856 resultados para sociology of knowledge


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* The work is partially supported by Grant no. NIP917 of the Ministry of Science and Education – Republic of Bulgaria.


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The article describes the structure of an ontology model for Optimization of a sequential program. The components of an intellectual modeling system for program optimization are described. The functions of the intellectual modeling system are defined.


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The paper deals with a problem of intelligent system’s design for complex environments. There is discussed a possibility to integrate several technologies into one basic structure. One possible structure is proposed in order to form a basis for intelligent system that would be able to operate in complex environments. The basic elements of the proposed structure have found their implemented in software system. This software system is shortly presented in the paper. The most important results of experiments are outlined and discussed at the end of the paper. Some possible directions of further research are sketched.


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The paper presents a short review of some systems for program transformations performed on the basis of the internal intermediate representations of these programs. Many systems try to support several languages of representation of the source texts of programs and solve the task of their translation into the internal representation. This task is still a challenge as it is effort-consuming. To reduce the effort, different systems of translator construction, ready compilers with ready grammars of outside designers are used. Though this approach saves the effort, it has its drawbacks and constraints. The paper presents the general idea of using the mapping approach to solve the task within the framework of program transformations and overcome the disadvantages of the existing systems. The paper demonstrates a fragment of the ontology model of high-level languages mappings onto the single representation and gives the example of how the description of (a fragment) a particular mapping is represented in accordance with the ontology model.


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On the basis of topical investigations on the reflection in the mathematics education, in this article there are presented some contemporary ideas about refining the methodology of mastering knowledge and skills for solving mathematical problems. The thesis is developed that for the general logical and for some particular mathematical methods to become means of solving mathematical problems, first they need to be a purpose of the education.


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Policymakers are often confronted with problems that involve ambiguity and uncertainty (Zahariadis, 2003). In order to make sense of such problems and to identify possible solutions, they are on the lookout for policy ideas.


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This paper aims to sketch some bases for the problematization of digital tools as objects of knowledge for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Our purpose is to raise some relevant questions about the Digital Humanities (DH) and how SSH and Computer Sciences (CS) can work together to face new challenges. We discuss some tension points and propose a model for SSH and CS collaboration for joint projects in cultural digitization.


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This book reviews the field of Knowledge Management, taking a holistic approach that includes both "soft" and "hard" aspects. It provides a broad perspective on the field, rather than one based on a single viewpoints from Computer Science or Organizational Learning, offering a comprehensive and integrated conception of Knowledge Management. The chapters represent the best Knowledge Management articles published in the 21st century in Knowledge Management Research & Practice and the European Journal of Information Systems, with contributors including Ikujiro Nonaka, Frada Burstein, and David Schwartz. Most of the chapters contribute significantly to practise as well as theory.


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This chapter focuses on concepts and theoretical points of departure found in child health and wellbeing studies. Firstly, seeing children as a social group draws attention to the ways this group is placed and perceived in the structures of societies. Children as a social group need to be understood in relation to other social groups. Secondly, understanding children as social agents and as co-constructors of their social worlds is fundamental to studying their experiences and ways of dealing with health and wellbeing in everyday life. Thirdly, in recent years, there has been a turn towards seeing children as beings. The chapter discusses the child health issues and concerns in contemporary society. Children are diagnosed with an increasing range of conditions and are subject to more and more elaborate child health and welfare interventions, reflecting a medical perspective on the changing panorama of illness and health risks in the 21st century.


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Knowledge accessing from external organisations is important to firms, especially entrepreneurial ones which often cannot generate internally all the knowledge necessary for innovation. There is, however, a lack of evidence concerning the association between the evolution of firms and the evolution of their networks. The aim of this paper is to begin to fill this gap by undertaking an exploratory analysis of the relationship between the vintage of firms and their knowledge sourcing networks. Drawing on an analysis of firms in the UK, the paper finds some evidence of a U-shaped relationship existing between firm age and the frequency of accessing knowledge from certain sources. Emerging entrepreneurial firms tend to be highly active with regard to accessing knowledge for a range of sources and geographic locations, with the rate of networking dropping somewhat during the period of peak firm growth. For instance, it is found that firms tend to less frequently access knowledge sources such as universities and research institutes in their own region during a stage of peak turnover growth. Overall, the results suggest a complex relationship between the lifecycle of the firm and its networking patterns. It is concluded that policymakers need to become more aware that network formation and utilisation by firms is likely to vary dependent upon their lifecycle position.


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A cikkben a szerzők megvizsgálják a tudásmenedzsment komplex rendszerfejlesztési projektekben és az informatikai auditban játszott szerepét. Fő céljuk, hogy a tudásmenedzsment-rendszerek fejlesztéséhez kapcsolódó audit támogatására értékelési modellt készítsenek. Cikkükben megvizsgálják a tudásmenedzsmentnek az IT-auditban játszott általános szerepét, az auditban érintett tudásvagyon védelmének kérdését, a tudásmenedzsment-folyamatok szerepét a rendszerfejlesztésben (auditszempontból), a kontrollok implementálását, valamint a tudásmenedzsment és az IT-audittal kapcsolatos szabványok, módszertanok kapcsolatát. Az eredmények illusztrálására egy az Európai Unió 7. keretprogramjából finanszírozott nemzetközi projekt (GUIDE, IST–2003–507498) szolgál. ________________ Authors investigate the role of knowledge management in complex system development projects and IT audit. The primary goal is to provide an evaluation framework for an assessment of the development of special knowledge management solutions. On the other hand IT audit itself is a knowledge-dependent activity. The paper analyses the role of knowledge management in IT audit in general, the protection of knowledge assets during an audit, the role of knowledge management processes during system development (from audit point of view) and in the implementation of controls, the relationship of knowledge management with audit standards. Authors investigate the specialities of KM developments from audit point of view (particularly important aspects of audit, specific control objectives) A case study, based on experiences gained from GUIDE project (IST-2003-507498 funded by the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme) illustrates the findings.


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Az elmúlt évtized folyamán a szervezetek számára a tudás kiemelt stratégiai erőforrássá vált. A tudás kezelésére irányuló törekvések alapvetően az szervezeti megoldásokat, illetve az technológiai-informatikai megoldásokat középpontba helyező megközelítésre oszthatóak. A technológiai szerepéről mind a kutatók, mind a gyakorlati szakemberek között megoszlanak a vélemények, ugyanakkor a lehetőségeket legtöbbször nem is ismerik a döntéshozók és vezetők. Az információs és kommunikációs technológiák (ICT) legnagyobb szerepe abban van, hogy radikálisan csökkentik a tudás megosztását és átadását gátló tényezők hatását. ______ The author in his essay examines how the knowledge-based companies use the numerous technologies avaible to support knowledge management processes. He comes to the conclusion that the use of this technologies are restricted even at companies which are not averse to technological solutions.


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One dimensional models of reflective practice do not incorporate spirituality and social responsibility. Theological reflection, a form of reflective practice, is contextualized by a vision of social responsibility and the use of spirituality. An alternative model of reflective practice is proposed for spirituality and socially responsive learning at work.


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The purpose of this study was to develop knowledge domains and an instrument to assess probation officers’ knowledge levels of offenders with intellectual disabilities by utilizing a synthesis of subject matter analysis technique and a comprehensive review of literature. Results can be used to develop effective training for probation officers.


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In 1992 the Accrediting Commission on Programs of Hospitality Administration established standards for hospitality administration programs. The authors surveyed program administrators regarding the current and preferred location for the teaching of the common core areas of hospitality administration knowledge.