955 resultados para wine labels
Em 1992, o Brasil modificou seus critérios de classificação toxicológica de agrotóxicos adequando-os à recomendação de classificação de periculosidade da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Em 2002, o Sistema Globalmente Harmonizado de Classificação e Rotulagem de Produtos Químicos (GHS) foi adotado pela Organização das Nações Unidas. Em decorrência, a OMS está adequando ao GHS sua recomendação de classificação de agrotóxicos, o que também deverá ser feito pelo Brasil. Considerou-se oportuno estimar o impacto da alteração de critérios, ocorrida em 1992, na reclassificação toxicológica dos produtos comerciais que se encontravam registrados na ocasião. Encontrou-se que 58,6% do total dos agrotóxicos então registrados (74,9% das formulações líquidas e 31,0% das sólidas) podem ter sofrido reclassificação para classes toxicológicas consideradas de me-nor periculosidade, sofrendo mudanças na comunicação de riscos expressa na rotulagem. Isto pode ter ocasionado conseqüências negativas devido a confusões de interpretação pelos agricultores. Nos países que já dispõem de sistemas de classificação de periculosidade de agrotóxicos, como o Brasil, recomenda-se estimar, antes da implantação, os impactos das mudanças que poderão decorrer da adoção do GHS.
A fim de combater o aumento dos casos de excesso de peso, o Ministério da Saúde definiu a rotulagem nutricional obrigatória para auxiliar o consumidor na compra dos alimentos. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a percepção de consumidores com relação às informações contidas nos rótulos de alimentos. Foi desenvolvido um questionário sobre rotulagem de alimentos, que foi respondido por 29 indivíduos e analisados a partir do método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. 59 por cento dos entrevistados leem as informações nutricionais contidas no rótulo. Observou-se modificação na compra e no consumo do alimento, principalmente com base na informação do valor calórico. Quanto ao entendimento do conceito de Valores Diários, percebe-se que a informação não é bem compreendida pelos consumidores. É importante uma ação educativa para a massificação da leitura e entendimento das informações nutricionais, a fim de promover melhores escolhas e dar subsídios aos indivíduos para que tenham autonomia na escolha de alimentos
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a fidedignidade das informações sobre dados nutricionais declarados em rótulos de alimentos comercializados. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 153 alimentos industrializados habitualmente consumidos por crianças e adolescentes, comercializados no município de São Paulo (SP) entre os anos de 2001 e 2005. Os teores de nutrientes informados pelos rótulos foram confrontados com os resultados obtidos por métodos analíticos (físico-químicos) oficiais, considerando a variabilidade de 20% tolerada pela legislação vigente, para aprovar ou condenar as amostras. Foram calculadas médias, desvios-padrão e intervalos com 95% de confiança para os nutrientes analisados, assim como a distribuição da freqüência percentual de amostras condenadas. RESULTADOS: Todos os produtos salgados analisados apresentaram inconformidades relativamente ao conteúdo de fibra alimentar, sódio ou de gorduras saturadas. Os produtos doces apresentaram variação de zero a 36% de condenação relativamente ao teor de fibra alimentar. Mais da metade (52%) dos biscoitos recheados foram condenados quanto à quantidade de gorduras saturadas. Os nutrientes implicados com a obesidade e suas complicações para a saúde foram aqueles que apresentaram maiores proporções de inconformidade. A falta de fidedignidade das informações de rótulos nas amostras analisadas viola as disposições da Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada 360/03 da ANVISA e os direitos garantidos pela lei de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional e pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor. CONCLUSÕES: Foram encontrados altos índices de não conformidade dos dados nutricionais nos rótulos de alimentos destinados ao público adolescente e infantil, indicando a urgência de ações de fiscalização e de outras medidas de rotulagem nutricional
Em 1992 o Brasil modificou seus critérios de classificação toxicológica de agrotóxicos adequando-os à recomendação de classificação de periculosidade da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Em 2002, o Sistema Globalmente Harmonizado de Classificação e Rotulagem de Produtos Químicos (GHS) foi adotado pela Organização das Nações Unidas. Em decorrência, a OMS está adequando ao GHS sua recomendação de classificação de agrotóxicos, o que também deverá ser feito pelo Brasil. Considerou-se oportuno estimar o impacto da alteração de critérios, ocorrida em 1992, na reclassificação toxicológica dos produtos comerciais que se encontravam registrados na ocasião. Encontrou-se que 58,6% do total dos agrotóxicos então registrados (74,9% das formulações líquidas e 31,0% das sólidas) podem ter sofrido reclassificação para Classes Toxicológicas consideradas de menor periculosidade, sofrendo mudanças na comunicação de riscos expressa na rotulagem. Isto pode ter ocasionado conseqüências negativas devido à confusões de interpretação pelos agricultores. Nos países que já dispõem de sistemas de classificação de periculosidade de agrotóxicos, como o Brasil, recomenda-se estimar, antes da implantação, os impactos das mudanças que poderão decorrer da adoção do GHS
