904 resultados para virological surveillance
Video surveillance is a part of our daily life, even though we may not necessarily realize it. We might be monitored on the street, on highways, at ATMs, in public transportation vehicles, inside private and public buildings, in the elevators, in front of our television screens, next to our baby?s cribs, and any spot one can set a camera.
In the last decade, several research results have presented formulations for the auto-calibration problem. Most of these have relied on the evaluation of vanishing points to extract the camera parameters. Normally vanishing points are evaluated using pedestrians or the Manhattan World assumption i.e. it is assumed that the scene is necessarily composed of orthogonal planar surfaces. In this work, we present a robust framework for auto-calibration, with improved results and generalisability for real-life situations. This framework is capable of handling problems such as occlusions and the presence of unexpected objects in the scene. In our tests, we compare our formulation with the state-of-the-art in auto-calibration using pedestrians and Manhattan World-based assumptions. This paper reports on the experiments conducted using publicly available datasets; the results have shown that our formulation represents an improvement over the state-of-the-art.
Background Arboviruses have overlapping geographical distributions and can cause symptoms that coincide with more common infections. Therefore, arbovirus infections are often neglected by travel diagnostics. Here, we assessed the potential of syndrome-based approaches for diagnosis and surveillance of neglected arboviral diseases in returning travelers. Method To map the patients high at risk of missed clinical arboviral infections we compared the quantity of all arboviral diagnostic requests by physicians in the Netherlands, from 2009 through 2013, with a literature-based assessment of the travelers’ likely exposure to an arbovirus. Results 2153 patients, with travel and clinical history were evaluated. The diagnostic assay for dengue virus (DENV) was the most commonly requested (86%). Of travelers returning from Southeast Asia with symptoms compatible with chikungunya virus (CHIKV), only 55% were tested. For travelers in Europe, arbovirus diagnostics were rarely requested. Over all, diagnostics for most arboviruses were requested only on severe clinical presentation. Conclusion Travel destination and syndrome were used inconsistently for triage of diagnostics, likely resulting in vast under-diagnosis of arboviral infections of public health significance. This study shows the need for more awareness among physicians and standardization of syndromic diagnostic algorithms
We estimated the sensitivity, i.e., the proportion of all cases of adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) reported to the Brazilian passive surveillance for adverse events following immunization (PSAEFI) with the diphtheria-tetanus-whole-cell pertussis-Haemophilus influenzae type b (DTwP/Hib) vaccine, as well as investigating factors associated with AEFIs reporting. During 2003-2004, 8303 AEFIs associated with DTwP-Hib were reported; hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes (HHEs), fever and convulsions being the most common. Cure without sequel was achieved in 98.4% of the cases. The mean sensitivity of the PSAEFI was 22.3% and 31.6%, respectively, for HHE and convulsions, varying widely among states. Reporting rates correlated positively with the Human Development Index and coverage of adequate prenatal care, correlating negatively with infant mortality rates. Quality of life indicators and the degree of organization of health services are associated with greater PSAEFI sensitivity. In addition to consistently describing the principal AEFIs, PSAEFI showed the DTwP/Hib vaccine to be safe and allayed public fears related to its use. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background. Rotavirus is a major cause of gastroenteritis in children. Knowledge of rotavirus genotypes is important for vaccination strategies. Methods. During 2005-2006, rotavirus surveillance studies were conducted in Sao Paulo, Salvador, Goiania, and Porto Alegre, Brazil. Stool samples were collected from children <5 years of age who had diarrhea and were screened by the Rotaclone Enzyme Immunoassay for the presence of rotavirus. Confirmed rotavirus-positive samples were characterized for P and G genotypes by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Results. A total of 510 stool samples were collected. Of these, 221 (43.3%) were positive for rotavirus. Overall, G9 was the predominant G type, followed by G2, and G1; P[4] and P[8] were the predominant P types. The most frequent G/P genotype combination detected was G2P[4], followed by G9P[8], G9P[4], and G1P[8]. G2P[4] was the predominant type in Goiania and Salvador; G9P[8] and G1P[8] were predominant in Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre, respectively. Conclusions. The prevalence, seasonality, and genotype distribution of rotavirus infection varied in different regions in Brazil. With immunization programs, continuous monitoring of rotavirus types is important to detect novel and emerging strains.
Background: Brazil implemented routine immunization with the human rotavirus vaccine, Rotarix, in 2006 and vaccination coverage reached 81% in 2008 in Sao Paulo. Our aim was to assess the impact of immunization on the incidence of severe rotavirus acute gastroenteritis (AGE). Methods: We performed a 5-year (2004-2008) prospective surveillance at a sentinel hospital in Sao Paulo, with routine testing for rotavirus in all children less than 5 years of age hospitalized with AGE. Genotypes of positive samples were determined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: During the study, 655 children hospitalized with AGE were enrolled; of whom 169 (25.8%) were positive for rotavirus. In the post-vaccine period, a 59% reduction in the number of hospitalizations of rotavirus AGE and a 42.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 18.6%-59.0%; P = 0.001) reduction in the proportion of rotavirus-positive results among children younger than 5 years were observed, with the greatest decline among infants (69.2%; 95% CI, 24.7%-87.4%; P = 0.004). Furthermore, the number of all-cause hospitalizations for AGE was reduced by 29% among children aged <5 years. The onset and peak incidences of rotavirus AGE occurred 3 months later in the 2007 and 2008 seasons compared with previous years. Genotype G2 accounted for 15%, 70%, and 100% of all cases identified, respectively, in 2006, 2007, and 2008. Conclusions: After vaccine implementation, a marked decline in rotavirus AGE hospitalizations was demonstrated among children younger than 5 years of age, with the greatest reduction in the age groups targeted for vaccination. The predominance of genotype G2P[4] highlights the need of continued postlicensure surveillance studies.
