579 resultados para 1260


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El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera es el levantamiento y encaje de una línea de tranvía en Toledo. En este proyecto se combinan la utilización de técnicas mediante aparatos GPS, métodos topográficos para la realización de la poligonal, levantamiento y nivelación, así como el procesamiento de datos con programas de CAD para obtener un modelo digital del terreno de la zona de ocupación. Los factores determinantes que han conducido a la realización de un proyecto de estas características se podrían resumir como los siguientes: - Novedad del proyecto, pues hasta la fecha se ha tratado poco el tema de la ejecución de topografía de obras aplicada a medios de transporte férreos, en este caso concreto, el tranvía. - Proximidad y conocimiento de la zona de ocupación de la obra. Toledo es una ciudad cercana a la Universidad, por lo que desplazarse hasta ella para realizar todos los pasos del proyecto no es un inconveniente. Además, la zona concreta del levantamiento es una de las principales partes de la ciudad por la que se accede al casco histórico de la misma. - Atractivo que ejerce el tranvía como medio de transporte, gracias en parte a su actual renacimiento en muchas ciudades. - Elaboración de un proyecto completo, que reúna la utilización en una obra de diferentes metodologías y aparatos topográficos. El objetivo a alcanzar en este proyecto es la realización de un levantamiento topográfico de la zona de actuación, que conlleva un posterior modelo digital del terreno, para realizar la proyección de una vía de tranvía en la localidad de Toledo. El levantamiento se ha realizado combinando técnicas clásicas de la Topografía, como son la poligonal, la radiación y la nivelación geométrica, con técnicas actuales como el sistema global de navegación por satélite o GNSS. Se ha tenido en cuenta las precisiones que aporta cada método y la influencia de éstas en la determinación posterior de las coordenadas de los puntos que forman la cartografía del terreno. Una vez obtenida la cartografía base de la zona, se procedió al cálculo del trazado de la vía, siempre acorde con la normativa reglamentaria correspondiente. La vía a proyectar une la estación de trenes de alta velocidad con la Puerta de Bisagra, situada en la muralla que da acceso al casco antiguo. El recorrido total entre ambos puntos es de unos 1260 m.


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This paper shows how the methodologies used in current practice might lead to an underestimation of energy consumption by different passenger transport modes, and also offers recommendations for improvements to these methodologies. The first recommendation is related to energy consumption rates. The studies reviewed use traditional energy consumption rates based on transportation demand, such as kilowatts-hour per vehicle-kilometre or kilowatts-hour per passenger-kilometre, and include other rates based on transportation supply which might prove useful. Second, energy consumption rates are dependent on factors, and the introduction of homogeneous units which are independent of these factors therefore offers a significant improvement when comparing transport modes. Third, the use of a vehicle energy consumption equation will improve the quality of the assessments. Fourth, we propose that the coefficients which define the energy consumption equation should be broken down to determine market niches and sources for improvements in energy consumption in the vehicle categories.


