949 resultados para transmission clusters


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In this transversal study, factors related to infection with and transmission of Schistosoma mansoni were explored. Based on stool examinations of two Kato-Katz smears of a single sample, the prevalences of schistosomiasis and geohelminths were established. In a multivariable analysis, sets of demographic, socio-economic and water contact pattern variables were tested for strength of relation with infection. Males presented a 3.39-times higher risk for infection than females. The age groups between 10-19 years and 20-30 years showed risks of infection 7.1- and 7.5-times higher, respectively, than the control age group between 0-10 years. Individuals practicing leisure activities had a 1.96-times higher risk than those without these activities. The malacological survey identified snails of the species Biomphalaria glabrata, Biomphalaria straminea and Biomphalaria tenagophila. Two exemplars of B. glabrata (0.53%) proved positive for S. mansoni. The socio-economic improvements observed in the locality suggest a protective and preventive effect towards infection with schistosomiasis, which requires further investigation with a longitudinal and more detailed study design. Considering our findings, a proposal for an integrated control program should be based on two pillars: one horizontal, which involves social empowerment and health education, and another more vertical, which delivers treatment and infrastructure improvements.


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Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with peptic ulcer and gastric carcinoma. The oral cavity may be a reservoir for H. pylori; however, the results of studies on this subject are controversial. We employed single-step and nested polymerase chain reactions (PCR) to detect the presence of the vacA, ureA and 16S rDNA genes of H. pylori in the stomach, saliva and dental plaque of 30 subjects. The results were confirmed by sequencing. Nested 16S rDNA and ureA amplification was achieved in 80% of gastric, 30% of saliva and 20% of dental plaque specimens. Sequencing of 10, seven and four 16S rDNA products from stomach, saliva and dental plaque, respectively, showed > 99% identity with H. pylori. Sequencing of the other four oral cavity PCR products showed similarity with Campylobacter and Wolinella species. Additionally, the vacA genotype identified in the samples of different sites was the same within a given subject.H. pylori may be found in the oral cavity of patients with gastric infection, thus it could be a source of transmission. However, results obtained with detection methods based only on PCR should be interpreted with caution because other microorganisms that are phylogenetically very close to H. pylori are also present in the mouth.


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We report a case of Pneumocystis jirovecii transmission from colonized grandparents to their infant granddaughter. Genotyping of P. jirovecii showed the same genotypes in samples from the infant and her grandparents. These findings support P. jirovecii transmission from immunocompetent carrier adults to a susceptible child.


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This study is part of the project “Pneumocystis Pathogenomics: Unravelling the Colonization-to-Disease Shift,” a Coordination Action supported by the European Commission (ERANET PathoGenoMics). This study was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS 03/1743). M.A.M.-C. and C.d.l.H. were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS CP-04/217 and FIS CM-04/146).


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BACKGROUND: We studied human cytomegalovirus (CMV) donor-to-recipient transmission patterns in organ transplantation by analyzing genomic variants on the basis of CMV glycoprotein B (gB) genotyping. METHODS: Organ transplant recipients were included in the study if they had CMV viremia, if they had received an organ from a CMV-seropositive donor, and if there was at least 1 other recipient of an organ from the same donor who developed CMV viremia. Genotypes (gB1-4) were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Forty-seven recipients of organs from 21 donors developed CMV viremia. Twenty-three recipients had a pretransplant donor/recipient (D/R) CMV serostatus of D(+)/R(+), and 24 had a serostatus of D(+)/R(-). The prevalences of genotypes in recipients were as follows: for gB1, 51% (n = 24); for gB2, 19% (n = 9); for gB3, 9% (n = 4); for gB4, 0% (n = 0); and for mixed infection, 21% (n = 10). Recipients of an organ from a common donor had infection with CMV of the same gB genotype in 12 (57%) of 21 instances. Concordance between genotypes was higher among seronegative (i.e., D(+)/R(-)) recipients than among seropositive (D(+)/R(+)) recipients, although discordances resulting from the transmission of multiple strains were seen. In seropositive recipients, transmission of multiple strains from the donor could not be differentiated from reactivation of a recipient's own strains. CONCLUSION: Our analysis of strain concordance among recipients of organs from common donors showed that transmission of CMV has complex dynamic patterns. In seropositive recipients, transmission or reactivation of multiple CMV strains is possible.


