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Numerous studies have shown that animals have a sense of quantity and can distinguish between relative amounts. The concepts of relative numerousness, estimation, and subitizing are well established in species as diverse as chimpanzees and salamanders. Mobile animals have practical use for an understanding of number in common situations such as predation, mating, and competition. However, the ability to identify discrete quantities has only been firmly established in humans. The purpose of this study was to test for such “absolute numerousness” judgments in three lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus), a non-human primate. The three macaques tested had previously been trained on a computerized matchto- sample (MTS) task using geometric shapes. In this study, they were introduced to a MTS task containing a numerical cue, which required the monkeys to match stimuli containing either one or two items for rewards. If monkeys were successful at the initial matching task, they were tested with stimuli in which the position of the items and then the surface area of the items was controlled. If the monkeys could match successfully without using these non-numerical cues, they would demonstrate the capability to make absolute numerousness judgments. None of the monkeys matched successfully using the numerical cue, so no evidence of absolute numerosity was found. Each macaque progressed through the experiment in an individualized manner, attempting a variety of strategies to obtain rewards. These included side preferences and an alternating-side strategy that were unrelated to the numerical cues in the stimuli. When it became clear that the monkeys were not matching based on a stimulus-based cue, they were tested again on matching geometric shapes. All three macaques stopped using their alternate strategies and were able to match shapes successfully, demonstrating that they were still capable of completing the matching task. The data suggest that the monkeys could not transfer this ability to the numerical stimuli. This indicates that the macaques lack a sense of exact quantity, or that they could not recognize the numerical cues in the stimuli as being relevant to the task.


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The purpose of this thesis was to synthesize biodegradable polyesters from a wide array of functionalized ¿-hydroxy acids. The initial strategy was to use amido-functionalized ¿-hydroxy acids and 2-bromopropanoyl bromide to form amido-functionalized cyclic diesters. Then, the resulting cyclic diesters would be used in ring opening polymerization to create biodegradable polyesters. However, the spontaneous rapid degradation of the secondary amido-functionalized cyclic diester structure, as seen with 2-benzamido-hydroxyacetic acid, limited ring formation to tertiary amido-functionalized ¿-hydroxy acids. Also, the hydrophilic nature of most ¿-hydroxy acids allowed water into the crystal structure of the ¿-hydroxy acid. Then, when the ¿-hydroxy acid was used in ring forming reactions, the associated water deactivated reactive reagents and limited cyclic diester synthesis. These issues led to the synthesis of hydrophobic and tertiary amido- and imido-functionalized ¿-hydroxy acids, 2-phthalimido-2-hydroxyacetic acid and 2-(1-oxoisoindolin-2-yl) hydroxyacetic acid. The new ¿-hydroxy acids were used in two new polymerization techniques, melt polycondensation and solution polymerization, instead of ring open polymerization. Melt polycondensation and solution polymerization had shown previous success in forming oligomers of amido-functionalized ¿-hydroxy acids. Melt polycondensation was conducted by heating the monomer past its melting temperature under reduced pressure. The uncatalyzed melt polycondensation of 2-(1-oxoisoindolin-2-yl) hydroxyacetic acid created polyesters (¿ 960 g/mol). The scandium(III) trifluoromethanesulfonate enhanced melt polycondensation polymerization created slightly larger oligomers (¿ 1340 g/mol). However, 2-phthalimido-2-hydroxyacetic acid was not compatible with melt polycondensation because thermal degradation occurred. Thus, solution polymerization was conducted via Steglich esterification. Only oligomeric functionalized polyesters were formed (¿ 1060 g/mol). Future work should focus on optimization of the catalyst and the reaction conditions to obtain higher molecular weight polyesters. Also, 2-(1-oxoisoindolin-2-yl) hydroxyacetic acid should be utilized in the cyclic diester synthesis technique.


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The aim of this update is to describe, in the context of the current literature, major papers from the seven groups of the Paediatric Assembly (Respiratory Physiology; Asthma and Allergy; Cystic Fibrosis; Respiratory Infection and Immunology; Neonatology and Paediatric Intensive Care; Respiratory Epidemiology; and Bronchology) presented during the European Respiratory Society's annual meeting held in 2012 in Vienna, Austria.


