960 resultados para 2005-05-BS


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东北土壤有机P库潜力巨大,通过调控磷酸酶活性来提高P的植物有效性是一条可行之路。本文以东北典型黑土和棕壤为供试土壤,从几种公认比较有效的有机化合物中筛选出具有实际可操作性浓度的磷酸酶(磷酸单酯酶,磷酸二酯酶和磷酸三酯酶)激活剂,并确定其最适浓度,研究其对土壤磷酸酶活性调节效果及其动力学特性,结果表明: 1、不同低浓度的还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)、三磷酸腺苷(ATP)、辅酶I、L-半胱氨酸、生化腐殖酸、碘解磷定(PAM)中,160mg•kg-1 GSH在15天内对黑土三种磷酸酶有较好的激活效果,作为筛选出的激活剂。通过浓度调节试验,进一步确定480mg•kg-1还原型谷胱甘肽对黑土磷酸酶活性在30天内有很好的激活效果。 2、480mg•kg-1的GSH能够提高黑土磷酸单酯酶、二酯酶活性,对三酯酶没有激活效果,而对棕壤只激活三酯酶;同样的处理下,黑土单酯酶和三酯酶,棕壤的二酯酶和三酯酶Vmax值显著大于对照,激活剂处理的棕壤单酯酶及黑土的二酯酶Km值显著小于对照。 3、GSH作用下的黑土和棕壤有效P含量都与对照无显著差异;黑土和棕壤的微生物量P仅在短时间内略高于对照,但不显著;黑土可利用性P含量没有提高,甚至有时显著低于对照;而棕壤则在第5、7天显著高于对照,其它天与对照无显著差异。


