981 resultados para small animal imaging
The southern Apennines of Italy have been experienced several destructive earthquakes both in historic and recent times. The present day seismicity, characterized by small-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes, was used like a probe to obatin a deeper knowledge of the fault structures where the largest earthquakes occurred in the past. With the aim to infer a three dimensional seismic image both the problem of data quality and the selection of a reliable and robust tomographic inversion strategy have been faced. The data quality has been obtained to develop optimized procedures for the measurements of P- and S-wave arrival times, through the use of polarization filtering and to the application of a refined re-picking technique based on cross-correlation of waveforms. A technique of iterative tomographic inversion, linearized, damped combined with a strategy of multiscale inversion type has been adopted. The retrieved P-wave velocity model indicates the presence of a strong velocity variation along a direction orthogonal to the Apenninic chain. This variation defines two domains which are characterized by a relatively low and high velocity values. From the comparison between the inferred P-wave velocity model with a portion of a structural section available in literature, the high velocity body was correlated with the Apulia carbonatic platforms whereas the low velocity bodies was associated to the basinal deposits. The deduced Vp/Vs ratio shows that the ratio is lower than 1.8 in the shallower part of the model, while for depths ranging between 5 km and 12 km the ratio increases up to 2.1 in correspondence to the area of higher seismicity. This confirms that areas characterized by higher values are more prone to generate earthquakes as a response to the presence of fluids and higher pore-pressures.
Gleno-humeral joint (GHJ) is the most mobile joint of the human body. This is related to theincongr uence between the large humeral head articulating with the much smaller glenoid (ratio 3:1). The GHJ laxity is the ability of the humeral head to be passively translated on the glenoid fossa and, when physiological, it guarantees the normal range of motion of the joint. Three-dimensional GHJ linear displacements have been measured, both in vivo and in vitro by means of different instrumental techniques. In vivo gleno-humeral displacements have been assessed by means of stereophotogrammetry, electromagnetic tracking sensors, and bio-imaging techniques. Both stereophotogrammetric systems and electromagnetic tracking devices, due to the deformation of the soft tissues surrounding the bones, are not capable to accurately assess small displacements, such as gleno-humeral joint translations. The bio-imaging techniques can ensure for an accurate joint kinematic (linear and angular displacement) description, but, due to the radiation exposure, most of these techniques, such as computer tomography or fluoroscopy, are invasive for patients. Among the bioimaging techniques, an alternative which could provide an acceptable level of accuracy and that is innocuous for patients is represented by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Unfortunately, only few studies have been conducted for three-dimensional analysis and very limited data is available in situations where preset loads are being applied. The general aim of this doctoral thesis is to develop a non-invasive methodology based on open-MRI for in-vivo evaluation of the gleno-humeral translation components in healthy subjects under the application of external loads.
Since the publication of the book of Russell and Burch in 1959, scientific research has never stopped improving itself with regard to the important issue of animal experimentation. The European Directive 2010/63/EU “On the protection of animals used for scientific purposes” focuses mainly on the animal welfare, fixing the Russell and Burch’s 3Rs principles as the foundations of the document. In particular, the legislator clearly states the responsibility of the scientific community to improve the number of alternative methods to animal experimentation. The swine is considered a species of relevant interest for translational research and medicine due to its biological similarities with humans. The surgical community has, in fact, recognized the swine as an excellent model replicating the human cardiovascular system. There have been several wild-type and transgenic porcine models which were produced for biomedicine and translational research. Among these, the cardiovascular ones are the most represented. The continuous involvement of the porcine animal model in the biomedical research, as the continuous advances achieved using swine in translational medicine, support the need for alternative methods to animal experimentation involving pigs. The main purpose of the present work was to develop and characterize novel porcine alternative methods for cardiovascular translational biology/medicine. The work was mainly based on two different models: the first consisted in an ex vivo culture of porcine aortic cylinders and the second consisted in an in vitro culture of porcine aortic derived progenitor cells. Both the models were properly characterized and results indicated that they could be useful to the study of vascular biology. Nevertheless, both the models aim to reduce the use of experimental animals and to refine animal based-trials. In conclusion, the present research aims to be a small, but significant, contribution to the important and necessary field of study of alternative methods to animal experimentation.