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Phyllotaxis, the regular arrangement of leaves and flowers around the stem, is a key feature of plant architecture. Current models propose that the spatiotemporal regulation of organ initiation is controlled by a positive feedback loop between the plant hormone auxin and its efflux carrier PIN-FORMED1 (PIN1). Consequently, pin1 mutants give rise to naked inflorescence stalks with few or no flowers, indicating that PIN1 plays a crucial role in organ initiation. However, pin1 mutants do produce leaves. In order to understand the regulatory mechanisms controlling leaf initiation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) rosettes, we have characterized the vegetative pin1 phenotype in detail. We show that although the timing of leaf initiation in vegetative pin1 mutants is variable and divergence angles clearly deviate from the canonical 137° value, leaves are not positioned at random during early developmental stages. Our data further indicate that other PIN proteins are unlikely to explain the persistence of leaf initiation and positioning during pin1 vegetative development. Thus, phyllotaxis appears to be more complex than suggested by current mechanistic models.


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OBJECTIVES: To test whether dynamic contour tonometry yields ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) measurements that are independent of corneal thickness and curvature, and to assess variables of observer agreement. METHODS: In a multivariate cluster analysis on 223 eyes, the relationship between central corneal thickness, corneal curvature, axial length, anterior chamber depth, intraocular pressure, sex, age, and OPA measurements was assessed. Intraobserver and interobserver variabilities were calculated from repeated measurements obtained from 8 volunteers by 4 observers. RESULTS: The OPA readings were not affected by central corneal thickness (P = .08), corneal curvature (P = .47), anterior chamber depth (P = .80), age (P = .60), or sex (P = .73). There was a positive correlation between OPA and intraocular pressure (0.12 mm Hg/1 mm Hg of intraocular pressure; P<.001) and a negative correlation between OPA and axial length (0.27 mm Hg/1 mm of length; P<.001). Intraobserver and interobserver variabilities were 0.08 and 0.02 mm Hg, respectively, and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.89. CONCLUSIONS: The OPA readings obtained with dynamic contour tonometry in healthy subjects are not influenced by the structure of the anterior segment of the eye but are affected by intraocular pressure and axial length. We found a high amount of agreement within and between observers.


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We propose a method for diagnosing confounding bias under a model which links a spatially and temporally varying exposure and health outcome. We decompose the association into orthogonal components, corresponding to distinct spatial and temporal scales of variation. If the model fully controls for confounding, the exposure effect estimates should be equal at the different temporal and spatial scales. We show that the overall exposure effect estimate is a weighted average of the scale-specific exposure effect estimates. We use this approach to estimate the association between monthly averages of fine particles (PM2.5) over the preceding 12 months and monthly mortality rates in 113 U.S. counties from 2000-2002. We decompose the association between PM2.5 and mortality into two components: 1) the association between “national trends” in PM2.5 and mortality; and 2) the association between “local trends,” defined as county-specificdeviations from national trends. This second component provides evidence as to whether counties having steeper declines in PM2.5 also have steeper declines in mortality relative to their national trends. We find that the exposure effect estimates are different at these two spatio-temporalscales, which raises concerns about confounding bias. We believe that the association between trends in PM2.5 and mortality at the national scale is more likely to be confounded than is the association between trends in PM2.5 and mortality at the local scale. If the association at the national scale is set aside, there is little evidence of an association between 12-month exposure to PM2.5 and mortality.


