809 resultados para type-2 diabetic-patients
Adequate care of type 2 diabetes is reflected by the individual’s adherence to dietary guidance; yet, few patients are engaged in diabetes self-care at the recommended level, regardless of race/ethnicity. Few studies on the effect of dietary medical advice on diabetes self-management (DSM) and glycemic control have been conducted on Haitian and African American adults with type 2 diabetes. These relationships were assessed in total of 254 Blacks with type 2 diabetes (Haitian Americans = 129; African Americans = 125) recruited from Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, Florida by community outreach methods. Although dietary advice received was not significantly different between the two Black ethnicities, given advice “to follow a diet” as a predictor of “using food groups” was significant for Haitian Americans, but not for African Americans. Haitian Americans who were advised to follow a diet were approximately 3 times more likely to sometimes or often use food groups (or exchange lists) in planning meals. Less than optimal glycemic control (A1C > 7.2) was inversely related to DSM for African Americans; but the relationship was not significant for Haitian Americans. A one unit increase in DSM score decreased the odds ratio point estimate of having less than optimal glycemic control (A1C > 7.2%) by a factor of 0.94 in African Americans. These results suggest that medical advice for diet plans may not be communicated effectively for DSM for some races/ethnicities. Research aimed at uncovering the enablers and barriers of diet management specific to Black ethnicities with type 2 diabetes is recommended.
Bevacizumab is considered an established part of the treatment strategies available for schwannomas in patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 2(NF2). In the UK, it is available through NHS National Specialized Commissioning to NF2 patients with a rapidly growing target schwannoma. Regrowth of the tumour on suspension of treatment is often observed resulting in prolonged periods of exposure to bevacizumab to control the disease. Hypertension and proteinuria are common events with bevacizumab use and there are concerns with regards to the long-term risks of prolonged treatment. Dosing, demographic and adverse event(CTCAE 4.03) data from the UK NF2 bevacizumab cohort are reviewed with particular consideration of renal and cardiovascular complications. Eighty patients (48 male:32female), median age 24.5 years (range 11-66years), were followed for a median of 32.7 months (range 12.0–60.2months). The most common adverse events were fatigue, hypertension and infection. A total of 19/80 patients (24%) had either a grade 2 or grade 3 hypertension event and 14/80 patients (17.5%) had proteinuria. Of 36 patients followed for 36 months, 78% were free from hypertension and 86% were free of proteinuria. Logistic regression modeling identified age and induction dosing regime to be predictors of development of hypertension with dose of 7.5mg/kg three weekly and age >30years having higher rates of hypertension. Proteinuria persisted in one of three patients after cessation of bevacizumab. One patient developed congestive heart failure and the details of this case are described. Further work is needed to determine optimal dosing regimes to limit toxicity without impacting on efficacy.
BACKGROUND: A number of studies have demonstrated the presence of a diabetic cardiomyopathy, increasing the risk of heart failure development in this population. Improvements in present-day risk factor control may have modified the risk of diabetes-associated cardiomyopathy.
AIM: We sought to determine the contemporary impact of diabetes mellitus (DM) on the prevalence of cardiomyopathy in at-risk patients with and without adjustment for risk factor control.
DESIGN: A cross-sectional study in a population at risk for heart failure.
METHODS: Those with diabetes were compared to those with other cardiovascular risk factors, unmatched, matched for age and gender and then matched for age, gender, body mass index, systolic blood pressure and low density lipoprotein cholesterol.
RESULTS: In total, 1399 patients enrolled in the St Vincent's Screening to Prevent Heart Failure (STOP-HF) cohort were included. About 543 participants had an established history of DM. In the whole sample, Stage B heart failure (asymptomatic cardiomyopathy) was not found more frequently among the diabetic cohort compared to those without diabetes [113 (20.8%) vs. 154 (18.0%), P = 0.22], even when matched for age and gender. When controlling for these risk factors and risk factor control Stage B was found to be more prevalent in those with diabetes [88 (22.2%)] compared to those without diabetes [65 (16.4%), P = 0.048].
