988 resultados para óleo-resina de copaíba
The fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass is a thermochemical conversion process for production energy which have been very atratactive due to energetic use of its products: gas (CO, CO2, H2, CH4, etc.), liquid (bio-oil) and charcoal. The bio-oil is the main product of fast pyrolysis, and its final composition and characteristics is intrinsically related to quality of biomass (ash disposal, moisture, content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) and efficiency removal of oxygen compounds that cause undesirable features such as increased viscosity, instability, corrosiveness and low calorific value. The oxygenates are originated in the conventional process of biomass pyrolysis, where the use of solid catalysts allows minimization of these products by improving the bio-oil quality. The present study aims to evaluate the products of catalytic pyrolysis of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) using solid catalysts as tungsten oxides, supported or not in mesoporous materials like MCM-41, derived silica from rice husk ash, aimed to reduce oxygenates produced in pyrolysis. The biomasss treatment by washing with heated water (CEL) or washing with acid solution (CELix) and application of tungsten catalysts on vapors from the pyrolysis process was designed to improve the pyrolysis products quality. Conventional and catalytic pyrolysis of biomass was performed in a micro-pyrolyzer, Py-5200, coupled to GC/MS. The synthesized catalysts were characterized by X ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, X ray fluorescence, temperature programmed reduction and thermogravimetric analysis. Kinetic studies applying the Flynn and Wall model were performed in order to evaluate the apparent activation energy of holoceluloce thermal decomposition on samples elephant grass (CE, CEL and CELix). The results show the effectiveness of the treatment process, reducing the ash content, and were also observed decrease in the apparent activation energy of these samples. The catalytic pyrolysis process converted most of the oxygenate componds in aromatics such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, etc
Many of hydrocarbon reserves existing in the world are formed by heavy oils (°API between 10 and 20). Moreover, several heavy oil fields are mature and, thus, offer great challenges for oil industry. Among the thermal methods used to recover these resources, steamflooding has been the main economically viable alternative. Latent heat carried by steam heats the reservoir, reducing oil viscosity and facilitating the production. This method has many variations and has been studied both theoretically and experimentally (in pilot projects and in full field applications). In order to increase oil recovery and reduce steam injection costs, the injection of alternative fluid has been used on three main ways: alternately, co-injected with steam and after steam injection interruption. The main objective of these injection systems is to reduce the amount of heat supplied to the reservoir, using cheaper fluids and maintaining the same oil production levels. This works discusses the use of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and water as an alternative fluid to the steam. The analyzed parameters were oil recoveries and net cumulative oil productions. The reservoir simulation model corresponds to an oil reservoir of 100 m x 100 m x 28 m size, on a Cartesian coordinates system (x, y and z directions). It is a semi synthetic model with some reservoir data similar to those found in Brazilian Potiguar Basin. All studied cases were done using the simulator STARS from CMG (Computer Modelling Group, version 2009.10). It was found that waterflood after steam injection interruption achieved the highest net cumulative oil compared to other fluids injection. Moreover, it was observed that steam and alternative fluids, co-injected and alternately, did not present increase on profitability project compared with steamflooding
A significant fraction of the hydrocarbon reserves in the world is formed by heavy oils. From the thermal methods used to recovery these resources, Steamflooding has been one of the main economically viable alternatives. In Brazil, this technology is widely used by Petrobras in Northeast fields. Latent heat carried by steam heats the oil in the reservoir, reducing its viscosity and facilitating the production. In the last years, an alternative more and more used by the oil industry to increase the efficiency of this mechanism has been the addition of solvents. When co-injected with steam, the vaporized solvent condenses in the cooler regions of the reservoir and mixes with the oil, creating a low viscosity zone between the steam and the heavy oil. The mobility of the displaced fluid is then improved, resulting in an increase of oil recovery. To better understand this improved oil recovery method and investigate its applicability in reservoirs with properties similar to those found in Potiguar Basin, a numerical study was done to analyze the influence of some operational parameters (steam injection rate, injected solvent volume and solvent type) on oil recovery. Simulations were performed in STARS ("Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator"), a CMG ("Computer Modelling Group") program, version 2009.10. It was found that solvents addition to the injected steam not only anticipated the heated oil bank arrival to the producer well, but also increased the oil recovery. Lower cold water equivalent volumes were required to achieve the same oil recoveries from the models that injected only steam. Furthermore, much of the injected solvent was produced with the oil from the reservoir
