959 resultados para time-domain reflectometry


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This thesis deal with the design of advanced OFDM systems. Both waveform and receiver design have been treated. The main scope of the Thesis is to study, create, and propose, ideas and novel design solutions able to cope with the weaknesses and crucial aspects of modern OFDM systems. Starting from the the transmitter side, the problem represented by low resilience to non-linear distortion has been assessed. A novel technique that considerably reduces the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) yielding a quasi constant signal envelope in the time domain (PAPR close to 1 dB) has been proposed.The proposed technique, named Rotation Invariant Subcarrier Mapping (RISM),is a novel scheme for subcarriers data mapping,where the symbols belonging to the modulation alphabet are not anchored, but maintain some degrees of freedom. In other words, a bit tuple is not mapped on a single point, rather it is mapped onto a geometrical locus, which is totally or partially rotation invariant. The final positions of the transmitted complex symbols are chosen by an iterative optimization process in order to minimize the PAPR of the resulting OFDM symbol. Numerical results confirm that RISM makes OFDM usable even in severe non-linear channels. Another well known problem which has been tackled is the vulnerability to synchronization errors. Indeed in OFDM system an accurate recovery of carrier frequency and symbol timing is crucial for the proper demodulation of the received packets. In general, timing and frequency synchronization is performed in two separate phases called PRE-FFT and POST-FFT synchronization. Regarding the PRE-FFT phase, a novel joint symbol timing and carrier frequency synchronization algorithm has been presented. The proposed algorithm is characterized by a very low hardware complexity, and, at the same time, it guarantees very good performance in in both AWGN and multipath channels. Regarding the POST-FFT phase, a novel approach for both pilot structure and receiver design has been presented. In particular, a novel pilot pattern has been introduced in order to minimize the occurrence of overlaps between two pattern shifted replicas. This allows to replace conventional pilots with nulls in the frequency domain, introducing the so called Silent Pilots. As a result, the optimal receiver turns out to be very robust against severe Rayleigh fading multipath and characterized by low complexity. Performance of this approach has been analytically and numerically evaluated. Comparing the proposed approach with state of the art alternatives, in both AWGN and multipath fading channels, considerable performance improvements have been obtained. The crucial problem of channel estimation has been thoroughly investigated, with particular emphasis on the decimation of the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) through the selection of the Most Significant Samples (MSSs). In this contest our contribution is twofold, from the theoretical side, we derived lower bounds on the estimation mean-square error (MSE) performance for any MSS selection strategy,from the receiver design we proposed novel MSS selection strategies which have been shown to approach these MSE lower bounds, and outperformed the state-of-the-art alternatives. Finally, the possibility of using of Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) in the Broadband Satellite Return Channel has been assessed. Notably, SC-FDMA is able to improve the physical layer spectral efficiency with respect to single carrier systems, which have been used so far in the Return Channel Satellite (RCS) standards. However, it requires a strict synchronization and it is also sensitive to phase noise of local radio frequency oscillators. For this reason, an effective pilot tone arrangement within the SC-FDMA frame, and a novel Joint Multi-User (JMU) estimation method for the SC-FDMA, has been proposed. As shown by numerical results, the proposed scheme manages to satisfy strict synchronization requirements and to guarantee a proper demodulation of the received signal.