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) catalyzes the oxidation of dihydroorotate to orotate during the fourth step of the de novo pyrimidine synthesis pathway. In rapidly proliferating mammalian cells, pyrimidine salvage pathway is insufficient to overcome deficiencies in that pathway for nucleotide synthesis. Moreover, as certain parasites lack salvage enzymes, relying solely on the de novo pathway, DHODH inhibition has turned out as an efficient way to block pyrimidine biosynthesis. Escherichia coli DHODH (EcDHODH) is a class 2 DHODH, found associated to cytosolic membranes through an N-terminal extension. We used electronic spin resonance (ESR) to study the interaction of EcDHODH with vesicles of 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-phosphatidylcholine/detergent. Changes in vesicle dynamic structure induced by the enzyme were monitored via spin labels located at different positions of phospholipid derivatives. Two-component ESR spectra are obtained for labels 5- and 1 0-phosphatidylcholine in presence of EcDHODH, whereas other probes show a single-component spectrum. The appearance of an additional spectral component with features related to fast-motion regime of the probe is attributed to the formation of a defect-like structure in the membrane hydrophobic region. This is probably the mechanism used by the protein to capture quinones used as electron acceptors during catalysis. The use of specific spectral simulation routines allows us to characterize the ESR spectra in terms of changes in polarity and mobility around the spin-labeled phospholipids. We believe this is the first report of direct evidences concerning the binding of class 2 DHODH to membrane systems.
Background: The rapid progress currently being made in genomic science has created interest in potential clinical applications; however, formal translational research has been limited thus far. Studies of population genetics have demonstrated substantial variation in allele frequencies and haplotype structure at loci of medical relevance and the genetic background of patient cohorts may often be complex. Methods and Findings: To describe the heterogeneity in an unselected clinical sample we used the Affymetrix 6.0 gene array chip to genotype self-identified European Americans (N = 326), African Americans (N = 324) and Hispanics (N = 327) from the medical practice of Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan, NY. Additional data from US minority groups and Brazil were used for external comparison. Substantial variation in ancestral origin was observed for both African Americans and Hispanics; data from the latter group overlapped with both Mexican Americans and Brazilians in the external data sets. A pooled analysis of the African Americans and Hispanics from NY demonstrated a broad continuum of ancestral origin making classification by race/ethnicity uninformative. Selected loci harboring variants associated with medical traits and drug response confirmed substantial within-and between-group heterogeneity. Conclusion: As a consequence of these complementary levels of heterogeneity group labels offered no guidance at the individual level. These findings demonstrate the complexity involved in clinical translation of the results from genome-wide association studies and suggest that in the genomic era conventional racial/ethnic labels are of little value.
Interference by autofluorescence is one of the major concerns of immunofluorescence analysis of in situ hybridization-based diagnostic assays. We present a useful technique that reduces autofluorescent background without affecting the tissue integrity or direct immunofluorescence signals in brain sections. Using six different protocols, such as ammonia/ethanol, Sudan Black B (SBB) in 70% ethanol, photobleaching with UV light and different combinations of them in both formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded and frozen human brain tissue sections, we have found that tissue treatment of SBB in a concentration of 0.1% in 70% ethanol is the best approach to reduce/eliminate tissue autofluorescence and background, while preserving the specific fluorescence hybridization signals. This strategy is a feasible, non-time consuming method that provides a reasonable compromise between total reduction of the tissue autofluorescence and maintenance of specific fluorescent labels.
