academic library. Page 3 - Manuscripts from Archives & Special Collections record the recollections of a Civil War nurse, a Connecticut naturalist, and a prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials. Page 4 - A WPA mural by James Daugherty is rescued and installed in the Jeremy Richard Library. • Access Services finds new ways to improve services for library users. Page 5 - A renovated UConn Health Center Library is transformed from a warehouse for print into an information commons. Page 6 - Staff news
Supermarket nutrient movement, a community food consumption measure, aggregated 1,023 high-fat foods, representing 100% of visible fats and approximately 44% of hidden fats in the food supply (FAO, 1980). Fatty acid and cholesterol content of foods shipped from the warehouse to 47 supermarkets located in the Houston area were calculated over a 6 month period. These stores were located in census tracts with over 50% of a given ethnicity: Hispanic, black non-Hispanic, or white non-Hispanic. Categorizing the supermarket census tracts by predominant ethnicity, significant differences were found by ANOVA in the proportion of specific fatty acids and cholesterol content of the foods examined. Using ecological regression, ethnicity, income, and median age predicted supermarket lipid movements while residential stability did not. No associations were found between lipid movements and cardiovascular disease mortality, making further validation necessary for epidemiological application of this method. However, it has been shown to be a non-reactive and cost-effective method appropriate for tracking target foods in populations of groups, and for assessing the impact of mass media nutrition education, legislation, and fortification on community food and nutrient purchase patterns. ^
The software Multibeam Converter is a tool to convert files or folders of files (ascii/tab-separated data files with or without metaheader), downloaded from PANGAEA via the search engine or the data warehouse to the ODV import format, e.g. for visualization or further processing. MultibeamConverter is distributed as freeware for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux.
The software Pan2Applic is a tool to convert files or folders of files (ascii/tab-separated data files with or without metaheader), downloaded from PANGAEA via the search engine or the data warehouse to formats as used by applications, e.g. for visualization or further processing. It may also be used to convert files or zip-archives as downloaded from CD-ROM data collections, published in the WDC-MARE Reports series. Pan2Applic is distributed as freeware for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux.