954 resultados para zygotic embryos


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Many kinds of transcription factors and regulators play key roles in a variety of developmental processes. In the present survey, genes encoding proteins with conserved HMG-box, bZip domains, and some types of zinc finger motifs were surveyed in the completely sequenced genome of Ciona intestinalis. In the present analysis, 21 HMG-box-containing genes and 26 bZip genes were identified as well as four small groups of zinc finger genes in the Ciona genome. The results also showed that a less redundant set of genes is present in the Ciona genome compared with vertebrate genomes. In addition, cDNA clones for almost all genes identified have been cloned and distributed as a Ciona intestinalis Gene Collection Release I. The present comprehensive analysis therefore provides a means to study the role of these transcription factors in developmental processes of basal chordates.


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Caustis blakei is an attractive cut foliage plant harvested from the wild in Australia and marketed under the name of koala fern. Previous attempts to propagate large numbers of this plant have been unsuccessful. The effect of four light irradiances on organogenesis from compact and friable callus of C. blakei was studied for 21 wk. Both callus types produced numerous primordial shoots but many failed to develop into green plantlets. However, significantly more primordial shoots and green plantlets developed on the friable callus than on the compact callus, and significantly more green plantlets were regenerated under the higher photon irradiances of 200 and 300 mumol m(-2) s(-1) than under the lower irradiances of 100 and 150 mumol m(-2) s(-1). The compact callus produced its maximum number of green plantlets early in the experiment (after 9 wk), while the friable callus continued to produce primordial shoots and green plantlets throughout the period of the experiment, and reached its maximum production of green plantlets at 21 wk under the irradiance of 300 mumol m(-2) s(-1). Organogenesis from friable callus under high irradiance (300 mumol m(-2) s(-1)) offers an efficient propagation method for C. blakei.


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Background: Folate metabolism is critical to embryonic development, influencing neural tube defects (NTD) and recurrent early pregnancy loss. Polymorphisms in 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) have been associated with dizygotic (DZ) twinning through pregnancy loss. Methods: The C677T and A1298C polymorphisms in MTHFR were genotyped in 258 Australasian families (1016 individuals) and 118 Dutch families (462 individuals) of mothers of DZ twins and a population sample of 462 adolescent twin families (1861 individuals). Haplotypes were constructed from the alleles, and transmission of the MTHFR haplotypes to mothers of DZ twins and from parents to twins in the adolescent twin families analysed. Results: The C677T and A1298C were common in all three populations (frequencies > 0.29). There was strong linkage disequilibrium (D'=1) between the variants, showing that specific combinations of alleles (haplotypes) were transmitted together. Three haplotypes accounted for nearly all the variation. There was no evidence of any association between MTHFR genotype and twinning in mothers of twins, or of the loss of specific MTHFR genotypes during twin pregnancies. Conclusions: It is concluded that variation in twinning frequency is not associated with MTHFR genotype.


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Background - The eukaryotic cytosolic chaperonin CCT is a hetero-oligomeric complex formed by two rings connected back-to-back, each composed of eight distinct subunits (CCTalpha to CCTzeta). CCT complex mediates the folding, of a wide range of newly synthesised proteins including tubulin (alpha, beta and gamma) and actin, as quantitatively major substrates. Methodology/Principal findings - We disrupted the genes encoding CCTalpha and CCTdelta subunits in the ciliate Tetrahymena. Cells lacking the zygotic expression of either CCTalpha or CCTdelta showed a loss of cell body microtubules, failed to assemble new cilia and died within 2 cell cycles. We also show that loss of CCT subunit activity leads to axoneme shortening and splaying of tips of axonemal microtubules. An epitope-tagged CCTalpha rescued the gene knockout phenotype and localized primarily to the tips of cilia. A mutation in CCTalpha, G346E, at a residue also present in the related protein implicated in the Bardet Biedel Syndrome, BBS6, also caused defects in cilia and impaired CCTalpha localization in cilia. Conclusions/Significance - Our results demonstrate that the CCT subunits are essential and required for ciliary assembly and maintenance of axoneme structure, especially at the tips of cilia.


