999 resultados para 342.042


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The effects of continuous infusions of 2 synthetic atrial natriuretic peptides Ile12-(3-28) (rANP) and Meth12-(3-28) (hANP) eicosahexapeptides on blood pressure, heart rate, skin blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, renal plasma flow, apparent hepatic blood flow, and carotid blood flow were evaluated in normal volunteers. A rANP infusion at increasing rates (1-40 micrograms/min) induced a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate and in skin blood flow linearly related to the dose administered. In contrast, hANP infusion at 1 microgram/min for 4 hours induced an initial increase followed by a secondary fall in skin blood flow without blood pressure changes. A 4-hour rANP infusion at 0.5 and 5 mcg/min did not alter glomerular filtration rate but induced a delayed and dose-related fall in renal plasma flow from 531 to 461 (p less than 0.05), and from 554 to 342 ml/min (p less than 0.001) respectively, with a consequential rise in the filtration fraction. The 5 mcg/min dose furthermore significantly reduced blood pressure following a latency period of 2.5 hours. A 2-hours rANP infusion at 0.5 micrograms/min induced a fall in apparent hepatic blood flow from 1,087 to 863 ml/min (p less than 0.01), without simultaneously altering blood pressure. Similarly, a 2-hour hANP infusion at 2 micrograms/min altered neither blood pressure nor carotid blood flow. In conclusion, ANP infusion induced changes in systemic and regional hemodynamics varying in direction, intensity and duration.


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Aquest treball és el primer volum de la tesi presentada pel doctor Camps i Clemente, publicada pel Seminari Pere Mata per tal de donar-li major difusió. En aquesta tesi, l'autor estudia d'una forma extensa i profunda els episodis de mort violenta reportats a Lleida entre els anys 1308 i 1516. Els 342 procediments estudiats es guarden a la Paeria de Lleida i aporten dades sobre la realitat mèdico-sanitària i social de l'època baix-medieval.


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Aminoglycoside antibiotics are ototoxic, inducing irreversible sensorineural hearing loss mediated by oxidative and excitotoxic stresses. The NF-kappaB pathway is involved in the response to aminoglycoside damage in the cochlea. However, the molecular mechanisms of this ototoxicity remain unclear. We investigated the expression of PKCzeta, a key regulator of NF-kappaB activation, in response to aminoglycoside treatment. Amikacin induced PKCzeta cleavage and nuclear translocation. These events were concomitant with chromatin condensation and paralleled the decrease in NF-kappaB (p65) levels in the nucleus. Amikacin also induced the nuclear translocation of apoptotic inducing factor (AIF). Prior treatment with aspirin prevented PKCzeta cleavage and nuclear translocation. Thus, aspirin counteracts the early effects of amikacin, thereby protecting hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons. These results demonstrate that PKCzeta acts as sentinel connecting specific survival pathways to mediate cellular responses to amikacin ototoxicity.


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Obesity is associated with different cancers including breast cancer, whose incidence is increased in postmenopausal women. It has an adverse impact on the prognosis of the patients, regardless of their menopausal status. The fact of receiving a systemic adjuvant therapy does not neutralize the prognostic role of obesity. Moderate weight loss after cancer diagnosis could improve the outcome of the patients, while a weight gain during treatment seems without significant effect. Currently available data are still too incomplete to justify systematic programs to lose weight with an oncologic therapeutic aim. However, it is worth to encourage and support our patients to have an optimal diet, physical activity, and to lose weight as promotion of general health.


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Mutations in the CACNA1A gene, encoding the α1 subunit of the voltage-gated calcium channel CaV2.1 (P/Q-type), have been associated with three neurological phenotypes: familial and sporadic hemiplegic migraine type 1 (FHM1, SHM1), episodic ataxia type 2 (EA2), and spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6). We report a child with congenital ataxia, abnormal eye movements and developmental delay who presented severe attacks of hemiplegic migraine triggered by minor head traumas and associated with hemispheric swelling and seizures. Progressive cerebellar atrophy was also observed. Remission of the attacks was obtained with acetazolamide. A de novo 3bp deletion was found in heterozygosity causing loss of a phenylalanine residue at position 1502, in one of the critical transmembrane domains of the protein contributing to the inner part of the pore. We characterized the electrophysiology of this mutant in a Xenopus oocyte in vitro system and showed that it causes gain of function of the channel. The mutant CaV2.1 activates at lower voltage threshold than the wild type. These findings provide further evidence of this molecular mechanism as causative of FHM1 and expand the phenotypic spectrum of CACNA1A mutations with a child exhibiting severe SHM1 and non-episodic ataxia of congenital onset.