CONCLUSION: In this cohort of patients with established risk factors for Stage B heart failure superior risk factor management among the diabetic population appears to dilute the independent diabetic insult to left ventricular structure and function, underlining the importance and benefit of effective risk factor control in this population on cardiovascular outcomes.
Aims: Epidemiological evidence suggests that adipokines may be associated with the onset of type 2 diabetes, but the evidence to date is limited and inconclusive. This study examined the association between adiponectin and leptin and the subsequent diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in a UK population based cohort of non-diabetic middle-aged men.
Methods: Baseline serum levels of leptin and adiponectin were measured in 1839 nondiabetic men aged 50–60 years who were participating in the prospective populationbased PRIME study. Over a mean follow-up of 14.7 years, new cases of type 2 diabetes were determined from self-reported clinical information with subsequent validation by general practitioners.
Results: 151 Participants developed type 2 diabetes during follow-up. In Cox regression models adjusted for age, men in the top third of the leptin distribution were at increased risk (hazard ratio (HR) 4.27, 95% CI 2.67–6.83) and men in the top third of the adiponectin
distribution at reduced risk (HR 0.24, 95% CI 0.14–0.42) relative to men in the bottom third. However, significance was lost for leptin after additional adjustment for BMI, waist to hip ratio, lifestyle factors and biological risk factors, including C-reactive protein (CRP). Further adjustment for HOMA-IR also resulted in loss of significance for adiponectin.
Conclusions: This study provides evidence that adipokines are associated with men’s future type 2 diabetes risk but not independently of other risk factors.
Introduction : Le diabète de type 2 est une maladie évolutive débilitante et souvent mortelle qui atteint de plus en plus de personnes dans le monde. Le traitement antidiabétique non-insulinique (TADNI) notamment le traitement antidiabétique oral (TADO) est le plus fréquemment utilisé chez les adultes atteints de cette maladie. Toutefois, plusieurs de ces personnes ne prennent pas leur TADO tel que prescrit posant ainsi la problématique d’une adhésion sous-optimale. Ceci entraîne des conséquences néfastes aussi bien pour les patients que pour la société dans laquelle ils vivent. Il serait donc pertinent d’identifier des pistes de solution à cette problématique. Objectifs : Trois objectifs de recherche ont été étudiés : 1) Explorer la capacité de la théorie du comportement planifié (TCP) à prédire l’adhésion future au TADNI chez les adultes atteints de diabète de type 2, 2) Évaluer l’efficacité globale des interventions visant à améliorer l’adhésion au TADO chez les adultes atteints de diabète de type 2 et étudier l’influence des techniques de changement de comportement sur cette efficacité globale, et 3) Évaluer l’efficacité globale de l’entretien motivationnel sur l’adhésion au traitement médicamenteux chez les adultes atteints de maladie chronique et étudier l’influence des caractéristiques de cette intervention sur son efficacité globale. Méthodes : Pour l’objectif 1 : Il s’agissait d’une enquête web, suivie d’une évaluation de l’adhésion au TADNI sur une période de 30 jours, chez des adultes atteints de diabète de type 2, membres de Diabète Québec. L’enquête consistait à la complétion d’un questionnaire auto-administré incluant les variables de la TCP (intention, contrôle comportemental perçu et attitude) ainsi que d’autres variables dites «externes». Les informations relatives au calcul de l’adhésion provenaient des dossiers de pharmacie des participants transmis via la plateforme ReMed. Une régression linéaire multivariée a été utilisée pour estimer la mesure d’association entre l’intention et l’adhésion future au TADNI ainsi que l’interaction entre l’adhésion passée et l’intention. Pour répondre aux objectifs 2 et 3, deux revues systématiques et méta-analyses ont été effectuées et rapportées