997 resultados para thermal effectiveness
Background: Medical prescription after organ transplant must prevent both rejection and infectious complications. We assessed the 1-year effectiveness and cost of introducing a new combined regimen in kidney transplantation. Methods: Patients transplanted from January 2000 to March 2003 (Period 1) were compared to patients transplanted from April 2003 to July 2005 (Period 2). In period 1, patients were treated with Basiliximab, Cyclosporin, steroids and Mycophenolate (MMF) or Azathioprine. Prophylaxis with Valacyclovir was prescribed only in CMV D+/R- patients. In period 2, immunosuppressive drugs were Basiliximab, Tacrolimus, steroids and MMF. A 3-month universal CMV prophylaxis with Valganciclovir was used. Medical charts of outpatient visits allowed identifying drug, laboratory and radiological tests use, and hospital information system causes of hospitalisation and length of stay (LOS) over the first year after transplant. Patients with incomplete costs data were excluded. Results: 53 patients were analysed in period 1, and 60 in period 2. CMV serostatus patterns were not significantly different between the 2 periods. Over 12 months, acute rejection decreased from 22 patients (42%) in period 1 to 4 patients (7%) in period 2 (p<0.001), and CMV infection from 25 patients (47%) to 9 patients (15%, p<0.001). Average total rehospitalisation LOS decreased from 28±19 to 20±11 days (p<0.007). Average outpatient visits decreased from 49±10 to 39±8 (p<0.001). Average immunosuppression and CMV prophylaxis costs increased from US$ 18,362±6,546 to 24,637±5,457 (p<0.001), while average graft rejection costs decreased form US$ 4,135±9,164 to 585±2,850 (p=0.005), and average CMV treatment costs from US$ 2,043±5,545 to 91±293 (p=0.008). Average outpatient visits costs decreased from US$ 7,619±1,549 to 6,074±1,043 (p<0.001), and other hospital costs from US$ 3,801±6,519 to 1,196±3,146 (p=0.007). Altogether, average 1-year treatment costs decreased from US$ 35,961±14,916 to 32,584±6,211 (p=0.115). Cost-effectiveness ratios to avoid graft rejection and CMV infection decreased from US$ 61,482±9,292 to 34,911± 1,639 (p=0.006) and US$ 68,070±11,122 to 39,899±2,650 (p=0.015), respectively. Conclusion: The new combined regimen administered in period 2 was significantly more effective. Its additional cost was more than offset by savings linked with complications avoidance.
AIM: To evaluate the long-term safety and effectiveness of lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) in a population-based cohort of HIV-1-infected children. METHODS: All children enrolled in the Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study, treated with LPV/r-based combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) between November 2000 and October 2008, were included. RESULTS: 88 children (25 (28%) protease inhibitor (PI)-naive, 16 (18%) ART-naive) were analysed (251 patient-years on LPV/r). After 48 weeks on LPV/r, 70 children had a median (interquartile range (IQR)) decrease in HIV-1 viral load of 4.25 log (5.45-3.17; PI-naive, n=17) and 2.53 (3.68-1.38; PI-experienced, n=53). Median (IQR) increase in CD4 count was 429 (203-593; PI-naive) and 177 (21-331; PI-experienced) cells/microl. These effects remained stable throughout 192 weeks for 25 children. Treatment was stopped for viral rebound in seven and suspected toxicity in 12 children. CONCLUSION: Long-term treatment with LPV/r-based cART is safe and effective in HIV-1-infected children.
Background: There is evidence that exposure to passive smoking in general, and in babies in particular, is an important cause of morbimortality. Passive smoking is related to an increased risk of pediatric diseases such as sudden death syndrome, acute respiratory diseases, worsening of asthma, acute-chronic middle ear disease and slowing of lung growth.The objective of this article is to describe the BIBE study protocol. The BIBE study aims to determine the effectiveness of a brief intervention within the context of Primary Care, directed to mothers and fathers that smoke, in order to reduce the exposure of babies to passive smoking (ETS).Methods/DesignCluster randomized field trial (control and intervention group), multicentric and open. Subject: Fathers and/or mothers who are smokers and their babies (under 18 months) that attend pediatric services in Primary Care in Catalonia.The measurements will be taken at three points in time, in each of the fathers and/or mothers who respond to a questionnaire regarding their baby's clinical background and characteristics of the baby's exposure, together with variables related to the parents' tobacco consumption. A hair sample of the baby will be taken at the beginning of the study and at six months after the initial visit (biological determination of nicotine). The intervention group will apply a brief intervention in passive smoking after specific training and the control group will apply the habitual care.Discussion: Exposure to ETS is an avoidable factor related to infant morbimortality. Interventions to reduce exposure to ETS in babies are potentially beneficial for their health. The BIBE study evaluates an intervention to reduce exposure to ETS that takes advantage of pediatric visits. Interventions in the form of advice, conducted by pediatric professionals, are an excellent opportunity for prevention and protection of infants against the harmful effects of ETS.
BackgroundPulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis (PLCH) is a rare disorder characterised by granulomatous proliferation of CD1a-positive histiocytes forming granulomas within lung parenchyma, in strong association with tobacco smoking, and which may result in chronic respiratory failure. Smoking cessation is considered to be critical in management, but has variable effects on outcome. No drug therapy has been validated. Cladribine (chlorodeoxyadenosine, 2-CDA) down-regulates histiocyte proliferation and has been successful in curbing multi-system Langerhans cell histiocytosis and isolated PLCH.Methods and patientsWe retrospectively studied 5 patients (aged 37¿55 years, 3 females) with PLCH who received 3 to 4 courses of cladribine therapy as a single agent (0.1 mg/kg per day for 5 consecutive days at monthly intervals). One patient was treated twice because of relapse at 1 year. Progressive pulmonary disease with obstructive ventilatory pattern despite smoking cessation and/or corticosteroid therapy were indications for treatment. Patients were administered oral trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and valaciclovir to prevent opportunistic infections. They gave written consent to receive off-label cladribine in the absence of validated treatment.ResultsFunctional class dyspnea improved with cladribine therapy in 4 out of 5 cases, and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) increased in all cases by a mean of 387 ml (100¿920 ml), contrasting with a steady decline prior to treatment. Chest high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) features improved with cladribine therapy in 4 patients. Hemodynamic improvement was observed in 1 patient with pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension. The results suggested a greater treatment effect in subjects with nodular lung lesions and/or thick-walled cysts on chest HRCT, with diffuse hypermetabolism of lung lesions on positron emission tomography (PET)-scan, and with progressive disease despite smoking cessation. Infectious pneumonia developed in 1 patient, with later grade 4 neutrocytopenia but without infection.DiscussionData interpretation was limited by the retrospective, uncontrolled study design and small sample size.ConclusionCladribine as a single agent may be effective therapy in patients with progressive PLCH.
This article, which is based on a longitudinal study conducted with a cohort ofoctogenarians, examines downward social comparison and its effectiveness as an adjustment mechanism during the frailty process. First of all, a paradoxical stability of subjective well-being is to be observed: it remains stable over five years notwithstanding the general decline in health. Next, an analysis based on individual health trajectories reveals that downward social comparison is associated with the maintenance of a stable level of well-being, whereas, when it is not associated with well-being, the latter tends to vary.
BACKGROUND: The study aimed to compare the cost-effectiveness of concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ) for the treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme versus initial radiotherapy alone from a public health care perspective. METHODS: The economic evaluation was performed alongside a randomized, multicenter, phase 3 trial. The primary endpoint of the trial was overall survival. Costs included all direct medical costs. Economic data were collected prospectively for a subgroup of 219 patients (38%). Unit costs for drugs, procedures, laboratory and imaging, radiotherapy, and hospital costs per day were collected from the official national reimbursement lists based on 2004. For the cost-effectiveness analysis, survival was expressed as 2.5 years restricted mean estimates. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was constructed. Confidence intervals for the ICER were calculated using the Fieller method and bootstrapping. RESULTS: The difference in 2.5 years restricted mean survival between the treatment arms was 0.25 life-years and the ICER was euro37,361 per life-year gained with a 95% confidence interval (CI) ranging from euro19,544 to euro123,616. The area between the survival curves of the treatment arms suggests an increase of the overall survival gain for a longer follow-up. An extrapolation of the overall survival per treatment arm and imputation of costs for the extrapolated survival showed a substantial reduction in ICER. CONCLUSIONS: The ICER of euro37,361 per life-year gained is a conservative estimate. We concluded that despite the high TMZ acquisition costs, the costs per life-year gained are comparable to accepted first-line treatment with chemotherapy in patients with cancer.
OBJECTIVE: Our aim is to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy, and patency of using coronary stents for the treatment of hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplantation. CONCLUSION: Hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplantation can be treated using coronary stents. The low rate of complication, high technical success, and 1-year patency rates are encouraging.