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Conjugated polymers have attracted tremendous academical and industrial research interest over the past decades due to the appealing advantages that organic / polymeric materials offer for electronic applications and devices such as organic light emitting diodes (OLED), organic field effect transistors (OFET), organic solar cells (OSC), photodiodes and plastic lasers. The optimization of organic materials for applications in optoelectronic devices requires detailed knowledge of their photophysical properties, for instance energy levels of excited singlet and triplet states, excited state decay mechanisms and charge carrier mobilities. In the present work a variety of different conjugated (co)polymers, mainly polyspirobifluorene- and polyfluorene-type materials, was investigated using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy in the picosecond to second time domain to study their elementary photophysical properties and to get a deeper insight into structure-property relationships. The experiments cover fluorescence spectroscopy using Streak Camera techniques as well as time-delayed gated detection techniques for the investigation of delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence. All measurements were performed on the solid state, i.e. thin polymer films and on diluted solutions. Starting from the elementary photophysical properties of conjugated polymers the experiments were extended to studies of singlet and triplet energy transfer processes in polymer blends, polymer-triplet emitter blends and copolymers. The phenomenon of photonenergy upconversion was investigated in blue light-emitting polymer matrices doped with metallated porphyrin derivatives supposing an bimolecular annihilation upconversion mechanism which could be experimentally verified on a series of copolymers. This mechanism allows for more efficient photonenergy upconversion than previously reported for polyfluorene derivatives. In addition to the above described spectroscopical experiments, amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in thin film polymer waveguides was studied employing a fully-arylated poly(indenofluorene) as the gain medium. It was found that the material exhibits a very low threshold value for amplification of blue light combined with an excellent oxidative stability, which makes it interesting as active material for organic solid state lasers. Apart from spectroscopical experiments, transient photocurrent measurements on conjugated polymers were performed as well to elucidate the charge carrier mobility in the solid state, which is an important material parameter for device applications. A modified time-of-flight (TOF) technique using a charge carrier generation layer allowed to study hole transport in a series of spirobifluorene copolymers to unravel the structure-mobility relationship by comparison with the homopolymer. Not only the charge carrier mobility could be determined for the series of polymers but also field- and temperature-dependent measurements analyzed in the framework of the Gaussian disorder model showed that results coincide very well with the predictions of the model. Thus, the validity of the disorder concept for charge carrier transport in amorphous glassy materials could be verified for the investigated series of copolymers.


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The objective of this work of thesis is the refined estimations of source parameters. To such a purpose we used two different approaches, one in the frequency domain and the other in the time domain. In frequency domain, we analyzed the P- and S-wave displacement spectra to estimate spectral parameters, that is corner frequencies and low frequency spectral amplitudes. We used a parametric modeling approach which is combined with a multi-step, non-linear inversion strategy and includes the correction for attenuation and site effects. The iterative multi-step procedure was applied to about 700 microearthquakes in the moment range 1011-1014 N•m and recorded at the dense, wide-dynamic range, seismic networks operating in Southern Apennines (Italy). The analysis of the source parameters is often complicated when we are not able to model the propagation accurately. In this case the empirical Green function approach is a very useful tool to study the seismic source properties. In fact the Empirical Green Functions (EGFs) consent to represent the contribution of propagation and site effects to signal without using approximate velocity models. An EGF is a recorded three-component set of time-histories of a small earthquake whose source mechanism and propagation path are similar to those of the master event. Thus, in time domain, the deconvolution method of Vallée (2004) was applied to calculate the source time functions (RSTFs) and to accurately estimate source size and rupture velocity. This technique was applied to 1) large event, that is Mw=6.3 2009 L’Aquila mainshock (Central Italy), 2) moderate events, that is cluster of earthquakes of 2009 L’Aquila sequence with moment magnitude ranging between 3 and 5.6, 3) small event, i.e. Mw=2.9 Laviano mainshock (Southern Italy).


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The work presented in this thesis is focused on the open-ended coaxial-probe frequency-domain reflectometry technique for complex permittivity measurement at microwave frequencies of dispersive dielectric multilayer materials. An effective dielectric model is introduced and validated to extend the applicability of this technique to multilayer materials in on-line system context. In addition, the thesis presents: 1) a numerical study regarding the imperfectness of the contact at the probe-material interface, 2) a review of the available models and techniques, 3) a new classification of the extraction schemes with guidelines on how they can be used to improve the overall performance of the probe according to the problem requirements.


