993 resultados para titles


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Techniques of rapid prototyping were introduced in the 1980s in the field of engineering for the fabrication of a solid model based on a computed file. After its introduction in the biomedical field, several applications were raised for the fabrication of models to ease surgical planning and simulation in implantology, neurosurgery, and orthopedics, as well as for the fabrication of maxillofacial prostheses. Hence, the literature has described the evolution of rapid prototyping technique in health care, which allowed easier technique, improved surgical results, and fabrication of maxillofacial prostheses. Accordingly, a literature review on MEDLINE ( PubMed) database was conducted using the keywords rapid prototyping, surgical planning, and maxillofacial prostheses and based on articles published from 1981 to 2010. After reading the titles and abstracts of the articles, 50 studies were selected owing to their correlations with the aim of the current study. Several studies show that the prototypes have been used in different dental-medical areas such as maxillofacial and craniofacial surgery; implantology; neurosurgery; orthopedics; scaffolds of ceramic, polymeric, and metallic materials; and fabrication of personalized maxillofacial prostheses. Therefore, prototyping has been an indispensable tool in several studies and helpful for surgical planning and fabrication of prostheses and implants.


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Esta revisão teve por objetivo destacar os principais achados publicados nos últimos dez anos sobre os efeitos da respiração frenolabial (RFL) em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC). A busca dos artigos foi realizada nas bases de dados Lilacs, IBECS, MEDLINE e SciELO, por meio dos seguintes descritores da área da saúde (DeCS): doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, reabilitação, respiração, hiperinsuflação e dispneia, e suas respectivas versões na língua inglesa (MeSH), além do termo pursed-lip breathing. Após a eliminação dos títulos repetidos, foram selecionados somente os estudos que abordavam a RFL como tema principal, resultando em 12 artigos científicos, 10 ensaios clínicos e 2 revisões bibliográficas. Segundo os achados, a RFL proporciona: alterações sobre a gasometria arterial, caracterizada pelo aumento da saturação e pressão parcial de oxigênio; padrão ventilatório, com diminuição da frequência respiratória e aumento de tempo expiratório e do volume corrente; mecânica ventilatória, por meio do recrutamento de musculatura abdominal expiratória e dos músculos da caixa torácica e acessórios da inspiração; diminuição no consumo de oxigênio; alterações na modulação autonômica cardíaca induzida pelo aumento da atividade parassimpática e, por fim, melhora na qualidade de vida destes pacientes. A RFL é considerada uma manobra de grande importância, por repercutir de forma positiva em diversos sistemas e sobre a qualidade de vida de pacientes portadores da DPOC.


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Cet article présente les résultats de la recherche Démocratisation de la connaissance: recherche de pointe sur le genre et l'éducation formelle comme soutien pour formuler des agendas et des actions de politiques gouvernementales et non gouvernementales. Développée entre 2006 et 2007, elle visait à met re à jour, systématiser et diffuser la connaissance accumulée dans la production universitaire brésilienne sur les liens entre l'éducation formelle et les thématiques du genre, des femmes et/ou de la sexualité. Une banque de données contenant le titre et le résumé de 1 213 dissertations, thèses et articles a été constituée. Nous soulignons autant les défis théoriques, concernant une meilleure compréhension des concepts étudiés par cete enquête, que les défis méthodologique, comme la définition des descripteurs et des sources devant être examinées. Sa conclusion présente des tableaux et graphiques qui tracent un portrait initial des documents disponibles dans la base de données et indiquent que ces thématiques ont été l'objet d'un intérêt croissant sur la période étudiée.


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Três animais de cada espécie (Bos indicus, Bos taurus e Bubalus bubalis) foram inoculados, via oral, com 2×10(5) oocistos de Toxoplasma gondii. Seis outros animais, dois de cada espécie, foram mantidos como testemunhas. A resposta de anticorpos avaliada por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta iniciou-se a partir do quinto dia pós-inoculação (DPI) nos zebuínos e bubalinos, e no sétimo DPI nos taurinos. Os títulos sorológicos nos taurinos permaneceram elevados até o final do experimento (70º DPI), alcançando níveis máximos (1:16.384) entre o 42º e 49º DPI. Nos zebuínos e bubalinos o maior título de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma foi de 1:256. A resposta de anticorpos mais ou menos acentuada não está necessariamente relacionada à sensibilidade ao T. gondii.


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We discuss the main problems which make a scientific text difficult to find, to be read or to be accepted by readers. A scientific text is considered a logical argument. Therefore, methods, results and data from literature are premises supporting the conclusions of the work; and in the Introduction session, the justification corroborates the objective of the study. This conception makes the text a hermetically coherent structure where only the necessary data should be included (some controversy is still pertinent). In a second step, we show formal mistakes in scientific writing which make texts less attractive. Thus, we give examples of errors or inadequacy of formal aspects of presenting titles, abstracts, results (figures and tables), and grammar mistakes in Portuguese (but also valid for English grammar). After that, we emphasize the need for writing in international language (English) and for publication in periodicals with international impact on the scientific community. Finally, considerations to improve the Brazilian periodicals in the biological area are presented.