A major challenge in imaging is the detection of small amounts of molecules of interest. In the case of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) their signals are typically concealed by the large background signal of e.g. the tissue of the body. This problem can be tackled by hyperpolarization which increases the NMR signals up to several orders of magnitude. However, this strategy is limited for 1H, the most widely used nucleus in NMR andrnMRI, because the enormous number of protons in the body screen the small amount of hyperpolarized ones.Here, I describe a method giving rise to high 1H MRI contrast for hyperpolarized molecules against a large background signal. The contrast is based on the J-coupling induced rephasing of the NMR signal of molecules hyperpolarized via parahydrogen induce polarization (PHIP) and it can easily be implemented in common pulse sequences.rnrnHyperpolarization methods typically require expensive technical equipment (e.g. lasers or microwaves) and most techniques work only in batch mode, thus the limited lifetime of the hyperpolarization is limiting its applications. Therefore, the second part of my thesis deals with the simple and efficient generation of an hyperpolarization.These two achievements open up alternative opportunities to use the standard MRI nucleus 1H for e.g. metabolic imaging in the future.
Zur Registrierung von Pharmazeutika ist eine umfassende Analyse ihres genotoxischen Potentials von Nöten. Aufgrund der Vielzahl genotoxischer Mechanismen und deren resultierenden Schäden wird ein gestaffeltes Testdesign durch die ICH-Richtlinie S2(R1) „Guidance on genotoxicity testing and data interpretation for pharmaceuticals intended for human use S2(R1)“ definiert, um alle genotoxischen Substanzen zu identifizieren. Die Standardtestbatterie ist in der frühen Phase der Arzneimittelentwicklung aufgrund des geringen Durchsatzes und des Mangels an verfügbarer Substanzmenge vermindert anwendbar. Darüber hinaus verfügen in vitro Genotoxizitätstests in Säugerzellen über eine relativ geringe Spezifität. Für eine vollständige Sicherheitsbeurteilung wird eine in vivo Testung auf Kanzerogenität benötigt. Allerdings sind diese Testsysteme kosten- und zeitintensiv. Aufgrund dessen zielen neue Forschungsansätze auf die Verbesserung der Prädiktivität und die Erfassung des genotoxischen Potentials bereits in der frühen Phase der Arzneimittelentwicklung ab. Die high content imaging (HCI)-Technologie offeriert einen Ansatz zur Verbesserung des Durchsatzes verglichen mit der Standardtestbatterie. Zusätzlich hat ein Zell-basiertes Modell den Vorteil Daten relativ schnell bei gleichzeitig geringem Bedarf an Substanzmenge zu generieren. Demzufolge ermöglichen HCI-basierte Testsysteme eine Prüfung in der frühen Phase der pharmazeutischen Arzneimittelentwicklung. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist die Entwicklung eines neuen, spezifischen und sensitiven HCI-basierten Testsytems für Genotoxine und Progenotoxine in vitro unter Verwendung von HepG2-Zellen gewesen. Aufgrund ihrer begrenzten metabolischen Kapazität wurde ein kombiniertes System bestehend aus HepG2-Zellen und einem metabolischen Aktivierungssystem zur Testung progenotoxischer Substanzen etabliert. Basierend auf einer vorherigen Genomexpressionsprofilierung (Boehme et al., 2011) und einer Literaturrecherche wurden die folgenden neun unterschiedlichen Proteine der DNA-Schadensantwort als putative Marker der Substanz-induzierten Genotoxizität ausgewählt: p-p53 (Ser15), p21, p-H2AX (Ser139), p-Chk1 (Ser345) p-ATM (Ser1981), p-ATR (Ser428), p-CDC2 (Thr14/Tyr15), GADD45A und p-Chk2 (Thr68). Die Expression bzw. Aktivierung dieser Proteine wurde 48 h nach Behandlung mit den (pro-) genotoxischen Substanzen (Cyclophosphamid, 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracen, Aflatoxin B1, 2-Acetylaminofluoren, Methylmethansulfonat, Actinomycin D, Etoposid) und den nicht-genotoxischen Substanzen (D-Mannitol, Phenforminhydrochlorid, Progesteron) unter Verwendung der HCI-Technologie ermittelt. Die beste Klassifizierung wurde bei Verwendung der folgenden fünf der ursprünglichen neun putativen Markerproteine erreicht: p-p53 (Ser15), p21, p-H2AX (Ser139), p-Chk1 (Ser345) und p-ATM (Ser1981). In einem zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden die fünf ausgewählten Proteine mit Substanzen, welche von dem European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) zur Beurteilung der Leistung neuer oder modifizierter in vitro Genotoxizitätstests empfohlen sind, getestet. Dieses neue Testsystem erzielte eine Sensitivität von 80 % und eine Spezifität von 86 %, was in einer Prädiktivität von 84 % resultierte. Der synergetische Effekt dieser fünf Proteine ermöglicht die Identifizierung von genotoxischen Substanzen, welche DNA-Schädigungen durch eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Mechanismen induzieren, mit einem hohen Erfolg. Zusammenfassend konnte ein hochprädiktives Prüfungssystem mit metabolischer Aktivierung für ein breites Spektrum potenziell genotoxischer Substanzen generiert werden, welches sich aufgrund des hohen Durchsatzes, des geringen Zeitaufwandes und der geringen Menge benötigter Substanz zur Substanzpriorisierung und -selektion in der Phase der Leitstrukturoptimierung eignet und darüber hinaus mechanistische Hinweise auf die genotoxische Wirkung der Testsubstanz liefert.