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Le reti di oggetti intelligenti costituiscono una realtà che si sta affermando nel mondo quotidiano. Dispositivi capaci di comunicare tra loro, oltre che svolgere la propria funzione primaria, possono comporre una nuvola che faccia riferimento al legittimo proprietario. Un aspetto fondamentale di questo scenario riguarda la sicurezza, in particolar modo per garantire una comunicazione protetta. Il soddisfacimento di questo requisito è fondamentale anche per altri punti come l'integrità dell'informazione condivisa e l'autenticazione. Lo strumento più antico e tutt'ora adatto alla riservatezza di una comunicazione è costituito dalla crittografia. Una tecnica crittografica è schematicamente composta da un algoritmo che, a seconda di una chiave e del messaggio in ingresso, restituisce in uscita un messaggio cifrato, il crittogramma. Questo viene poi inviato e al legittimo destinatario che, essendo in possesso della chiave e dell'algoritmo, lo converte nel messaggio originale. L'obiettivo è rendere impossibile ad un utente malevolo - non dotato di chiave - la ricostruzione del messaggio. L'assunzione che l'algoritmo possa essere noto anche a terze parti concentra l'attenzione sul tema della chiave. La chiave deve essere sufficientemente lunga e casuale, ma soprattutto deve essere nota ai due utenti che intendono instaurare la comunicazione. Quest'ultimo problema, noto come distribuzione della chiave, è stato risolto con il sistema RSA a chiave pubblica. Il costo computazionale di questa tecnica, specialmente in un contesto di dispositivi non caratterizzati da grandi potenze di calcolo, suggerisce però la ricerca di strade alternative e meno onerose. Una soluzione promettente ed attualmente oggetto di studio sembra essere costituita dalle proprietà del canale wireless. Un ponte radio è caratterizzato da una funzione di trasferimento che dipende dall'ambiente in cui ci si trova e, per il teorema di reciprocità, risulta essere lo stesso per i due utenti che l'hanno instaurato. Oggetto della tesi è lo studio ed il confronto di alcune delle tecniche possibili per estrarre una chiave segreta da un mezzo condiviso, come quello del canale wireless. Si presenterà il contesto in cui verrà sviluppato l'elaborato. Si affronteranno in particolare due casi di interesse, costituiti dalla attuale tecnologia di propagazione del segnale a banda stretta (impiegata per la maggior parte delle trasmissioni senza fili) per passare a quella relativamente più recente della banda Ultra-larga (UWB). Verranno poi illustrate delle tecniche per ottenere stringhe di bit dai segnali acquisiti, e saranno proposti dei metodi per la loro correzione da eventuali discordanze. Saranno infine riportate le conclusioni sul lavoro svolto e le possibili strade future.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the diaphragm flexibility on the behavior of out-of-plane walls in masonry buildings. Simplified models have been developed to perform kinematic and dynamic analyses in order to compare the response of walls with different restraint conditions. Kinematic non linear analyses of assemblages of rigid blocks have been performed to obtain the acceleration-displacement curves for walls with different restraint conditions at the top. A simplified 2DOF model has been developed to analyse the dynamic response of the wall with an elastic spring at the top, following the Housner rigid behaviour hypothesis. The dissipation of energy is concentrated at every impact at the base of the wall and is modelled through the introduction of the coefficient of restitution. The sets of equations of the possible configurations of the wall, depending on the different positions of the centre of rotation at the base and at the intermediate hinge have been obtained. An algorithm for the numerical integration of the sets of the equations of motion in the time domain has been developed. Dynamic analyses of a set of walls with Gaussian impulses and recorded accelerograms inputs have been performed in order to compare the response of the simply supported wall with the one of the wall with elastic spring at the top. The influence of diaphragm stiffness Kd has been investigated determining the variation of maximum displacement demand with the value of Kd. A more regular trend has been obtained for the Gaussian input than for the recorded accelerograms.


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Phononische Kristalle sind strukturierte Materialien mit sich periodisch ändernden elastischen Moduln auf der Wellenlängenskala. Die Interaktion zwischen Schallwellen und periodischer Struktur erzeugt interessante Interferenzphänomene, und phononische Kristalle erschließen neue Funktionalitäten, die in unstrukturierter Materie unzugänglich sind. Hypersonische phononische Kristalle im Speziellen, die bei GHz Frequenzen arbeiten, haben Periodizitäten in der Größenordnung der Wellenlänge sichtbaren Lichts und zeigen daher die Wege auf, gleichzeitig Licht- und Schallausbreitung und -lokalisation zu kontrollieren, und dadurch die Realisierung neuartiger akusto-optischer Anordnungen. Bisher bekannte hypersonische phononische Kristalle basieren auf thermoplastischen Polymeren oder Epoxiden und haben nur eingeschränkte thermische und mechanische Stabilität und mechanischen Kontrast. Phononische Kristalle, die aus mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten zylindrischen Kanälen in harter Matrix bestehen, zeigen einen sehr hohen elastischen Kontrast und sind bislang noch unerforscht. In dieser Dissertation wird die experimentelle Untersuchung zweidimensionaler hypersonischer phononischer Kristalle mit hexagonaler Anordnung zylindrischer Nanoporen basierend auf der Selbstorganisation anodischen Aluminiumoxids (AAO) beschrieben. Dazu wird die Technik der hochauflösenden inelastischen Brillouin Lichtstreuung (BLS) verwendet. AAO ist ein vielsetiges Modellsystem für die Untersuchung reicher phononischer Phänomene im GHz-Bereich, die eng mit den sich in den Nanoporen befindlichen Flüssigkeiten und deren Interaktion mit der Porenwand verknüpft sind. Gerichteter Fluss elastischer Energie parallel und orthogonal zu der Kanalachse, Lokalisierung von Phononen und Beeinflussung der phononischen Bandstruktur bei gleichzeitig präziser Kontrolle des Volumenbruchs der Kanäle (Porosität) werden erörtert. Außerdem ermöglicht die thermische Stabilität von AAO ein temperaturabhängiges Schalten phononischer Eigenschaften infolge temperaturinduzierter Phasenübergänge in den Nanoporen. In monokristallinen zweidimensionalen phononischen AAO Kristallen unterscheiden sich die Dispersionsrelationen empfindlich entlang zweier hoch symmetrischer Richtungen in der Brillouinzone, abhängig davon, ob die Poren leer oder gefüllt sind. Alle experimentellen Dispersionsrelationen werden unter Zuhilfenahme theoretische Ergebnisse durch finite Elemente Analyse (FDTD) gedeutet. Die Zuordnung der Verschiebungsfelder der elastischen Wellen erklärt die Natur aller phononischen Moden.