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Early life-stage bioassays have been used as an alternative to short-term adult toxicity tests since they are cost-effective. A single couple can produce hundreds or thousands of embryos and hence can be used as a simple high-throughput approach in toxicity studies. In the present study, zebrafish and sea urchin embryo bioassays were used to test the toxicity of four pharmaceuticals belonging to different therapeutic classes: diclofenac, propranolol, simvastatin and sertraline. Simvastatin was the most toxic tested compound for zebrafish embryo, followed by diclofenac. Sertraline was the most toxic drug to sea urchin embryos, inducing development abnormalities at the ng/L range. Overall, our results highlight the potential of sea urchin embryo bioassay as a promising and sensitive approach for the high-throughput methods to test the toxicity of new chemicals, including pharmaceuticals, and identify several drugs that should go through more detailed toxicity assays.


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Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Among the Cyanoprokaryota, the genera Synechocystis and Synechococcus have rarely been studied with respect to potential toxicity. This is particularly true with marine environments where studies about the toxicity of cyanobacteria are restricted to filamentous forms at the warmer temperate and tropical regions and also to filamentous forms at cold seas such as the Baltic Sea. In this study, we describe the effects of cyanobacterial strains of the Synechocystis and Synechococcus genera isolated from the marine coast of Portugal, on marine invertebrates. Crude and partially purified extracts at a concentration of 100 mg/ml of freeze-dried material of the marine strains were tested for acute toxicity in nauplii of the brine shrimp Artemia salina, in the rotifer Brachionus plicatillis and in embryos of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. The cyanobacterial extracts, especially the crude extract, had an impact on A. salina nauplii. No significant toxic effects were registered against the rotifer. A negative impact of all strains was recorded on the embryonic development of the sea urchin, with toxic effects resulting in an inhibition of embryogenesis or development of smaller larvae. To the mussel embryos, the effects of cyanobacterial extracts resulted in a complete inhibition of embryogenesis. The results of all assays indicate that Synechocystis and Synechococcus marine strains contained toxic compounds to marine invertebrates.


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SUMMARYSchistosomiasis is a neglected disease with public health importance in tropical and subtropical regions. An alternative to the disease control is the use of molluscicides to eliminate or reduce the intermediate host snail population causing a reduction of transmission in endemic regions. In this study nine extracts from eight Piperaceae species were evaluated against Biomphalaria glabrata embryos at blastula stage. The extracts were evaluated in concentrations ranging from 100 to 10 mg/L. Piper crassinervium and Piper tuberculatum extracts were the most active (100% of mortality at 20 mg/L and 30 mg/L respectively).


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The action of extracts from the stem, leaves, and fruit of Jatropha gossypiifolia on Biomphalaria glabrata was studied by analyzing survival, feeding capacity and oviposition ability. The extracts were obtained by macerating the plant parts in 92% ethanol, which were then evaporated until a dry residue was obtained and phytochemically studied. The molluscicidal activity on B. glabrata was investigated using the procedures recommended by WHO (1965). The amount of food ingested and oviposition were measured during each experiment. The extract of leaves from J. gossypiifolia was shown to be a strong molluscicidal agent, causing 100% mortality of B. glabrata, even in the lowest concentration tested, of 25 ppm. Regarding the fruit extract, there was variation in the mortality, depending on the concentration used (100, 75, 50 and 25 ppm). The snails that were in contact with the fruit extract had significant reduction in feeding and number of embryos in comparison to the control. The stem extract did not present molluscicidal activity nor had any influence on the feeding and oviposition abilities of B. glabrata, in the concentrations tested. In conclusion, the extracts of leaves and fruits of J. gossypiifolia investigated in this work show molluscicidal effect and may be sources of useful compounds for the schistosomiasis control.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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Several colubrid snakes produce venomous oral secretions. In this work, the venom collected from Venezuelan opisthoglyphous (rear-fanged) Philodryas olfersii snake was studied. Different proteins were present in its venom and they were characterized by 20% SDS-PAGE protein electrophoresis. The secretion exhibited proteolytic (gelatinase) activity, which was partially purified on a chromatography ionic exchange mono Q2 column. Additionally, the haemorrhagic activity of Philodryas olfersii venom on chicken embryos, mouse skin and peritoneum was demonstrated. Neurotoxic symptoms were demonstrated in mice inoculated with Philodryas olfersii venom. In conclusion, Philodryas olfersii venom showed proteolytic, haemorrhagic, and neurotoxic activities, thus increasing the interest in the high toxic action of Philodryas venom.