selon les lignes directrices de PRISMA. Un modèle à effets aléatoires a été utilisé pour estimer l’efficacité globale (g d’Hedges) des interventions et son intervalle de confiance à 95 % (IC95%) dans chacune des revues. Nous avons également quantifié l’hétérogénéité (I2 d’Higgins) entre les études, et avons fait des analyses de sous-groupe et des analyses de sensibilité. Résultats : Objectif 1 : Il y avait une interaction statistiquement significative entre l’adhésion passée et l’intention (valeur-p= 0,03). L’intention n’était pas statistiquement associée à l’adhésion future au TADNI, mais son effet était plus fort chez les non-adhérents que chez les adhérents avant l’enquête web. En revanche, l’intention était principalement prédite par le contrôle comportemental perçu à la fois chez les adhérents [β= 0,90, IC95%= (0,80; 1,00)] et chez les non-adhérents passés [β= 0,76, IC95%= (0,56; 0,97)]. Objectif 2 : L’efficacité globale des interventions sur l’adhésion au TADO était de 0,21 [IC95%= (-0,05; 0,47); I2= 82 %]. L’efficacité globale des interventions dans lesquelles les intervenants aidaient les patients et/ou les cliniciens à être proactifs dans la gestion des effets indésirables était de 0,64 [IC95%= (0,31; 0,96); I2= 56 %]. Objectif 3 : L’efficacité globale des interventions (basées sur l’entretien motivationnel) sur l’adhésion au traitement médicamenteux était de 0,12 [IC95%= (0,05; 0,20); I2= 1 %. Les interventions basées uniquement sur l’entretien motivationnel [β= 0,18, IC95%= (0,00; 0,36)] et celles dans lesquelles les intervenants ont été coachés [β= 0,47, IC95%= (0,03; 0,90)] étaient les plus efficaces. Aussi, les interventions administrées en face-à-face étaient plus efficaces que celles administrées par téléphone [β= 0,27, IC95%=(0,04; 0,50)]. Conclusion : Il existe un écart entre l’intention et l’adhésion future au TADNI, qui est partiellement expliqué par le niveau d’adhésion passée. Toutefois, il n’y avait pas assez de puissance statistique pour démontrer une association statistiquement significative entre l’intention et l’adhésion future chez les non-adhérents passés. D’un autre côté, quelques solutions au problème de l’adhésion sous-optimale au TADO ont été identifiées. En effet, le fait d’aider les patients et/ou les cliniciens à être proactifs dans la gestion des effets indésirables contribue efficacement à l’amélioration de l’adhésion au TADO chez les adultes atteints de diabète de type 2. Aussi, les interventions basées sur l’entretien motivationnel améliorent efficacement l’adhésion au traitement médicamenteux chez les adultes atteints de maladie chronique. L’entretien motivationnel pourrait donc être utilisé comme un outil clinique pour soutenir les patients dans l’autogestion de leur TADO.
Usher Syndrome (USH) is a rare disease with hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa and, sometimes, vestibular dysfunction. A phenotype heterogeneity is reported. Recent evidence indicates that USH is likely to belong to an emerging class of sensory ciliopathies. Olfaction has recently been implicated in ciliopathies, but the scarce literature about olfaction in USH show conflicting results. We aim to evaluate olfactory impairment as a possible clinical manifestation of USH. Prospective clinical study that included 65 patients with USH and 65 normal age-gender-smoking-habits pair matched subjects. A cross culturally validated version of the Sniffin' Sticks olfaction test was used. Young patients with USH have significantly better olfactory scores than healthy controls. We observe that USH type 1 have a faster ageing olfactory decrease than what happens in healthy subjects, leading to significantly lower olfactory scores in older USH1 patients. Moreover, USH type 1 patients showed significantly higher olfactory scores than USH type 2, what can help distinguishing them. Olfaction represents an attractive tool for USH type classification and pre diagnostic screening due to the low cost and non-invasive nature of the testing. Olfactory dysfunction should be considered among the spectrum of clinical manifestations of Usher syndrome.