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Pericyte loss is an early pathologic feature of diabetic retinopathy, consistently present in retinae of diabetic humans and animals. Because pericyte recruitment and endothelial cell survival are controlled, in part, by the angiopoietin/Tie2 ligand/receptor system, we studied the expression of angiopoietin-2 and -1 in relation to the evolution of pericyte loss in diabetic rat retinae, using quantitative retinal morphometry, and in retinae from mice with heterozygous angiopoietin deficiency (Ang-2 LacZ knock-in mice). Finally, recombinant angiopoietin-2 was injected into eyes of nondiabetic rats, and pericyte numbers were quantitated in retinal capillaries. Angiopoietin-1 protein was present in the normal maturing retina and was upregulated 2.5-fold in diabetic retinae over 3 months of diabetes. In contrast, angiopoietin-2 protein was consistently upregulated more than 30-fold in the retinae of diabetic rats, preceding the onset of pericyte loss. Heterozygous angiopoietin-2 deficiency completely prevented diabetes-induced pericyte loss and reduced the number of acellular capillary segments. Injection of angiopoietin-2 into the eyes of normal rats induced a dose-dependent pericyte loss. These data show that upregulation of angiopoietin-2 plays a critical role in the loss of pericytes in the diabetic retina.


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High energy gamma rays can provide fundamental clues to the origins of cosmic rays. In this thesis, TeV gamma-ray emission from the Cygnus region is studied. Previously the Milagro experiment detected five TeV gamma-ray sources in this region and a significant excess of TeV gamma rays whose origin is still unclear. To better understand the diffuse excess the separation of sources and diffuse emission is studied using the latest and most sensitive data set of the Milagro experiment. In addition, a newly developed technique is applied that allows the energy spectrum of the TeV gamma rays to be reconstructed using Milagro data. No conclusive statement can be made about the spectrum of the diffuse emission from the Cygnus region because of its low significance of 2.2 σ above the background in the studied data sample. The entire Cygnus region emission is best fit with a power law with a spectral index of α=2.40 (68% confidence interval: 1.35-2.92) and a exponential cutoff energy of 31.6 TeV (10.0-251.2 TeV). In the case of a simple power law assumption without a cutoff energy the best fit yields a spectral index of α=2.97 (68% confidence interval: 2.83-3.10). Neither of these best fits are in good agreement with the data. The best spectral fit to the TeV emission from MGRO J2019+37, the brightest source in the Cygnus region, yields a spectral index of α=2.30 (68% confidence interval: 1.40-2.70) with a cutoff energy of 50.1 TeV (68% confidence interval: 17.8-251.2 TeV) and a spectral index of α=2.75 (68% confidence interval: 2.65-2.85) when no exponential cutoff energy is assumed. According to the present analysis, MGRO J2019+37 contributes 25% to the differential flux from the entire Cygnus at 15 TeV.


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Complex human diseases are a major challenge for biological research. The goal of my research is to develop effective methods for biostatistics in order to create more opportunities for the prevention and cure of human diseases. This dissertation proposes statistical technologies that have the ability of being adapted to sequencing data in family-based designs, and that account for joint effects as well as gene-gene and gene-environment interactions in the GWA studies. The framework includes statistical methods for rare and common variant association studies. Although next-generation DNA sequencing technologies have made rare variant association studies feasible, the development of powerful statistical methods for rare variant association studies is still underway. Chapter 2 demonstrates two adaptive weighting methods for rare variant association studies based on family data for quantitative traits. The results show that both proposed methods are robust to population stratification, robust to the direction and magnitude of the effects of causal variants, and more powerful than the methods using weights suggested by Madsen and Browning [2009]. In Chapter 3, I extended the previously proposed test for Testing the effect of an Optimally Weighted combination of variants (TOW) [Sha et al., 2012] for unrelated individuals to TOW &ndash F, TOW for Family &ndash based design. Simulation results show that TOW &ndash F can control for population stratification in wide range of population structures including spatially structured populations, is robust to the directions of effect of causal variants, and is relatively robust to percentage of neutral variants. In GWA studies, this dissertation consists of a two &ndash locus joint effect analysis and a two-stage approach accounting for gene &ndash gene and gene &ndash environment interaction. Chapter 4 proposes a novel two &ndash stage approach, which is promising to identify joint effects, especially for monotonic models. The proposed approach outperforms a single &ndash marker method and a regular two &ndash stage analysis based on the two &ndash locus genotypic test. In Chapter 5, I proposed a gene &ndash based two &ndash stage approach to identify gene &ndash gene and gene &ndash environment interactions in GWA studies which can include rare variants. The two &ndash stage approach is applied to the GAW 17 dataset to identify the interaction between KDR gene and smoking status.