961 resultados para Índices de gravidade do trauma
ABSTRACTObjective:to evaluate the incidence of unfavorable outcomes in vascular trauma patients and their possible correlation to the distance between the city where the injury was sustained and the hospital where the patient received definitive treatment.Methods:descriptive and retrospective study. Data were collected from medical records of patients submitted to surgical procedures for arterial or venous injuries from February 2011 to February 2013 at the only trauma center providing vascular surgery in a vast area of the Amazon region. Trauma date, patient gender and age, mechanism and anatomic topography of injury, surgical management, need for surgical re-intervention, hospitalization period, postoperative complications, mortality and limb amputation rates were analyzed. The incidence of unfavorable outcomes was assessed according to the distance between the city where the vascular injury was sustained and the trauma center.Results: One hundred seventy-three patients with 255 vascular injuries were analyzed; 95.95% were male (p<0.05), mean age of 28.92 years; 47.4% were caused by firearm projectiles (p<0.05); topographic distribution: 45.66% lower limbs (p<0.05), 37.57% upper limbs, 6.94% abdominal, 5.2% thoracic and 4.62% were cervical vascular injuries; 51.42% of patients required hospitalization for seven days or less (p<0.05); limb amputation was necessary in 15.6% and the overall mortality was 6.36%.Conclusion:distances greater than 200Km were associated to longer hospitalization period; distances greater than 300Km were associated to increased limb amputation probability; severe vascular trauma have an increased death probability when patients need to travel more than 200Km for surgical treatment.
ABSTRACTObjective:to compare the frequency and the severity of diagnosed injuries between pedestrians struck by motor vehicles and victims of other blunt trauma mechanisms.Methods:retrospective analysis of data from the Trauma Registry, including adult blunt trauma patients admitted from 2008 to 2010. We reviewed the mechanism of trauma, vital signs on admission and the injuries identified. Severity stratification was carried using RTS, AIS-90, ISS e TRISS. Patients were assigned into group A (pedestrians struck by motor vehicle) or B (victims of other mechanisms of blunt trauma). Variables were compared between groups. We considered p<0.05 as significant.Results:a total of 5785 cases were included, and 1217 (21,0%) of which were in group A. Pedestrians struck by vehicles presented (p<0.05) higher mean age, mean heart rate upon admission, mean ISS and mean AIS in head, thorax, abdomen and extremities, as well as lower mean Glasgow coma scale, arterial blood pressure upon admission, RTS and TRISS. They also had a higher frequency of epidural hematomas, subdural hematomas, subarachnoid hemorrhage, brain swelling, cerebral contusions, costal fractures, pneumothorax, flail chest, pulmonary contusions, as well as pelvic, superior limbs and inferior limbs fractures.Conclusion:pedestrian struck by vehicles sustained intracranial, thoracic, abdominal and extremity injuries more frequently than victims of other blunt trauma mechanism as a group. They also presented worse physiologic and anatomic severity of the trauma.
ABSTRACTObjective:identify risk factors for mortality in patients who underwent laparotomy after blunt abdominal trauma.Methods:retrospective study, case-control, which were reviewed medical records of blunt trauma victims patients undergoing laparotomy, from March 2013 to January 2015, and compared the result of the deaths group with the group healed.Results:of 86 patients, 63% were healed, 36% died, and one patient was excluded from the study. Both groups had similar epidemiology and trauma mechanism, predominantly young adults males, automobilistic accident. Most cases that evolved to death had hemodynamic instability as laparotomy indication - 61% against 38% in the other group (p=0.02). The presence of solid organ injury was larger in the group of deaths - 80% versus 48% (p=0.001) and 61% of them had other associated abdominal injury compared to 25% in the other group (p=0.01). Of the patients who died 96% had other serious injuries associated (p=0.0003). Patients requiring damage control surgery had a higher mortality rate (p=0.0099). Only one of 18 patients with isolated hollow organ lesion evolved to death (p=0.0001). The mean injury score of TRISS of cured (91.70%) was significantly higher than that of deaths (46.3%) (p=0.002).Conclusion:the risk factors for mortality were hemodynamic instability as an indication for laparotomy, presence of solid organ injury, multiple intra-abdominal injuries, need for damage control surgery, serious injury association and low index of trauma score.
