963 resultados para synthetic small diameter vascular graft
Molecules involved in axon guidance have recently also been shown to play a role in blood vessel guidance. To examine whether axon guidance molecules, such as the EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase, might also play a role in development of the central nervous system (CNS) vasculature and repair following CNS injury, we examined wild-type and EphA4 null mutant (-/-) mice. EphA4-/- mice exhibited an abnormal CNS vascular structure in both the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord, with disorganized branching and a 30% smaller diameter. During development, EphA4 was expressed on endothelial cells. This pattern of expression was not maintained in the adult. After spinal cord injury in wild-type mice, expression of EphA4 was markedly up-regulated on activated astrocytes, many of which were tightly associated with blood vessels. In EphA4-/- spinal cord following injury, astrocytes were not as tightly associated with blood vessels as the wild-type astrocytes. In uninjured EphA4-/- mice, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) appeared normal, but it showed prolonged leakage following spinal cord injury. These results support a role for EphA4 in CNS vascular formation and guidance during development and an additional role in BBB repair.
Sustained delivery of heparin to the localized adventitial surface of grafted blood vessels has been shown to prevent the vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation that can lead to graft occlusion and failure. In this study heparin was incorporated into electrospun poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) fiber mats for assessment as a controlled delivery device. Fibers with smooth surfaces and no bead defects could be spun from polymer solutions with 8% w/v PCL in 7:3 dichloromethane: methanol. A significant decrease in fiber diameter was observed with increasing heparin concentration. Assessment of drug loading, and imaging of fluorescently labeled heparin showed homogenous distribution of heparin throughout the fiber mats. A total of approximately half of the encapsulated heparin was released by diffusional control from the heparin/PCL fibers after 14 days. The fibers did not induce an inflammatory response in macrophage cells in vitro and the released heparin was effective in preventing the proliferation of VSMCs in culture. These results suggest that electrospun PCL fibers are a promising candidate for delivery of heparin to the site of vascular injury. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Cyclosporin A (CsA)-treated renal transplant recipients (RTR) exhibit relative hyperhomocystinemia and vascular dysfunction. Folate supplementation lowers homocysteine and has been shown to improve vascular function in healthy subjects and patients with coronary artery disease. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of 3 months of folate supplementation (5 mg/day) on vascular function and structure in RTR. Methods: A double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study was conducted in 10 CsA-treated RTR. Vascular structure was measured as carotid artery intima media thickness (IMT) and function was assessed as changes in brachial artery diameter during reactive hyperemia (RE) and in response to glyceryl trinitrate (GTN). Function data were analyzed as absolute and percent change from baseline and area under the diameter/time curve. Blood samples were collected before and after supplementation and analyzed for total plasma homocysteine, folate, vitamin B-12 and asymmetric dimethyl arginine (ADMA) in addition to regular measures of hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and serum creatinine. Results: Folate supplementation significantly increased plasma folate by 687% (p < 0.005) and decreased homocysteine by 37% (p < 0.05) with no changes (p > 0.05) in vitamin B 12 or ADMA. There were no significant (p > 0.05) changes in vascular structure or function during the placebo or the folate supplementation phases; IMT; placebo pre mean +/- SD, 0.52 +/- 0.12, post 0.50 +/- 0.11; folate pre 0.55 +/- 0.17, post 0.49 +/- 10.20 mm 5% change in brachial artery diameter (RH, placebo pre 10 +/- 8, post 6 +/- 5; folate pre 9 +/- 7, post 7 +/- 5; GTN, placebo pre 18 +/- 10, post 17 +/- 9, folate pre 16 +/- 9, post-supplementation 18 +/- 8). Conclusion: Three months of folate supplementation decreases plasma homocysteine but has no effect on endothelial function or carotid artery IMT in RTR.