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A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of the Masters in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine


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Cell division is a highly dynamic process where sister chromatids remain associated with each other from the moment of DNA replication until the later stages of mitosis, giving rise to two daughter cells with equal genomes. The “molecular glue” that links sister DNA molecules is called cohesin, a tripartite ring-like protein complex composed of two Structural Maintenance of Chromosome proteins (Smc1 and Smc3) bridged by a kleisin subunit Rad21/Scc1, that together prevent precocious sister chromatid separation. Accumulating evidence has suggested that cohesion decay may be the cause of segregation errors that underlie certain human pathologies. However it remains to be determined how much cohesin loss abolishes functional sister chromatid cohesion. To answer these questions, we have developed different experimental conditions aiming to titrate the levels of cohesin on mitotic chromosomes in a precise manner. Using these tools, we will determine the minimal amount of cohesin needed to confer functional cohesion. The approaches described here take advantage of a system in Drosophila melanogaster where the Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) protease can cleave the Rad21 subunit of cohesin leading to precocious sister chromatid separation. Firstly, we tried to express different levels of TEV protease to obtain partial loss of cohesion. However, this approach has failed to produce systematic different levels of sister chromatid separation. Most of the work was therefore focused on a second strategy, for which we established strains with different levels of cohesin sensitive/cohesin resistant to TEV protease. Strains containing different amounts of functional cohesin (TEV resistant) were tested by in vitro cleavage and by in vivo injections in embryos for their ability to promote sister chromatid cohesion. Our results reveal that removal of half of the cohesin complexes does not impair chromosome segregation, implying that chromosome cohesion is less sensitive to cohesin amounts than previously anticipated.