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Recommendations for statin use for primary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) are based on estimation of the 10-year CHD risk. It is unclear which risk algorithm and guidelines should be used in European populations. Using data from a population-based study in Switzerland, we first assessed 10-year CHD risk and eligibility for statins in 5,683 women and men 35 to 75 years of age without cardiovascular disease by comparing recommendations by the European Society of Cardiology without and with extrapolation of risk to age 60 years, the International Atherosclerosis Society, and the US Adult Treatment Panel III. The proportions of participants classified as high-risk for CHD were 12.5% (15.4% with extrapolation), 3.0%, and 5.8%, respectively. Proportions of participants eligible for statins were 9.2% (11.6% with extrapolation), 13.7%, and 16.7%, respectively. Assuming full compliance to each guideline, expected relative decreases in CHD deaths in Switzerland over a 10-year period would be 16.4% (17.5% with extrapolation), 18.7%, and 19.3%, respectively; the corresponding numbers needed to treat to prevent 1 CHD death would be 285 (340 with extrapolation), 380, and 440, respectively. In conclusion, the proportion of subjects classified as high risk for CHD varied over a fivefold range across recommendations. Following the International Atherosclerosis Society and the Adult Treatment Panel III recommendations might prevent more CHD deaths at the cost of higher numbers needed to treat compared with European Society of Cardiology guidelines.