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Theoretical models are developed for the continuous-wave and pulsed laser incision and cut of thin single and multi-layer films. A one-dimensional steady-state model establishes the theoretical foundations of the problem by combining a power-balance integral with heat flow in the direction of laser motion. In this approach, classical modelling methods for laser processing are extended by introducing multi-layer optical absorption and thermal properties. The calculation domain is consequently divided in correspondence with the progressive removal of individual layers. A second, time-domain numerical model for the short-pulse laser ablation of metals accounts for changes in optical and thermal properties during a single laser pulse. With sufficient fluence, the target surface is heated towards its critical temperature and homogeneous boiling or "phase explosion" takes place. Improvements are seen over previous works with the more accurate calculation of optical absorption and shielding of the incident beam by the ablation products. A third, general time-domain numerical laser processing model combines ablation depth and energy absorption data from the short-pulse model with two-dimensional heat flow in an arbitrary multi-layer structure. Layer removal is the result of both progressive short-pulse ablation and classical vaporisation due to long-term heating of the sample. At low velocity, pulsed laser exposure of multi-layer films comprising aluminium-plastic and aluminium-paper are found to be characterised by short-pulse ablation of the metallic layer and vaporisation or degradation of the others due to thermal conduction from the former. At high velocity, all layers of the two films are ultimately removed by vaporisation or degradation as the average beam power is increased to achieve a complete cut. The transition velocity between the two characteristic removal types is shown to be a function of the pulse repetition rate. An experimental investigation validates the simulation results and provides new laser processing data for some typical packaging materials.


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The dynamics of a passive back-to-back test rig have been characterised, leading to a multi-coordinate approach for the analysis of arbitrary test configurations. Universal joints have been introduced into a typical pre-loaded back-to-back system in order to produce an oscillating torsional moment in a test specimen. Two different arrangements have been investigated using a frequency-based sub-structuring approach: the receptance method. A numerical model has been developed in accordance with this theory, allowing interconnection of systems with two-coordinates and closed multi-loop schemes. The model calculates the receptance functions and modal and deflected shapes of a general system. Closed form expressions of the following individual elements have been developed: a servomotor, damped continuous shaft and a universal joint. Numerical results for specific cases have been compared with published data in literature and experimental measurements undertaken in the present work. Due to the complexity of the universal joint and its oscillating dynamic effects, a more detailed analysis of this component has been developed. Two models have been presented. The first represents the joint as two inertias connected by a massless cross-piece. The second, derived by the dynamic analysis of a spherical four-link mechanism, considers the contribution of the floating element and its gyroscopic effects. An investigation into non-linear behaviour has led to a time domain model that utilises the Runge-Kutta fourth order method for resolution of the dynamic equations. It has been demonstrated that the torsional receptances of a universal joint, derived using the simple model, result in representation of the joint as an equivalent variable inertia. In order to verify the model, a test rig has been built and experimental validation undertaken. The variable inertia of a universal joint has lead to a novel application of the component as a passive device for the balancing of inertia variations in slider-crank mechanisms.