ABSTRACTObjective:to analyze the implementation of a trauma registry in a university teaching hospital delivering care under the unified health system (SUS), and its ability to identify points for improvement in the quality of care provided.Methods:the data collection group comprised students from medicine and nursing courses who were holders of FAPESP scholarships (technical training 1) or otherwise, overseen by the coordinators of the project. The itreg (ECO Sistemas-RJ/SBAIT) software was used as the database tool. Several quality "filters" were proposed to select those cases for review in the quality control process.Results:data for 1344 trauma patients were input to the itreg database between March and November 2014. Around 87.0% of cases were blunt trauma patients, 59.6% had RTS>7.0 and 67% ISS<9. Full records were available for 292 cases, which were selected for review in the quality program. The auditing filters most frequently registered were laparotomy four hours after admission and drainage of acute subdural hematomas four hours after admission. Several points for improvement were flagged, such as control of overtriage of patients, the need to reduce the number of negative imaging exams, the development of protocols for achieving central venous access, and management of major TBI.Conclusion: the trauma registry provides a clear picture of the points to be improved in trauma patient care, however, there are specific peculiarities for implementing this tool in the Brazilian milieu.
Trauma is one of the world's leading causes of death within the first 40 years of life and thus a significant health problem. Trauma accounts for nearly a third of the lost years of productive life before 65 years of age and is associated with infection, hemorrhagic shock, reperfusion syndrome, and inflammation. The control of hemorrhage, coagulopathy, optimal use of blood products, balancing hypo and hyperperfusion, and hemostatic resuscitation improve survival in cases of trauma with massive hemorrhage. This review discusses inflammation in the context of trauma-associated hemorrhagic shock. When one considers the known immunomodulatory effects of traumatic injury, allogeneic blood transfusion, and the overlap between patient populations, it is surprising that so few studies have assessed their combined effects on immune function. We also discuss the relative benefits of curbing inflammation rather than attempting to prevent it.
Objective: To evaluate patients with chest trauma submitted to videothoracoscopy during hospitalization. In 2007, the Trauma Surgery Group was created in the General Surgery Department of the Hospital Municipal Lourenço Jorge of Rio de Janeiro-RJ, and started following all trauma victims who were admitted to the Hospital. Methods : We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients submitted to thoracoscopy from July 2007 to May 2015, based on a database started at the beginning of this period and on data collection from patients who underwent thoracoscopy. We evaluated the following parameters: procedure effectiveness, indication of the procedure, conversion rate, complications and mortality. We included patients who presented post-traumatic pleural collections, such as retained hemothorax and pleural empyema, and penetrating injury in the thoracoabdominal transition. All patients were hemodynamic stable and signed an informed consent. Results: In the analyzed period 53 patients were submitted to videothoracoscopy; 24 had penetrating trauma (45.3%) and 29, blunt (54.7%), with a predominance of males (75.5%). The procedure was performed in 26 cases of retained hemothorax (49%), 14 cases of empyema (26.5%) and in 13 patients for evaluation of injury in the thoracoabdominal transition (24.5%). The thoracoscopy was effective in resolution of 36 cases (80%), without need for further procedure. There was a conversion rate of 15.5% and 3 procedure complications related (6.6%). Mortality was nil. Conclusion: In this series, videothoracoscopy proved that this diagnostic and therapeutic procedure is safe and effective, if performed by a surgeon with appropriate training, especially when it is indicated in cases of retained hemothorax and evaluation of penetrating thoracoabdominal trauma.
Objective: to assess predictors of intra-abdominal injuries in blunt trauma patients admitted without abdominal pain or abnormalities on the abdomen physical examination. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of trauma registry data, including adult blunt trauma patients admitted from 2008 to 2010 who sustained no abdominal pain or abnormalities on physical examination of the abdomen at admission and were submitted to computed tomography of the abdomen and/or exploratory laparotomy. Patients were assigned into: Group 1 (with intra-abdominal injuries) or Group 2 (without intra-abdominal injuries). Variables were compared between groups to identify those significantly associated with the presence of intra-abdominal injuries, adopting p<0.05 as significant. Subsequently, the variables with p<0.20 on bivariate analysis were selected to create a logistic regression model using the forward stepwise method. Results: A total of 268 cases met the inclusion criteria. Patients in Group I were characterized as having significantly (p<0.05) lower mean AIS score for the head segment (1.0±1.4 vs. 1.8±1.9), as well as higher mean AIS thorax score (1.6±1.7 vs. 0.9±1.5) and ISS (25.7±14.5 vs. 17,1±13,1). The rate of abdominal injuries was significantly higher in run-over pedestrians (37.3%) and in motorcyclists (36.0%) (p<0.001). The resultant logistic regression model provided 73.5% accuracy for identifying abdominal injuries. The variables included were: motorcyclist accident as trauma mechanism (p<0.001 - OR 5.51; 95%CI 2.40-12.64), presence of rib fractures (p<0.003 - OR 3.00; 95%CI 1.47-6.14), run-over pedestrian as trauma mechanism (p=0.008 - OR 2.85; 95%CI 1.13-6.22) and abnormal neurological physical exam at admission (p=0.015 - OR 0.44; 95%CI 0.22-0.85). Conclusion Intra-abdominal injuries were predominantly associated with trauma mechanism and presence of chest injuries.
