913 resultados para wood storage


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Wood contains only a very small amount of lipophilic extractives, commonly known as wood pitch. The pitch is known to cause severe problems in papermaking processes. The amount of pitch in process waters can be decreased by seasoning of the raw material prior to pulping, pulp washing, removal of pitch by flotation, adsorption of pitch onto various mineral surfaces, and retention of pitch to the fibre material by cationic polymers. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of pH on some of the methods used for pitch control. Experiments were performed using laboratory-made wood pitch emulsions with varying pH, salt concentration, hemicellulose concentration and pitch composition. These emulsions were used to study the phase distribution of resin and fatty acids, the colloidal stability of pitch with and without steric stabilisation by galactoglucomannans, and the interactions between wood pitch and mineral particles. Purification of unbleached and peroxidebleached mill process water was performed by froth flotation in combination with a foaming agent. The distribution of resin and fatty acids (RFAs) between colloidal pitch droplets and the water phase was very dependent on pH. At pH 3, almost all of the RFAs were attached to the pitch droplets, while increasing the pH led to increasing concentration of dissolved RFAs in the water phase. The presence of salt shifted the release of RFAs towards higher pH, while lower ratio of neutral pitch in the emulsion resulted in release of RFAs at lower pH. It was also seen that the dissolution and adsorption of RFAs at sudden pHchanges takes place very quickly. Colloidal pitch was more stable against electrolyte-induced aggregation at higher pH, due to its higher anionic charge. The concentration of cationic polymers needed to aggregate colloidal pitch also increased with increasing pH. The surface characteristics of solid particles, such as amount of charged groups, were very important for understanding their interactions with colloidal wood pitch. Water-soluble galactoglucomannans stabilised the colloidal pitch sterically against aggregation, but could not completely prevent interactions between wood pitch and hydrophilic particles. Froth flotation of unbleached and peroxidebleached process water showed that the pitch could be removed more effectively and selectively at low pH, compared to at neutral pH. The pitch was removed more effectively, using lower concentrations of foaming agent, from peroxide-bleached water than from unbleached water. The results show that pH has a major impact on various pulping and papermaking processes. It determines the anionic charge of the colloidal pitch and the solubility of certain pitch components. Because of this, the pH influences the effectiveness of pitch retention and removal of pitch. The results indicate that pitch problems could be diminished by acknowledging the importance of pH in various papermaking processes.


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The main aim of this thesis is to study the effect of mineral fillers on the properties of extruded wood-polypropylene composites (WPC). The studied minerals are Talc, Calcite (CaCO3), two quantities of Wollastonite and Soapstone, and the level of mineral addition is 20 w-%. The study shows that mineral fillers can be used to modify and improve the properties of woodplastic composites. Especially the moisture-related properties of WPCs were found to be improved significantly by mineral addition. As the WPCs of the studied type are commonly used in outdoor applications, this is of importance in terms of usability. In machining, the addition of two minerals retained the surface roughness at same level throughout the test, indicating a favorable effect on machinability. The use of hard minerals shortened the tool life in machining. In general, a modest increase in density was observed. In many of the studied properties, no apparent influence of mineral addition was found, indicating that the properties were not weakened. An overall result was that talc showed the best overall performance, indicating that it can be used as an active filler improving most of the studied properties, especially moisture resistance. Calcite was found to have nearly similar performance. According to the findings, mineral addition to wood-plastic composites appears to be beneficial; especially moisture resistance can be enhanced without diminishing the other properties or usability in general.