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F. A-B. Bifolium contenant la fin de l’office du Saint Esprit ; cf. le même texte aux ff. 156-156v. XVe siècle. Copie inachevée dont les initialesont été laissées en blanc. Le f. B réglé est blanc. La justification est la même que celle du corps du manuscrit.F. 1-12v. Calendrier écrit à l’encre rouge et bleue et à l’or: nombreux saints méridionaux, en particulier de la vallée du Rhône et du Languedoc : « Fulcrani ep. [Lodevensis] » (13 févr.) ; « translatio s. Pauli » (20 février) ; « translatio s.Augustini » (28 février) ; « Pauli archi. Narbo[nensis] » (22 mars) ; « translatio b. Ferreoli [ ?] (1er avril) ; « Baudilii mart. [Nemausiensis] (20 mai) ; « Quiterie (21 mai) ; « Eutropii [ep. Arausicani] (27 mai) ; « translatio s. Saturnini » (22 juin) ; « Petri de Lucemburgo » (5 juillet) ; « Roqui mart. [Montispessulani] » (16 août) ; « Ludovici regis fratris [ep. Toletani]» (19 août) ; « Privati conf. [ep. Gabalitanus (Gévaudan)] » (21 août) ; « Fereoli mart. [Viennae] (18 sept.) ; « Apolinaris ep. [Valentinensis] » (10 oct.) ; « Firmini ep. [Ucetensis] » (11 oct.] ; « Florencii ep. [Arausicani] » (17 oct.] ; « Amancii ep. [Ruthenensis] » (5 nov.) ; « Restituti ep. [Tricastini] » (8 nov.) ; « Rufi ep. [Avenionensis] » (14 nov.) ; « Pauli ep. [Narbonensis] » (11 déc.) ; « Dominici conf. [de Silos] » (20 déc.). Mentions zodiacales et de comput, parmi lesquelles on note une « renovatio indicionum », le 24 septembre. F. 13-17. Extraits des quatre Evangiles : Io (13-14) ; Lc (14-15) ; Mt (15-16v) ; Mc (16v-17).F. 17v-71. [Horae beatae Mariae virginis secundum usum romanum]. [Ad matutinas], psaumes répartis selon les jours de la semaine (18-32v) ; — « In laudibus » (32v-42v) ; — « Ad primam » (43-46v) ; — « Ad tertiam » (46v-49) ; — « Ad sextam » (49v-52) ; « Ad IXa » (52-55) ; — « Ad vesperas » (55-60) ; — « Ad comple[c]torium » (60-64) ; — Antiennes, psaumes, leçons et répons pour les différents temps de l’année (64v-71) .F. 71-77v. Messe votive. « Missa beate Marie virginis ». « Salve sancta parens... » F. 78-85. Prières et hymnes. [Septem gaudia spiritualia b. Mariae virginis], incomplet des quatre premiers vers par lacune matérielle. « [Gaude flore virginali...] et sanctorum decoratum//...-... per eterna secula » (AH, XXXI, n° 198) ; « O sponsa Dei electa// Esto nobis via recta... » ; « ...Oratio. Domine Jhesu Christe qui beatissimam gloriosam virginem...-... pervenire mereamur » ; « Gaudia. Gaude virgo mater Christi// Que per aurem concepisti// ...-... perhemni gaudio. » (AH, XXIV, n° 57) ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, I, XXVI-XXVII ; « ... Oratio. Deus qui beatissimam virginem Mariam in consceptu... pervenire. Per... » ; « Gaudia beate Marie spiritualia. Gaude stirpe regis nata// Ab angelo saluta[ta]...-... et celorum mansio » (AH, XXXI, n° 182) ; « Oratio. Consolator mitissime Deus... sempiternis perfrui. Per... » ; « Alia oratio. Deus qui Gabrielem archangelum... mereamur habere. Qui... » ; « Devota oratio ad beatam virginem Mariam. Obsecro te domina... et michi famulo tuo pauperrimo N. ... » (Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 346-347).F. 85v blanc.F.86-91v. [Horae Trinitatis].F.91v-93v. Messe votive. « Missa de Trinitate ».F. 93v-97. « Devota oratio. Deus omnipotens propicius esto michi peccatori, custos mei omnibus diebus et horis vite mee, Deus Abraham... Omnes sancti angeli et archangeli Dei succurrite et subvenite michi peccatori... horis vite mee » ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 396 ; — « O bone Jhesu illumina oculos meos ne unquam obdormiam... impietatem peccati mei » ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, I, XXX-XXXI ; — « Omnipotens, sempiterne et clementissime Deus qui Ezechie regi ... merear et optinere. Per... », à la forme masculine ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 438 ; — « Oratio. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus te supplices exoramus ut celesti... consequantur. Per... » (Corpus orationum, VI, n° 4076).F. 97v blanc.F. 98-108. [Psaumes de la pénitence]. F. 108-117v. « Letania ». A noter parmi les confesseurs, la séquence inattendue de trois évêques de Toul honorés en Lorraine : « ... s. Mansuete, s. Gerarde, s. Aper ». Parmi les saintes : « ... s. Martha, s. Eulalia... s. Radegundis... ». — Oraisons diverses : « Propicius esto, parce nobis Domine... ut michi indigno famulo tuo N... exaudire digneris » ; — ... « Omnipotens sempiterne Deus miserere michi indigno famulo tuo N.... perficiat. Per... » ; — « Pie et exaudibilis domine Jhesu Christe Deus noster clementiam tuam... digneris eternam » ; cf. Leroquais, Psautiers, I, 25 ; — « Pietate tua quesumus Domine nostrorum solve vincula delictorum et intercedente pro nobis... virgine Dei genitrice Maria cum beatis apostolis tuis Petro et Paulo atque Andrea... eternam concede. Per... » (Corpus orationum, VI, n° 4227)...F. 118-145. [Officium mortuorum secundum usum romanum]F. 145-147v. Messe votive. « Missa pro omnibus fidelibus defunctis ». F. 148-151. [Horae sancti Spiritus].F. 151-153v. Messe votive. « Missa de sancto Spiritu », incomplet de la fin par lacune matérielle.F. 154-156v. [Horae omnium sanctorum], incomplet du premier feuillet.F. 156v-159v. Messe votive. « Missa de omnibus sanctis. F. 160-162v. [Horae sancti Sacramentis], incomplet du début par lacune matérielle. F. 162v-164v. Messe votive. « Missa de corpore Christi ».F. 164v-169v. Prières et hymnes. « ... salutatio sacratissimi corporis domini nostri Jhesu Christi. Ave Jhesu Christe verbum Patris filius [Virginis] agnus Dei...-... requies nostra vita perhemnis » ; cf. ms NAL 3211, 342 ; — « Alia oratio. Salve sancta caro Dei per quam salvi...-... da michi sedem justorum. Qui... » (ed. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 348) ; — In elevatione corporis Christi. Anima Christi sanctifica me // Corpus Christi salva me... secula seculorum. Amen » ; (ed. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 340 variantes) ; — « Alia. Ave verum corpus natum... o pia... ora pro nobis » (AH, LIV, n° 257) ; — « Alia devota oratio. Domine Jhesu Christe qui hanc sacratissimam carnem tuam... et periculis et in eternum » ; cf.ms NAL 3203, 26v ; — « Dum volueris communicare dic orationem. Omnipotens et misericors Deus ecce accedo ad sacratissimum accedo inquam infirmus ad medicum...-... tutela finalis in morte. Qui... » ; — « Alia oratio ante communionem. Domine sancte Pater, omnipotens eterne Deus, da mihi corpus et sanguinem... in infinita secula... » ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 108 ; — « Post communionem. Gratias tibi ago Domine sancte pater omnipotens eterne Deus qui me peccatorem indignum famulum tuum saciare... et gaudium sempiternum... » ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, I, 51 ; — « Post communionem ad beatam Virginem. Serenissima Virgo et inclita mater nostri Jhesu Christi, sancta Maria regina celi et terre que eundem creatorem... hodie veracis [incomplet de la fin par lacune matérielle] ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, I, 156, 299.F. 170-173. [Horae sanctae Crucis], incomplet du début.F. 173-178. Messe votive. « Missa in honore sancte Crucis ». « Crucem tuam adoramus et veneramur domine Jhesu Christe, et per ipsam tuam sanctissimam recolimus passionem...-...defunctis vitam et gloriam sempiternam... » ; — « Alia oratio. Domine Jhesu Christe plasmator tocius creature, rex glorie obsecro miserere mei quia locutus sum... semper benedictus... » ; — « Alia oratio. Domine Jhesu Christe qui voluisti pro redemptione mundi nasci et circumcidi... ego miserrimus, vilissimus, nequissimus atque indignissimus peccator...-... latronem crucifixum. Qui... » ; — « Alia oratio. Precor te, piissime domine Jhesu Christe, per illam eximiam caritatem qua tu rex celestis... mihi tribuere digneris. Qui... » ; — « Alia oratio. Deus propicius esto michi peccatori. Quid est Jhesus nisi salvator ergo Jhesus per te ipsum redemptus sum... miserere michi Deus » ; — « Dic totum deinde dic oracionem. Tribulacionem nobis [sic], quesumus, Domine propicius respice... clementer averte. Per... ». F. 178-200. « ... suffragia sanctorum ». « ... de Trinitate » ; — « De sancto Michaele archangelo » ; — « De sancto Johanne Baptista » ; — « De sancto Petro et Paulo » ; — « De sancto Andrea apostolo » ; — « De sancto Johanne evangelista » ; — « De sancto Jacobo minori » ; — « Sanctorum Philippi et Jacobi » ; — « De innocentibus » ; — « De apostolis et evvangelistis » ; — « De sancto Stephano » ; — « De sancto Laurencio » ; — « De sancto Eutropio... Eutropium martyrem tuum (f. 183v)... » ; — « De sancto Georgio » ; — « De sancto Blasio » ; — « De sancto Dyonisio » ; — « De sancto Yppolito » ; — « De sancto Christophoro » ; — « De sancto Sebastiano. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus qui meritis beati Sebastiani martyris gloriosissimi quemdam pestem epydimie generalem hominibus mortiferam revocasti, presta supplicibus tuis ut qui hanc orationem super se portavit aut in domibus vel mansionibus scriptam aut alias de ea in tuo nomine memoriam habuerint sive in die aut in nocte legerint a simili a peste et morbo epydimie sub ejus confidencia ad te confugerint ipsius meritis et precibus ab ipsis peste et morbo epydimie et ab omnibus nocumentis venenosis necnon ab omnibus periculis corporis et anime atque a subitanea et improvisa morte et ab omnibus inimicis visibilibus et invisibilibus singulis diebus et noctibus horis atque momentis liberemur. Per Dominum. Pater noster. Ave Maria. Credo. Salva regina. Ave stella matutina, rosa sine spinis, cum reliquis ». — « Unius martyris communis » ; — « De martyribus communis » ; — « De sancto Martino » ; — « De sancto Nicholao » ; — « De sancto Anthonio » ; — « De sancto Lazaro » ; — « De sancto Restituto... Deus qui per merita beati Restituti confessoris atque pontificis a multorum oculis dolorem sanas, labem removes et visum clarificas... (189v-190) » ; — « Unius confessoris » ; — « De confessoribus communis » ; — « De beata Maria Magdalena prosa. Gaude pia Magdalena // Spes salutis // Vite vena // Lapsorum fiducia // Gaude dulcis advocata // ... » ; — « De beata Catherina. Gaude virgo Catherina /// Quam refecit lux divina // Ter quaternis noctibus //... » ; — « De beata Lucia » ; — « De beata Apollonia » ; — « De beata Agatha » ; — « De virginibus » ; — « De omnibus sanctis » ; — « De pace » ; — « De sancto Petro de Lucemburgo » ; le suffrage commence par la prière attribuée à s. Pierre de Luxembourg : « Deus pater qui creasti // Mundum et illuminasti // Suscipe...-... requiescant in pace. Amen » ; cf.ms NAL 3196, 152.F. 200v-204, feuillets réglés blancs.