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Within this thesis a new double laser pulse pumping scheme for plasma-based, transient collisionally excited soft x-ray lasers (SXRL) was developed, characterized and utilized for applications. SXRL operations from ~50 up to ~200 electron volt were demonstrated applying this concept. As a central technical tool, a special Mach-Zehnder interferometer in the chirped pulse amplification (CPA) laser front-end was developed for the generation of fully controllable double-pulses to optimally pump SXRLs.rnThis Mach-Zehnder device is fully controllable and enables the creation of two CPA pulses of different pulse duration and variable energy balance with an adjustable time delay. Besides the SXRL pumping, the double-pulse configuration was applied to determine the B-integral in the CPA laser system by amplifying short pulse replica in the system, followed by an analysis in the time domain. The measurement of B-integral values in the 0.1 to 1.5 radian range, only limited by the reachable laser parameters, proved to be a promising tool to characterize nonlinear effects in the CPA laser systems.rnContributing to the issue of SXRL pumping, the double-pulse was configured to optimally produce the gain medium of the SXRL amplification. The focusing geometry of the two collinear pulses under the same grazing incidence angle on the target, significantly improved the generation of the active plasma medium. On one hand the effect was induced by the intrinsically guaranteed exact overlap of the two pulses on the target, and on the other hand by the grazing incidence pre-pulse plasma generation, which allows for a SXRL operation at higher electron densities, enabling higher gain in longer wavelength SXRLs and higher efficiency at shorter wavelength SXRLs. The observation of gain enhancement was confirmed by plasma hydrodynamic simulations.rnThe first introduction of double short-pulse single-beam grazing incidence pumping for SXRL pumping below 20 nanometer at the laser facility PHELIX in Darmstadt (Germany), resulted in a reliable operation of a nickel-like palladium SXRL at 14.7 nanometer with a pump energy threshold strongly reduced to less than 500 millijoule. With the adaptation of the concept, namely double-pulse single-beam grazing incidence pumping (DGRIP) and the transfer of this technology to the laser facility LASERIX in Palaiseau (France), improved efficiency and stability of table-top high-repetition soft x-ray lasers in the wavelength region below 20 nanometer was demonstrated. With a total pump laser energy below 1 joule the target, 2 mircojoule of nickel-like molybdenum soft x-ray laser emission at 18.9 nanometer was obtained at 10 hertz repetition rate, proving the attractiveness for high average power operation. An easy and rapid alignment procedure fulfilled the requirements for a sophisticated installation, and the highly stable output satisfied the need for a reliable strong SXRL source. The qualities of the DGRIP scheme were confirmed in an irradiation operation on user samples with over 50.000 shots corresponding to a deposited energy of ~ 50 millijoule.rnThe generation of double-pulses with high energies up to ~120 joule enabled the transfer to shorter wavelength SXRL operation at the laser facility PHELIX. The application of DGRIP proved to be a simple and efficient method for the generation of soft x-ray lasers below 10 nanometer. Nickel-like samarium soft x-ray lasing at 7.3 nanometer was achieved at a low total pump energy threshold of 36 joule, which confirmed the suitability of the applied pumping scheme. A reliable and stable SXRL operation was demonstrated, due to the single-beam pumping geometry despite the large optical apertures. The soft x-ray lasing of nickel-like samarium was an important milestone for the feasibility of applying the pumping scheme also for higher pumping pulse energies, which are necessary to obtain soft x-ray laser wavelengths in the water window. The reduction of the total pump energy below 40 joule for 7.3 nanometer short wavelength lasing now fulfilled the requirement for the installation at the high-repetition rate operation laser facility LASERIX.rn


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Aim of this research is the development and validation of a comprehensive multibody motorcycle model featuring rigid-ring tires, taking into account both slope and roughness of road surfaces. A novel parametrization for the general kinematics of the motorcycle is proposed, using a mixed reference-point and relative-coordinates approach. The resulting description, developed in terms of dependent coordinates, makes it possible to efficiently include rigid-ring kinematics as well as road elevation and slope. The equations of motion for the multibody system are derived symbolically and the constraint equations arising from the dependent-coordinate formulation are handled using a projection technique. Therefore the resulting system of equations can be integrated in time domain using a standard ODE algorithm. The model is validated with respect to maneuvers experimentally measured on the race track, showing consistent results and excellent computational efficiency. More in detail, it is also capable of reproducing the chatter vibration of racing motorcycles. The chatter phenomenon, appearing during high speed cornering maneuvers, consists of a self-excited vertical oscillation of both the front and rear unsprung masses in the range of frequency between 17 and 22 Hz. A critical maneuver is numerically simulated, and a self-excited vibration appears, consistent with the experimentally measured chatter vibration. Finally, the driving mechanism for the self-excitation is highlighted and a physical interpretation is proposed.


