946 resultados para 2-THIOBENZYL-4,6-DIMETHYL-PYRIMIDINE


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The persistent luminescence materials, barium aluminates doped with Eu(2+) and Dy(3+) (BaAl(2)O(4): Eu(2+),Dy(3+)), were prepared with the combustion synthesis at temperatures between 400 and 600 degrees C as well as with the solid state reaction at 1500 degrees C. The concentrations of Eu(2+)/Dy(3+) (in mol% of the Ba amount) ranged from 0.1/0.1 to 1.0/3.0. The electronic and defect energy level structures were studied with thermoluminescence (TL) and synchrotron radiation (SR) spectroscopies: UV-VUV excitation and emission, as well as with X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) methods. Theoretical calculations using the density functional theory (DFT) were carried out in order to compare with the experimental data. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Polycrystalline Eu(2+) and Dy(3+) doped barium aluminate materials, BaAl(2)O(4):Eu(2+),Dy(3+), were prepared with solid state reactions at temperatures between 700 and 1500 degrees C. The influence of the thermal treatments on the stability, homogeneity and structure as well as to the UV-excited and persistent luminescence of the materials was investigated by X-ray powder diffraction, SEM imaging and infrared spectroscopies as well as by steady state luminescence spectroscopy and persistent luminescence decay curves, respectively. The IR spectra of the materials prepared at 250, 700, and 1500 degrees C follow the formation of BaAl(2)O(4) composition whereas the X-ray powder diffraction of compounds revealed how the hexagonal structure was obtained. The morphology of the materials at high temperatures indicated important aggregation due to sintering. The luminescence decay of the quite narrow Eu(2+) band at ca. 500 nm shows the presence of persistent luminescence after UV irradiation. The dopant (Eu(2+)) and co-clopant (Dy(3+)) concentrations affect the crystallinity and luminescence properties of the materials. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of benzotriazole (BTAH) and tolytriazole (TTAH) on the electrochemical behaviour of the Fe/0.5 mol L(-1) H(2)SO(4) interface at 25 degrees C was studied using cronopotentiometry, anodic and cathodic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. BTAH and TTAH are inhibitors of anodic iron dissolution and the subsequent hydrogen evolution in 0.5 mol L(-1) H(2)SO(4) medium. Mass transport is an important step in the anodic process of inhibitive film formation. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to investigate the iron dissolution mechanism in the presence of the inhibitors and showed that BTAH and TTAH are adsorbed on the iron surface, thereby changing its dissolution mechanism in sulfate media. Starting from an iron dissolution model, it was possible to suggest two different mechanisms for iron dissolution in 0.5 mol L(-1) H(2)SO(4) containing BTAH or TTAH that involve a complex Fe(II)-inhibitor. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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Ferrites of the type M(II)Fe(2)O(4) (M = Fe and Co) have been prepared by the traditional coprecipitation method. These ferrites were modified by the adsorption of fatty acids derived from soybean and castor oil and were then dispersed in cyclohexane, providing very stable magnetic fluids, readily usable in nonpolar media. The structural properties of the ferrites and modified ferrites as well as the magnetic fluids were characterized by XRD (X-ray powder diffraction), TEM (transmission electron microscopy), DRIFTS (diffusion reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy), FTMR (Fourier transform near-infrared), UV-vis, normal Raman spectroscopy, and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). XRD and TEM analysis have shown that the magnetic nanoparticles (nonmodified and modified) present diameters in the range of 10-15 nm. DRIFTS measurements have shown that the carboxylate groups of soybean and castor oil fatty acids adsorb on the ferrite surface, forming three different structures: a bridging bidentate, a bridging monodentate, and a bidentate chelate structure. The FTIR and Raman spectra of nonmodified Fe(3)O(4) and CoFe(2)O(4) nanoparticles have shown that the number of observed phonons is not compatible with the expected O(h)(7) symmetry, since IR-only active phonons were observed. in the Raman spectra and vice versa. SERS measurements of a CoFe(2)O(4) thin film on a SERS-active gold electrode at different applied potentials made possible the assignment of the signals near 550 and 630 cm(-1) to Co-O motions and the signals near 470 and 680 cm(-1) to Fe-O motions.