Die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) ist ein leistungsstarkes, nicht-invasives, bildgebendes Verfahren in der Nuklearmedizin und hat darüber hinaus zunehmende Bedeutung in der Arzneistoffentwicklung. Zur Verbesserung des therapeutischen Index von niedermolekularen Pharmaka werden vermehrt Wirkstofftransportsysteme eingesetzt. Eine Klasse dieser Wirkstofftransportsysteme sind Liposomen. Die Weiterentwicklung der klassischen Liposomen sind sogenannte „Stealth“-Liposomen, die eine Polyethylenglykol (PEG)-Korona zur Herabsetzung der Erkennung und Ausscheidung tragen. Zur (Weiter-)Entwicklung und deren in vivo-Evaluierung bietet die PET die Möglichkeit, die Auswirkungen von strukturellen Anpassungen auf die pharmakokinetischen Eigenschaften solcher Transportsysteme zu untersuchen. Zur Evaluierung neuartiger, cholesterolverankerter, linear-hyperverzweigter Polyglycerole (Ch-PEG-hbPG) als sterisch stabilisierende Polymere in Liposomen wurden diese im Rahmen dieser Arbeit mit der prosthetischen Gruppe 18F-TEG-N3 über kupferkatalysierte Alkin-Azid Cycloaddition (CuAAC) in sehr hohen Ausbeuten radiomarkiert. Zum systematischen Vergleich des in vivo-Verhaltens wurde ebenfalls ein cholesterolbasiertes lineares PEG (Ch-PEG) mit CuAAC nahezu quantitativ radiomarkiert. Als drittes Element wurde die Direktmarkierung von Cholesterol mit [18F]F- entwickelt. Diese drei Verbindungen wurden zuerst separat als Einzelkomponenten und anschließend, in Liposomen formuliert, in Tierstudien an Mäusen hinsichtlich ihrer initialen Pharmakokinetik und Biodistribution untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich ein ähnliches Verhalten der neuartigen Ch-PEG-hbPG-Derivate zu den bekannten Ch-PEG, mit dem Vorteil der Multifunktionalität an den hyperverzweigten Strukturen. Die liposomalen Strukturen mit der neuartigen sterischen Stabilisierung wiesen eine erhöhte Blutzirkulationszeit und vorteilhafte Blut-zu-Leber- und Blut-zu-Lunge-Verhältnisse im Vergleich zu den linear stabilisierten Analoga auf.rnEine weitere Klasse von Wirkstofftransportsystemen sind polymere Trägersysteme wie pHPMA. Alkinfunktionalisierte Polymere konnten in zwei verschiedenen Größen (~12 und 60 kDa) mittels CuAAC in sehr hohen Ausbeuten mit der prosthetischen Gruppe 18F-TEG-N3 radiomarkiert werden. Bicyclononinderivate der gleichen Größen konnten ohne Kupferkatalyse über ringspannungsvermittelte Alkin-Azid-Cycloaddition (SPAAC) mikrowellengestützt markiert werden und stehen somit zur in vivo-Untersuchung hinsichtlich des Einflusses der Markierungsart zur Verfügung.
