960 resultados para university extension activities
The current study aims to examine the training potential of an extension project, to work with the issue of sexuality in the daily school environment, as well as the redefinition of values and prejudices on the part of students. Sexuality relates to the pursuit of pleasure, manifested from birth to death. It is believed that the school environment is permeated with sexuality and the school can not deny its role in informing and training young people to experience it sensibly and safe. The extension project in question is intended to constitute as training space for Biological Sciences undergraduates at a public university, to provide conditions for reflection and subjectification of issues related to sexuality, favoring the training of more qualified teachers to deal with the subject in school environment. We used a qualitative methodology, using as instruments to collect data: questionnaires consisting of open-ended questions answered by members and former members of the design and analysis of mentoring records of supervision. It appears that participation in the project is perceived as significant and indicated as responsible for changes in conceptions, prejudices, stereotypes and attitudes regarding the theme of sexuality. Participants feel better prepared to work with the theme in their teaching practice.
This article presents and analyzes the configuration of a project of university extension, developed in partnership with public schools, which has as themes sexuality and gender issues. We seek to understand to which extent sexuality and gender issues contributes to the continuity of the trio teaching / research / extension, while acting as promoter of knowledge of emancipation of those envolved (under graduates, faculty and the community). We based our presuppositions on action research, with document analysis and questionnaires responded to by participants in the project during the period 2005 to 2011 as the instrument of data collection. We constituted that formative processes that disrupt the predominant perspectives in the educational processes of a stereotypical, biologizing and heteronormative nature of sexuality and gender issues were favoured. Moreover, the experience of inseparability of teaching/research/extension was favoured, based on the understanding of knowledge as something constructed in and through social relations.
This paper describes the main phases of development of an Institute of Chemistry in relation with national policy from the academic field. Its history begins with a proposal to meet the demand for chemistry teacher education and goes on to become a major center for research, education and extension. Throughout its 50 years of history, the Institution has faced numerous challenges by adopting strategies that have established and revealed its institutional habitus. To this end, we use some of René Kaës’s concepts about the development of groups and institutions, highlighting mainly the origins, expectations and covenants that underpinned its foundation, and the entire process of its expansion and institutionalization. Our main focus, also interpreted based on the theory of Pierre Bourdieu and followers, is the establishment of its institutional habitus, i.e., how it interprets and organizes its institutional teaching, research and extension activities within the context of the academic field. The peculiarity of the process has been the mismatch between internal and external pressures. Even though presenting the results of a case study, in general, our methodology can improve the understanding of institution’s development in relation with educational policy.
For some time, researchers in teacher education (ZEICHNER; LISTON, 1996; GIMENEZ, 2005) have been drawing attention to the need to place undergraduates in contexts of practice that help them make sense of the theoretical training they receive in the graduation course. In this article, we discuss the intersection between school and university for initial foreign language teacher education through activities carried out under the Brazilian Institutional Program for Initiation to Teaching – Language and Literature of a state university. These activities were aimed, on the one hand, to promote reflection about the concept of culture and intercultural language teaching during initial teacher education and, secondly, to deconstruct stereotypes of high school students about German and English language and culture. Based on the analysis of data on the beliefs of students of the school and the support of theoretical studies such as Kramsch (2006, 2009), Bolognini (1993), among others, workshops were designed to expand the cultural universe of the high school students in the partner state school, the concept of culture and to deconstruct stereotypes. It was found that the activity contributed to the reflective education of the undergraduate students in relation to the treatment of the subject culture in language teaching.
The use of computers in childhood education makes it possible for them to acquire knowledge in a fun way through games. This paper describes the experience of implementing the course “Computers for Children”, which is part of a University Extension Program at the School of Dentistry at UNESP - Araraquara. This course is offered to children aged 5-7 years old and it aims, not only, to offer children, via computer, a direct contact with new teaching technologies, but also, to help them develop both their motor and logical thinking abilities through educational games. The children that participated in this course are from the Children’s Center “Casinha de Abelha” at the UNESP -Araraquara and also from the Municipal Recreation and Educational Centers also in Araraquara, SP, Brazil. The software resources used in this course to teach computer skills are the educational games “Coelho Sabido Maternal”, “A Estrela Cintilante” and “Festa dos Dentinhos”. The children’s learning and the level of difficulty in using the computer as a tool were evaluated. It was possible to conclude that the course has been contributing to the digital inclusion of children aged 5-7 years old, in addition to training their visual and audio perception, their motor coordination and memorization, hence developing skills that are essential to the children’s literacy process.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Gymnastics for all or General Gymnastics is a gymnastic body practice without competitive purposes, demonstrative character that combines the basics of gymnastics with different forms of body language. It is a pleasurable physical activity and inclusive, within the gymnastic possibilities offers great opportunities for participation of people, creativity, cooperation and human values experiences (AYOUB, 2003). Within this proposal is, in 2011, the Gymnastic Group UNESP, under the guidance and coordination of teachers Laurita Marconi Schiavon e Silvia Deustch as a project of university extension of the Department of Physical Education, Biosciences Institute of the São Paulo State University / Campus Rio Claro - SP. His working method and choreographic composition based on the proposal of the Gymnastic Group Unicamp, reference in this body practice in Brazil, and their course is in two parts: one for the exploration of all the resources that the teaching materials can provide and the other focused on social interaction of its participants. Therefore the research developed in this study aimed to verify contributions of the participation of members in Gymnastic Group Unesp vocational training thereof, and to verify the relationship and the approach of the members with Gym. The methodological approach adopted for this qualitative research is descriptive, and quantitative and qualitative data collected through questionnaires. The participants were 32 students from different courses at the University, and members of Gymnastic Unesp Group from 2011 to 2013, with the inclusion criteria: 1. minimum of one year of participation in Gymnastic Group Unesp; 2. Minimum of two performances of choreography in events with that group. Quantitative data are processed using descriptive statistics and qualitative analyzed by content analysis technique proposed by Laville and Dionne (1999). According to the results obtained over 41% of the participants had no...