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RESUMO: Mutações em genes envolvidos na formação do coração e anomalias em qualquer etapa deste processo causam frequentemente malformações cardíacas, que representam o tipo mais comum de defeitos em neonatais, afetando cerca de 1% dos nascimentos por ano. Assim, estima-se que 20 milhões de pessoas sejam portadoras de um defeito cardíaco congénito. O coração da Drosophila melanogaster (mosca-da-fruta), denominado vaso dorsal, é um órgão relativamente simples que actua como uma bomba muscular, contraindo automaticamente para permitir a circulação da hemolinfa através do corpo. A formação do vaso dorsal na mosca é muito semelhante ao desenvolvimento do coração em vertebrados, representando por isso, um poderoso modelo para estudar a rede de genes e os padrões regulatórios relacionados com o desenvolvimento deste órgão. Anteriormente, nós identificámos um gene em Drosophila, darhgef10, fortemente expresso no coração em desenvolvimento e cuja deleção induz anormalidades cardíacas subtis mas prevalentes. Os mutantes para darhgef10 são viáveis e férteis no ambiente controlado de laboratório. Este trabalho teve como objectivos caracterizar fenotipicamente os mutantes nulos para darhgef10, determinar a localização subcelular da proteína dArhgef10 e investigar a base celular subjacente ao defeito no alinhamento dos cardioblastos observado nos mutantes. Os nossos resultados revelaram que a deleção de darhgef10 provoca uma severa redução da viabilidade, sem no entanto comprometer o tempo de desenvolvimento e a longevidade. Por outro lado, o aumento da expressão de darhgef10 em músculos, glândulas salivares e no disco imaginal do olho afeta drasticamente a integridade destes tecidos. A expressão ectópica de darhgef10 in vitro e in vivo revelou que a proteína está localiza no citoplasma com enriquecimento junto à membrana celular, com associação à actina F. Live imaging de embriões mutantes para darhgef10 revelou que os defeitos observados no coração podem estar associados a um defeito na adesão dos músculos alary e/ou das células pericardiais ao vaso dorsal. O homólogo humano de darhgef10, ARHGEF10, também é expresso no coração e está associação a uma maior susceptibilidade para a ocorrência de acidentes vasculares cerebrais aterotrombóticos, sugerindo que o que aprendemos sobre darhgef10 em Drosophila pode ter implicações do ponto de vista clínico para a saúde humana. ----------------------------- ABSTRACT: Mutations in genes controlling heart development and abnormalities in any of its steps frequently cause cardiac malformations, the most common type of birth defects in humans, affecting nearly 1% of births per year. Hence around 20 million adults are expected to live with a congenital heart defect. The Drosophila melanogaster heart, called dorsal vessel, is a relatively simple organ that acts as a muscular pump contracting automatically to allow the circulation of hemolymph. Drosophila heart formation shares many similarities with heart development in vertebrates providing a powerful system to study gene networks and regulatory pathways involved in heart development. We have previously identified a Drosophila gene, darhgef10, which is strongly expressed in the developing heart and when deleted, leads to flies with highly prevalent yet subtle heart abnormalities, compatible with unchallenged life in the laboratory. Our aims were to phenotypically characterize homozygous null darhgef10 mutants, characterize the subcellular localization of dArhgef10 and to study the cellular basis of the misaligned cardioblasts defect. We found that about half of darhgef10 mutants die during development. However, the survivors surprisingly have a nearly normal developmental time, adult locomotor behavior and total lifespan. Detection of transgene-derived dArhgef10 protein in vitro and in vivo using custom antibodies revealed a cytosolic protein slightly enriched in the cellular membranes and associated with F-actin. Tissue-specific darhgef10 expression disrupts the normal morphology of developing muscles, salivary glands and the eye. Live imaging of darhgef10 mutant embryos revealed that heart defect could be caused by a reduced capacity of attachment of pericardial cells and/or alary muscle to dorsal vessel. The human homolog of darhgef10 is also expressed in the heart and is a susceptibility gene for atherothrombotic stroke, suggesting that what we learn about the function of this gene and its phenotypes in Drosophila could have implications to human health.