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Ten years ago, the first cellular receptor for the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and the highly pathogenic Lassa virus (LASV) was identified as alpha-dystroglycan (alpha-DG), a versatile receptor for proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Biochemical analysis of the interaction of alpha-DG with arenaviruses and ECM proteins revealed a strikingly similar mechanism of receptor recognition that critically depends on specific sugar modification on alpha-DG involving a novel class of putative glycosyltransferase, the LARGE proteins. Interestingly, recent genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations revealed evidence for positive selection of a locus within the LARGE gene in populations from Western Africa, where LASV is endemic. While most enveloped viruses that enter the host cell in a pH-dependent manner use clathrin-mediated endocytosis, recent studies revealed that the Old World arenaviruses LCMV and LASV enter the host cell predominantly via a novel and unusual endocytotic pathway independent of clathrin, caveolin, dynamin, and actin. Upon internalization, the virus is rapidly delivered to endosomes via an unusual route of vesicular trafficking that is largely independent of the small GTPases Rab5 and Rab7. Since infection of cells with LCMV and LASV depends on DG, this unusual endocytotic pathway could be related to normal cellular trafficking of the DG complex. Alternatively, engagement of arenavirus particles may target DG for an endocytotic pathway not normally used in uninfected cells thereby inducing an entry route specifically tailored to the pathogen's needs.