Background: Tumor volume has been shown to be a prognostic factor for the response of some tumors to radiotherapy. TNM stage has prognostic value for patients treated surgically for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), but its value is less clear for patients treated by nonsurgical means. This may be because tumor size is not a consistent determinant of T stage or stage group. As part of the preliminary analyses for the Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group 99-05 study, the authors performed this analysis to determine to what extent stage reflects tumor volume. Methods: In this prospective multicenter observational study, patients had to have histologically proven NSCLC, no evidence of disease beyond the primary site or thoracic lymph nodes, and been planned for radical radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy. Tumor volume measurements were based on computed tomography-based treatment planning images. Results: Four hundred four patients were available for analysis. There was a strong correlation between (log) maximum tumor diameter and (log) tumor volume (r = 0.93, p < 0.001). Although there was a highly significant trend of increasing volume with increasing T stage and stage group, when tumors were categorized into four groups according to increasing volume, there was only 55% concordance with T stage and 67% concordance with stage group. Conclusions: There is limited correlation between tumor size and disease stage in patients with NSCLC. This justifies documentation and investigation of size as a potential prognostic factor independent of stage. Maximum tumor diameter may be an adequate substitute for volume as a measurement of size.
Vascular disease is accelerated in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Since the systemic vasculature plays a pivotal role in myocardial loading, this study aimed to determine the effect of arterial characteristics on left ventricular (LV) morphology and function in patients with T2DM. Conventional echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging were performed in 172 T2DM patients (95 men; aged 55±11y) with preserved ejection fraction (62±5%). Patients were stratified into groups based on LV geometric pattern (normal [n = 79], concentric remodeling [n = 33], concentric hypertrophy [n = 29], eccentric hypertrophy [n = 31]). Total arterial compliance (TAC) was recorded by simultaneous radial tonometry and aortic outflow pulsed wave Doppler. Arterial (brachial and carotid) structure and function were determined by standard ultrasound methods. There were no significant differences between the LV geometric groups in demographic or clinical parameters. The concentric hypertrophy group had significantly increased carotid artery diameter (6.0±0.7mm versus 6.5±0.7mm; p < 0.05) and stiffness (1912±1203 dynes/cm2mm versus 2976±2695 dynes/cm2mm×10−6; p < 0.05) compared to those with normal geometry. However, TAC did not differ between groups. LV diastolic function, as determined by the ratio of diastolic mitral inflow velocity to mitral annulus tissue velocity (E/E_), was significantly associated with carotid artery relative wall thickness and intima media thickness (p < 0.05). Moreover, E/E_ was independently predicted by carotid artery relative wall thickness (β = 22.9; p = 0.007). We conclude that structural characteristics of the carotid artery are associated with abnormal LV structure and function in patients with T2DM. The LV functional irregularities may be a downstream consequence of amplified pressure wave reflections effecting sub-optimal ventricular-vascular interaction.
La Fibrosi Polmonare Idiopatica (IPF) è una malattia polmonare cronica, irreversibile la cui eziologia risulta essere ignota, caratterizzata da un processo fibrotico progressivo che inizia nel tratto respiratorio inferiore. Le persone affette da IPF presentano età media compresa tra 55 e 77 anni. L’incidenza annuale di IPF è stata recentemente stimata tra 14 e 42,7 casi per 100.000 persone e tale dato risulta essere in aumento. IPF fa parte delle malattie Polmonari Idiopatiche Interstiziali (IIP) che comprendono patologie con quadri istologici e clinici differenti. Le affezioni su cui si concentrerà questo studio sono: UIP (Usual Interstitial Pneumonia) caratterizzata da fibrosi interstiziale e dalla presenza di foci fibrotici connessi alla pleura e corrispondente al quadro anatomopatologico della maggior parte dei casi di IPF; NSIP (Non Specific Interstitial Pneumonia) simile alla UIP ma con maggiore uniformità temporale e spaziale delle manifestazioni; Sarcoidosi, malattia