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En este trabajo se ha realizado un análisis de la estructura del juego y de los parámetros morfológicos y fisiológicos en jugadores de bádminton. Para ello se han realizado 4 estudios aplicados. Objetivo: Los objetivos del trabajo han sido: (1) comprobar si existen diferencias entre el lado dominante y no dominante de las medidas antropométricas en jugadores de bádminton de máximo nivel nacional, así como verificar si el lado del cuerpo donde se realiza la medición puede influir en el cálculo de la composición corporal y del somatotipo. (2) Comparar la estuctura temporal y notacional en partidos de individual masculino entre los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín y de Londres para observar como ha evolucionado el bádminton de 2008 a 2012. (3) Medir la ocurrencia de daño muscular después de un partido simulado de bádminton y su influencia en parámetros físicos y hematológicos. (4) Investigar la efectividad de una bebida energética que contiene cafeína para mejorar el rendimiento físico y el rendimiento en un partido en jugadores de élite de bádminton. Metodología: Para caracterizar el bádminton participaron en esta tesis un total de 78 jugadores de bádminton de élite (63 hombres y 15 mujeres), distribuidos en tres estudios y se analizaron 40 sets de bádminton de individual masculino usando los videos oficiales de los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín 2008 y Londres 2012. En el primer estudio se tomaron medidas de pliegues cutáneos, diámetros, longitudes y perímetros del lado dominante y no dominante de los jugadores. Se calculó la composición corporal y el somatotipo. En el segundo estudio se analizaron los factores temporales y los factores notacionales de los partidos. En el tercer estudio se midieron la fuerza máxima isométrica, la velocidad en test específicos de bádminton y se tomaron muestras de sangre antes y después de jugar un partido de bádminton de 45 minutos. En el cuarto estudio se realizó un experimento a doble ciego, aleatorizado y controlado con placebo, los jugadores ingirieron 3 mg de cafeína por kilógramo de masa corporal en forma de bebida energética, o la misma bebida sin cafeína (placebo). En este estudio se registraron diferente tests específicos de bádminton (tests de salto, fuerza máxima y test de agilidad) y se jugó un partido simulado de 45 minutos. Resultados y discusión: (1) El porcentaje óseo fue mayor calculado a partir de las mediciones del lado dominante (dominante = 16.37 ± 1.14 %, no dominante = 15.66 ± 1.12 %; P < 0.001), mientras que el porcentaje muscular fue mayor calculado a partir de las mediciones del lado no dominante (dominante = 49.39 ± 2.60 %, no dominante = 50.18 ± 2.69%; P < 0.001). (2) La duración del set (Pekín: 1124.6 ± 229.9 s vs Londres: 1260.3 ± 267.1 s.; P < 0.05), el tiempo real de juego (Pekín: 306.9 ± 45.7 s vs Londres: 354.7 ± 86.5 s; P < 0.05), tiempo de rally, golpeos por rally, tiempo de descanso en el punto 11, tiempo de descanso entre sets y golpeos por rally fueron significativamente mayores en Londres que en Pekín. (3) El partido simulado de bádminton no afectó a la fuerza isométrica máxima (Pre: 1263.6 ± 245.5, Post: 1290.8 ± 240.4 N) o a la velocidad específica de bádminton (Pre: 21.0 ± 1.7, Post: 20.9 ± 1.8 s), sin embargo las concentraciones de mioglobina y de creatina quinasa en sangre aumentaron de 26.5 ± 11.6 a 197.3 ± 70.2 μg • L-1 y de 258.6 ± 192.2 a 466.0 ± 296.5 U • L-1, respectivamente después del partido de bádminton. (4) En comparación con la bebida placebo, la ingesta de la bebida energética con cafeína incrementó la altura del SJ (34.5±4.7 vs. 36.4±4.3 cm; P < 0.05) y del CMJ (37.7 ± 4.5 vs. 39.5 ± 5.1 cm; P < 0.05) y aumentó el número de aceleraciones totales durante el partido (7395 ± 1594 vs. 7707 ± 2033 aceleraciones; P < 0.05). Conclusiones: (1) Existen asimetrías corporales en los jugadores de bádminton de alto nivel, al encontrarse diferencias en los diámetros óseos y en los perímetros entre el lado dominante y no dominante. Al calcular la composición corporal con el lado dominante de los jugadores de bádminton se está sobreestimando el porcentaje óseo e infraestimando el porcentaje muscular. (2) El bádminton está evolucionando hacía rallies más largos con intervalos de descanso mayores, lo que resulta en partidos más largos. (3) El partido de bádminton generó daño muscular, sin embargo, el nivel de daño muscular alcanzado después de un partido de bádminton no produjo una disminución del rendimiento muscular. (4) El uso de una bebida energética con cafeína puede ser una ayuda nutricional eficaz para aumentar el rendimiento en el salto y patrones de actividad durante el juego en jugadores de élite de bádminton. ABSTRACT: This study analyzes the structure of the game and the morphological and physiological parameters in badminton players, investigated in four applied studies. Purpose: The purposes of the study were: (1) To check if there are differences between the dominant and non-dominant side in the anthropometric measures of badminton players at the highest national level and verify if the side of the body where the measurements are performed can influence the calculation of the body composition and the somatotype. (2) To compare the temporal and notational structure in men’s singles matches between the Olympic Games in Beijing and London to observe the evolution of badminton between 2008 and 2012. (3) To asses the occurrence of muscle damage after a simulated badminton match and its influence on physical and haematological parameters. (4) To determine the effectiveness of a commercially available energy drink that contains caffeine to improve match performance in elite badminton players. Methods: A total of 78 elite badminton players (63 men and 15 women) participated in this thesis to characterize the sport of badminton distributed in three studies and 40 sets of men’s singles badminton analyzed using the official videos of the Olympic Games of Beijing 2008 and London 2012. In the first study skinfolds, diameters, lengths and perimeters of the dominant and non-dominant side of the players were measured and body composition and somatotype were calculated. In the second study the temporal and notational factors were analyzed. In the third study maximal isometric force and speed in badminton specific tests were measured and blood samples were taken before and after a badminton match of 45 minutes. In the fourth study, a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled experiment, players ingested 3 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body mass in the form of an energy drink or an identical drink with no caffeine content (placebo). In this study different badminton specific tests (jump tests, handgrip force test and an agility test) were recorded and a simulated badminton match of 45 minutes was played. Results and discussion: (1) The percentage of bone was higher when calculated from measurements of the dominant body side (dominant = 16.37 ± 1.14 %, nondominant = 15.66 ± 1.12 %; P < 0.001), while the muscle percentage was higher when calculated from measurements of the non-dominant side (dominant = 49.39 ± 2.60 %, non-dominant = 50.18 ± 2.69%; P < 0.001). (2) Set duration (Beijing: 1124.6 ± 229.9 s vs. London: 1260.3 ± 267.1 s.; P < 0.05), real time played (Beijing: 306.9 ± 45.7 s vs. London: 354.7 ± 86.5 s; P < 0.05), rally time, shots per rally, rest time at point 11, rest time between sets and shots per rally were significantly higher in London than in Beijing. (3) A simulated badminton match did not affect maximal isometric force (Pre: 1263.6 ± 245.5, Post: 1290.8 ± 240.4 N) or specific badminton speed (Pre: 21.0 ± 1.7, Post: 20.9 ± 1.8 s), however, concentrations of myoglobin and creatine kinase in blood increased from 26.5 ± 11.6 to 197.3 ± 70.2 μg • L-1 and from 258.6 ± 192.2 to 466.0 ± 296.5 U • L-1, respectively after the badminton match. (4) In comparison to the placebo drink, the caffeinated beverage increased height in the SJ (34.5±4.7 vs. 36.4±4.3 cm; P < 0.05) and in the CMJ (37.7 ± 4.5 vs. 39.5 ± 5.1 cm; P < 0.05) and increased the number of total accelerations during the match (7395 ± 1594 vs. 7707 ± 2033 accelerations; P < 0.05). Conclusions: (1) Body asymmetries were found in high level badminton players, due to the differences found in bone diameters and perimeters between the dominant and non-dominant body side. When calculating body composition with the dominant side of the badminton players we are overestimating bone percentage and underestimating muscle percentage. (2) Badminton is evolving towards longer rallies with greater rest intervals, resulting in longer matches. (3) The badminton match generated muscle damage, however, the level of muscle damage reached after a badminton match did not produce a decrease in muscle performance. (4) The ingestion of an energy drink containing caffeine might be an effective ergogenic nutritional supplement to increase jump performance and activity patterns during the game in elite badminton players.