The objectives of this clinical study was to evaluate the use of the toothpaste with fluoride and without fluoride and the daily tooth brushing are effective in the reversion of the dental enamel conditioned by acid. Another objective of this clinical study was to evaluate if the positioning of orthodontic accessories with glass ionomer cement helps in the reversion of the dental enamel conditioned by acid, when compared to composed resin. One hundred and twenty teeth were selected with indication of extraction by orthodontic reasons. The 30 volunteers were divided, randomly, in two groups. A group used toothpaste without fluoride and the other with it. The teeth of the sample were shuffled, in each volunteer. The teeth were conditioned by the 37% orthophosphoric acid. One of the conditioned teeth stayed in the mouth and suffered action of the abrasion for the tooth brushing, in another teeth a stainless steel mesh protection was positioned with glass ionomer cement, in another tooth the screen was glued with composed resin, in a fourth tooth (the control) was only conditioned after the extractions, 60 days later. All the teeth were appraised through DIAGNOdent, MEVA and EDS. In the obtained data it was possible to observe that there were not statistic significant differences in any comparison, even in the group that did not have access to the fluoride in the toothpaste as in the other that had. According with the used methodology, it was possible to observe too that there was not statistic significant differences in any comparison, even in the group that had the stainless steel mesh positioned with glass ionomer cement as in the group that the stainless steel mesh was positioned with composed resin. However, it was observed that there was an improvement in the topography of the enamel in all the teeth. The accomplishment of this study was facilitated due to the participation of the researchers' of the health area (dentistry), materials engineer, physics and chemistry. The researchers were originating from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and of the University of Queensland, in Australia. This interdisciplinary group was decisive in the accomplishment of the study. It can be concluded that the enamel tends to return to its initial aspect, even if the patient does not have access to fluoride. That is probably due the action of the abrasion for the tooth brushing and mastication. In spite of it not being significant, it is suggested that the conditioned enamel was more resistant to the abrasion in the group that had access to fluoride. It was also possible to conclude that the fluoride liberated by the glass ionomer was not enough to provide a significant difference in the enamel conditioned by the acid, when compared with the composed resin, even in the group that did not use fluoride in the toothpaste as in the group that used
Investigou-se o efeito da adição de C18:2n6, por meio da inclusão de óleo de milho em dietas com dois níveis de proteína bruta, sobre o processo de maturação de gametas de pintado, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, mantidos em tanques-rede. Foram avaliados: taxa de sobrevivência, relação peso x comprimento, fator de condição (K) e índice gonadossomático (IGS). O experimento foi realizado entre março de 2004 e fevereiro de 2006, em 12 tanques-rede, distribuídos em seis viveiros-escavados de 600m² e densidade de estocagem de 20 peixes/tanque-rede. Utilizaram-se três tratamentos (T) com duas repetições/viveiro: T1 com 28% de PB; T2 com 28% de PB + 5% óleo de milho e T3 com 40% de PB. O crescimento foi ligeiramente mais alto nos peixes do T3. As taxas de sobrevivência foram acima de 77%. Pode-se inferir que as rações ofertadas não causaram alterações histomorfológicas durante o processo de maturação gonadal dessa espécie. O IGS e o K foram ligeiramente mais altos nos animais alimentados com a ração enriquecida com óleo de milho.
Coeficientes de correlações genéticas e fenotípicas foram estimados entre os caracteres: altura da planta (AP); altura da espiga (AE); peso de espigas (PE) e teor de óleo (TO). As estimativas foram obtidas para duas populações braquíticas de milho (Piranão VD-2 e Piranão VF-1), baseado em espiga por fileira, utilizando-se testemunha intercalar, onde a cada duas progênies plantava-se uma fileira do híbrido simples AG 305-B. Os valores das correlações genéticas aditivas encontradas entre os caracteres altura da planta, altura da espiga e peso de espigas, foram todos positivos. Para o caráter teor de óleo, quando correlacionado com os demais caracteres, os valores das correlações obtidos foram negativos nas duas populações, exceção feita ao peso de espiga correlacionada com teor de óleo, na população Piranão VD-2, cujo valor foi positivo e próximo de zero. As respostas correlacionadas obtidas entre os caracteres, quando a seleção é praticada para o caráter teor de óleo e vice versa, independente do método de seleção empregado, mostram que a seleção para teor de óleo leva a modificação na estrutura da planta, para as duas populações.