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从空间、时间、食物3个方面研究了若尔盖湿地3种两栖类的种间竞争,运用生态位理论探讨了3种两栖类利用环境资源的能力以及它们之间的共存模式,研究了3种两栖类年周期食性,并考察了畜牧业对3种两栖类食性及食物竞争格局的影响;此外,还通过实验室研究对2种两栖类幼体的种间竞争策略进行了考察。主要结果如下: 1、两栖类的空间资源利用状况:在3种两栖类成体生态位宽度的比较中,岷山蟾蜍(Bufo minshanicus)成体在牧场性质(0.41)、牛粪数量(0.42)、植被盖度(0.20)、地表温度(0.50)、地表湿度(0.51) 5个维度上的生态位宽度最窄;而倭蛙(Nanorana pleskei)成体在牛粪数量(0.81)、植被高度(0.63)、植被盖度(0.47)、小水体距离(0.68) 4个维度上的生态位宽度最宽。在3种两栖类亚成体生态位宽度的比较中,岷山蟾蜍亚成体在牧场性质(0.66)、牛粪数量(0.58)、植被高度(0.64)、小水体距离(0.51)、地表湿度(0.79) 5个维度的上生态位宽度最宽;倭蛙亚成体在牧场性质(0.39)、牛粪数量(0.30)、地表温度(0.18)、地表湿度(0.33) 4个维度上的生态位宽度最窄。高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)在地表温度(成体:0.62;亚成体:0.56)、地表湿度(成体:0.84;亚成体:0.60)两个维度上具有较大的生态位宽度值,而在小水体距离维度上(成体:0.27;亚成体:0.14)的生态位宽度值则很小。比较3种无尾两栖类在不同生长阶段(成体、亚成体)的生态位宽度,发现高原林蛙和倭蛙的亚成体对栖息环境的要求更高。3种两栖类空间资源利用的相似程度很高,高原林蛙与倭蛙之间的生态重叠度(0.87)较之它与岷山蟾蜍(0.81)的生态位重叠度更大。 2、两栖类的日活动节律:高原林蛙成体、亚成体、岷山蟾蜍亚成体活动的最低气温为0℃、2℃、8℃;岷山蟾蜍和高原林蛙亚成体出现的数量与气温成极显著的正相关(r=0.797, p<0.001;r=0.794, p<0.001),高原林蛙成体出现的数量与气温有一定相关性(r=0.456, p<0.05);晴天时两栖类的活动性明显高于阴天(p<0.001);多云转晴天气,高原林蛙和岷山蟾蜍亚成体出现两次日活动高峰,分别为中午12:30左右和下午15:30~16:30之间;多云天气,高原林蛙和岷山蟾蜍亚成体出现两次日活动高峰,分别为9:30~10:30之间和15:30~16:30之间。 3、两栖类的食物资源利用状况:春、秋两季,高原林蛙最主要的食物是蜉金龟科(Aphodiidae)昆虫,相对重要性指数(IRI)最高(春季:35.28%,秋季:28.57%),其次为昆虫的幼虫,以及双翅目的毛蚊科(Bibionidae)、蝇科(Muscidae)、丽蝇科(Calliphoridae)昆虫,秋季,蝗虫是高原林蛙食物组成中的重要部分;岷山蟾蜍最主要的食物是蚂蚁(IRI,春季:85.54%,秋季:49.70%),其次为蜉金龟科、象甲科(Curculionidae)、步甲科(Carabidae)、粪金龟科(Geotrupidae) 等鞘翅目昆虫;倭蛙春季的最主要食物也是蜉金龟科昆虫(IRI,春季:13.41%),其次为蚂蚁、毛蚊科昆虫、昆虫的幼虫以及狼蛛科(Lycosidae)。3种两栖类中,倭蛙的食性生态位宽度相对较宽(0.43),而岷山蟾蜍(0.09)和高原林蛙(0.22)的生态位宽度较窄,与春季相比,两栖类在秋季的食谱更宽。以利用食物种类为标准,春季高原林蛙与倭蛙的生态位重叠度(0.40)比它与岷山蟾蜍的生态位重叠度(0.33)更大。 4、畜牧业对两栖类食性及食物竞争格局的影响:以藏牦牛粪为食物或寄居场所的昆虫,如蜉金龟科、粪金龟科、毛蚊科、蝇科、丽蝇科昆虫和某些昆虫幼虫,是3种两栖类食物谱中最主要的组成部分,蜉金龟科昆虫在高原林蛙食谱中的比例更高,高原林蛙可能从畜牧业发展中获得更多的好处,使之在食物竞争方面处于优势地位。与无放牧样地相比,在有放牧样地的中,两栖类食谱中的蜉金龟科昆虫数量更多(有放牧:31.94%;无放牧:21.32%)、出现频率更高(有放牧:76.38%;无放牧:44%)。然而在不同样地上(有放牧/无放牧),两栖类的食物组成无显著性差异(P=0.188),两栖类的数量(P=0.075)、肥满度(P=0.537)均没有显著差别。 5、两栖类幼体的竞争策略:实验室条件下,通过活动性水平,变态时的体重、增长率和完成变态所需时间考察自然条件下常同水塘分布的中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)和高原林蛙蝌蚪的竞争策略。结果表明:中华蟾蜍蝌蚪在不同食物资源条件下,所选择的生存策略可能不同,即食物资源充足时,增加活动性获取更多食物,食物资源有限时,降低活动性且提前完成变态;与中华蟾蜍蝌蚪相比,在食物资源有限时高原林蛙蝌蚪获取食物能力可能更强。 This paper presented the study of competition of three amphibians (Rana kukunoris, Nanorana pleskei, Bufo minshanicus) based on spatial, temporal and dietary scales in Zoige wetland. We measured coexistence patterns of three amphibians and analyzed their ability of exploiting resource. Effects of grazing on the diet composition and diet competition of amphibians were analyzed by their diet composition during spring and autumn. Furthermore, we examined the competitive ability of larval common frogs (Rana kukunoris)and common toads(Bufo gargarizans) in a laboratory experiment, and analyzed their competitive strategies respectively. The results were as follows: 1 .The status of using spatial resource Niche breadths of B. minshanicus adults on 5 dimensional axes including character of pasture(0.41), number of yaks dung(0.42), vegetation coverage(0.20), temperature (0.50)and humidity(0.51) of ground surface were narrower than adults of R. kukunoris and N. pleskei. Niche breadths of B. minshanicus subadults were broader than R.kukunoris subadults and N.pleskei subadults on 5 dimensional axes including character of pasture (0.66), number of yaks dung (0.58), vegetation height (0.64), distance to small waterbodies (0.51), humidity of ground surface (0.79). Niche breadths of N. pleskei subadults were the narrowest in three anurans subadults on 4 dimensional axes including character of pasture (0.39), number of yaks dung (0.30), temperature (0.18) and humidity (0.33) of ground surface, niche breadths of N. pleskei adults were the broadest in three anurans adults on 4 dimensional axes including number of yaks dung (0.81), vegetation height (0.63) and coverage(0.47), distance to small waterbodies(0.68).Comparatively, niche breadths of R. kukunoris were broader on the two microclimate factors including temperature(adults:0.62;subadults:0.56) and humidity (adults:0.84;subadults:0.60)of ground surface, but was narrow on distance to small waterbodies(adults:0.27;subadults:0.14). Strategies for using habitat resource of adults and subadults of the three species anuran were different. Generally, subadults of R. kukunoris and N. pleskei needs better habitat condition. It was quite similar that three anurans exploited spatial resource, Niche overlap between R. kukunoris and N. pleskei (0.87) was greater than that between R. kukunoris and B.minshanicus(0.81). 2.Daily activity rhythm R. kukunoris audlts were active when air temperatures were as low as 0℃, R. kukunoris subadults were active at 2℃, B.minshanicus subaudlts were active at 8℃. Positive correlation was found between activities of amphibians and air temperature, Subadults of R.kukunoris, (r=0.797, p<0.001), Subadults,of,B.minshanicus, (r=0.794, p<0.001), andbadults,of,R.kukunoris(r=0.456, p<0.05).Amphibians were more active during sunny days than cloudy days. In cloudy turning into sunny, R. kukunoris and B.minshanicus subadults had two active peak: at noon about 12:30 and 15:30~16:30 pm; in cloudy, R. kukunoris and B.minshanicus subadult had two active peak too : 9:30~10:30am,15:30~16:30pm. 3.Diet analysis Aphodiidae was the most commonly consumed food item by R. kukunoris based on index of relative importance (IRI) during spring (35.28%) and autumn (28.57%) in Zogie wetland. Besides Aphodiidae, larval insect, dipterans such as Bibionidae, Muscidae, Calliphoridae also were important food item for R. kukunoris, in autumn, locust was one of important food item for R. kukunoris. The most important food item for B.minshanicus during spring (IRI:85.54%) and autumn (IRI:49.70%) was ants, following, was coleopterans, such as Aphodiidae, dung beetle. Aphodiidae (IRI:13.41%) were the most important consumed food item by N. pleskei during spring too, following, was ants and Bibionidae. Dietary breadth of N. pleskei (0.43) were greater than R. kukunoris (0.22) and B. minshanicus (0.09). As a whole, Dietary breadth of amphibians during aurumn were greater than spring. Based on prey item, dietary overlap between R. kukunoris and N. pleskei (0.40) was greater than that between R. kukunoris and B.minshanicus (0.33) during spring. 4.Effects of grazing on the diet composition and diet competition of amphibians Amphibians are an important part of the pasture ecosystems as prey and predator. In Zogie wetland, major diet of amphibians was closely associated with dung of yaks, for example, Aphodiidae, Bibionidae, Muscidae, dung beetle. Dung of yaks was major diet and habitat of these insects. Proportion of Aphodiidae was higher in diet composition of R. kukunoris than N. pleskei and B.minshanicus, with development of pasturage, R. kukunoris may have a diet competitive advantage over N. pleskei and B.minshanicus. Number of Aphodiidae in diet composition of amphibians was higher in samples with grazing (31.94%) than in those without grazing (21.32%). Occurrence Frequency of Aphodiidae in diet composition of amphibians was higher in samples with grazing (76.38%) than in those without grazing (44%). However, There was not significantly different on diet composition (P=0.188), and number (P=0.075) and the relative fatness (P=0.537) of amphibians between grazing samples and without grazing. 5.Competitive strategies of amphibian larvae I examined the competitive ability of larval toads (Bufo gargarizans) and frogs (Rana kukunoris) which co-occur in the nature pond by activity level, the growth rate and mass at metamorphosis and larval period in a laboratory experiment. The results suggest: In laborary, B.gargarizans adapted himself to different food level by changing activity. At high food level, B. gargarizans increased activity to gain more diet. At low food level, B. gargarizans decreased activity and achieved early metamorphosis. When food resource was limit, R. kukunoris could gain more food than B. gargarizans.