Objective : to evaluate the epidemiological variables and diagnostic and therapeutic modalities related to hepatic trauma patients undergoing laparotomy in a public referral hospital in the metropolitan region of Vitória-ES. Methods : we conducted a retrospective study, reviewing charts of trauma patients with liver injuries, whether isolated or in association with other organs, who underwent exploratory laparotomy, from January 2011 to December 2013. Results : We studied 392 patients, 107 of these with liver injury. The male: female ratio was 6.6 : 1 and the mean age was 30.12 years. Penetrating liver trauma occurred in 78.5% of patients, mostly with firearms. Associated injuries occurred in 86% of cases and intra-abdominal injuries were more common in penetrating trauma (p <0.01). The most commonly used operative technique was hepatorrhaphy and damage control surgery was applied in 6.5% of patients. The average amounts of blood products used were 6.07 units of packed red blood cells and 3.01 units of fresh frozen plasma. The incidence of postoperative complications was 29.9%, the most frequent being infectious, including pneumonia, peritonitis and intra-abdominal abscess. The survival rate of patients suffering from blunt trauma was 60%, and penetrating trauma, 87.5% (p <0.05). Conclusion : despite technological advances in diagnosis and treatment, mortality rates in liver trauma remain high, especially in patients suffering from blunt trauma in relation to penetrating one.
A monitorização fetal eletrônica (MFE) tem sido o método mais amplamente utilizado para a vigilância fetal direta, especialmente durante o trabalho de parto. Na tentativa de elucidar o efeito da MFE sobre os índices de cesárea (IC), um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado no Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria (HUSM). Estudamos dois grupos de pacientes perfazendo um total de 2.114 gestantes: um grupo (n=517) com MFE e outro (n=1.597) com ausculta intermitente (AI). No grupo MFE observamos um IC de 38,0%, contra 27,2% do grupo AI. Para todas as pacientes, o IC foi de 29,9%. O sofrimento fetal agudo foi a indicação mais comum de cesárea no grupo MFE (40,6%), ao passo que a cesárea prévia foi a terceira causa (10,1%). No grupo AI, o sofrimento fetal foi a terceira causa de cesárea (14,3%), ao passo que a cesárea prévia foi a indicação mais comum (32,4%). Baseados no presente estudo, acreditamos que a MFE não tem efeito, por si só, sobre as taxas de cesárea, se considerados todos os nascimentos no HUSM. Com uma educação adequada dos obstetras e uma correta interpretação dos traçados, a MFE não aumenta os índices de cesárea, ao contrário permite mais acuracidade na descrição das condições fetais intraparto.
OBJETIVO: avaliar os efeitos da transfusão intravascular nos índices dopplerfluxométricos do ducto venoso e da veia cava inferior (SV/CA) e relacionar essas alterações com o nível de hemoglobina pré-transfusão intravascular. MÉTODOS: trata-se de estudo transversal prospectivo. Foram realizadas 62 transfusões intravasculares em 27 fetos de gestações complicadas por isoimunização materno-fetal. Os 62 casos foram divididos em dois grupos: (A) fetos com níveis de hemoglobina pré-transfusão £10 g/dL, (B) fetos com níveis de hemoglobina pré-transfusão >10 g/dL. Os índices SV/CA e CA/SV foram medidos usando Doppler colorido 6 horas antes e 12 horas após a transfusão. Compararam-se os valores dos índices antes e após as transfusões em todos os 62 casos, e após a transfusão em cada grupo. O teste de Wilcoxon foi usado para comparação. Os resultados foram considerados estatisticamente significativos quando p<0,05. RESULTADOS: quando estudamos todo o grupo (62 casos), não encontramos diferença significativa no índice CA/SV antes e após a transfusão (p=0,775). No entanto, o índice SV/CA apresentou aumento significativo após a transfusão (p=0,004). Nos fetos com níveis de hemoglobina pré-transfusão £10 g/dL não foi observada diferença significativa nos valores de ambos os índices SV/CA e CA/SV, com p=0,061 e p=0,345, respectivamente. Após a transfusão intravascular houve aumento significativo do índice CA/SV em fetos com níveis de hemoglobina pré-transfusão >10 g/dL (p=0,049), mas o índice SV/CA não se alterou nesse grupo (p=0,086). CONCLUSÕES: o estudo por dopplervelocimetria venosa pode ser útil para a compreensão dos ajustes hemodinâmicos fetais após a transfusão intravascular. O aumento no índice SV/CA sem alteração no índice CA/SV após a transfusão em fetos anêmicos pode ser mecanismo compensatório importante em resposta ao aumento do volume intravascular. O aumento do índice CA/SV em fetos com hemoglobina pré-transfusão <10 g/dL sugere um estado de hipervolemia fetal.