This thesis is related to the broad subject of automatic motion detection and analysis in videosurveillance image sequence. Besides, proposing the new unique solution, some of the previousalgorithms are evaluated, where some of the approaches are noticeably complementary sometimes.In real time surveillance, detecting and tracking multiple objects and monitoring their activities inboth outdoor and indoor environment are challenging task for the video surveillance system. Inpresence of a good number of real time problems limits scope for this work since the beginning. Theproblems are namely, illumination changes, moving background and shadow detection.An improved background subtraction method has been followed by foreground segmentation, dataevaluation, shadow detection in the scene and finally the motion detection method. The algorithm isapplied on to a number of practical problems to observe whether it leads us to the expected solution.Several experiments are done under different challenging problem environment. Test result showsthat under most of the problematic environment, the proposed algorithm shows the better qualityresult.
Background. Surveillance is a central activity among mental health nursing, but it is also questioned for its therapeutic value and considered to be custodial. Aim. The aim of this study was to describe how mental health nurses use different approaches to observe patients in relation to the practice of surveillance in psychiatric nursing care. Methods. In this study, Spradley's twelve-step ethnographic method was used. Results. Mental health nurses use their cultural knowing to observe patients in psychiatric care in various ways. Two dichotomous approaches were identified: the latent and the manifest approach. Discussion. Different strategies and techniques for observing patients are structured along two dichotomies. The underlying relationships between these two different dichotomous positions transform the act of observing into surveillance. This is further developed in a theoretical model called the powerful scheme of observation and surveillance (PSOS).
Alison Macrina is the founder and director of the Library Freedom Project, an initiative that aims to make real the promise of intellectual freedom in libraries. The Library Freedom Project trains librarians on the state of global surveillance, privacy rights, and privacy-protecting technology, so that librarians may in turn teach their communities about safeguarding privacy. In 2015, Alison was named one of Library Journal‘s Movers and Shakers. Read more about the Library Freedom Project at libraryfreedomproject.org.
In the past few years, libraries have started to design public programs that educate patrons about different tools and techniques to protect personal privacy. But do end user solutions provide adequate safeguards against surveillance by corporate and government actors? What does a comprehensive plan for privacy entail in order that libraries live up to their privacy values? In this paper, the authors discuss the complexity of surveillance architecture that the library institution might confront when seeking to defend the privacy rights of patrons. This architecture consists of three main parts: physical or material aspects, logical characteristics, and social factors of information and communication flows in the library setting. For each category, the authors will present short case studies that are culled from practitioner experience, research, and public discourse. The case studies probe the challenges faced by the library—not only when making hardware and software choices, but also choices related to staffing and program design. The paper shows that privacy choices intersect not only with free speech and chilling effects, but also with questions that concern intellectual property, organizational development, civic engagement, technological innovation, public infrastructure, and more. The paper ends with discussion of what libraries will require in order to sustain and improve efforts to serve as stewards of privacy in the 21st century.
A leishmaniose é uma importante parasitose re-emergente observada no mundo, particularmente em países tropicais. Não há ainda relatos de casos autóctones no estado do Paraná. Não há até o momento referência de vigilância no reservatório canino, tais como Curitiba e região metropolitana do estado. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a soroprevalência da leishmaniose visceral em cães entregues ao Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de São José dos Pinhais, Paraná para eutanásia. A detecção sorológica da presença de anticorpos contra Leishmania sp. foi realizada por (ELISA) indireto e pela Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI). Além disso, impressão de linfonodo poplíteo coletadas ao acaso de 50 cães com sinais clínicos suspeitos para leishmaniose visceral e analisados sob microscopia óptica para detecção de formas amastigotas, foram negativas. Amostras de soro de 364 animais foram testadas, e os resultados mostraram somente uma amostra positiva (0,0027%), reagente ao ELISA e negativa à RIFI, entretanto, o cão não apresentava sinais clínicos. A vigilância ao acaso em uma população de vários locais de uma área metropolitana pode ser uma forma de prevenção da disseminação da doença. Com base nos resultados observados, Curitiba e região metropolitana foram consideradas de baixo risco para a leishmaniose visceral.
A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) e a tripanossomíase americana são importantes zoonoses para a saúde pública que encontram no cão o principal reservatório doméstico para o homem. O trabalho procurou estimar a prevalência de anticorpos circulantes anti-Trypanosoma cruzi e anti-Leishmania spp., em amostras de cães provenientes da zona rural do município de Botucatu, SP. Durante a campanha de vacinação antirrábica canina da zona rural do município, foram coletadas 689 amostras de soro e processadas pela técnica de imunofluorescência indireta. Os testes sorológicos revelaram a ausência de anticorpos anti-Leishmania spp. e, na pesquisa dos anticorpos anti-T. cruzi, foram detectados 3 (0,4%) cães.
One of the main problems with dengue is the control of Aedes aegypti, its major vector. In Brazil, the current control program for Ae. aegypti and Aedes albopictus populations includes larval density surveys. An interesting alternative is the use of a distinct index, the Premise Condition Index (PCI). This tool relates conditions of property, such as houses and yards, and the degree of shade with the occurrence of Aedes sp. oviposition, and is calculated as scores from 3 to 9. The lowest score indicates property in good condition and an unfavorable breeding environment, while the highest score indicates property at high risk for infestation by Aedes sp. The present study is based on the application of the PCI in an urban area of Botucatu, Brazil to confirm its effectiveness.