Usher Syndrome (USH) is a rare disease with hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa and, sometimes, vestibular dysfunction. A phenotype heterogeneity is reported. Recent evidence indicates that USH is likely to belong to an emerging class of sensory ciliopathies. Olfaction has recently been implicated in ciliopathies, but the scarce literature about olfaction in USH show conflicting results. We aim to evaluate olfactory impairment as a possible clinical manifestation of USH. Prospective clinical study that included 65 patients with USH and 65 normal age-gender-smoking-habits pair matched subjects. A cross culturally validated version of the Sniffin' Sticks olfaction test was used. Young patients with USH have significantly better olfactory scores than healthy controls. We observe that USH type 1 have a faster ageing olfactory decrease than what happens in healthy subjects, leading to significantly lower olfactory scores in older USH1 patients. Moreover, USH type 1 patients showed significantly higher olfactory scores than USH type 2, what can help distinguishing them. Olfaction represents an attractive tool for USH type classification and pre diagnostic screening due to the low cost and non-invasive nature of the testing. Olfactory dysfunction should be considered among the spectrum of clinical manifestations of Usher syndrome.
Nowadays, there is no doubt that there is a good epidemic of ageing with the inversion of the population pyramid. There is no doubt either about the current epidemic of obesity and bad nutritional habits that have resulted in an increase of diabetic patients in the world. And the union of these epidemics has led to an increase of diabetes (DM) in the elderly.
Obesity and Type 2 diabetes mellitus share a strong pro-inflammatory profile. It has been observed that iron is a risk factor in the development of type 2 diabetes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between iron nutritional status and inflammation with the risk of type 2 diabetes development in obese subjects. We studied 30 obese men with type 2 diabetes (OBDM); 30 obese subjects without diabetes (OB) and 30 healthy subjects (Cn). We isolated peripheral mononuclear cells (PMCs) and challenged them with high Fe concentrations. Total mRNA was isolated and relative abundance of TNF-αIL-6 and hepcidin were determined by qPCR. Iron status, biochemical, inflammatory and oxidative stress parameters were also characterized. OBDM and OB patients showed increased hsCRP levels compared to the Cn group. OBDM subjects showed higher levels of ferritin than the Cn group. TNF-α and IL-6 mRNA relative abundances were increased in OBDM PMCs treated with high/Fe. Hepcidin mRNA was increased with basal and high iron concentration. We found that the highest quartile of ferritin was associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes when it was adjusted to BMI and HOMA-IR; this association was independent of the inflammatory status. The highest level of hepcidin gene expression also showed a trend of increased risk of diabetes, however it was not significant. Levels of hsCRP over 2 mg/L showed a significant trend of increasing the risk of diabetes. In conclusion, iron may stimulate the expression of pro-inflammatory genes (TNF-α and IL-6), and both hepcidin and ferritin gene expression levels could be a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. Subjects that have an increased cardiovascular risk also have a major risk to develop type 2 diabetes, which is independent of the BMI and insulin resistance state.
Background: Diabetic children and their families experience high level stress because of daily insulin injection. Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the impact of an interactive computer game on behavioral distress due to insulin injection among diabetic children. Patients and Methods: In this clinical trial, thirty children (3-12 years) with type 1 diabetes who needed daily insulin injection were recruited and allocated randomly into two groups. Children in intervention groups received an interactive computer game and asked to play at home for a week. No special intervention was done for control group. The behavioral distress of groups was assessed before, during and after the intervention by Observational Scale of Behavioral Distress–Revised (OSBD-R). Results: Repeated measure ANOVA test showed no significantly difference of OSBD-R over time for control group (P = 0.08), but this changes is signification in the study group (P = 0.001). Comparison mean score of distress were significantly different between two groups (P = 0.03). Conclusions: According to the findings, playing interactive computer game can decrease behavioral distress induced by insulin injection in type 1 diabetic children. It seems this game can be beneficial to be used alongside other interventions.