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RESUMO: As células eucarióticas evoluíram um sistema de sinalização complexo que lhes permite responder aos sinais extracelulares e intracelulares. Desta forma, as vias de sinalização são essenciais para a sobrevivência da célula e do organismo, uma vez que regulam processos fundamentais, tais como o desenvolvimento, o crescimento, a imunidade, e a homeostase dos tecidos. A via de transdução de sinal Hedgehog (Hh) envolve o receptor Patched1 (Ptch1), que tem um efeito inibidor sobre a proteína Smoothened (Smo) na ausência dos seus ligandos, as proteínas Sonic hedgehog (Shh). Estas proteínas são reguladores fundamentais do desenvolvimento embrionário, como ilustrado pelas malformações drásticas observadas em embriões humanos e de murganho com perturbações da transdução de sinal da via Hh e que incluem polidactilia, defeitos craniofaciais e malformações ósseas. Igualmente importantes são as consequências da ativação inapropriada da via de sinalização Hh na formação de tumores. Curiosamente, os componentes desta via localizam-se nos cílios primários. Além disso, demonstrou-se que esta localização é crucial para a sinalização através da via Hh. Na presença dos ligandos, Ptch1 é internalizado e destinado a degradação ou sequestrado num compartimento da célula de onde não pode desempenhar o seu papel inibitório. A proteína Arl13b é uma pequena GTPase pertencente à família Arf/Arl da superfamília Ras de pequenas GTPases e foi implicada no síndrome de Joubert, uma ciliopatia caracterizada por ataxia congénita cerebelar, hipotonia, atrso mental e cardiopatia congénita. Murganhos deficientes para Arl13b, chamado hennin (hnn) morrem morrem prematuramente ao dia 13,5 de gestação (E13,5) e exibem anomalias morfológicas nos cílios que levam à interrupção da sinalização Hh. Além disso, a Arl13b está diretamente envolvida na regulação da via Hh, controlando a localização de vários componentes desta via nos cílios primários. Neste trabalho, mostramos que a Arl13b se localiza em circular dorsal ruffles (CDRs), que são estruturas de actina envolvidas em macropinocitose e internalização de recetores, e que regula a sua formação. Além disso, aprofundámos o conhecimento do processo de ativação da via de sinalização Hh, mostrando que as CDRs sequestram seletivamente e internalizam o recetor Ptch1. As CDRs formam-se minutos após ativação da via por ligandos Shh ou pelo agonista de Smo SAG e continuam a ser formadas a partir daí, sugerindo uma indução contínua da reorganização do citoesqueleto de actina quando a via está ativada. Observámos ainda que a inibição da formação de CDRs através do silenciamento de WAVE1, uma proteína necessária para a formação destas estruturas, resulta na diminuição da ativação da via de sinalização Hh. Além disso, o bloqueio da macropinocitose, que se segue ao fecho das CDRs, através do silenciamento de uma proteína necessária para a cisão de macropinossomas, nomeadamente a proteína BARS, tem um efeito semelhante. Estes resultados sugerem que as CDRs e a macropinocitose são necessárias para a ativação da via de sinalização Hh e indicam que esta via de internalização controla os níveis de sinal Hh. Durante o desenvolvimento, as células proliferativas dependem do cílio primário para a transdução de várias vias de sinalização. A via Hh induz a diferenciação do músculo cardíaco. Por conseguinte, os murganhos deficientes na via de sinalização Hh exibem uma variedade de defeitos de lateralidade, incluindo alteração do looping do coração, como pode ser visto em murganhos deficientes para Arl13b. Por conseguinte, investigámos o papel da Arl13b no desenvolvimento do coração. Mostramos que a Arl13b é altamente expressa no coração de embriões de murganho e de murganhos adultos ao nível do mRNA e da proteína. Além disso, o perfil de distribuição da Arl13b no coração segue o dos cílios primários, que são essenciais para o desenvolvimento cardíaco. Corações de murganhos hnn no estadio E12,5 mostram um canal átrio-ventricular aberto, espessamento da camada compacta ventricular e aumento do índice mitótico no ventrículo esquerdo. Além disso, um atraso de 1 a 2 dias no desenvolvimento é observado em corações de murganhos hnn, quando comparados com controlos selvagens no estadio E13,5. Assim, estes resultados sugerem que a Arl13b é necessária para o desenvolvimento embrionário do coração e que defeitos cardíacos podem contribuir para a letalidade embrionária de murganhos hnn. Em suma, foi estabelecido um novo mecanismo para a regulação dos níveis de superfície do recetor Ptch1, que envolve a remodelação do citoesqueleto de actina e a formação de CDRs após a ativação da via de sinalização Hh. Este mecanismo permite um feedback negativo que evita a repressão excessiva da via através da remoção de Ptch1 da superfície da célula. Além disso, determinou-se que uma mutação de perda de função na Arl13b causa defeitos cardíacos durante o desenvolvimento, possivelmente relacionados com a associação dos defeitos em cílios primários e na sinalização Hh, existentes em murganhos deficientes para Arl13b. A via de sinalização Hh tem tido um papel central entre as vias de sinalização, uma vez que a sua regulação é crucial para o funcionamento apropriada da célula. Assim, a