Genetic models of sex and caste determination in eusocial stingless bees suggest specific patterns of male, worker and gyne cell distribution in the brood comb. Conflict between queen and laying workers over male parentage and center-periphery gradients of conditions, such as food and temperature, could also contribute to non-random spatial configuration. We converted the positions of the hexagonal cells in a brood comb to Cartesian coordinates, labeled by sex or caste of the individuals inside. To detect and locate clustered patterns, the mapped brood combs were evaluated by indexes of dispersion (MMC, mean distance of cells of a given category from their centroid) and eccentricity (DMB, distance between this centroid and the overall brood comb centroid) that we developed. After randomizing the labels and recalculating the indexes, we calculated probabilities that the original values had been generated by chance. We created sets of binary brood combs in which males were aggregated, regularly or randomly distributed among females. These stylized maps were used to describe the power of MMC and DMB, and they were applied to evaluate the male distribution in the sampled Nannotrigona testaceicornis brood combs. MMC was very sensitive to slight deviations from a perfectly rounded clump; DMB detected any asymmetry in the location of these compact to fuzzy clusters. Six of the 82 brood combs of N. testaceicornis that we analyzed had more than nine males, distributed according to variations in spatial patterns, as indicated by the two indexes.
Based on solvation studies of polymers, the sum (1: 1) of the electron acceptor (AN) and electron donor (DN) values of solvents has been proposed as an alternative polarity scale. To test this, the electron paramagnetic resonance isotropic hyperfine splitting constant, a parameter known to be dependent on the polarity/proticity of the medium, was correlated with the (AN+DN) term using three paramagnetic probes. The linear regression coefficient calculated for 15 different solvents was approximately 0.9, quite similar to those of other well-known polarity parameters, attesting to the validity of the (AN+DN) term as a novel ""two-parameter"" solvent polarity scale.
This study outlines the quantification of low levels of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in pure cultures, since this bacterium is not inactivated by pasteurization and may remain in industrialized foods and beverages. Electroconductive polymer-modified fluorine tin oxide (FTO) electrodes and multiple nanoparticle labels were used for biosensing. The detection of A. acidoterrestris in pure cultures was performed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and the sensitivity was further increased by asymmetric nested RT-PCR using electrochemical detection for quantification of the amplicon. The quantification of nested RT-PCR products by Ag/Au-based electrochemical detection was able to detect 2 colony forming units per mL (CFU mL(-1)) of spores in pure culture and low detection and quantification limits (7.07 and 23.6 nM, respectively) were obtained for the target A. acidoterrestris on the electrochemical detection bioassay.
In the present research, we studied wines from three different south Brazilian winemaking regions with the purpose of differentiating them by geographical origin of the grapes. Brazil`s wide territory and climate diversity allow grape cultivation and winemaking in many regions of different and unique characteristics. The wine grape cultivation for winemaking concentrates in the South Region, mainly in the Serra GaA(0)cha, the mountain area of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which is responsible for 90% of the domestic wine production. However, in recent years, two new production regions have developed: the Campanha, the plains to the south and the Serra do Sudeste, the hills to the southeast of the state. Analysis of isotopic ratios of (18)O/(16)O of wine water, (13)C/(12)C of ethanol, and of minerals were used to characterize wines from different regions. The isotope analysis of delta(18)O of wine water and minerals Mg and Rb were the most efficient to differentiate the regions. By using isotope and mineral analysis, and discrimination analysis, it was possible to classify the wines from south Brazil.
Aiming at the determination of toxic and essential elements in Brazilian commercial bovine milk, 25 ultra high temperature (UHT) milk samples were acquired in the local market of Piracicaba, SP. The samples were freeze-dried and analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) allowing the determination of Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, K, Na, Rb and Zn. When the results were expressed as concentration (mg.l(-1)) no significant differences were found. However, considering the dry matter, results showed a clear difference between the mass fractions (mg.kg(-1) d.w.) of skim milk and whole milk for the elements Br, Ca, K, Na, Rb and Zn, indicating that the removal of fat caused a concentration effect in the dry matter of skim milks. Discrepancies were found between the concentrations of Ca and Na measured by INAA and the values informed in the labels. Ca showed variations within 30% for most samples, while concentrations of Na were up to 190% higher than informed values. The sample preparation and the LNAA procedure were appropriate for the determination of Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, K, Na, Rb and Zn in milk samples.