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Photochemical and photophysical properties of fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen)(trans-L)](+) complexes, Clphen = 5-chloro-1,10-phenathroline and L = 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene, bpe, or 4-styrylpyridine, stpy, were investigated to complement the understanding of intramolecular energy transfer process in tricarbonyl rhenium(I) complexes having an electron withdrawing group attached to polypyridyl ligands. These new compounds were synthesized, characterized and the photoisomerization quantum yields were accurately determined by (1)H NMR spectroscopy. The true quantum yields for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen) (trans-bpe)](+) were constant (Phi = 0.55) at all investigated irradiation wavelengths. However, for fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen)(trans-stpy)](+), similar true quantum yields were observed only at higher energy irradiation (Phi(313 nm) = 0.53 and Phi(365 nm) = 0.57), but it decreased significantly at 404 nm (Phi = 0.41). These results indicated different deactivation pathways for the trans-stpy complex photoisomerization. Quantum yields decreased as the (3)IL(trans-L) and (3)MLCT(Re -> NN) excited states become closer and the behavior was discussed in terms of the excited state energy gaps. Additionally, luminescence properties of photoproducts, fac-[Re(CO)(3)(Clphen)(cis-L)](+), were also investigated in different environments to analyze the relative energy of the (3)MLCT(Re -> Clphen) excited state for each compound. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Corrosion is an undesirable process that occurs in metallic materials. Studied was the effect of inhibiting Benzotriazole (BTAH), Benzimidazole (BZM) and Indole in different concentrations-for the stainless steel (SS) AISI 430 in H(2)SO(4) mol The techniques employed this research were: anodic potenciostatic polarisation, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy The curves of anodic polarisation showed that BTAH, BZM and Indol act as corrosion inhibitors for 430 SS, at concentrations of 1x10(-3) and 5x10(-4) mol L(-1) but do not inhibit corrosion for concentrations equal to or less than 1x10(-4) mol L(-1). The in-crease of the efficiency in relation to the inhibitory substances studied followed this order: Indol


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the storage time on the thermal properties of triethylene glycol dimethacrylate/2,2-bis[4-(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloxy-prop-1-oxy)-phenyl]propane bisphenyl-alpha-glycidyl ether dimethacrylate (TB) copolymers used in formulations of dental resins after photopolymerization. The TB copolymers were prepared by photopolymerization with an Ultrablue IS light-emitting diode, stored in the dark for 160 days at 37 degrees C, and characterized with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection. DSC curves indicated the presence of an exothermic peak, confirming that the reaction was not completed during the photopolymerization process. This exothermic peak became smaller as a function of the storage time and was shifted at higher temperatures. In DMA studies, a plot of the loss tangent versus the temperature initially showed the presence of two well-defined peaks. The presence of both peaks confirmed the presence of residual monomers that were not converted during the photopolymerization process. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 112: 679-684, 2009


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Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad elever i årskurs 4-6 anser är intressant inom naturvetenskap.Studiens syfte undersöktes genom en kvantitativ metod i form av en enkät. Det är väsentligt att undersökaelevers intresseområden eftersom ett intresse inom ett ämnesområde stimulerar lärandet och förbättrardärmed även resultatet. Studien har en teoretisk anknytning till socialkonstruktivism. Tre klasser, enårskurs 4, en årskurs 5 och en årskurs 6 från samma grundskola i Mellansverige, svarade på enkäten. Totaltmedverkade 46 elever. Eleverna tenderar att vara mer positivt än negativt inställda till NO-ämnena. NOär dock inte favoritämne hos någon av eleverna. Eleverna är mest intresserade av djur, ämnen (kemi) samtkroppen. Flera flickor, men inga pojkar, visar intresse för växter. Flera pojkar, men inga flickor, visarintresse för energi. De ämnesområden som eleverna finner mest intressanta återfinns i Lgr 11, men är intede som eleverna i första hand tycker att de har blivit undervisade i och arbetat med. Lärandet processasnär eleverna får ägna sig åt de områden som de finner intressanta. Detta skapar ett positivt förhållningssätttill utbildning och lärande då lärandedimensionerna påverkas av intresset.Sökord


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The aim of this degree thesis is to see what research says about the use of computer and video games to support upper elementary pupils’ development in English reading comprehension in Swedish schools. Other goals are to see how online and offline gaming can be integrated in the Swedish schools and what attitudes teachers have towards gaming. The method used is a systematic literature review and the purpose is to analyze chosen articles and to find relevant content that answers the research questions. Five articles were chosen from different databases and were systematically analyzed in this thesis. The results show that online gaming as support for education can be rewarding for some upper elementary pupils in English learning. However, in English reading comprehension there is not much research found which means that more research needs to be made within this area. Moreover, involving online gaming in English language learning seems to be a challenge for teachers mostly because of their lack of knowledge about the subject, even though they are positive to gaming. The lack of knowledge about the subject could be altered with more education and courses in the area.