L’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) est caractérisée par de multiples déséquilibres homéostatiques tels que la résistance à l’insuline. Peu d’études se sont intéressées aux mécanismes sous-jacents à cette résistance à l’insuline en IRC. De plus, il est méconnu si cette résistance à l’insuline peut mener au développement d’un diabète de type II chez des patients prédisposés. Dans un modèle d’IRC, le rat Sprague-Dawley (CD) néphrectomisé 5/6e, on observe une corrélation entre la gravité de l’atteinte rénale, évaluée par la créatinine sérique, et l’hyperglycémie, évaluée par la fructosamine sérique (R2 = 0.6982, p < 0.0001). Cependant, cet état hyperglycémique n’est pas observable lors d’une glycémie à jeun. Lors d’un test de tolérance au glucose, on observe une plus grande élévation de la glycémie (AUC 1.25 fois, p < 0.0001) chez le rat atteint d’IRC. Par contre, la sécrétion d’insuline au cours de ce même test n’augmente pas significativement (AUC ≈ 1.30 fois, N.S.) en comparaison aux rats témoins. Malgré une élévation des taux d’insuline en IRC suivant un bolus de glucose, les tissus périphériques ne montrent pas d’augmentation de la captation du glucose sanguin suggérant un défaut d’expression et/ou de fonction des transporteurs de glucose chez ces rats. En effet, on observe une diminution de ces transporteurs dans divers tissus impliqués dans le métabolisme du glucose tel que le foie (≈ 0.60 fois, p < 0.01) et le muscle (GLUT1 0.73 fois, p < 0.05; GLUT4 0.69 fois, p < 0.01). En conséquence, une diminution significative du transport insulinodépendant du glucose est observable dans le muscle des rats atteint d’IRC (≈ 0.63 fois, p < 0.0001). Puisque les muscles sont responsables de la majorité de la captation insulinodépendante du glucose, la diminution de l’expression du GLUT4 pourrait être associée à la résistance à l’insuline observée en IRC. La modulation de l’expression des transporteurs de glucose pourrait être à l’origine de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC. Cela dit, d’autres mécanismes peuvent aussi être impliqués. En dépit de cette importante perturbation du transport du glucose, nous n’avons pas observé de cas de diabète de type II chez le rat CD atteint d’IRC. Dans un modèle de rat atteint d’un syndrome métabolique, le rat Zucker Leprfa/fa, l’IRC provoque une forte hyperglycémie à jeun (1.5 fois, p < 0.0001). De plus, l’IRC chez le rat Zucker provoque une réponse glycémique (AUC 1.80 fois, p < 0.0001) exagérée lors d’un test de tolérance au glucose. Une forte résistance à l’insuline est mesurée au niveau des muscles puisque la dose usuelle d’insuline (2mU/mL) n’est pas suffisante pour stimuler la captation du glucose chez le rat Zucker atteint d’IRC. De plus, une modulation similaire des transporteurs de glucose peut être observée chez ces deux espèces. Par contre, environ 30% (p < 0.001) des rats Zucker atteints d’IRC avaient une glycosurie. L’IRC en soi ne mènerait donc pas au développement d’un diabète de type II. Par contre, lorsqu’une résistance à l’insuline est présente antérieurement au développement d’une IRC, cela pourrait précipiter l’apparition d’un diabète de type II chez ces patients prédisposés.