OBJETIVO: avaliar o desempenho da carga viral do HPV por captura de híbridos II (CHII) na predição da gravidade das lesões cervicais. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas 309 mulheres admitidas por resultado anormal da colpocitologia oncológica (CO) entre agosto de 200 e novembro de 2002. Todas foram submetidas a avaliação histológica, sendo que a presença de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical (NIC) grau 2 ou mais (NIC 3, carcinoma invasor) foi considerada doença grave. A CHII foi realizada para tipos de HPV de alto risco oncogênico e a carga viral medida em unidades relativas de luz (URL). O desempenho da CHII foi avaliado por curva receiver operating characteristics (ROC). RESULTADOS: na avaliação histológica, 140 (45,3%) mulheres apresentavam cervicite ou NIC 1 e 199 (54,7%), NIC 2/3, adenocarcinoma in situ ou câncer invasor. O melhor ponto de corte da CHII para a detecção de doença grave foi 35 URL, com sensibilidade de 69% e especificidade de 70%. O valor preditivo positivo das alterações compatíveis com lesão de alto grau na CO associado a CHII de 35 URL (unidades relativas de luz) foi de 88,2% para a detecção de NIC 2 ou mais. Já 95,7% das mulheres com lesões de baixo grau na CO e CHII menor que 1 URL não apresentaram lesões histológicas graves. CONCLUSÃO: o melhor desempenho da CHII no diagnóstico de NIC 2 ou lesão mais grave foi encontrado com 35 URL. A associação da CO com a CHII em diferentes cargas virais mostrou valores preditivos positivos e negativos muito altos.
OBJETIVO: observar a evolução dos índices de resistência, pulsatilidade, velocidade máxima, velocidade diastólica final e tempo de aceleração da artéria cerebral média fetal entre a 22ª e a 38ª semana de gestação. MÉTODOS: foi feito estudo observacional prospectivo e longitudinal no qual 33 fetos de gestantes normais foram avaliados entre a 22ª e a 38ª semana de gestação. A idade gestacional foi determinada pela data da última menstruação e/ou pelo exame ultra-sonográfico do primeiro trimestre. Os exames ultra-sonográficos com Doppler foram feitos por um único observador, que utilizou aparelho modelo Image Point 1800 (Hewlett Packard), com transdutor multifreqüencial. Para a aquisição do traçado Doppler da artéria cerebral média, o indicador de amostra foi calibrado para um volume de amostra de 1 mm³ e colocado na artéria cerebral média anterior o mais próximo da calota craniana. O ângulo de insonação foi mantido entre 5º e 19º e o filtro foi ajustado na freqüência de 50-100 Hz. Os recém-nascidos foram avaliados no intuito de comprovar que os fetos eram vigorosos e adequados para a idade gestacional. RESULTADOS: os resultados obtidos para o índice de resistência e pulsatilidade revelaram que a evolução dos valores no período entre a 22ª e a 38ª semana é descrita por uma equação do 2O grau, representando uma parábola. Os valores medianos para o índice de resistência foram de 0,81 na 22ª semana e 0,75 na 38ª semana. O índice de pulsatilidade foi de 1,59 na 22ª semana e 1,45 na 38ª semana. A velocidade sistólica máxima aumentou progressivamente ao longo da gestação, com valores de 26,3 cm/s na 22ª semana e 57,7 cm/s na 38ª semana. A velocidade diastólica final teve aumento progressivo a partir de 26 semanas (5,21 cm/s) até o termo (14,6 cm/s). O tempo de aceleração mostrou aumento significativo apenas entre 26 e 30 semanas, cujos valores foram de 0,04 s na 26ª semana e 0,05 s na 30ª semana. CONCLUSÃO: concluiu-se que os índices de resistência, pulsatilidade e velocidade sistólica máxima apresentaram valores variáveis de acordo com a idade gestacional e são semelhantes ao observado na maioria dos estudos anteriores. O tempo de aceleração apresentou pequenas modificações nas semanas gestacionais avaliadas.