BACKGROUND: Various centralised mammography screening programmes have shown to reduce breast cancer mortality at reasonable costs. However, mammography screening is not necessarily cost-effective in every situation. Opportunistic screening, the predominant screening modality in several European countries, may under certain circumstances be a cost-effective alternative. In this study, we compared the cost-effectiveness of both screening modalities in Switzerland. METHODS: Using micro-simulation modelling, we predicted the effects and costs of biennial mammography screening for 50-69 years old women between 1999 and 2020, in the Swiss female population aged 30-70 in 1999. A sensitivity analysis on the test sensitivity of opportunistic screening was performed. RESULTS: Organised mammography screening with an 80% participation rate yielded a breast cancer mortality reduction of 13%. Twenty years after the start of screening, the predicted annual breast cancer mortality was 25% lower than in a situation without screening. The 3% discounted cost-effectiveness ratio of organised mammography screening was euro11,512 per life year gained. Opportunistic screening with a similar participation rate was comparably effective, but at twice the costs: euro22,671-24,707 per life year gained. This was mainly related to the high costs of opportunistic mammography and frequent use of imaging diagnostics in combination with an opportunistic mammogram. CONCLUSION: Although data on the performance of opportunistic screening are limited, both opportunistic and organised mammography screening seem effective in reducing breast cancer mortality in Switzerland. However, for opportunistic screening to become equally cost-effective as organised screening, costs and use of additional diagnostics should be reduced.
Clients' personality traits and individual characteristics, such as age, gender, reason for seeking counselling, and further compounding problems in their personal or academic lives, may pose risk factors that render career decision making difficult and may also impact the overall effectiveness of a career counselling intervention. Neuroticism and conscien- tiousness as well as clients' age and gender directly affected clients' satisfaction with life and certain aspects of their career indecision scores before participating in our short-term career counselling intervention. Career counsellors can use personality and career-specific and career-non-specific instruments to tailor career counselling interventions to meet clients' individual needs.
The safety benefit of signalizing intersections of high-speed divided expressways is considered. Analyses were conducted on 50 and 55 mph and on 55 mph only intersections, comparing unsignalized and signalized intersections. Results of the 55 mph analysis are included in this report. Matched-pair analysis indicates that generally, signalized intersections have higher crash rate but lower costs per crash. On the other hand, before-and-after analysis (intersections signalized between 1994 and 2001) indicates lower crash rates (~30 percent) and total costs (~10 percent) after signalization. Empirical Bayes (EB) adjusted before-and-after analysis reduces estimates of safety benefit (crash rate) to about 20 percent. The study shows how commonly used analyses can differ in their results, and that there is great variability in the safety performance of individual signalized locations. This variability and the effect of EB adjustment are demonstrated through the use of innovative graphics.
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: This was an observational, non-interventional, multicenter, phase IV study, in patients with genotype 1/4/5/6 chronic hepatitis C (CHC). The primary objectives were to evaluate SVR in patients with no or minimal fibrosis (METAVIR F0-F1) versus well established fibrosis (F2-F4), and to estimate response on Weeks 12, 24 and 48 on treatment in previously untreated patients with genotypes 1/4/5/6 CHC. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 538 patients treated with pegylated interferon alfa 2b 1.5 mcg/kg in combination with ribavirin 800-1200 mg/day were enrolled in 55 sites in Belgium and Luxembourg, 505 being considered for the analysis. 40% of the patients were female and 60% male, the average age was 47.5 years, 10.5% were 65 or older. RESULTS: SVR was observed in 35% of the patients, EVR in 68%, of which pEVR in 33% and cEVR in 35%. SVR was observed in 43% of the low fibrosis group (F0, F1) and 30% of the high fibrosis group (F2, F3, F4) (p = 0.005). SVR rates were 34% for genotype 1, 37% for genotype 4, and 47% for genotype 5 (NS). Multivariate analysis showed that EVR and baseline METAVIR score are independent prognostic factors for SVR. CONCLUSIONS: This trial confirms that fibrosis stage and early viral response are the most important key-factors to predict sustained response, suggesting that the earlier patients are treated, the better the outcome. Non-invasive techniques enable us to closely monitor progression of fibrosis, allowing a better selection of patients for antiviral treatment in the DAA-era.