granulomatosa ad eziologia ignota. Attualmente la gravità della IPF, che implica una mortalità del 50% dei pazienti a 5 anni dall’esordio, e la scarsa efficacia farmacologica nel rallentarne la progressione vedono il trapianto polmonare come unica possibilità di sopravvivenza nelle forme più severe. Al momento non è chiaro il meccanismo patogenetico di insorgenza e progressione della IPF anche se sono stati individuati alcuni fattori scatenanti quali fumo di sigaretta, infezioni respiratorie e inquinanti atmosferici; tuttavia nessuno di tali elementi può da solo determinare un così esteso e progressivo rimodellamento del parenchima polmonare. Numerose sono le evidenze di come il substrato genetico, le alterazioni del rapporto morte/proliferazione cellulare e le citochine svolgano un ruolo nella genesi e nella progressione della malattia, ma non sono ancora chiari i fenomeni biologico-cellulari che la sostengono e, quindi, quali siano i punti di attacco per poter incidere terapeuticamente nel modificare l’evoluzione della IPF. Poiché il nostro laboratorio ha partecipato alla scoperta dell’esistenza di cellule staminali nel polmone umano normale, uno degli obiettivi finali di questo progetto si basa sull’ipotesi che un’alterazione del compartimento staminale svolga un ruolo cruciale nella eziopatogenesi di IPF. Per questo in precedenti esperienze abbiamo cercato di identificare nella IPF cellule che esprimessero antigeni associati a staminalità quali c-kit, CD34 e CD133. Questo lavoro di tesi si è proposto di condurre un’indagine morfometrica ed immunoistochimica su biopsie polmonari provenienti da 9 pazienti affetti da UIP, 3 da NSIP e 5 da Sarcoidosi al fine di valutare le alterazioni strutturali principali imputabili alle patologie. Preparati istologici di 8 polmoni di controllo sono stati usati come confronto. Come atteso, è stato osservato nelle tre patologie esaminate (UIP, NSIP e Sarcoidosi) un significativo incremento nella sostituzione del parenchima polmonare con tessuto fibrotico ed un ispessimento dei setti alveolari rispetto ai campioni di controllo. L’analisi dei diversi pattern di fibrosi presenti fa emergere come vi sia una netta differenza tra le patologie con una maggiore presenza di fibrosi di tipo riparativo e quindi altamente cellulata nei casi di UIP, e NSIP mentre nelle Sarcoidosi il pattern maggiormente rappresentato è risultato essere quello della fibrosi replacement o sostitutiva. La quantificazione delle strutture vascolari è stata effettuata tenendo separate le aree di polmone alveolare rispetto a quelle occupate da focolai sostitutivi di danno (componente fibrotica). Nei campioni patologici analizzati era presente un significativo riarrangiamento di capillari, arteriole e venule rispetto al polmone di controllo, fenomeno principalmente riscontrato nel parenchima fibrotico. Tali modifiche erano maggiormente presenti nei casi di NSIP da noi analizzati. Inoltre le arteriole subivano una diminuzione di calibro ed un aumento dello spessore in special modo nei polmoni ottenuti da pazienti affetti da Sarcoidosi. Rispetto ai controlli, nella UIP e nella Sarcoidosi i vasi linfatici risultavano inalterati nell’area alveolare mentre aumentavano nelle aree di estesa fibrosi; quadro differente si osservava nella NSIP dove le strutture linfatiche aumentavano in entrambe le componenti strutturali. Mediante indagini immunoistochimiche è stata documentata la presenza e distribuzione dei miofibroblasti, positivi per actina muscolare liscia e vimentina, che rappresentano un importante componente del danno tissutale nella IPF. La quantificazione di questo particolare fenotipo è attualmente in corso. Abbiamo inoltre analizzato tramite immunoistochimica la componente immunitaria presente nei campioni polmonari attraverso la documentazione dei linfociti T totali che esprimono CD3, andando poi a identificare la sottopopolazione di T citotossici esprimenti la glicoproteina CD8. La popolazione linfocitaria CD3pos risultava notevolmente aumentata nelle tre patologie analizzate soprattutto nei casi di UIP e Sarcoidosi sebbene l`analisi della loro distribuzione tra i vari distretti tissutali risultasse differente. Risultati simili si sono ottenuti per l`analisi dei linfociti CD8pos. La componente monocito-macrofagica è stata invece identificata tramite la glicoproteina CD68 che ha messo in evidenza una maggiore presenza di cellule positive nella Sarcoidosi e nella UIP rispetto ai casi di NSIP. I dati preliminari di questo studio indicano che il rimodellamento strutturale emo-linfatico e cellulare infiammatorio nella UIP si differenziano rispetto alle altre malattie interstiziali del polmone, avanzando l’ipotesi che il microambiente vascolare ed immunitario giochino un ruolo importante nella patogenesi della malattia