Background and aims: The selective SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin (DAPA) reduces hyperglycaemia independently of insulin secretion or action by inhibiting renal glucose reabsorption. This study (MB102014) is a randomised double-blind, placebo (PBO)-controlled trial of DAPA added to metformin (MET) in T2DM (n=546) inadequately controlled with MET alone. Previously reported short-term data at week 24 showed significant mean reductions in the primary [HbA1c] and secondary [fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and weight] endpoints with DAPA compared to PBO. Here we report efficacy and safety results at week 102 of the long-term extension. Materials and methods: Patients aged 18-77 years with HbA1c 7-10% received DAPA 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg or PBO, plus open-label MET (≥1500mg/d). Exploratory endpoints at week 102 included changes from baseline in HbA1c, FPG and weight, and were analyzed by longitudinal repeated measures analysis. Results: Overall 71.2% of patients completed 102 weeks of the study; fewer on PBO (63.5%) than on DAPA 2.5 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg (68.3%, 73.0%, 79.8%), due mainly to more patients on PBO discontinuing for lack of efficacy. At week 102, all DAPA groups showed greater mean reductions from baseline in HbA1c, FPG and weight compared to PBO (table), effects that were similar to those observed at week 24 and maintained throughout the trial. More patients at week 102 also achieved a therapeutic response of HbA1c<7% with DAPA 2.5 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg (20.7%, 26.4%, 31.5%) than with PBO (15.4%). Adverse events (AEs), serious AEs and AEs leading to discontinuation were balanced across all groups. Signs and symptoms suggestive of genital infection (GenInf) were reported in 11.7%, 14.6%, 12.6% (DAPA 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg) and 5.1% (PBO) of patients, with 1 discontinuation due to GenInf. Signs and symptoms suggestive of urinary tract infection (UTI) were reported in 8.0%, 8.8%, 13.3% (DAPA 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg) and 8.0% (PBO), with 1 discontinuation due to UTI. No event of pyelonephritis was reported. Conclusion: In comparison to PBO, DAPA added to MET over 102 weeks demonstrated greater and sustained improvements in glycaemic control, clinically meaningful reduction in weight, and no increased risk of hypoglycaemia in patients with T2DM inadequately controlled with MET alone.
L’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) est caractérisée par de multiples déséquilibres homéostatiques tels que la résistance à l’insuline. Peu d’études se sont intéressées aux mécanismes sous-jacents à cette résistance à l’insuline en IRC. De plus, il est méconnu si cette résistance à l’insuline peut mener au développement d’un diabète de type II chez des patients prédisposés. Dans un modèle d’IRC, le rat Sprague-Dawley (CD) néphrectomisé 5/6e, on observe une corrélation entre la gravité de l’atteinte rénale, évaluée par la créatinine sérique, et l’hyperglycémie, évaluée par la fructosamine sérique (R2 = 0.6982, p < 0.0001). Cependant, cet état hyperglycémique n’est pas observable lors d’une glycémie à jeun. Lors d’un test de tolérance au glucose, on observe une plus grande élévation de la glycémie (AUC 1.25 fois, p < 0.0001) chez le rat atteint d’IRC. Par contre, la sécrétion d’insuline au cours de ce même test n’augmente pas significativement (AUC ≈ 1.30 fois, N.S.) en comparaison aux rats témoins. Malgré une élévation des taux d’insuline en IRC suivant un bolus de glucose, les tissus périphériques ne montrent pas d’augmentation de la captation du glucose sanguin suggérant un défaut d’expression et/ou de fonction des transporteurs de glucose chez ces rats. En effet, on observe une diminution de ces transporteurs dans divers tissus impliqués dans le métabolisme du glucose tel que le foie (≈ 0.60 fois, p < 0.01) et le muscle (GLUT1 0.73 fois, p < 0.05; GLUT4 0.69 fois, p < 0.01). En conséquence, une diminution significative du transport insulinodépendant du glucose est observable dans le muscle des rats atteint d’IRC (≈ 0.63 fois, p < 0.0001). Puisque les muscles sont responsables de la majorité de la captation insulinodépendante du glucose, la diminution de l’expression du GLUT4 pourrait être associée à la résistance à l’insuline observée en IRC. La modulation de l’expression des transporteurs de glucose pourrait être à l’origine de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC. Cela dit, d’autres mécanismes peuvent aussi être impliqués. En dépit de cette importante