869 resultados para smart citizen
La Smart City es el nuevo paradigma urbano. El artículo plantea la evolución del concepto Smart City, desde una concepción tecnológica hacia una visión centrada en las personas y, en consecuencia, la necesidad de enfocar el despliegue de la Ciudad Inteligente hacia la reducción de la brecha digital.
Hoy en día las ciudades, como centros de innovación y economía global, constituyen el principal asentamiento de la humanidad. Con los avances tecnológicos de los últimos tiempos se ha impulsado el crecimiento económico, el consumo y la riqueza, propiciando una explosión demográfica sin precedentes, que se concentra sobre todo en las ciudades. Sin embargo, todo esto ha traído consigo graves consecuencias ambientales y sociales que amenazan a la humanidad y a la salud del planeta, como son el calentamiento global, la elevada contaminación, la congestión, la dispersión urbana, la pobreza urbana generalizada, etc. Así, desde el punto de vista de los diseños y planteamientos urbanos, han surgido diferentes modelos de ciudad que han intentado dar respuesta a estos males, algunos basados en la lógica ecológica, otros considerando a la tecnología como la única capaz de dar una solución eficaz. Actualmente, viene extendiéndose la idea de que lograr una ciudad verdaderamente sostenible y habitable pasa por acoger los conceptos ecológicos que permitan alcanzar la sostenibilidad, poniendo además la tecnología al servicio de los ciudadanos para lograr tales fines. Existen multitud de ejemplos de proyectos que se están construyendo o ya han sido ejecutados siguiendo las concepciones de alguno de estos modelos, basta saber si sus planteamientos han logrado solventar de una forma eficaz estas problemáticas.
El objetivo principal de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC), consiste en diseñar una plataforma Smart Services dentro de una compañía, para proporcionar a sus clientes servicios de Smart Cities. Se diseñará una plataforma que en fase de implantación llegue a prestar servicios extremo a extremo a las AAPP (Ayuntamientos y concesionarios de servicios municipales). Es decir, desde la petición del servicio, hasta que el mismo se provisiona y se pone en marcha. El diseño de la solución para el Sistema de Gestión deberá cumplir con las siguientes características: 1. Gestión end-to-end de la Plataforma Smart Services. 2. Cobertura a los diferentes módulos funcionales del propio Sistema de Gestión: 3. Gestión del inventario. 4. Gestión de la provisión. 5. Monitorización y supervisión de la Plataforma Smart Services. 6. Gestión del servicio. 7. Escalabilidad: La solución propuesta debe garantizar la escalabilidad necesaria para poder atender a las necesidades de volumetría. 8. Sistema de Gestión implementado bajo herramientas Open Source.
El CEA francés, junto con EDF y la OIEA, recientemente organizaron un benchmark internacional y posterior workshop para evaluar las capacidades de simulación del comportamiento mecánico de estructuras nucleares de hormigón armado sometidas a acciones sísmicas. Principia, que fue el único participante español en el workshop, contribuyó a tres de las cuatro fases del ejercicio, que esencialmente consistía en simular los efectos de terremotos en un modelo a escala de una estructura nuclear típica, y en comparar los resultados con ensayos posteriores en mesa vibrante y con las predicciones de otros participantes. El artículo presenta algunas conclusiones obtenidas en los cálculos pre-ensayo, enriquecidas con observaciones producidas por las simulaciones adicionales llevadas a cabo una vez que se hicieron públicos los resultados de los ensayos.
The French CEA, together with EDF and the IAEA, recently organised an international benchmark to evaluate the ability to model the mechanical behaviour of a typical nuclear reinforced concrete structure subjected to seismic demands. The participants were provided with descriptions of the structure and the testing campaign; they had to propose the numerical model and the material laws for the concrete (stage #1). A mesh of beam and shell elements was generated; for modelling the concrete a damaged plasticity model was used, but a smeared crack model was also investigated. Some of the initial experimental results, with the mock-up remaining in the elastic range, were provided to the participants for calibrating their models (stage #2). Predictions had to be produced in terms of eigen-frequencies and motion time histories. The calculated frequencies reproduced reasonably the experimental ones; the time histories, calculated by modal response analysis, also reproduced adequately the observed amplifications. The participants were then expected to predict the structural response under strong ground motions (stage #3), which increased progressively up to a history recorded during the 1994 Northridge earthquake, followed by an aftershock. These results were produced using an explicit solver and a damaged plasticity model for the concrete, although an implicit solver with a smeared crack model was also investigated. The paper presents the conclusions of the pre-test exercise, as well as some observations from additional simulations conducted after the experimental results were made available.
Join us the week of April 25-29, 2016 to celebrate Money Smart Week 2016. We have great guest speakers from the financial institutions around the region come to talk about finances. Be present for each event and be entered into a drawing to receive $500 towards your student loan balance! A variety of food will be provided at each event too. The event is 4pm -5pm Monday to Friday at Inman E. Page Library.