The literature on the evaporation of drops of pure liquids, drops containing solids and droplet sprays has been critically reviewed. An experimental study was undertaken on the drying of suspended drops of pure water and aqueous sodium sulphate decahydrate with concentrations varying from 5 to 54. 1 wt. %. Individual drops were suspended from a glass filament balance in a 26 mm I.D. vertical wind tunnel, designed and constructed to supply hot de-humidified air, to simulate conditions encountered in commercial spray driers. A novel thin film thermocouple was developed to facilitate the simultaneous measurement of drop weight and core temperature. The heat conduction through the thermocouple was reduced because of its unique design; using essentially a single 50μ diameter nickel wire. For pure water drops, the Nusselt number was found to be a function of the Reynolds, Prandtl and Transfer numbers for a temperature range between 19 to 79°C. Nu = 2 + 0.19 (1/B)0.24 Re0.5 Pr0.33 Two distinct periods were observed during the drying of aqueous sodium sulphate decahydrate. The first period was characterised by the evaporation from a free liquid surface, whilst drying in the second period was controlled by the crust resistance. Fracturing of the crust occurred randomly but was more frequent at higher concentrations and temperatures. A model was proposed for the drying of slurry drops, based on a receding evaporation interface. The model was solved numerically for the variation of core temperature, drop weight and crust thickness as a function of time. Experimental results were in excellent agreement with the model predictions although at higher temperatures modifications to the model had to be made to accommodate the unusual behaviour of sodium sulphate slurries, i.e. the formation of hydrates.
Celiac disease is characterized by the presence of specific autoantibodies targeted against transglutaminase 2 (TG2) in untreated patients' serum and at their production site in the small-bowel mucosa below the basement membrane and around the blood vessels. As these autoantibodies have biological activity in vitro, such as inhibition of angiogenesis, we studied if they might also modulate the endothelial barrier function. Our results show that celiac disease patient autoantibodies increase endothelial permeability for macromolecules, and enhance the binding of lymphocytes to the endothelium and their transendothelial migration when compared to control antibodies in an endothelial cell-based in vitro model. We also demonstrate that these effects are mediated by increased activities of TG2 and RhoA. Since the small bowel mucosal endothelium serves as a "gatekeeper" in inflammatory processes, the disease-specific autoantibodies targeted against TG2 could thus contribute to the pathogenic cascade of celiac disease by increasing blood vessel permeability.
The purpose of this study is to increase our knowledge of the nature of the surface properties of polymeric materials and improve our understanding of how these factors influence the deposition of proteins to form a reactive biological/synthetic interface. A number of surface analytical techniques were identified as being of potential benefit to this investigation and included in a multidisciplinary research program. Cell adhesion in culture was the primary biological sensor of surface properties, and it showed that the cell response to different materials can be modified by adhesion promoting protein layers: cell adhesion is a protein-mediated event. A range of surface rugosity can be produced on polystyrene, and the results presented here show that surface rugosity does not play a major role in determining a material's cell adhesiveness. Contact angle measurements showed that surface energy (specifically the polar fraction) is important in promoting cell spreading on surfaces. The immunogold labelling technique indicated that there were small, but noticeable differences, between the distribution of proteins on a range of surfaces. This study has shown that surface analysis techniques have different sensitivities in terms of detection limits and depth probed, and these are important in determining the usefulness of the information obtained. The techniques provide information on differing aspects of the biological/synthetic interface, and the consequence of this is that a range of techniques is needed in any full study of such a complex field as the biomaterials area.
Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a peptide hormone, present in the alimentary and the CNS. It is the most abundant peptide in the brain. CCK has been implicated in a number of disorders. The link between CCK and anxiety was the basis for this research. A comprehensive discussion on the many types of CCK receptor antagonists is included. For the drug discovery process, a number of synthetic approaches have been investigated and alternative chemical approaches developed. 1,4-Benzodiazepine analogues were prepared, with substitutents In the 1,2 & 3- position of the benzodiazepine scaffold varied, and substituted 3-anilino benzodiazepines exhibited the greatest in vitro activity towards the CCKA receptor subtype. Through extensive screening, pyrazolinone-ureido derivatives were identified, optimised, SAR studied and re-screened. A comprehensive in vivo study on the most active analogue is included, which has a number of common structural features with L-36S, 260 including activity. Pyrazolinone-amide derivatives, bearing the tryptophan moiety were equally active. A number of existing and novel furan- 2(SH)-one building blocks were prepared, from which a selected mini-library of 4- amino-substituted furan-2(SH)-ones were prepared and evaluated. All synthesised compounds were evaluated in a CCK radiolabelled binding assay (CCKA & CCKB), with compounds demonstrating receptor selectivity and lead structures being discovered. The work in this thesis has identified a number of highly active prime structures, from which further investigations are essential in providing more in vitro & in vivo data and the need to prepare more analogues.
PURPOSE. To establish an alternative method, sequential and diameter response analysis (SDRA), to determine dynamic retinal vessel responses and their time course in serial stimulation compared with the established method of averaged diameter responses and standard static assessment. METHODS. SDRA focuses on individual time and diameter responses, taking into account the fluctuation in baseline diameter, providing improved insight into reaction patterns when compared with established methods as delivered by retinal vessel analyzer (RVA) software. SDRA patterns were developed with measurements from 78 healthy nonsmokers and subsequently validated in a group of 21 otherwise healthy smokers. Fundus photography and retinal vessel responses were assessed by RVA, intraocular pressure by contact tonometry, and blood pressure by sphygmomanometry. RESULTS. Compared with the RVA software method, SDRA demonstrated a marked difference in retinal vessel responses to flickering light (P 0.05). As a validation of that finding, SDRA showed a strong relation between baseline retinal vessel diameter and subsequent dilatory response in both healthy subjects and smokers (P 0.001). The RVA software was unable to detect this difference or to find a difference in retinal vessel arteriovenous ratio between smokers and nonsmokers (P 0.243). However, SDRA revealed that smokers’ vessels showed both an increased level of arterial baseline diameter fluctuation before flicker stimulation (P 0.005) and an increased stiffness of retinal arterioles (P 0.035) compared with those in nonsmokers. These differences were unrelated to intraocular pressure or systemic blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS. SDRA shows promise as a tool for the assessment of vessel physiology. Further studies are needed to explore its application in patients with vascular diseases.
The important role played by vascular factors in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disease has been increasingly realised over recent years. The nature and impact of ocular and systemic vascular dysfunction in the pathogenesis of comparable neurodegenerative diseases such as glaucoma and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has however never been fully explored. The aim of this thesis was therefore to investigate the presence of macro- and micro-vascular alterations in both glaucoma and AD and to explore the relationships between these two chronic, slowly progressive neurodegenerative diseases. The principle sections and findings of this work were: 1. Is the eye a window to the brain? Retinal vascular dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease · Mild newly diagnosed AD patients demonstrated ocular vascular dysfunction, in the form of an altered retinal vascular response to flicker light, which correlated with their degree of cognitive impairment. 2. Ocular and systemic vascular abnormalities in newly diagnosed normal tension glaucoma (NTG) patients · NTG patients demonstrated an altered retinal arterial constriction response to flicker light along with an increased systemic arterial stiffness and carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT). These findings were not replicated by healthy age matched controls. 3. Ocular vascular dysregulation in AD compares to both POAG and NTG · AD patients demonstrated altered retinal arterial reactivity to flicker light which was comparable to that of POAG patients and altered baseline venous reactivity which was comparable to that of NTG patients. Neither alteration was replicated by healthy controls. 4. POAG and NTG: two separate diseases or one continuous entity? The vascular perspective · POAG and NTG patients demonstrated comparable alterations in nocturnal systolic blood pressure (SBP) variability, ocular perfusion pressure, retinal vascular reactivity, systemic arterial stiffness and carotid IMT. · Nocturnal SBP variability was found to correlate with both retinal artery baseline diameter fluctuation and carotid IMT across the glaucoma groups.