A flow system designed with solenoid micro-pumps is introduced for spectrophotometric determination of total tannins based on the Folin- Denis reaction. The procedure minimizes the main drawbacks related to the AOAC batch procedure, i.e. interferences from reducing species in the samples, high reagent consumption and waste generation, and low sampling rate. Linear response was observed for tannic acid concentrations in the range 2-100 mg L-1, with a detection limit (99.7% confidence level) of 0.3 mg L-1. The sampling rate and coefficient of variation (n = 10) were estimated as 75 measurements per hour and 1.1%, respectively. Results of determination of total tannin in tea, beer and wine samples were in agreement with those achieved by the batch reference procedure at the 95% confidence level. In comparison to the batch procedure, the reagent consumption and effluent generation were 83 and 60-fold lower, respectively.
The main aim of this work was to produce fruit wines from pulp of gabiroba, cacao, umbu, cupuassu and jaboticaba and characterize them using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of minor compounds and gas chromatography-flame ionization detection for major compounds. Ninety-nine compounds (C(6) compounds, alcohols, monoterpenic alcohols, monoterpenic oxides, ethyl esters, acetates, volatile phenols, acids, carbonyl compounds, sulfur compounds and sugars) were identified in fruit wines. The typical composition for each fruit wine was evidenced by principal component analysis and Tukey test. The yeast UFLA CA 1162 was efficient in the fermentation of the fruit pulp used in this work. The identification and quantification of the compounds allowed a good characterization of the fruit wines. With our results, we conclude that the use of tropical fruits in the production of fruit wines is a viable alternative that allows the use of harvest surpluses and other underused fruits, resulting in the introduction of new products into the market. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sixteen different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus were evaluated in the production of raspberry fruit wine. Raspberry juice sugar concentrations were adjusted to 16 degrees Brix with a sucrose solution, and batch fermentations were performed at 22 degrees C. Various kinetic parameters, such as the conversion factors of the substrates into ethanol (Y(p/s)), biomass (Y(x/s)), glycerol (Y(g/s)) and acetic acid (Y(ac/s)), the volumetric productivity of ethanol (Q(p)), the biomass productivity (P(x)), and the fermentation efficiency (E(f)) were calculated. Volatile compounds (alcohols, ethyl esters, acetates of higher alcohols and volatile fatty acids) were determined by gas chromatography (GC-FID). The highest values for the E(f), Y(p/s), Y(g/s), and Y(x/s) parameters were obtained when strains commonly used in the fuel ethanol industry (S. cerevisiae PE-2, BG, SA, CAT-1, and VR-1) were used to ferment raspberry juice. S. cerevisiae strain UFLA FW 15, isolated from fruit, displayed similar results. Twenty-one volatile compounds were identified in raspberry wines. The highest concentrations of total volatile compounds were found in wines produced with S. cerevisiae strains UFLA FW 15 (87,435 mu g/L), CAT-1 (80,317.01 mu g/L), VR-1 (67,573.99 mu g/L) and S. bayanus CBS 1505 (71,660.32 mu g/L). The highest concentrations of ethyl esters were 454.33 mu g/L, 440.33 mu g/L and 438 mu g/L for S. cerevisiae strains UFLA FW 15, VR-1 and BG, respectively. Similar to concentrations of ethyl esters, the highest concentrations of acetates (1927.67 mu g/L) and higher alcohols (83,996.33 mu g/L) were produced in raspberry wine from S. cerevisiae UFLA FW 15. The maximum concentration of volatile fatty acids was found in raspberry wine produced by S. cerevisiae strain VR-1. We conclude that S. cerevisiae strain UFLA FW 15 fermented raspberry juice and produced a fruit wine with low concentrations of acids and high concentrations of acetates, higher alcohols and ethyl esters. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.