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Mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever, chikungunya or malaria affect millions of people each year and control solutions are urgently needed. An international research program is currently being developed that relies on the introduction of the bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis into Aedes aegypti to control dengue transmission. In order to prepare for open-field testing releases of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes, an intensive social research and community engagement program was undertaken in Cairns, Northern Australia. The most common concern expressed by the diverse range of community members and stakeholders surveyed was the necessity of assuring the safety of the proposed approach for humans, animals and the environment. To address these concerns a series of safety experiments were undertaken. We report in this paper on the experimental data obtained, discuss the limitations of experimental risk assessment and focus on the necessity of including community concerns in scientific research.


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BACKGROUND: The evolutionary lineage leading to the teleost fish underwent a whole genome duplication termed FSGD or 3R in addition to two prior genome duplications that took place earlier during vertebrate evolution (termed 1R and 2R). Resulting from the FSGD, additional copies of genes are present in fish, compared to tetrapods whose lineage did not experience the 3R genome duplication. Interestingly, we find that ParaHox genes do not differ in number in extant teleost fishes despite their additional genome duplication from the genomic situation in mammals, but they are distributed over twice as many paralogous regions in fish genomes. RESULTS: We determined the DNA sequence of the entire ParaHox C1 paralogon in the East African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni, and compared it to orthologous regions in other vertebrate genomes as well as to the paralogous vertebrate ParaHox D paralogons. Evolutionary relationships among genes from these four chromosomal regions were studied with several phylogenetic algorithms. We provide evidence that the genes of the ParaHox C paralogous cluster are duplicated in teleosts, just as it had been shown previously for the D paralogon genes. Overall, however, synteny and cluster integrity seems to be less conserved in ParaHox gene clusters than in Hox gene clusters. Comparative analyses of non-coding sequences uncovered conserved, possibly co-regulatory elements, which are likely to contain promoter motives of the genes belonging to the ParaHox paralogons. CONCLUSION: There seems to be strong stabilizing selection for gene order as well as gene orientation in the ParaHox C paralogon, since with a few exceptions, only the lengths of the introns and intergenic regions differ between the distantly related species examined. The high degree of evolutionary conservation of this gene cluster's architecture in particular - but possibly clusters of genes more generally - might be linked to the presence of promoter, enhancer or inhibitor motifs that serve to regulate more than just one gene. Therefore, deletions, inversions or relocations of individual genes could destroy the regulation of the clustered genes in this region. The existence of such a regulation network might explain the evolutionary conservation of gene order and orientation over the course of hundreds of millions of years of vertebrate evolution. Another possible explanation for the highly conserved gene order might be the existence of a regulator not located immediately next to its corresponding gene but further away since a relocation or inversion would possibly interrupt this interaction. Different ParaHox clusters were found to have experienced differential gene loss in teleosts. Yet the complete set of these homeobox genes was maintained, albeit distributed over almost twice the number of chromosomes. Selection due to dosage effects and/or stoichiometric disturbance might act more strongly to maintain a modal number of homeobox genes (and possibly transcription factors more generally) per genome, yet permit the accumulation of other (non regulatory) genes associated with these homeobox gene clusters.


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Phlebotomine captures were performed in February 2010 in Salto (Salto department) and Bella Unión-Cuarein (Artigas department), Uruguay. Bella Unión is located across the Paraná River from Monte Caseros, Argentina, where a focus of canine visceral leishmaniasis (VL) was reported in 2009. No VL cases have ever been recorded in Uruguay and the last reported capture of Phlebotominae was in 1932 (Lutzomyia cortelezzii and Lutzomyia gaminarai). Light traps were placed in peridomestic environments, and Lutzomyia longipalpis, the main vector of visceral leishmaniasis, was found in Salto and Bella Unión. This is a first report of an area of potential VL transmission in Uruguay. Active and coordinated surveillance is required immediately the Uruguay-Argentina-Brazil border area.


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Recently, we showed that infection with dengue virus increases the locomotor activity of Aedes aegypti females. We speculate that the observed increased locomotor activity could potentially increase the chances of finding a suitable host and, as a consequence, the relative biting rate of infected mosquitoes. We used a mathematical model to investigate the impact of the increased locomotor activity by assuming that this activity translated into an increased biting rate for infected mosquitoes. The results show that the increased biting rate resulted in dengue outbreaks with greater numbers of primary and secondary infections and with more severe biennial epidemics.