Osteo-odonto-keratoprostheses (OOKP) is a unique form of keratoprosthesis involving surgical removal of a tooth root and surrounding bone from the patient which are then used to construct an osteo-odonto lamina into which an optical cylinder is cemented. The OOKP procedure is successful and capable of withstanding the very hostile ocular environments found in severe Stevens–Johnson syndrome, pemphigoid, chemical burns, trachoma and multiple corneal graft failure. The existing procedure is complex and time consuming in terms of operative time, and additionally involves sacrifice of the oral structures. This paper discusses the rational search for a “synthetic” analogue of the dental lamina, capable of mimicking those features of the natural system that are responsible for the success of OOKP. In this study the degradation of selected commercial and natural bioceramics was tested in vitro using a purpose-designed resorption assay. Degradation rate was compared with tooth and bone, which are currently used in OOKP lamina. At normal physiological pH the degradation of bioceramics was equivalent to tooth and bone; however, at pH 6.5–5.0, associated with infectious and inflamed tissues, the bioceramics degrade more rapidly. At lower pH the degradation rate decreased in the following order: calcium carbonate corals > biphasic calcium phosphates > hydroxyapatite. Porosity did not significantly influence these degradation rates. Such degradation is likely to compromise the stability and viability of the synthetic OOKP. Consequently more chemically stable materials are required that are optimized for the surrounding ocular environment.
To investigate the relationship between vascular function parameters measured at the retinal and systemic level and known markers for cardiovascular risk in patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Sixty age- and gender- matched White-European adults (30 IGT and 30 normal glucose tolerance -NGT) were recruited for the study. Fasting plasma glucose, lipids and 24-hour blood pressure (BP) was measured in all subjects. Systemic vascular and endothelial function was assessed using carotid-artery intimal media thickness (cIMT) and flow mediated dilation (FMD). Retinal vascular reactivity was assessed by the Dynamic Retinal Vessel Analyser (DVA). Additionally, blood glutathione (GSH, GSSG and tGSH) and plasma von-Willebrand (vWF) factor levels were also measured. Individuals with IGT demonstrated higher BP values (p<0.001), fasting TG and TG:HDL ratios (p<0.001) than NGT subjects. Furthermore, Total:HDL-C ratios and Framingham scores were raised (p=0.010 and p<0.001 respectively). Blood glutathione levels (GSH, GSSG and tGSH) were lower (p<0.001, p=0.039 and p<0.001 respectively) while plasma vWF was increased (p=0.014) in IGT subjects compared to controls. IGT individuals also demonstrated higher IMT in right and left carotid arteries (p=0.017 and p=0.005, respectively) alongside larger brachial artery diameter (p=0.015), lower FMD% (p=0.026) and GTN induced dilation (GID) (p=0.012) than healthy controls. At the retinal arterial level, the IGT subjects showed higher baseline fluctuations (BDF) (p=0.026), longer reaction time (RT) (p=0.032) and reduced baseline-corrected flicker response (bFR) (p=0.045). In IGT subjects retinal BDF correlated with and Total:HDL (p= 0.003) and HDL-C (p= 0.004). Arterial RT also correlated with FMD (p=0.017) in IGT but not NGT subjects. In IGT individuals there is a relationship between macro- and microvascular function, as well as a direct correlation between the observed retinal microcirculatory changes and established plasma markers for CVD. Multifactorial preventive interventions to decrease vascular risk in these individuals should be considered.