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Inorganic-organic sol-gel hybrid coatings can be used for improving and modifying properties of wood-based materials. By selecting a proper precursor, wood can be made water repellent, decay-, moisture- or UV-resistant. However, to control the barrier properties of sol-gel coatings on wood substrates against moisture uptake and weathering, an understanding of the surface morphology and chemistry of the deposited sol-gel coatings on wood substrates is needed. Mechanical pulp is used in production of wood-containing printing papers. The physical and chemical fiber surface characteristics, as created in the chosen mechanical pulp manufacturing process, play a key role in controlling the properties of the end-use product. A detailed understanding of how process parameters influence fiber surfaces can help improving cost-effectiveness of pulp and paper production. The current work focuses on physico-chemical characterization of modified wood-based materials with surface sensitive analytical tools. The overall objectives were, through advanced microscopy and chemical analysis techniques, (i) to collect versatile information about the surface structures of Norway spruce thermomechanical pulp fiber walls and understand how they are influenced by the selected chemical treatments, and (ii) to clarify the effect of various sol-gel coatings on surface structural and chemical properties of wood-based substrates. A special emphasis was on understanding the effect of sol-gel coatings on the water repellency of modified wood and paper surfaces. In the first part of the work, effects of chemical treatment on micro- and nano-scale surface structure of 1st stage TMP latewood fibers from Norway spruce were investigated. The chemicals applied were buffered sodium oxalate and hydrochloric acid. The outer and the inner fiber wall layers of the untreated and chemically treated fibers were separately analyzed by light microscopy, atomic force microscopy and field-emission scanning electron microscopy. The selected characterization methods enabled the demonstration of the effect of different treatments on the fiber surface structure, both visually and quantitatively. The outer fiber wall areas appeared as intact bands surrounding the fiber and they were clearly rougher than areas of exposed inner fiber wall. The roughness of the outer fiber wall areas increased most in the sodium oxalate treatment. The results indicated formation of more surface pores on the exposed inner fiber wall areas than on the corresponding outer fiber wall areas as a result of the chemical treatments. The hydrochloric acid treatment seemed to increase the surface porosity of the inner wall areas. In the second part of the work, three silane-based sol-gel hybrid coatings were selected in order to improve moisture resistance of wood and paper substrates. The coatings differed from each other in terms of having different alkyl (CH3–, CH3-(CH2)7–) and fluorocarbon (CF3–) chains attached to the trialkoxysilane sol-gel precursor. The sol-gel coatings were deposited by a wet coating method, i.e. spraying or spreading by brush. The effect of solgel coatings on surface structural and chemical properties of wood-based substrates was studied by using advanced surface analyzing tools: atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion spectroscopy. The results show that the applied sol-gel coatings, deposited as thin films or particulate coatings, have different effects on surface characteristics of wood and wood-based materials. The coating which has a long hydrocarbon chain (CH3-(CH2)7–) attached to the silane backbone (octyltriethoxysilane) produced the highest hydrophobicity for wood and wood-based materials.