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This population study, which evaluated two parasitological methods for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis mansoni, was performed in a low-transmission area in Pedra Preta, Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total of 201 inhabitants of the rural area participated in this research. Four stool samples were obtained from all participants and analysed using the Kato-Katz method (18 slides) and a commercial test, the TF-Test®, which was performed quantitatively. The data were analysed to determine prevalence, the sensitivity of the diagnostic methods, the worm burden and the definition of the "gold standard", which was obtained by totalling the results of all samples examined using the Kato-Katz technique and the TF-Test®. The results showed that the prevalence obtained from the examination of one Kato-Katz slide (the methodology adopted by the Brazilian control programme) was 8% compared to 35.8% from the "gold standard", which was a 4.5-fold difference. This result indicates that the prevalence of schistosomiasis in so-called low-transmission areas is significantly underestimated.


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BACKGROUND: Animal societies are diverse, ranging from small family-based groups to extraordinarily large social networks in which many unrelated individuals interact. At the extreme of this continuum, some ant species form unicolonial populations in which workers and queens can move among multiple interconnected nests without eliciting aggression. Although unicoloniality has been mostly studied in invasive ants, it also occurs in some native non-invasive species. Unicoloniality is commonly associated with very high queen number, which may result in levels of relatedness among nestmates being so low as to raise the question of the maintenance of altruism by kin selection in such systems. However, the actual relatedness among cooperating individuals critically depends on effective dispersal and the ensuing pattern of genetic structuring. In order to better understand the evolution of unicoloniality in native non-invasive ants, we investigated the fine-scale population genetic structure and gene flow in three unicolonial populations of the wood ant F. paralugubris. RESULTS: The analysis of geo-referenced microsatellite genotypes and mitochondrial haplotypes revealed the presence of cryptic clusters of genetically-differentiated nests in the three populations of F. paralugubris. Because of this spatial genetic heterogeneity, members of the same clusters were moderately but significantly related. The comparison of nuclear (microsatellite) and mitochondrial differentiation indicated that effective gene flow was male-biased in all populations. CONCLUSION: The three unicolonial populations exhibited male-biased and mostly local gene flow. The high number of queens per nest, exchanges among neighbouring nests and restricted long-distance gene flow resulted in large clusters of genetically similar nests. The positive relatedness among clustermates suggests that kin selection may still contribute to the maintenance of altruism in unicolonial populations if competition occurs among clusters.


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We examined strains of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from patients with acute Chagas disease that had been acquired by oral transmission in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil (2005) and two isolates that had been obtained from a marsupial (Didelphis aurita) and a vector (Triatoma tibiamaculata). These strains were characterised through their biological behaviour and isoenzymic profiles and genotyped according to the new Taxonomy Consensus (2009) based on the discrete typing unities, that is, T. cruzi genotypes I-VI. All strains exhibited the biological behaviour of biodeme type II. In six isolates, late peaks of parasitaemia, beyond the 20th day, suggested a double infection with biodemes II + III. Isoenzymes revealed Z2 or mixed Z1 and Z2 profiles. Genotyping was performed using three polymorphic genes (cytochrome oxidase II, spliced leader intergenic region and 24Sα rRNA) and the restriction fragment length polymorphism of the kDNA minicircles. Based on these markers, all but four isolates were characterised as T. cruzi II genotypes. Four mixed populations were identified: SC90, SC93 and SC97 (T. cruzi I + T. cruzi II) and SC95 (T. cruzi I + T. cruzi VI). Comparison of the results obtained by different methods was essential for the correct identification of the mixed populations and major lineages involved indicating that characterisation by different methods can provide new insights into the relationship between phenotypic and genotypic aspects of parasite behaviour.


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The orexin/hypocretin (Orx/Hcrt) system has long been considered to regulate a wide range of physiological processes, including feeding, energy metabolism, and arousal. More recently, concordant observations have demonstrated an important role for these peptides in the reinforcing properties of most drugs of abuse. Orx/Hcrt neurons arise in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and project to all brain structures implicated in the regulation of arousal, stress, and reward. Although Orx/Hcrt neurons have been shown to massively project to the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT), only recent evidence suggested that the PVT may be a key relay of Orx/Hcrt-coded reward-related communication between the LH and both the ventral and dorsal striatum. While this thalamic region was not thought to be part of the "drug addiction circuitry," an increasing amount of evidence demonstrated that the PVT-particularly PVT Orx/Hcrt transmission-was implicated in the modulation of reward function in general and several aspects of drug-directed behaviors in particular. The present review discusses recent findings that suggest that maladaptive recruitment of PVT Orx/Hcrt signaling by drugs of abuse may promote persistent compulsive drug-seeking behavior following a period of protracted abstinence and as such may represent a relevant target for understanding the long-term vulnerability to drug relapse after withdrawal.