RNAi ist ein bedeutendes Werkzeug zur Funktionsanalyse von Genen und hat großes Potential für den Einsatz in der Therapie. Obwohl effiziente Knockdowns in der Zellkultur erzielt werden, erweist sich eine in vivo Anwendung als schwierig. Die großen Hürden sind dabei der Transport der siRNA ins Zielgewebe und deren voranschreitende Degradierung.rnMarkierte siRNA kann sowohl zur eigenen Integritätsmessung als auch zur Lokalisierung verwendet werden. Zwei Farbstoffe an den jeweiligen 3’- bzw. -5’-Enden des Sense- bzw. Antisense-Stranges erzeugen ein robustes FRET-System (Hirsch et al. 2012). Das Verhältnis von FRET- zu Donor-Signal, das R/G-Ratio, dient zur sensitiven Klassifizierung des Integritätslevels einer siRNA Probe (Järve et al. 2007; Hirsch et al. 2011; Kim et al. 2010). Mit diesem System kann eine Degradierung von weniger als 5 % in der Küvette und in Zellen nachgewiesen werden.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Evaluierung von potentiellen FRET Farbstoffpaaren hinsichtlich deren Eignung für in vitro und in vivo Anwendung. Verschiedenste FRET-Paare, die das gesamte sichtbare Spektrum abdecken, wurden evaluiert und ermöglichen nun die Auswahl eines geeigneten Paares für die jeweilige Anwendung oder Kombination mit anderen Farbstoffen.rnMit Hilfe von Alexa555/Atto647N siRNA wurde ein erfolgreicher Einschluss von siRNA in Liposomen beobachtet. Eine anschließende Evaluierung der RNase-Protektion ergab für Liposomen, Nanohydrogele und kationische Peptide hervorragende protektive Eigenschaften. Basierend auf den Ergebnisse können diese und andere Transportsysteme nun für eine zelluläre Aufnahme optimiert werden.rnAtto488/Atto590 zeigte die besten Eigenschaften für Echtzeit-Integritätsmessungen in der Lebendzellmikroskopie. Verringerte Bleicheigenschaften und minimaler spektraler “Cross-Talk” ermöglichten es, transfizierte Zellen über einen Zeitraum von bis zu 8 Stunden zu beobachten. Mittels Atto488/Atto590 siRNA wurde die Einschleusung und Freisetzung in Zellen in Echtzeit untersucht. Dabei konnten Freisetzung und Verteilung in einzelnen Zellen beobachtet und analysiert werden. rnAuf eine anfängliche Phase mit hoher Freisetzungsrate folgte eine Phase mit geringerer Rate für den restlichen Beobachtungszeitraum. Die durchschnittliche Verweildauer im Zytosol betrug 24 und 58 Minuten, wobei zwischen lang- und kurzanhaltenden Ereignissen unterschieden werden konnte. Obwohl ein Import von siRNA in den Zellkern beobachtet wurde, konnte kein Schema bzw. genauer Zeitpunkt, in Bezug auf den Transfektionszeitraum für diese Ereignisse bestimmt werden. Die beobachteten Freisetzungsprozesse fanden sporadisch statt und Änderungen in der zellulären Verteilung geschahen innerhalb von wenigen Minuten. Einmal freigesetzte siRNA verschwand mit der Zeit wieder aus dem Zytosol und es blieben nur kleine Aggregate von siRNA mit immer noch geringer Integrität zurück.rn
In the present thesis we address the problem of detecting and localizing a small spherical target with characteristic electrical properties inside a volume of cylindrical shape, representing female breast, with MWI. One of the main works of this project is to properly extend the existing linear inversion algorithm from planar slice to volume reconstruction; results obtained, under the same conditions and experimental setup are reported for the two different approaches. Preliminar comparison and performance analysis of the reconstruction algorithms is performed via numerical simulations in a software-created environment: a single dipole antenna is used for illuminating the virtual breast phantom from different positions and, for each position, the corresponding scattered field value is registered. Collected data are then exploited in order to reconstruct the investigation domain, along with the scatterer position, in the form of image called pseudospectrum. During this process the tumor is modeled as a dielectric sphere of small radius and, for electromagnetic scattering purposes, it's treated as a point-like source. To improve the performance of reconstruction technique, we repeat the acquisition for a number of frequencies in a given range: the different pseudospectra, reconstructed from single frequency data, are incoherently combined with MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) method which returns an overall enhanced image. We exploit multi-frequency approach to test the performance of 3D linear inversion reconstruction algorithm while varying the source position inside the phantom and the height of antenna plane. Analysis results and reconstructed images are then reported. Finally, we perform 3D reconstruction from experimental data gathered with the acquisition system in the microwave laboratory at DIFA, University of Bologna for a recently developed breast-phantom prototype; obtained pseudospectrum and performance analysis for the real model are reported.