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Essa pesquisa objetiva a análise da relação entre religião e política, em perspectiva de gênero considerando a atuação de parlamentares evangélicos/as na 54ª Legislatura (de 2011 a 2014) e a forma de intervenção desses atores no espaço político brasileiro quanto à promulgação de leis e ao desenvolvimento de políticas públicas que contemplem, dentre outras, a regulamentação do aborto, a criminalização da homofobia, a união estável entre pessoas do mesmo sexo e os desafios oriundos dessa posição para o Estado Brasileiro que se posiciona como laico. Ora, se laico remete à ideia de neutralidade estatal em matéria religiosa, legislar legitimado por determinados princípios fundamentados em doutrinas religiosas, pode sugerir a supressão da liberdade e da igualdade, o não reconhecimento da diversidade e da pluralidade e a ausência de limites entre os interesses públicos / coletivos e privados / particulares. Os procedimentos metodológicos para o desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa fundamentam-se na análise e interpretação bibliográfica visando estabelecer a relação entre religião e política, a conceituação, qualificação e tipificação do fenômeno da laicidade; levantamento documental; análise dos discursos de parlamentares evangélicos/as divulgados pela mídia, proferidos no plenário e adotados para embasar projetos de leis; pesquisa qualitativa com a realização de entrevistas e observações das posturas públicas adotadas pelos/as parlamentares integrantes da Frente Parlamentar Evangélica - FPE. Porquanto, os postulados das Ciências da Religião devidamente correlacionados com a interpretação do conjunto de dados obtidos no campo de pesquisa podem identificar o lugar do religioso na sociedade de forma interativa com as interfaces da laicidade visando aprofundar a compreensão sobre a democracia, sobre o lugar da religião nas sociedades contemporâneas e sobre os direitos difusos, coletivos e individuais das pessoas.