Este trabalho objetivou avaliar, em condições de laboratório, a germinação de sementes de Sida rhombifolia e Brachiaria decumbens submetidas à aplicação de vinhaça, flegmaça e óleo de fúsel. Esses subprodutos, nas concentrações de 12,5; 25,0; 50,0; e 100,0% (v/v), e as testemunhas (água com pH e osmolalidade corrigidos, em função da caracterização realizada nos subprodutos e em suas diluições) foram aplicados diretamente em 100 sementes acondicionadas em caixas de plástico, utilizando papel como substrato. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, e as médias obtidas foram submetidas ao teste de Tukey. As sementes de Sida rhombifolia submetidas ao óleo de fúsel não germinaram e apresentaram redução na viabilidade, principalmente nas maiores concentrações de aplicação. As sementes de Brachiaria decumbens submetidas à maior concentração de flegmaça apresentaram tendência de redução da viabilidade e do índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG). Na presença do óleo de fúsel as sementes de Brachiaria decumbens não germinaram e apresentaram-se totalmente inviáveis.
Este trabalho foi realizado no Centro de Cana IAC, Ribeirão Preto, com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia do óleo fúsel isolado e em mistura com glifosato, aplicado na pós-emergência tardia de plantas daninhas de uma comunidade natural. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados (DBC), com 13 tratamentos em quatro repetições, sendo 52 parcelas de 3 x 3 m cada. A aplicação dos tratamentos foi realizada em 22/3/2006, com equipamento costal pressurizado munido de barra com quatro pontas de pulverização Teejet 110.02 TT, regulado para volume de calda de 212 L ha-1. Avaliaram-se a porcentagem de controle aos 14, 21, 28, 35 e 42 dias após a aplicação do tratamento (DAA) e a massa seca, aos 42 DAA. Para a maioria dos tratamentos somente não houve 100% de controle devido à presença de plantas daninhas dos gêneros Commelina e Cyperus spp., que, mesmo com partes amareladas, foram mais tolerantes à aplicação dos produtos. O controle obtido com óleo fúsel aplicado isoladamente não ultrapassou 20%, aos 42 DAA.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a lixiviação dos herbicidas sulfentrazone e amicarbazone, com e sem óleo mineral, em área de plantio de cana-de-açúcar sobre um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro, por meio de colunas de solo. Para avaliação da lixiviação, após acumuladas as precipitações de 35, 67 e 106 mm, tubos de PVC de 10 cm de diâmetro, seccionados longitudinalmente, foram enterrados até a profundidade de 35 cm, procurando-se manter a estrutura original do solo. Os tubos foram retirados, separados em suas metades e acondicionados em casa de vegetação, onde se semearam as plantas-teste sorgo (Sorghum bicolor) e corda-de-viola (Ipomoea nil) longitudinalmente ao longo do perfil de cada metade dos tubos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. As parcelas consistiram da aplicação dos dois herbicidas, adicionados ou não de adjuvante, e uma testemunha sem herbicida. Nas subparcelas estudaram-se as profundidades de percolação (0,0-2,5; 2,5-5,0; 5,0-10; 10-15; 15-20; 20-25; 25-30; e 30-35 cm). Aos 20 dias após a semeadura, determinou-se a matéria seca das plântulas. Observou-se que o sulfentrazone lixiviou até 10 cm de profundidade, mesmo com 106 mm de precipitação, sem efeito diferenciado do óleo. Os efeitos foram mais pronunciados para o sorgo. O amicarbazone não interferiu na matéria seca das plântulas de sorgo. Quanto à corda-de-viola, o herbicida sob precipitação de 35 mm reduziu o desenvolvimento das plântulas, independentemente da profundidade e sem efeito diferenciado do óleo; com 67 mm de precipitação, o herbicida lixiviou pelo solo, e o óleo mineral o manteve na camada mais superficial. Com 106 mm, o herbicida foi totalmente lixiviado e não se constatou efeito do óleo.