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This thesis investigates metallic nanostructures exhibiting surface plasmon resonance for the amplification of fluorescence signal in sandwich immunoassays. In this approach, an analyte is captured by an antibody immobilized on a plasmonic structure and detected by a subsequently bound fluorophore labeled detection antibody. The highly confined field of surface plasmons originates from collective charge oscillations which are associated with high electromagnetic field enhancements at the metal surface and allow for greatly increased fluorescence signal from the attached fluorophores. This feature allows for improving the signal-to-noise ratio in fluorescence measurements and thus advancing the sensitivity of the sensor platform. In particular, the thesis presents two plasmonic nanostructures that amplify fluorescence signal in devices that rely on epifluorescence geometry, in which the fluorophore absorbs and emits light from the same direction perpendicular to the substrate surface.rnThe first is a crossed relief gold grating that supports propagating surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and second, gold nanoparticles embedded in refractive index symmetric environment exhibiting collective localized surface plasmons (cLSPs). Finite-difference time-domain simulations are performed in order to design structures for the optimum amplification of established Cy5 and Alexa Fluor 647 fluorophore labels with the absorption and emission wavelengths in the red region of spectrum. The design takes into account combined effect of surface plasmon-enhanced excitation rate, directional surface plasmon-driven emission and modified quantum yield for characteristic distances in immunoassays. Homebuilt optical instruments are developed for the experimental observation of the surface plasmon mode spectrum, measurements of the angular distribution of surface plasmon-coupled fluorescence light and a setup mimicking commercial fluorescence reading systems in epifluorescence geometry.rnCrossed relief grating structures are prepared by interference lithography and multiple copies are made by UV nanoimprint lithography. The fabricated crossed diffraction gratings were utilized for sandwich immunoassay-based detection of the clinically relevant inflammation marker interleukin 6 (IL-6). The enhancement factor of the crossed grating reached EF=100 when compared to a flat gold substrate. This result is comparable to the highest reported enhancements to date, for fluorophores with relatively high intrinsic quantum yield. The measured enhancement factor excellently agrees with the predictions of the simulations and the mechanisms of the enhancement are explained in detail. Main contributions were the high electric field intensity enhancement (30-fold increase) and the directional fluorescence emission at (4-fold increase) compared to a flat gold substrate.rnCollective localized surface plasmons (cLSPs) hold potential for even stronger fluorescence enhancement of EF=1000, due to higher electric field intensity confinement. cLSPs are established by diffractive coupling of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of metallic nanoparticles and result in a narrow resonance. Due to the narrow resonance, it is hard to overlap the cLSPs mode with the absorption and emission bands of the used fluorophore, simultaneously. Therefore, a novel two resonance structure that supports SPP and cLSP modes was proposed. It consists of a 2D array of cylindrical gold nanoparticles above a low refractive index polymer and a silver film. A structure that supports the proposed SPP and cLSP modes was prepared by employing laser interference lithography and the measured mode spectrum was compared to simulation results.rn


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In un sistema radar è fondamentale rilevare, riconoscere e cercare di seguire il percorso di un eventuale intruso presente in un’area di osservazione al fine ultimo della sicurezza, sia che si consideri l’ambito militare, che anche quello civile. A questo proposito sono stati fatti passi avanti notevoli nella creazione e sviluppo di sistemi di localizzazione passiva che possano rilevare un target (il quale ha come unica proprietà quella di riflettere un segnale inviato dal trasmettitore), in modo che esso sia nettamente distinto rispetto al caso di assenza dell’intruso stesso dall’area di sorveglianza. In particolare l’ultilizzo di Radar Multistatico (ossia un trasmettitore e più ricevitori) permette una maggior precisione nel controllo dell’area d’osservazione. Tra le migliori tecnologie a supporto di questa analisi vi è l’UWB (Ultra Wide-Band), che permette di sfruttare una banda molto grande con il riscontro di una precisione che può arrivare anche al centimetro per scenari in-door. L’UWB utilizza segnali ad impulso molto brevi, a banda larga e che quindi permettono una risoluzione elevata, tanto da consentire, in alcune applicazioni, di superare i muri, rimuovendo facilmente gli elementi presenti nell’ambiente, ossia il clutter. Quindi è fondamentale conoscere algoritmi che permettano la detection ed il tracking del percorso compiuto dal target nell’area. In particolare in questa tesi vengono elaborati nuovi algoritmi di Clustering del segnale ricevuto dalla riflessione sull’intruso, utilizzati al fine di migliorare la visualizzazione dello stesso in post-processing. Infine questi algoritmi sono stati anche implementati su misure sperimentali attuate tramite nodi PulsOn 410 Time Domain, al fine ultimo della rilevazione della presenza di un target nell’area di osservazione dei nodi.