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The A subunit of DNA gyrase in Mycobacterium leprae, unlike its counterpart in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is produced by protein splicing as its gene, gyrA, harbors a 1260-bp in-frame insertion encoding an intein, a putative homing endonuclease. Analysis of the gyrA locus from different mycobacterial species revealed the presence of inteins in Mycobacterium flavescens, Mycobacterium gordonae and Mycobacterium kansasii but not in 10 other pathogenic or saprophytic mycobacteria. In all four cases where intein coding sequences were found, they were localized in the same position in gyrA, immediately downstream of the codon for the key active-site residue Tyr-130. The intein products were similar, but not identical, in sequence and the splice junctions displayed all the features found in other polypeptides known to be produced by protein splicing from a precursor protein. Paired motifs, found in homing endonucleases encoded by some group I RNA introns, and inteins showing endonuclease activity, were present in the gyrA inteins as were other intein-specific signatures. Some strains of M. flavescens, M. gordonae, and M. kansasii were shown by PCR analysis to have inteinless gyrA genes, in contrast to the situation in M. leprae where all the isolates possessed insertions in gyrA. Sequencing of the corresponding regions revealed that, although the GyrA protein sequence was conserved, the nucleotide sequences differed in gyrA genes with and without inteins, suggesting that the homing endonuclease displays sequence specificity.


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El estudio se articula en torno a tres ejes: En uno primero se recogen y desgranan "Las informaciones de Sagunto/Murbīṭar procedentes de las fuentes árabes escritas", tanto las noticias sobre diversos eventos históricos, como las noticias de las fuentes geográficas y literarias árabes (en especial las relacionadas con la descripción de sus monumentos), acabando con algunos apuntes demográficos. En un segundo apartado se estudia "La mutación toponímica de Saguntum a Murbīṭar, como fuente de información histórica", mientras que en el tercero y último se habla de "Las conquistas cristianas de Sagunto/Murbīṭar/Morvedre".


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Carbon molecular sieve membranes have been analyzed in supported and unsupported configurations in this experimental study. The membranes were used to adsorb CO2, N2 and CH4, and their adsorption data were analyzed to establish differences in rate and capacity of adsorption between the two types of samples (supported and unsupported). Experimental results show an important effect of the support, which can be considered as an additional parameter to tailor pore size on these carbon membranes. Immersion calorimetry values were measured by immersing the membranes into liquids of different molecular dimensions (dichloromethane, benzene, n-hexane, 2,2-dimethylbutane). Similarities were found between adsorption and calorimetric analysis. The pore volume of the samples analyzed ranged from 0.016 to 0.263 cm3/g. The effect of the pyrolysis temperature, either 550 or 700 °C, under N2 atmosphere was also analyzed. Quantification of the pore-size distribution of the support was done by liquid-liquid displacement porosimetry. The composite membrane was used for CO2/CH4 separation before and after pore plugging was done. The ideal selectivity factors value (4.47) was over the Knudsen theoretical factor (0.60) for membrane pyrolyzed at 600 °C, which indicates the potential application of these membranes for the separation of low-molecular weight gases.