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Baeyer-Villiger氧化反应是一种很重要的化学反应,产生的许多中间体或产物可以被用来生产多种化学产品和药物。此反应具有多功能性,可以氧化多种羰基化合物,但是化学方法中的必需反应物——氧化剂在生产、储存、运输、反应的过程中都存在很多的不安全因素,反应的立体选择性也不强,而生物转化则具有底物选择性、立构选择性、化学选择性、对映选择性等一般化学反应中不具备的优点,在精细化工中占有很大的优势。在工业生物催化中有很好的应用前景。 为了研究生物催化的Baeyer-Villiger反应,我们从本实验室保藏菌种中分离筛选出一株能够以环己酮作为唯一碳源的菌株,进行初步研究并对其产物进行GC/MS定性,探讨了pH,装液量,底物浓度,培养时间,温度以及转速等条件对细菌生长的影响,并进一步研究了细菌的底物广谱性。 此菌株经鉴定属于邻单胞菌属Plesiomonas sp.), 根据正交试验,确定了菌的最佳生长条件:底物浓度为1mL/L,底物浓度过高对菌株生长有抑制作用,转速为150 rpm ,温度为30℃ ,pH为7.0; 此菌株转化环己酮的产物通过GC/MS检测含有内酯,表明此菌株能够催化Baeyer-Villiger氧化反应;此菌株还能够以与环己酮有相似结构的环己烷,环戊酮等作为唯一碳源生长,说明此菌株底物利用范围比较广,用途比较广泛。 Baeyer-Villiger oxidation is an important chemical conversion, its products and intermediates can be used to produce a lot of medicine and fine chemicals. Its success is largely due to its versatility: a variety of carbonyl compounds can be oxidized, a large number of functional groups are tolerated, the regiochemistry is highly predictable and so on, but the oxidants that the traditional chemistry way needs have a number of problem in their production, storage, transportation and reaction, Chemistry way has not a high stereochemistry yet. However, biotransformations have many attractive characters, such as substrate-, stereo-, chemo- and enantioselectivity, so it has a great advantage in the fine chemical industry and has a bright prospect in the industrial biological catalysis. In order to study Baeyer-Villiger oxidation, we isolated a strain which can utilize cyclohexanone as sole carbon source and had a primary research on it. Its product was identified by GC/MS. Effects of pH, volume, concentration of cyclohexanone, cultivating time, temperature and rotate speed on the growth of bacteria were discussed, and the other organic substrates were also studied. The strain was identified as Plesiomonas sp.. The result of orthogonal test made it sure that the best growth condition of the strain is: rotate speed 150 rpm, temperature 30℃, pH7.0, concentration of cyclohexanone1ml/L. There is caprolactone in the product of the fermentation with cyclohexanone as substrate by GC/MS,which indicated that the strain can catalyse Baeyer-Villiger oxidation.In addition,the strain can utilize other organic substrates having the similar structure with cyclohexanone such as cyclohexane, cyclopentanone, Swertiamarin as sole carbon source.So the strain can be applied extentively.