The thermal energetics of rodents from cool, wet tropical highlands are poorly known. Metabolic rate, body temperature and thermal conductance were measured in the moss-forest rat, Rattus niobe (Rodentia), a small murid endemic to the highlands of New Guinea. These data were evaluated in the context of the variation observed in the genus Rattus and among tropical murids. In 7 adult R. niobe, basal metabolic rate (BMR) averaged 53.6±6.6mLO2h(-1), or 103% of the value predicted for a body mass of 42.3±5.8g. Compared to other species of Rattus, R. niobe combines a low body temperature (35.5±0.6°C) and a moderately low minimal wet thermal conductance cmin (5.88±0.7mLO2h(-1)°C(-1), 95% of predicted) with a small size, all of which lead to reduced energy expenditure in a constantly cool environment. The correlations of mean annual rainfall and temperature, altitude and body mass with BMR, body temperature and cmin were analyzed comparatively among tropical Muridae. Neither BMR, nor cmin or body temperature correlated with ambient temperature or altitude. Some of the factors which promote high BMR in higher latitude habitats, such as seasonal exposure to very low temperature and short reproductive season, are lacking in wet montane tropical forests. BMR increased with rainfall, confirming a pattern observed among other assemblages of mammals. This correlation was due to the low BMR of several desert adapted murids, while R. niobe and other species from wet habitats had a moderate BMR.
BACKGROUND: Disease-management programs may enhance the quality of care provided to patients with chronic diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The aim of this systematic review was to assess the effectiveness of COPD disease-management programs. METHODS: We conducted a computerized search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsychINFO, and the Cochrane Library (CENTRAL) for studies evaluating interventions meeting our operational definition of disease management: patient education, 2 or more different intervention components, 2 or more health care professionals actively involved in patients' care, and intervention lasting 12 months or more. Programs conducted in hospital only and those targeting patients receiving palliative care were excluded. Two reviewers evaluated 12,749 titles and fully reviewed 139 articles; among these, data from 13 studies were included and extracted. Clinical outcomes considered were all-cause mortality, lung function, exercise capacity (walking distance), health-related quality of life, symptoms, COPD exacerbations, and health care use. A meta-analysis of exercise capacity and all-cause mortality was performed using random-effects models. RESULTS: The studies included were 9 randomized controlled trials, 1 controlled trial, and 3 uncontrolled before-after trials. Results indicate that the disease-management programs studied significantly improved exercise capacity (32.2 m, 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.1-60.3), decreased risk of hospitalization, and moderately improved health-related quality of life. All-cause mortality did not differ between groups (pooled odds ratio 0.84, 95% CI, 0.54-1.40). CONCLUSION: COPD disease-management programs modestly improved exercise capacity, health-related quality of life, and hospital admissions, but not all-cause mortality. Future studies should explore the specific elements or characteristics of these programs that bring the greatest benefit.
This study aimed to compare the efficiency of the thermal blanket and thermal mattress in the prevention of hypothermia during surgery. Thirty-eight randomized patients were divided into two groups (G1 – thermal blanket and G2 - thermal mattress). The variables studied were: length of surgery, length of stay in the post-anesthetic care unit, period without using the device after thermal induction, transport time from the operating room to post-anesthetic care unit, intraoperative fluid infusion, surgery size, anesthetic technique, age, body mass index, esophageal, axillary and operating room temperature. In G2, length of surgery and starch infusion longer was higher (both p=0.03), but no hypothermia occurred. During the surgical anesthetic procedure, the axillary temperature was higher at 120 minutes (p=0.04), and esophageal temperature was higher at 120 (p=0.002) and 180 minutes (p=0.03) and at the end of the procedure (p=0.002). The thermal mattress was more effective in preventing hypothermia during surgery.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of prayer on anxiety in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Method: Quasi-experimental study, with pre and post-intervention. Twenty patients admitted to treatment of continuous intravenous chemotherapy were recruited. The volunteers were evaluated through interviews using a questionnaire of sociodemographic, clinical and spiritual characteristics, the Index of Religiosity Duke University and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Vital signs were measured and collected salivary cortisol. The intervention was applied prayer and data collection occurred in three phases: first collection (baseline), pre and post-intervention. Results: The data found between the pre and post-intervention samples showed different statistically significant for state anxiety (p= <0.00), blood pressure (systolic, p=0.00, diastolic, p=<0.00) and respiratory rate (p=0.04). Conclusion: Prayer, therefore, proved to be an effective strategy in reducing the anxiety of the patient undergoing chemotherapy.