Mapping species distributions : A comparison of skilled naturalist and lay citizen science recording
Acknowledgements We are grateful to Elaine O’Mahony, Imogen Pearce, Richard Comont, Anthony McCluskey and other BBCT staff for the many hours of BeeWatch species identification and for all people who submitted sightings to BeeWatch, OPAL, BWARS and the various local recording schemes and societies. We thank the NBN for allowing us to download the bumblebee records without strings attached, and the Essex, Greater London, Cumbria and Sussex based recording centres for providing records upon request. Finally, we are indebted to Tom August and two anonymous reviewers for their valuable critique on an earlier version of this work.
© 2016 The Authors. Conservation Biology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Society for Conservation Biology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Acknowledgments The authors thank H. H. Nguyen for his early development work on the BeeWatch interface; E. O'Mahony, I. Pearce, and R. Comont for identifying numerous photographed bumblebees; B. Darvill, D. Ewing, and G. Perkins for enabling our partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust; and S. Blake for his investments in developing the NLG feedback. The study was part of the Digital Conservation project of dot.rural, the University of Aberdeen's Digital Economy Research Hub, funded by RCUK (grant reference EP/G066051/1).
Accurate multiple alignments of 86 domains that occur in signaling proteins have been constructed and used to provide a Web-based tool (SMART: simple modular architecture research tool) that allows rapid identification and annotation of signaling domain sequences. The majority of signaling proteins are multidomain in character with a considerable variety of domain combinations known. Comparison with established databases showed that 25% of our domain set could not be deduced from SwissProt and 41% could not be annotated by Pfam. SMART is able to determine the modular architectures of single sequences or genomes; application to the entire yeast genome revealed that at least 6.7% of its genes contain one or more signaling domains, approximately 350 greater than previously annotated. The process of constructing SMART predicted (i) novel domain homologues in unexpected locations such as band 4.1-homologous domains in focal adhesion kinases; (ii) previously unknown domain families, including a citron-homology domain; (iii) putative functions of domain families after identification of additional family members, for example, a ubiquitin-binding role for ubiquitin-associated domains (UBA); (iv) cellular roles for proteins, such predicted DEATH domains in netrin receptors further implicating these molecules in axonal guidance; (v) signaling domains in known disease genes such as SPRY domains in both marenostrin/pyrin and Midline 1; (vi) domains in unexpected phylogenetic contexts such as diacylglycerol kinase homologues in yeast and bacteria; and (vii) likely protein misclassifications exemplified by a predicted pleckstrin homology domain in a Candida albicans protein, previously described as an integrin.
Inflammatory infiltrates in tissue-specific autoimmune disease comprise a collection of T cells with specificity for an antigen in the target organ. These specific cells recruit a population of nonspecific T cells and macrophages. The rare tissue-specific T cells in the infiltrate have the capacity to regulate both the influx and the efflux of cells from the tissue. Administration of an altered peptide ligand for the specific T cell which triggers autoimmunity can lead to the regression of the entire inflammatory ensemble in a few hours. Interleukin 4 is a critical cytokine involved in the regression of the inflammatory infiltrate.
In this thesis the molecular level design of functional materials and systems is reported. In the first part, tetraphosphonate cavitand (Tiiii) recognition properties towards amino acids are studied both in the solid state, through single crystal X-ray diffraction, and in solution, via NMR and ITC experiments. The complexation ability of these supramolecular receptors is then applied to the detection of biologically remarkable N-methylated amino acids and peptides using complex dynamic emulsions-based sensing platforms. In the second part, a general supramolecular approach for surface decoration with single-molecule magnets (SMMs) is presented. The self-assembly of SMMs is achieved through the formation of a multiple hydrogen bonds architecture (UPy-NaPy complexation). Finally we explore the possibility to impart auxetic behavior to polymeric material through the introduction of conformationally switchable monomers, namely tetraquinoxaline cavitands (QxCav). Their interconversion from a closed vase conformation to an extended kite form is studied first in solution, then in polymeric matrixes via pH and tensile stimuli by UV-Vis spectroscopy.
Short-term load forecasting of power system has been a classic problem for a long time. Not merely it has been researched extensively and intensively, but also a variety of forecasting methods has been raised. This thesis outlines some aspects and functions of smart meter. It also presents different policies and current statuses as well as future projects and objectives of SG development in several countries. Then the thesis compares main aspects about latest products of smart meter from different companies. Lastly, three types of prediction models are established in MATLAB to emulate the functions of smart grid in the short-term load forecasting, and then their results are compared and analyzed in terms of accuracy. For this thesis, more variables such as dew point temperature are used in the Neural Network model to achieve more accuracy for better short-term load forecasting results.
Preventing the introduction of aquatic invasive species (AIS) like zebra and quagga mussels in the U.S. is a high priority. This Capstone demonstrates zebra and quagga mussels are of concern as aquatic invasive species and a volunteer monitoring and intervention program is an effective means for early detection of AIS. This Capstone developed an AIS citizen volunteer lake monitoring program consistent with other programs concerned about AIS prevention and early detection. This Capstone concludes implementing such a voluntary program will help reduce the spread of zebra and quagga mussels and will provide early detection information to appropriate agencies empowered with response actions if species are found.