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Papperstillverkningen störs ofta av oönskade föreningar som kan bilda avsättningar på processytor, vilket i sin tur kan ge upphov till störningar i pappersproduktionen samt försämring av papperskvaliteten. Förutom avsättningar av vedharts är stenliknande avlagringar av svårlösliga salter vanliga. I vårt dagliga liv är kalkavlagringar i kaffe- och vattenkokare exempel på liknande problem. I massa- och pappersindustrin är en av de mest problematiska föreningarna kalciumoxalat; detta salt är nästan olösligt i vatten och avlagringarna är mycket svåra att avlägsna. Kalciumoxalat är också känt som en av orsakerna till njurstenar hos människor. Veden och speciellt barken innehåller alltid en viss mängd oxalat men en större källa är oxalsyra som bildas när massan bleks med oxiderande kemikalier, t.ex. väteperoxid. Kalciumoxalat bildas när oxalsyran reagerar med kalcium som kommer in i processen med råvattnet, veden eller olika tillsatsmedel. I denna avhandling undersöktes faktorer som påverkar bildningen av oxalsyra och utfällningen av kalciumoxalat, med hjälp av bleknings- och utfällningsexperiment. Forskningens fokus låg speciellt på olika sätt att förebygga uppkomsten av avlagringar vid tillverkning av trähaltigt papper. Resultaten i denna avhandling visar att bildningen av oxalsyra samt utfällning av kalciumoxalat kan påverkas genom processtekniska och våtändskemiska metoder. Noggrann avbarkning av veden, kontrollerade förhållanden under den alkaliska peroxidblekningen, noggrann hantering och kontroll av andra lösta och kolloidala substanser, samt utnyttjande av skräddarsydd kemi för kontroll av avlagringar är nyckelfaktorer. Resultaten kan utnyttjas då man planerar blekningssekvenser för olika massor samt för att lösa problem orsakade av kalciumoxalat. Forskningsmetoderna som användes i utfällningsstudierna samt för utvärdering av tillsatsmedel kan också utnyttjas inom andra områden, t.ex. bryggeri- och sockerindustrin, där kalciumoxalatproblem är vanligt förekommande. -------------------------------------------- Paperinvalmistusta häiritsevät usein erilaiset epäpuhtaudet, jotka kiinnittyvät prosessipinnoille ja haittaavat tuotantoa sekä paperin laatua. Puun pihkan lisäksi eräs yleinen ongelma on niukkaliukoisten suolojen aiheuttamat kivettymät. Kalkkisaostuma kahvinkeittimessä on esimerkki vastaavasta ongelmasta arkielämässä. Massa- ja paperiteollisuudessa yksi hankalimmista kivettymien muodostajista on kalsiumoksalaatti, koska se on lähes liukenematonta ja sen aiheuttamat saostumat ovat erittäin vaikeasti poistettavia. Kalsiumoksalaatti on yleisesti tunnettu myös munuaiskivien aiheuttajana ihmisillä. Puu ja varsinkin sen kuori sisältää aina jonkin verran oksalaattia, mutta suurempi lähde on kuitenkin oksaalihappo jota muodostuu valkaistaessa massaa hapettavilla kemikaaleilla, kuten vetyperoksidilla. Kalsiumoksalaattia syntyy kun veden, puun ja lisäaineiden mukana prosessiin tuleva kalsium reagoi oksalaatin kanssa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin oksaalihapon muodostumiseen ja kalsiumoksalaatin saostumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä valkaisu- ja saostumiskokeiden avulla. Tutkimuksen painopiste oli saostumien ehkäisemisessä puupitoisten painopaperien valmistuksessa. Työssä saadut tulokset osoittavat että oksaalihapon muodostumiseen ja kalsiumoksalaatin saostumiseen voidaan vaikuttaa sekä prosessiteknisten että märänpään kemian keinojen avulla. Tehokas puun kuorinta, optimoidut olosuhteet peroksidivalkaisussa, muiden liuenneiden ja kolloidisten aineiden hallinta sekä räätälöidyn kemian hyödyntäminen kalsiumoksalaattisaostumien torjunnassa ovat keskeisissä rooleissa ongelmien välttämiseksi. Väitöskirjatyön tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää massan valkaisulinjoja suunniteltaessa sekä kalsiumoksalaatin aiheuttamien ongelmien ratkaisemisessa. Tutkimusmenetelmiä, joita käytettiin saostumiskokeissa ja eri lisäaineiden vaikutusten arvioinnissa, voidaan hyödyntää massa- ja paperiteollisuuden lisäksi myös muilla alueilla, kuten sokeri- ja panimoteollisuudessa, joissa ongelma on myös yleinen.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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The spores used were collected from a population of trees of Cyathea delgadii Sternb. growing in a gallery forest at the Reserva Biológica e Estação Experimental de Moji Guaçu, São Paulo state, Brazil (22°18’S and 47°11’W). The germination of spores of Cyathea delgadii decreases with time when kept in closed bottles under storage at 4°C in darkness. Germination is still very high after storage for one year. Spores stored for three years do not germinate. The results also show a decrease in soluble proteins and an increase in starch after several months storage.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Spores of Dicksonia sellowiana are positively photoblastic and reach the maximum percentage of germination at 23 ± 2°C in white light after seven days of imbibition. The pre-induction phase for spores induced by white or red light for 24 hours was 72 hours. Gametophytes grown in white light were plane and bidimensional, while those grown under red light were filamentous. The higher the number of hours of light applied per day during 10 days, the higher the percentage of germination. Germination was higher for long white light treatments applied on a daily basis. The effect of different light intensities on germination was also investigated here. The lower percentages of germination were observed for spores kept under 43% and 2% of full sunlight, while those kept under 26, 19 and 4% presented higher percentages. Spores presented circa 82% of germination after 731 days of storage under refrigeration at aproximately 10°C.


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Bidens gardneri is a very common herbaceous species in the cerrados of the state of São Paulo, whose seeds become light sensitive at 25°C only. Achenes of this species were stored in refrigerator at 4°C and in cerrado soil and in forest soil. The field experiments were carried out in the cerrado at the Reserva Biológica e Estação Experimental de Moji Guaçu, in Moji Guaçu and in the forest of the Instituto de Botânica, in São Paulo, Brazil. Achenes of B. gardneri vary in size and achenes from 7 to 12 mm long were used. Achenes stored for up to 6 months at 4°C showed light sensitivity; after 9 months storage, the difference in germination between light and darkness had disappeared for the smallest and the largest achenes used. Seeds of B. gardneri germinated during the period of storage in soil; the number of germinated seeds increased over the storage time, while the number of intact achenes decreased for the same period, no matter if the experiment was being carried out in the cerrado or in the forest. Therefore, the achenes germinated in soil in darkness. Light sensitivity was lost in intact achenes that had been stored in soil for three months.


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Storage substances such as starch grains, proteins and lipids were studied during the male gametogenesis and in the mature pollen grain of Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil. (Aquifoliaceae). There are two cycles of amylogenesis and amylolyse. The first cycle lasts until the vacuolated stage when the starch is hydrolyzed and amorphous proteins are stored inside the single vacuole. The next cycle begins after mitosis with the formation of the vegetative and generative cells. At this point, the young vegetative cell stores many starch grains that are bigger than in the first cycle. During the maturation of the male gametophyte, the starch is hydrolyzed and it is absent in the mature pollen grain. Small lipid droplets surround the young generative cell after the mitosis of the androspore and are dispersed in the vegetative cytoplasm during its maturity. The relationship between the pollen storage substances and the ontogeny of the layers in the sporoderm, formation of the generative cell, and the male germ unit were discussed.