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The effects of treatment of an activated carbon with Sulphur precursors on its textural properties and on the ability of the complex synthesized for mercury removal in aqueous solutions are studied. To this end, a commercial activated carbon has been modified by treatments with aqueous solutions of Na2S and H2SO4 at two temperatures (25 and 140 °C) to introduce sulphur species on its surface. The prepared adsorbents have been characterized by N2 (-196 °C) and CO2 (0 °C) adsorption, thermogravimetric analysis, temperature-programmed decomposition and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and their adsorption capacities to remove Hg(II) ions in aqueous solutions have been determined. It has been shown that the impregnation treatments slightly modified the textural properties of the samples, with a small increase in the textural parameters (BET surface area and mesopore volumes). By contrast, surface oxygen content was increased when impregnation was carried out with Na2S, but it decreased when H2SO4 was used. However, the main effect of the impregnation treatments was the formation of surface sulphur complexes of thiol type, which was only achieved when the impregnation treatments were carried out at low temperature (25 °C). The presence of surface sulphur enhances the adsorption behaviour of these samples in the removal of Hg(II) cations in aqueous solutions at pH 2. In fact, complete Hg(II) removal is only obtained with the sulphur-containing activated carbons.


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The purpose of the current paper is to present an integrative definition of coaching effectiveness and expertise that is both specific and conceptually grounded in the coaching, teaching, positive psychology, and athletes' development literature. The article is organized into six sections. The first section is used to situate the proposed definition in the predominant conceptual models of coaching. The second, third, and fourth sections provide detailed discussion about each of the three components of the proposed definition of coaching effectiveness: (a) coaches' knowledge, (b) athletes' outcomes, and (c) coaching contexts. The proposed definition is presented in the fifth section along with a clarification of common terminology and guiding postulates. The final section includes implications for practice and research.


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The purpose of this exploratory study was to compare the developmental profiles of successful high-school sport coaches, and to determine if elements of a coach’s developmental profile were associated with coaching success. Sixteen high-school coaches in the United States – nine who coach basketball and seven cross-country running – participated in structured retrospective quantitative interviews. All coaches had accumulated extensive experience as an athlete (M = 19.6 seasons; 2,428.8 hours) and were better than average athletes in relation to their peers. Positive significant relationships were found between time (seasons and hours) spent as an athlete in the sport that the participants now coach and five measures of coaching success. The results are discussed in relation to the ongoing dialogue about coach development, coaching effectiveness, and coach education.


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Previous research has suggested that current formal coach education programs do not fully meet the learning needs of coaches. The purpose of the present study was to examine actual and preferred sources of coaching knowledge for developmental-level coaches. Structured quantitative interviews were conducted with coaches (N = 44) from a variety of sports. Learning by doing, interaction with coaching peers, and formal coach education were the top actual sources of coaching knowledge. Discrepancies were found between actual and preferred usage of learning by doing, formal coach education, and mentoring. Coaches indicated they would prefer more guided learning and less self-directed learning by doing. Further, differences in preferred sources were identified between coaches wishing to move to an elite level versus coaches wishing to stay at a developmental level. Findings highlight the importance of both experiential and formally guided sources of coaching knowledge and the context-specific nature of coach learning.


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Little, if any, previous research has investigated the involvement of immigrants in sport coaching. This is the first of a series of two articles that focus on this issue. In this article, following a general literature review, structured retrospective interviews (n = 29) are used to construct a profile of immigrant youth sport coaches. Two distinct profiles were identified: (a) leisure-oriented coaches, who had not coached prior to immigration; and (b) career-oriented coaches, who had coached prior to immigration Statistically significant differences (p < .05) were found between groups relating to athletic experience, sport-related education, time between immigration and initiation of coaching, and coaching of their own children Separate pathways to coaching involvement after immigration were identified for both profiles.