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简要介绍了一种VM E式总线控制器的设计方法。三星公司的S3C 4510B是一款采用了ARM 7内核的支持网络连接的高性能16/32位R ISC处理器,采用它和相关芯片研制出了类似3U的VM E总线控制器,嵌入式操作系统为uC linux。该控制器主要给设备总线提供高速网络连接通道,把后台计算机数据库和前端总线设备紧密地连接起来,实现数据的快速获取与给定。


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在L inux操作系统中利用ROOT数据软件包,可以开发出稳定可靠的远程数据获取系统。可以通过In tranet网络协议远程获取来自CAM AC机箱控制器的大量前端实验数据,并通过ROOT软件包开发用户操作图形界面,对数据进行离线分析。利用带有三种灵活数据接口方式:以太网、PC I和V SB接口的CAM AC机箱控制器-GTBC,并对其内含的嵌入式系统芯片进行网络服务器编程。可对实验数据进行稳定可靠的远程存取和图谱分析。


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介绍了R IBLL终端LA SCAR上PM T阵列电源高压控制系统。该系统以当今工程控制中常用的微型计算机作为核心器件,采用合适的外围电路达到了对PM T阵列稳定、可靠的控制,在现场测试中取得了良好的效果。


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介绍了基于U SB接口技术和CPLD技术的智能型的CAM AC机箱控制器的设计,该控制器设计简单,开发周期短,运行高效可靠,支持短周期。


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主要介绍了合成和鉴别107号元素的新同位素265Bh的实验装置、实验方法以及实验结果.目标核265Bh是由能量为135MeV的26Mg离子轰击243Am靶,通过融合蒸发反应而产生.反应产物首先由He jet系统传输到装有数个探测器对的转轮收集测量系统,然后依靠母子核遗传关系通过观察新同位素和它们已知子核261Db和257Lr之间的α衰变的关联,来实现对新核素的鉴别.实验测得265Bh的α衰变能量为(9.24±0.05)MeV, 半衰期为0.94+0.70-0.31s.从该实验得出的265Bh的α衰变能量和半寿命能够与理论预言一致.


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