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Despite the suggestions of its pectic composition, no clear evidence for this has been presented. Here we show the occurrence of such a structure in walls of cells from cotyledons of Hymenaea courbariI L. These cells are known to accumulate large amounts of storage xyloglucan in the wall and, in this case, the protuberances seem to contain this storage polysaccharide rather than pectin. A hypothetical sequence of events leading from wall strands to protuberances was assembled based on scanning electron microscopy observations. On this basis, a tentative model for how polysaccharides are distributed into the wall, near the regions where protuberances are found, is proposed to explain the presence of storage xyloglucan in their composition.


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Bidens gardneri is a herbaceous species of the cerrados, whose seeds are light sensitive at 25 °C, but they become indifferent to light when stored in soil. In this work the effects of moisture content, temperature and light (during storage) upon light sensitivity during germination were studied. Ripe achenes were collected in the cerrados of Itirapina and Moji Guaçu, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The storage conditions of the achenes varied in each experiment. Achenes were stored in darkness or light, in closed bottles, at 4 °C, 20/30 °C or 25 °C. Achenes were imbibed for 24 h at 4 °C, 25 °C or 20/30 °C (in darkness) and then stored for 1, 10, 20, 30 and 40 days (40 days only for 4 °C and 25 °C). Germination tests were conducted at 25 °C and 20/30 °C. The achenes not previously imbibed showed sensitivity to light during germination. High moisture content did not affect light sensitivity of the achenes during germination but high moisture content together with storage temperatures of 25 °C and 20/30 °C had a deleterious effect upon the longevity of the achenes. Alternate temperatures during germination did not change the light sensitivity of newly collected achenes from Itirapina but changed the light sensitivity of the achenes stored imbibed at 4 °C in darkness. Alternate temperatures during storage of achenes with low moisture content did not change their photoblastism when germination was carried out at 25 °C. Alternate temperatures during storage of achenes with high moisture content followed by alternate temperatures during germination changed the light sensitivity of the achenes.


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Rumohra adiantiformis (Forst.) Ching is a fern (Dryopteridaceae) used in floral arrangements. Spores sterilized in 15% (v/v) solution of commercial sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and unsterilized spores were plunged in liquid nitrogen and held for 15 minutes and for 90 days. After the cryogenic treatments, spores were taken out of liquid nitrogen and rapidly thawed out in a water bath or slowly at room temperature and were cultured in Mohr's mineral solution as modified by Dyer, kept at 25 ± 2 ºC and a 16-hours photoperiod. Statistical differences were not observed in the germination of unsterilized spores immersed or not immersed in liquid nitrogen, but when the spores were previously sterilized, a severe inhibition of germination was observed in cryopreserved spores. Faster mean germination time was observed for unsterilized spores cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen for 15 minutes. The germination of spores stored in liquid nitrogen for 90 days reached the maximum percentage after 12 days, while control spores reached their maximum percentage after 16 days. Levels of soluble sugars did not vary among treatments in gametophytes cultivated for 10 weeks after spore inoculation. The number of fronds and the length of the longest frond on sporophytes did not differ statistically among treatments. The relative growth rate of sporophytes grown from cryopreserved and control spores were not statistically different among treatments. Spores of R. adiantiformis immersed in liquid nitrogen for 15 minutes apparently produced phenotypically normal plants.


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Temporal variation of Nitella furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzelius) C. Agardh emend. R. D. Wood subsp. mucronata (A. Braun) R. D. Wood var. mucronata f. oligospira (A. Braun) R. D. Wood biomass and chemical composition were studied at the Ninféias Pond (23°38'18.9" S, 46°37'16.3" W), a mesotrophic reservoir located in the Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga Biological Reserve, Municipality of São Paulo, Southeast Brazil. Plants were collected monthly from October 1996 to October 1997 at three fixed stations of reservoir's littoral region. Charophyte biomass spatial distribution pattern did not vary significantly throughout the study period at all sampling stations. As to seasonal variation, the highest average values of the total alga biomass (98.35-266.06 g m-2 DW) were registered during the rainy season, whereas lowest values (48.86-170.56 g m-2 DW) were in the dry season. P values varied from 23.8 to 225.2 mg m-2 and C from 139 to 353 mg m-2. During the rainy season, greatest air and water temperature, rain precipitation, turbidity and dissolved inorganic nitrogen values were measured, constituting the best conditions for charophyte growth. Water temperature and nutrient availability in the reservoir played a decisive role towards growth and accumulation of algal biomass.