perturbation du transport du glucose, nous n’avons pas observé de cas de diabète de type II chez le rat CD atteint d’IRC. Dans un modèle de rat atteint d’un syndrome métabolique, le rat Zucker Leprfa/fa, l’IRC provoque une forte hyperglycémie à jeun (1.5 fois, p < 0.0001). De plus, l’IRC chez le rat Zucker provoque une réponse glycémique (AUC 1.80 fois, p < 0.0001) exagérée lors d’un test de tolérance au glucose. Une forte résistance à l’insuline est mesurée au niveau des muscles puisque la dose usuelle d’insuline (2mU/mL) n’est pas suffisante pour stimuler la captation du glucose chez le rat Zucker atteint d’IRC. De plus, une modulation similaire des transporteurs de glucose peut être observée chez ces deux espèces. Par contre, environ 30% (p < 0.001) des rats Zucker atteints d’IRC avaient une glycosurie. L’IRC en soi ne mènerait donc pas au développement d’un diabète de type II. Par contre, lorsqu’une résistance à l’insuline est présente antérieurement au développement d’une IRC, cela pourrait précipiter l’apparition d’un diabète de type II chez ces patients prédisposés.
Background: type 2 diabetes mellitus includes changes in lifestyle in its etiology of prevention, but the evidence is clear —even when people know what to do and what they want to do, they simply do not adopt adherence behaviors. Structured education will allow improving not only metabolic control, but also the adjustment process to a new situation of disease, as well as to develop the patient’s skills in order to make him the key manager of his illness. Objectives: To determine patients’ adherence to prescribed therapeutic regimens. Material and methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational study, with a sample of 102 people with type 2 diabetes, aged between 40 and 85 years old, mostly male (51.96%). The evaluation protocol included social-demographic and clinical questionnaire, Diabetes Self-care Scale and a questionnaire on Diabetes’ knowledge. We also used HbA1c in order to directly assess adherence. Results: It appears that there is no statistically signiicant correlation between socio-demographic variables such as gender and age and adherence. Variables, such as blood glucose monitoring, speciic diet compliance and knowledge, reveal a statistically signiicant effect on adherence (P < .05). Conclusion: The evidence is clear on the urgent need to recognize the importance of measuring patient adherence to a diabetes treatment plan for the maintenance of glycaemic control. We suggest the reinforcement of educational programs in people with type 2 diabetes so as to improve adherence to self-care.
The aim of the thesis is to assess the impact of depression in people with type 2 diabetes. Using Healthcare Utilization Databases, I estimated in a large population-based cohort with type 2 diabetes the incidence of depression over 10 year-period, identified the demographic and clinical predictors of depression, and determined the extent to which depression is a risk factor for acute and long-term complications and mortality. In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, I evaluated whether the presence of a history of depression in type 2 diabetes increased the Emergency Department (ED) access rate for diabetes-related complications, and I investigated changes in the incidence of depression during the first year of the pandemic. Findings from the first study indicated that developing depression was associated with being a woman, being over 65 years, living in rural areas, having insulin as initial diabetes medication and having comorbid conditions; the study also confirmed that depression was associated with an increased risk for acute and long-term diabetes complications and all-cause mortality. The second observational study showed a higher rate of ED access for diabetes-related complications during the pandemic in people with type 2 diabetes and a history of depression than in those without a history of depression, similar to what was observed in a pre-pandemic period. As shown in the third population-based study, the incidence of depression decreased in 2020 compared to 2019, mainly during the first and the second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, when people probably had difficulty reaching healthcare services. This new real-world evidence will help healthcare professionals identify timely patients at high risk of developing depression. Lastly, policymakers and physicians will benefit from new evidence of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on depression in people with type 2 diabetes to ensure a high level of care during crisis periods.