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BACKGROUND: The optimal strategy for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in multi-vessel disease (MVD), i.e., multi-vessel PCI (MV-PCI) vs. PCI of the infarct-related artery only (IRA-PCI), still remains unknown. METHODS: Patients of the AMIS Plus registry admitted with an acute coronary syndrome were contacted after a median of 378 days (interquartile range 371-409). The primary end-point was all-cause death. The secondary end-point included all major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) including death, re-infarction, re-hospitalization for cardiac causes, any cardiac re-intervention, and stroke. RESULTS: Between 2005 and 2012, 8330 STEMI patients were identified, of whom 1909 (24%) had MVD. Of these, 442 (23%) received MV-PCI and 1467 (77%) IRA-PCI. While all-cause mortality was similar in both groups (2.7% both, p>0.99), MACCE was significantly lower after MV-PCI vs. IRA-PCI (15.6% vs. 20.0%, p=0.038), mainly driven by lower rates of cardiac re-hospitalization and cardiac re-intervention. Patients undergoing MV-PCI with drug-eluting stents had lower rates of all-cause mortality (2.1% vs. 7.4%, p=0.026) and MACCE (14.1% vs. 25.9%, p=0.042) compared with those receiving bare metal stents (BMS). In multivariate analysis, MV-PCI (odds ratio, OR 0.69, 95% CI 0.51-0.93, p=0.017) and comorbidities (Charlson index ≥ 2; OR 1.42, 95% CI 1.05-1.92, p=0.025) were independent predictors for 1-year MACCE. CONCLUSION: In an unselected nationwide real-world cohort, an approach using immediate complete revascularization may be beneficial in STEMI patients with MVD regarding MACCE, specifically when drug-eluting stents are used, but not regarding mortality. This has to be tested in a randomized controlled trial.


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To avoid the exclusive use of rodent monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) in patients for the detection of tumors by immunoscintigraphy and for radioimmunotherapy, swine MAbs were produced that are directed against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Spleen cells from 2 pigs immunized with purified colon carcinoma CEA were fused with a nonsecreting mouse myeloma cell line by conventional methods, except that a particularly long immunization protocol and large amounts of spleen and myeloma cells were used. Of 1,200 growing hybrids tested, 20 were found initially to produce antibodies binding to radiolabeled CEA. Seven stable clones producing anti-CEA MAbs for more than 6 months were derived from these hybrids by repeated subcloning. The pig origin of the seven MAbs was demonstrated in a solid-phase CEA enzyme immunoassay where anti-pig immunoglobin (Ig) antibodies coupled to peroxidase gave a positive reaction while anti-mouse Ig antibodies were entirely negative. All swine MAbs were of the IgG isotype. Three anti-CEA MAbs showed no cross-reactivity with granulocytes, while four others gave various degrees of reactivity with different granulocyte glycoproteins. Competitive binding to CEA performed for two purified swine MAbs showed that they recognized two different epitopes. The affinity constants measured for these two MAbs by Scatchard plot on purified CEA were high (1.2 X 10(9) and 1.2 X 10(10) liter/mol). One of the MAbs was tested in vivo for tumor localization by injection, after radiolabeling, in nude mice bearing human colon carcinoma xenograft. High ratios of tumor to normal tissue were obtained with mean values of 10.5 for intact MAbs and of 26.8 for F(ab')2 fragments of the porcine MAb. The results showed that heterofusion with this particular protocol can be used to produce swine MAbs of high affinity and specificity for a well-defined tumor marker. These reagents may have an important clinical utility, particularly in patients who became sensitized to mouse immunoglobulins.