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
As a usual practice in society, psychotherapy is considered a normal procedure, but how does it take place in an investigation method of subjectivity in the university? The theory of speech of Lacan helps us to locate a place to psychoanalysis in the university as a language practice in the role of teaching, research and extension (community work). In this sense, the university submits the ideas of conscience to science and material rationality, excluding the individual and the unconscious. The theory of speech helps us to see the difference between the speech the students use and the speech the annalist uses in his practice. The psychoanalysis has its own knowledge based on the unconscious, due to the clinic work precedes as well as the work in university extension (community work). The work of the annalist has his particular world to treat his mane object — the unconscious.
This paper aims to highlight the importance of Tutorial Education Program (TEP) for undergraduate courses in conjunction with the graduate programs, highlighting the relevance of the triad teaching, research and extension activities also present in the TEP Interdisciplinary in Radio and Television from the FAAC/UNESP.
This experiment report refers to the project named “Sarauzinho”, which is linked to the extension “Workshops of Psychoanalysis and Artistics Gatherings” project. “Sarauzinho” was a partnership between UNESP and CREAS, created with the aim to assist children victims of sexual violence though a playful and artistic method and to implement a psychoanalytic listening of demands that appeared during the working group implementation. At the same time, the parents/responsible person who took the children to the meetings also received psychotherapeutic service at the waiting room, in an operative group format with psychoanalytic listening. The project has happened in 11 sessions (once a week, two hours each), with 4 kids and 4 caregivers participating. The service for the kids was organized in workshop models (open and free) and in little gatherings, with preprogrammed contents (playful and artistic). The initiative was inspired by the “Green houses”, a creation of the French psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto, and by the Museum “Imagens do Inconsciente do Centro Psiquiátrico Pedro II”, in Nise da Silveira, Rio de Janeiro city. This university extension activity has enabled the students to access some of the children’s traumas, as well as to obtain a better understanding of an infantile group psychotherapeutic service, with psychoanalytic listening. Besides, it has provided a playful and artistic environment to listen to the children and enable them to create new meanings of their traumas. For the adult participants, the meetings were moments to talk about their anxieties and to receive new guidance and instructions about their children’s education, especially about sexuality. The results, either related to the children’s meeting, as to the adult’s meeting, were favorable to the continuity of the project.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Landowners and agencies have expressed difficulty finding hunters willing to harvest the female portion of the ungulate populations, and likewise, hunters have expressed difficulty achieving access to private lands. Since 2003, the Montana “DoeCowHunt” website (www.doecowhunt.montana.edu) has provided an avenue to improve hunter-landowner contact and wild ungulate population management. A product of Montana State University Extension Wildlife Program, this website provides a means for hunters and landowners in Montana to contact each other by listing contact information (email address, physical address, and telephone number) for the purpose of harvesting antlerless ungulates. In the first year over 10,000 users visited the site. Of those who actually registered, 11 were landowners and 1334 were hunters. An evaluation survey resulted in a 40% response rate. The survey indicated the average registered landowner had 20 hunter contacts. Many landowners contacted hunters through use of the website but did not register or list their contact information on the site.
A 13-year summary of the Iowa State University Extension Service’s Beef Cow Business Record (BCBR) was compiled to show the trends in cost, profit, and production for beef-cow enterprises in Iowa. During these 13 years, 966 yearly records were summarized on herds with an average size of 74.6 cows. Each year-end summary sorts the producers with profits in the top and the bottom thirds of the group so that differences can be analyzed. The average cost to maintain a beef cow from 1982 to 1994 was $370.80. Cost components included in this average total were: feed and pasture, $177.10; operating, $45.40; depreciation, taxes, and insurance, $19.70; labor, $44.90; and capital, $83.70. Producers sorted into the top one-third profit group had 13-year average total cow costs of $309.80, but the bottom onethird profit group averaged $437.10. Economic returns per cow for these same 13 years were: return to capital, labor, and management, $139.50; return to labor and management, $56.20; and net profit, $20.20. Top-profit producers had an average net profit of $126.20 per cow, whereas the least profitable group had an average loss of $107.40. Of this $233.60 difference, $127.30 was due to production cost, and the remaining $106.30 was caused by gross return differences. The average number of pounds of beef produced per cow from 1984 through 1994 was 567. This production was achieved with 2.5 acres of pasture, 3.9 acres of cornstalk grazing, and 4,675 pounds of stored feed per cow unit. Top-profit producers used 673 pounds of stored feed per hundredweight of production, but the least profitable producers used 1,015 pounds. Top-profit producers produced 74 pounds more per cow while using 1,313 pounds less stored feed.