Positron-Emission-Tomography (PET) has emerged as a diagnostic gold standard for most tumor entities during the last 20 years, especially for patients suffering from malignant lymphoma. The development and distribution of machines allowing for hybrid imaging, i.e. the simultaneous acquisition of PET and CT datasets, and the possibility to assess even small pathologic findings with fused PET/CT image visualization, once more significantly improved the diagnostic accuracy of PET. Based on an excellent sensitivity the metabolic imaging with PET or PET/CT allows for a reliable overall assessment of patients with malignant lymphoma before therapy, for the early identification of non-responders during therapy, and for the diagnosis of relapse after therapy.
In order to understand how nanoparticles (NPs <100 nm) interact with cellular systems, potentially causing adverse effects, it is important to be able to detect and localize them within cells. Due to the small size of NPs, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is an appropriate technique to use for visualizing NPs inside cells, since light microscopy fails to resolve them at a single particle level. However, the presence of other cellular and non-cellular nano-sized structures in TEM cell samples, which may resemble NPs in size, morphology and electron density, can obstruct the precise intracellular identification of NPs. Therefore, elemental analysis is recommended to confirm the presence of NPs inside the cell. The present study highlights the necessity to perform elemental analysis, specifically energy filtering TEM, to confirm intracellular NP localization using the example of quantum dots (QDs). Recently, QDs have gained increased attention due to their fluorescent characteristics, and possible applications for biomedical imaging have been suggested. Nevertheless, potential adverse effects cannot be excluded and some studies point to a correlation between intracellular particle localization and toxic effects. J774.A1 murine macrophage-like cells were exposed to NH2 polyethylene (PEG) QDs and elemental co-localization analysis of two elements present in the QDs (sulfur and cadmium) was performed on putative intracellular QDs with electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI). Both elements were shown on a single particle level and QDs were confirmed to be located inside intracellular vesicles. Nevertheless, ESI analysis showed that not all nano-sized structures, initially identified as QDs, were confirmed. This observation emphasizes the necessity to perform elemental analysis when investigating intracellular NP localization using TEM.
Recently, the field of forensics has experienced a rapid increase in the use of modern cross-sectional imaging in forensic investigations. We examined the value of post-mortem computed tomography (CT) imaging relative to autopsy for distinguishing aspiration into the lungs from airways, from lung alterations due to other causes, and for identifying the aspirated material. We selected 54 bodies submitted to whole-body CT scanning prior to autopsy. All cases had autopsy findings of blood (31 cases), fresh water (12 cases), or gastric content (11 cases) aspiration. The radiological images were retrospectively analyzed for airway and lung aspiration. In all cases, CT imaging detected pulmonary abnormalities suggestive of aspiration. Nevertheless, analysis of the CT images alone was not able to identify the aspirated material or to distinguish pulmonary findings of aspiration from lung changes due to other causes, except for a few cases of hemo-aspiration. However, due to its ability to visualize the entire parenchyma, CT imaging was superior to autopsy in providing additional data about the distribution and severity of the aspiration as well as in detecting small abnormalities. Post-mortem CT imaging should be considered as a superior tool for forensic investigations of aspiration due to its ability to document diagnostic conclusions and to guide the forensic pathologist during lung tissue examination.