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Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur lärare kan motivera elever i årskurs 4-6 till att bli muntligt aktiva i engelskundervisningen. Forskningsfrågorna fokuserar därför på vilka faktorer som påverkar elevers vilja att kommunicera likväl som vilka undervisningsmetoder som kan öka den muntliga aktiviteten i klassrummet. Dessa frågor har besvarats genom en systematisk litteraturstudie där sökning efter relevant vetenskaplig litteratur har genomförts i olika databaser.Därefter har ett urval av litteraturen genomförts vilket har lett till denna studies resultat. Resultatet visar på flera faktorer som påverkar elevers vilja att kommunicera. De främsta påverkande faktorerna har visat sig vara självförtroendet och motivationen. Vad det är som gör att elever väljer att kommunicera beror på hur dessa faktorer påverkar eleven. Elever kan i högre grad välja att kommunicera i samband med ett högt självförtroende och en motivation till att delta i muntliga aktiviteter. Resultatet visar även på flera metoder som lärare kan tillgå för att öka den muntliga aktiviteten i klassrummet. En gemensam nämnare för dessa metoder är att aktiviteter bör upplevas som meningsfulla likväl som bidra till elever som är säkra i sin muntliga kommunikation. Aktiviteter som uppfyller dessa kriterier kan därmed bidra till muntligt aktiva elever.


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This is an empirical study about factors that motivate pupils to speak English as a foreign language. The aim of this study is to investigate when pupils in the classroom situation, in Grades 4-6 in a school in Sweden, are motivated to speak English as a foreign language, and why they are motivated to speak English in these situations. To implement this study, questionnaires and interviews have been chosen as methods. 51 pupils in Grades 4-6 took part of the study. Since being able to communicate orally in a foreign language is of great advantage for one, and creates opportunities both for work and for study abroad, it is important for pupils to learn how to communicate orally in English. It is important to be able to use the language. In the English curriculum in Swedish schools, speaking English is a skill pupils must possess. Since this is the requirement it is important that teachers in Sweden relate to this. Many pupils do not like to speak in front of the rest of the class and some pupils only like to speak in informal situations. Therefore, teachers must use various strategies to create a willingness to communicate among pupils and various strategies to motivate them to speak English. The results show that pupils are motivated to use the language in class when they have recently been abroad. It also shows that they are motivated when they can decide the topic and speak about something they are interested in.


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Denna studie har genomförts på en F-6-skola med ca 350 elever, ungefär 30 % av eleverna har ett annat modersmål. Syftet med denna studie var att ur de tvåspråkiga elevernas perspektiv kartlägga hur den undersökta skolans lärare arbetar efter translanguaging-pedagogik. Att arbeta efter translanguaging-pedagogiken innebär att läraren ser på en elevs flerspråkighet som en tillgång i stället för ett hinder i klassrummet. Studiens syfte konkretiserades i följande frågeställningar:  Vilket förhållningssätt har lärarna till flerspråkighet i klassrummet ur andraspråkselevernas perspektiv?  Vad kännetecknar enligt andraspråkseleverna ett språkutvecklande arbetssätt?  Vilka av de metoder eller arbetssätt som lärarna använder anser andraspråkseleverna själva vara gynnsamma för deras förståelse och kunskapsutveckling i ämnesundervisning och andraspråksinlärning? Utifrån mina frågeställningar valde jag att använda mig av den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden fokusgruppmetoden. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av svenska som andraspråkläraren på skolan som gav mig tillgång till sina SVA-grupper på mellanstadiet. Det framkom i mina fokusgruppsintervjuer att man på skolan inte medvetet arbetar efter translanguaging-pedagogiken. Det upplevs bland annat att det inte är tillåtet att tala på sitt modersmål i klassrummet, det finns inget material i klassrummet som stödjer translanguaging-pedagogiken och lärarna uppmuntrar inte eleverna till att, vid diskussioner eller grupparbeten, använda sitt modersmål.


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In this Issue: On Library DevelopmentDacus Library of Winthrop UniversityDedication of Helen C. McKinney Techno Booth and Librarians Training Grant...