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Leptospirosis may affect all domestic and wild animals as well as human beings. Some serological studies have shown the involvement of wild species in the epidemiology of the disease. Once captive wild animals are not much studied, especially in Brazil, the present study aimed to detect anti- Leptospira spp. antibodies in animals from Ribeirão Preto city zoo, in São Paulo state, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from captive birds, fish, reptiles and mammals, sinanthropics and free-living animals and also from employees between March and October, 2006. Four hundred and three blood samples were obtained, 388 animals' samples (110 reptiles, 143 birds, 110 mammals and 25 fish) and 15 humans'. The sera were analysed by Microscopic Agglutination Test using 22 serovars from pathological leptospiras and two from non-pathological serovars. Among the animal samples, 339 were from captive animals, and 49 from free-living ones, captured with traps inside the zoo. One hundred and three (103/388 = 26.5%) samples reacted to leptospirosis, ninety-two (92/339 = 27.1%) samples were from captive animals and eleven (11/49 = 22.4%) from free-living ones. All humans' samples were negative. Serological titles varied from 40 to 5.120, with predominance of titles between 40 and 80 and the most frequent serovars were Patoc, Andamana, Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae and Panama.


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Includes bibliography


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: The goal of implant treatment is the formation of a direct bone-implant interface contact. Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the possibilities of immediate loading treatment for edentulous patients rehabilitated with mandibular and maxillary overdentures. Material and methods: A literature review using the PubMed and BIREME databases between the periods of 1977 and 2011 was performed. Results: From an initial yield of 218 titles, 78 articles were selected for text analysis, finally resulting in 23 studies (16 prospective, 6 prospective randomized, and 1 prospective multicenter) that met the inclusion criteria. Conclusion: The immediate loading protocol through which the implants are subjected to occlusal function immediately after their placement was introduced to overcome this limitation. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Objective: To systematically review the scientific evidence pertaining to the effectiveness of high-pull headgear in growing Class II subjects. Methods: A literature survey was performed by electronic database search. The survey covered the period from January 1966 to December 2008 and used Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Articles were initially selected based on their titles and abstracts; the full articles were then retrieved. The inclusion criteria included growing subjects between 8 to 15 years of age, Class II malocclusion treatment with high-pull headgear, and a control group with Class II malocclusion. References from selected articles were hand-searched for additional publications. Selected studies were evaluated methodologically. Results: Four articles were selected; none were randomized controlled trials. All of the articles clearly formulated their objectives and used appropriate measures. The studies showed that high-pull headgear treatment improves skeletal and dental relationship, distal displacement of the maxilla, vertical eruption control and upper molars distalization. One of the studies showed a slight clockwise rotation of the palatal plane; the others showed no significant treatment effect. The mandible was not affected by the treatment. Conclusion: While there is still a lack of strong evidence demonstrating the effects of high-pull headgear with a splint, other studies indicate that the AP relations improve due to distalization of the maxilla and upper molars, with little or no treatment effects in the mandible. Greater attention to the design should be given to improve the quality of such trials. © 2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics.


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Background: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease endemic in some undeveloped areas, and still represents a public health problem in Brazil. Therefore, the control of this endemic disease depends necessarily on the institution of correct treatment and containment of treatment dropout. This study aims to conduct a systematic review of published studies on treatment dropout of leprosy. Methods. We conducted a systematic review of articles on treatment dropout of leprosy, published between january 2005 and april 2013, on MEDLINE and SciELO databases. The search was performed using the MeSH terms: leprosy; patients dropouts and the keywords: leprosy, treatment and noncompliance, leprosy in association, beside the equivalents in Portuguese. Results: There were originally 196 references. After analyzing the titles and abstracts of articles, 20 articles were obtained and included in the final sample. Discussion. Leprosy is a notifiable disease known as its disfiguring capability and the high rate of non-compliance to treatment. The low adhesion is responsible for the remaining potential sources of infection, irreversible complications, incomplete cure and, additionally, may lead to resistance to multiple drugs. Many factors are responsible for the interruption or dropout treatment: socioeconomic factors, education level, knowledge about the disease, lack of efficiency of health services, demographics, side effects of drugs, alcoholism, among others. Conclusion: The recent scientific literature about the subject diverge regarding the factors that most affect the dropout problem in treating leprosy patients. However, better integration between professionals and users, and greater commitment of the patient, are common points among the authors of the studies. © 2013 Girão et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)