Deposition and clearance studies are used during product development and in fundamental research. These studies mostly involve radionuclide imaging, but pharmacokinetic methods are also used to assess the amount of drug absorbed through the lungs, which is closely related to lung deposition. Radionuclide imaging may be two-dimensional (gamma scintigraphy or planar imaging), or three-dimensional (single photon emission computed tomography and positron emission tomography). In October 2009, a group of scientists met at the "Thousand Years of Pharmaceutical Aerosols" conference in Reykjavik, Iceland, to discuss future research in key areas of pulmonary drug delivery. This article reports the session on "Deposition, imaging and clearance." The objective was partly to review our current understanding, but more importantly to assess "what remains to be done?" A need to standardize methodology and provide a regulatory framework by which data from radionuclide imaging methods could be compared between centers and used in the drug approval process was recognized. There is also a requirement for novel radiolabeling methods that are more representative of production processes for dry powder inhalers and pressurized metered dose inhalers. A need was identified for studies to aid our understanding of the relationship between clinical effects and regional deposition patterns of inhaled drugs. A robust methodology to assess clearance from small conducting airways should be developed, as a potential biomarker for therapies in cystic fibrosis and other diseases. The mechanisms by which inhaled nanoparticles are removed from the lungs, and the factors on which their removal depends, require further investigation. Last, and by no means least, we need a better understanding of patient-related factors, including how to reduce the variability in pulmonary drug delivery, in order to improve the precision of deposition and clearance measurements.
To evaluate whether it is feasible to measure the segmental flux of small bowel content using MR phase-contrast (PC) pulse sequences.
Background and Purpose: In acute stroke it is no longer sufficient to detect simply ischemia, but also to try to evaluate reperfusion/recanalization status and predict eventual hemorrhagic transformation. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion may have advantages over contrast-enhanced perfusion-weighted imaging (cePWI), and susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) has an intrinsic sensitivity to paramagnetic effects in addition to its ability to detect small areas of bleeding and hemorrhage. We want to determine here if their combined use in acute stroke and stroke follow-up at 3T could bring new insight into the diagnosis and prognosis of stroke leading to eventual improved patient management. Methods: We prospectively examined 41 patients admitted for acute stroke (NIHSS >1). Early imaging was performed between 1 h and 2 weeks. The imaging protocol included ASL, cePWI, SWI, T2 and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), in addition to standard stroke protocol. Results: We saw four kinds of imaging patterns based on ASL and SWI: patients with either hypoperfusion and hyperperfusion on ASL with or without changes on SWI. Hyperperfusion was observed on ASL in 12/41 cases, with hyperperfusion status that was not evident on conventional cePWI images. Signs of hemorrhage or blood-brain barrier breakdown were visible on SWI in 15/41 cases, not always resulting in poor outcome (2/15 were scored mRS = 0–6). Early SWI changes, together with hypoperfusion, were associated with the occurrence of hemorrhage. Hyperperfusion on ASL, even when associated with hemorrhage detected on SWI, resulted in good outcome. Hyperperfusion predicted a better outcome than hypoperfusion (p = 0.0148). Conclusions: ASL is able to detect acute-stage hyperperfusion corresponding to luxury perfusion previously reported by PET studies. The presence of hyperperfusion on ASL-type perfusion seems indicative of reperfusion/collateral flow that is protective of hemorrhagic transformation and a marker of favorable tissue outcome. The combination of hypoperfusion and changes on SWI seems on the other hand to predict hemorrhage and/or poor outcome.
Rats affected by the MENX multitumor syndrome develop pheochromocytoma (100%). Pheochromocytomas are uncommon tumors and animal models are scarce, hence the interest in MENX rats to identify and preclinically evaluate novel targeted therapies. A prerequisite for such studies is a sensitive and noninvasive detection of MENXassociated pheochromocytoma. We performed positron emission tomography (PET) to determine whether rat pheochromocytomas are detected by tracers used in clinical practice, such as 68Ga-DOTATOC (somatostatin analogue) or (11)C-Hydroxyephedrine (HED), a norepinephrine analogue. We analyzed four affected and three unaffected rats. The PET scan findings were correlated to histopathology and immunophenotype of the tumors, their proliferative index, and the expression of genes coding for somatostatin receptors or the norepinephrine transporter. We observed that mean 68Ga-DOTATOC standard uptake value (SUV) in adrenals of affected animals was 23.3 ± 3.9, significantly higher than in control rats (15.4 ± 7.9; P = .03). The increase in mean tumor-to-liver ratio of (11)C-HED in the MENX-affected animals (1.6 ± 0.5) compared to controls (0.7 ± 0.1) was even more significant (P = .0016). In a unique animal model, functional imaging depicting two pathways important in pheochromocytoma biology discriminated affected animals from controls, thus providing the basis for future preclinical work with MENX rats.