descoberta de um novo mecanismo de tráfego através de macropinocitose e CDRs que controla a ativação e repressão da via de sinalização Hh traz novas perspetivas de como esta via pode ser regulada e pode ainda conduzir à identificação de novos alvos e estratégias terapêuticas. --------------------ABSTRACT: Eukaryotic cells have evolved a complex signaling system that allows them to respond to extracellular and intracellular cues. Signaling pathways are essential for cell and organism survival, since they regulate fundamental processes such as development, growth, immunity, and tissue homeostasis. The Hedgehog (Hh) pathway of signal transduction involves the receptor Patched1 (Ptch1), which has an inhibitory effect on Smoothened (Smo) in the absence of its ligands, the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) proteins. These proteins are fundamental regulators of embryonic development, as illustrated by the dramatic malformations seen in human and mouse embryos with perturbed Hh signal transduction that include polydactyly, craniofacial defects and skeletal malformations. Equally important are the consequences of inappropriate activation of the Hh signaling response in tumor formation. Interestingly, the components of this pathway localize to primary cilia. Moreover, it has been shown that this localization is crucial for Hh signaling. However, in the presence of the ligands, Ptch1 is internalized and destined for degradation or sequestered in a cell compartment where it no longer can play its inhibitory role. ADP-ribosylation factor-like (Arl) 13b, a small GTPase belonging to Arf/Arl family of the Ras superfamily of small GTPases has been implicated in Joubert syndrome, a ciliopathy characterized by congenital cerebellar ataxia, hypotonia, intellectual disability and congenital heart disease. Arl13b-deficient mice, called hennin (hnn) die at embryonic day 13.5 (E13.5) and display morphological abnormalities in primary cilia that lead to the disruption of Hh signaling. Furthermore, Arl13b is directly involved in the regulation of Hh signaling by controlling the localization of several components of this pathway to primary cilia. Here, we show that Arl13b localizes to and regulates the formation of circular dorsal rufles (CDRs), which are actin-basedstructures known to be involved in macropinocytosis and receptor internalization. Additionally, we extended the knowledge of the Hh signaling activation process by showing that CDRs selectively sequester and internalize Ptch1 receptors. CDRs are formed minutes after Hh activation by Shh ligands or the Smo agonist SAG and keep being formed thereafter, suggesting a continuous induction of actin reorganization when the pathway is switched on. Importantly, we observed that disruption of CDRs by silencing WAVE1, a protein required for CDR formation, results in down-regulation of Hh signaling activation. Moreover, the blockade of macropinocytosis, which follows CDR closure, through silencing of a protein necessary for the fission of macropinosomes, namely BARS has a similar effect. These results suggest that CDRs and macropinocytosis are necessary for activation of Hh signaling and indicate that this pathway of internalization controls Hh signal levels. During development, proliferating cells rely on the primary cilium for the transduction of several signaling pathways. Hh induces the differentiation of cardiac muscle. Accordingly, Hh-deficient mice display a variety of laterality defects, including alteration of heart looping, as seen in Arl13b-deficient mice. Therefore, we investigated the role of Arl13b in heart development. We show that Arl13b is highly expressed in the heart of both embryonic and adult mice at mRNA and protein levels. Also, Arl13b localization profile mimics that of primary cilia, which have been shown to be essential to early heart development. E12.5 hnn hearts show an open atrioventricular channel, increased thickening of the ventricular compact layer and increased mitotic index in the left ventricle. Moreover, a delay of 1 to 2 days in development is observed in hnn hearts, when compared to wild-type controls at E13.5. Hence, these results suggest that Arl13b is necessary for embryonic heart development and that cardiac defects might contribute to the embryonic lethality of hnn mice. Altogether, we established a novel mechanism for the regulation of Ptch1 surface levels, involving cytoskeleton remodeling and CDR formation upon Hh signaling activation. This mechanism allows a negative feedback loop that prevents excessive repression of the pathway by removing Ptch1 from the cell surface. Additionally, we determined that the Arl13b loss-offunction mutation causes cardiac defects during development, possibly related to the associated ciliary and Hh signaling defects found in Arl13b-deficient mice. Hh signaling has taken a center stage among the signaling pathways since its regulation is crucial for the appropriate output and function of the cell. Hence, the finding of a novel trafficking mechanism through CDRs and macropinocytosis that controls Hh signaling activation and repression brings new insights to how this pathway can be regulated and can lead to the discovery of novel therapeutic targets and strategies.