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Cette étude rétrospective a eu pour but de comparer la prise en charge des patients coronariens de 65 ans et plus, au sortir d'un séjour à la Clinique de réhabilitation cardiaque de Genolier, et ce conformément aux recommandations publiées successivement par les sociétés européennes et américaines de cardiologie entre 1994 et 1999. La comparaison entre les deux périodes d'observation (1994-1995 et 1999-2000) chez les 342 patients étudiés, a montré une amélioration de la prise en charge des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire. L'augmentation de la prescription de statines en est l'exemple le plus démonstratif. Cependant, les données recueillies indiquent qu'il existe une sous-utilisation des médicaments cardioprotecteurs chez ces patients à haut risque et qui bénéficieraient, par conséquent, le plus d'une prise en charge optimale des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire. L'élaboration d'un protocole commun de prise en charge de la maladie coronarienne à disposition du réseau des centres spécialisés devrait permettre d'améliorer la qualité des soins par une comparaison de leur pratique respective.


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Realiza análise da produção brasileira de artigos científicos da área de ciência da informação, a partir 126 artigos do período de 1972 a 2006 que integraram a Base Brasileira sobre Informação para Negócios (Brapin). Caracteriza a produção quanto aos aspectos enfoques e tendências de conteúdo, autoria e freqüência por período de publicações, padronizando os 342 termos descritores de acordo com o tesauro da American Society for Information Science and Technology (Asis). Fundamenta a análise de conteúdo em categorias representativas das principais temáticas do conjunto de textos sobre informação para negócios, constatando que, das 26 revistas da área de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação (BCI) presentes na base Brapin, apenas 13 publicaram artigos científicos sobre o tema, destacando-se o ano de 1997 como o de maior produção. Do conjunto denominado informação para negócios, destaca-se a temática informação tecnológica, com 45% dos artigos, e em relação ao tipo de autoria, predomina o individual.


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La bioprospección, definida como la exploración de la biodiversidad para fines comerciales, se ha convertido recientemente en una potencial estrategia mediante la cual los países ricos en biodiversidad pueden aumentar sus capacidades endógenas para realizar actividades de CyT, especialmente mediante la interacción con otros países de mayor desarrollo tecnológico. Es así, como este trabajo se concentra en analizar la mecánica de cooperación internacional de un país considerado megadiverso, Colombia, a través del análisis de coautoría de 342 artículos publicados en revistas indexadas en las redes ISI y SCOPUS, información que se complementa mediante entrevistas con 12 líderes de grupos colombianos. Los resultados evidencian que España es el país con mayor colaboración con Colombia; que la cooperación con países de América se sitúa en un tercer plano y ésta se intensifica cuando hay de por medio un país europeo; la escasa cooperación entre grupos colombianos origina una agenda de investigación dispersa y en temas muy variados sin orientación y prioridades estratégicas.


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The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of malignant lymphomas in patients with long-standing primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). We retrospectively studied a cohort of 55 patients with pSS over a mean follow-up period of 12 years. Five patients (9%) developed malignant lymphoma. The interval between the diagnoses of SS and lymphoma ranged from four to 12 years (mean = 6.5 years). The lymphoma arose in the lymph nodes in two cases, the parotid gland in one case, the lacrimal gland in one case, and the lung in one case. All five cases were B-cell low-grade lymphomas. Among our SS patients, those with extraglandular manifestations and/or a mixed cryoglobulin were at increased risk for lymphoma development. Secondary lymphoma carried a poor prognosis in our study. Three of the six SS patients who died during the follow-up period had lymphoma.