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The study of dielectric properties concerns storage and dissipation of electric and magnetic energy in materials. Dielectrics are important in order to explain various phenomena in Solid-State Physics and in Physics of Biological Materials. Indeed, during the last two centuries, many scientists have tried to explain and model the dielectric relaxation. Starting from the Kohlrausch model and passing through the ideal Debye one, they arrived at more com- plex models that try to explain the experimentally observed distributions of relaxation times, including the classical (Cole-Cole, Davidson-Cole and Havriliak-Negami) and the more recent ones (Hilfer, Jonscher, Weron, etc.). The purpose of this thesis is to discuss a variety of models carrying out the analysis both in the frequency and in the time domain. Particular attention is devoted to the three classical models, that are studied using a transcendental function known as Mittag-Leffler function. We highlight that one of the most important properties of this function, its complete monotonicity, is an essential property for the physical acceptability and realizability of the models. Lo studio delle proprietà dielettriche riguarda l’immagazzinamento e la dissipazione di energia elettrica e magnetica nei materiali. I dielettrici sono importanti al fine di spiegare vari fenomeni nell’ambito della Fisica dello Stato Solido e della Fisica dei Materiali Biologici. Infatti, durante i due secoli passati, molti scienziati hanno tentato di spiegare e modellizzare il rilassamento dielettrico. A partire dal modello di Kohlrausch e passando attraverso quello ideale di Debye, sono giunti a modelli più complessi che tentano di spiegare la distribuzione osservata sperimentalmente di tempi di rilassamento, tra i quali modelli abbiamo quelli classici (Cole-Cole, Davidson-Cole e Havriliak-Negami) e quelli più recenti (Hilfer, Jonscher, Weron, etc.). L’obiettivo di questa tesi è discutere vari modelli, conducendo l’analisi sia nel dominio delle frequenze sia in quello dei tempi. Particolare attenzione è rivolta ai tre modelli classici, i quali sono studiati utilizzando una funzione trascendente nota come funzione di Mittag-Leffler. Evidenziamo come una delle più importanti proprietà di questa funzione, la sua completa monotonia, è una proprietà essenziale per l’accettabilità fisica e la realizzabilità dei modelli.


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In most real-life environments, mechanical or electronic components are subjected to vibrations. Some of these components may have to pass qualification tests to verify that they can withstand the fatigue damage they will encounter during their operational life. In order to conduct a reliable test, the environmental excitations can be taken as a reference to synthesize the test profile: this procedure is referred to as “test tailoring”. Due to cost and feasibility reasons, accelerated qualification tests are usually performed. In this case, the duration of the original excitation which acts on the component for its entire life-cycle, typically hundreds or thousands of hours, is reduced. In particular, the “Mission Synthesis” procedure lets to quantify the induced damage of the environmental vibration through two functions: the Fatigue Damage Spectrum (FDS) quantifies the fatigue damage, while the Maximum Response Spectrum (MRS) quantifies the maximum stress. Then, a new random Power Spectral Density (PSD) can be synthesized, with same amount of induced damage, but a specified duration in order to conduct accelerated tests. In this work, the Mission Synthesis procedure is applied in the case of so-called Sine-on-Random vibrations, i.e. excitations composed of random vibrations superimposed on deterministic contributions, in the form of sine tones typically due to some rotating parts of the system (e.g. helicopters, engine-mounted components, …). In fact, a proper test tailoring should not only preserve the accumulated fatigue damage, but also the “nature” of the excitation (in this case the sinusoidal components superimposed on the random process) in order to obtain reliable results. The classic time-domain approach is taken as a reference for the comparison of different methods for the FDS calculation in presence of Sine-on-Random vibrations. Then, a methodology to compute a Sine-on-Random specification based on a mission FDS is presented.