The hematological responses in tuvira (Gymnotus aff. inaequilabiatus) after clove oil anesthesia at different concentrations were evaluated in this study. Fish (n = 25) with average length of 26.8 +/- 2.4 cm and weighing 94.4 +/- 23.6 g were separated in five groups composed with five animals each and submitted individually to respective concentrations of clove oil: 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 mg L-1. After anesthetic recuperation, the blood samples collection were performed, as well as complete hemogram. The results were submitted to analysis of variance, Tukey test (P<0.05) and Sperman's correlation analysis. There was an increase (P<0.05) on hematocrit, red blood cells count, thrombocytes count and in the values of neutrophils with increasing of clove oil concentrations. In addition, positive correlation (P<0.05) were observed on total leukocytes, as well as negative linear correlation (P<0.05) for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). The clove oil anesthesia on tuvira cause hematological changes with an effect dose-dependent. These changes should be considered mainly in future studies designed to establish the reference values of hematologic variables for this specie.
Este trabalho foi realizado para comparar os efeitos da adição de sementes inteiras de soja e algodão e de óleo de soja sobre os padrões ruminais e a digestibilidade in vitro, em bezerros Holandeses fistulados. Dois bezerros fistulados no rúmen foram alimentados com dieta basal com 2,5% de extrato etéreo (EE), o qual foi comparado com dietas com 5,0% de EE, em que as sementes de soja e algodão inteira ou o óleo de soja foram fontes de EE adicional. A adição de sementes de soja e de algodão resultou em decréscimo na digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca e da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), porém não houve alterações na digestibilidade in vitro da fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) em relação à dieta controle. A adição de semente algodão provocou decréscimo na digestibilidade in vitro da proteína bruta em comparação à dieta controle. A concentração de ácido propiônico nas dietas com adição de óleo de soja foi 16% mais elevada que a proporcionada pelas demais dietas. O uso de óleo de soja pareceu ser a mais adequada em relação à digestibilidade da matéria seca, FDA e FDN e à manutenção de pH, quando comparado a outros tipos de adição lipídica, porém menos eficiente que a semente de soja em relação à digestibilidade in vitro da proteína bruta. O número de protozoários apresentou grande variação entre dietas, mas nenhum efeito com adição de óleo foi observado. A maior concentração de N-NH3 ruminal foi obtida na dieta com óleo de soja, quando comparada às outras dietas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Estudar o efeito da poliuretana de mamona aplicada ao osso de cães em crescimento. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 12 cães subdivididos aleatoriamente em 3 grupos, os quais receberam o implante de mamona na face medial proximal da tíbia, com análise macroscópica e histopatológica aos 30 (GIII), 60 (GII) e 90 (GI) dias. RESULTADOS: A poliuretana foi recoberta por uma cápsula conjuntiva fibrosa, não ocorrendo proliferação óssea ao seu redor. CONCLUSÃO: A poliuretana é biocompatível, comportando-se como espaçador biológico em cães. Nesta espécie não ocorre a osteointegração.
Filtered ethyl ester biodiesel from residual soybean oil: performance of an agricultural tractor in the disk harrow operation. This test was conducted to evaluate the performance of an agricultural tractor using a mixture of biodiesel and petroleum diesel. The experiment was conducted at FCAV-Unesp, Jaboticabal, using a 4x2 AFWD tractor with 73.6 kW (100 hp @ 2,300 rpm) of power in the motor, pulling a disk harrow. The biodiesel used was of the ethyl type, filtered, and produced from residual soybean oil. The experimental design was completed randomized in factorial scheme (4x5), with 20 treatments and 4 repetitions, in which 5 ratios of biodiesel and petroleum diesel mixtures were combined (0 and 100%, 25 and 75%, 50 and 50%, 75 and 25% and 100 and 0%), with 4 displacement runs. The analyzed variables were traction bar power, engine rotation and displacement speed. The results evidenced that the mixture ratio (biodiesel and petroleum diesel) did not compromise tractor performance until the limit of 50%.