946 resultados para sinus node recovery time
The beta 2 subunit of the interleukin (IL)-12 receptor (IL-12R beta 2) has been shown to play an essential role in differentiation of T helper 1 (Th1) cells in the murine and human system, and antibodies raised against IL-12R beta 2 recognized this molecule on human Th1 but not Th2 cells. However, while the cytokines secreted by clones of murine cells allowed the definition of distinct T helper cell subsets, bovine clones with polarized Th1 and Th2 cytokine profiles were rarely found. This raised important questions about the regulation of immune responses in cattle. We therefore cloned bovine IL-12R beta2 (boIL-12R beta 2) DNA complementary to RNA (cDNA) from the start codon to the 3' end of the mRNA. Comparison of boIL-12R beta 2 cDNA with human and murine IL-12R beta 2 cDNA sequences revealed homologies of 85 and 78%, respectively. The deduced protein sequence showed the hallmark motifs of the cytokine receptor superfamily including the four conserved cysteine residues, the WSXWS motif and fibronectin domains in the extracellular part as well as a STAT4 binding site in the intracellular part of the molecule. Using real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, upregulation of mRNA expression of this molecule could be demonstrated in cultured bovine lymph node cells stimulated with phytohemagglutinin. Furthermore, cells with upregulated boIL-12R beta 2 mRNA responded with enhanced expression of interferon gamma to treatment with interleukin 12.
Hot foods served in foodservice establishments, institutions and homes, have always been regarded as safe, since cooking temperatures are more likely to kill the bacterial agents that may cause foodborne diseases. However, foods that are otherwise served hot have been epidemiologically incriminated for causing foodborne diseases. This situation arises due to the possible post-cooking food contamination. Post-cooking contamination of hot-held food is most threatening for it gives the contaminating agents the possibility of proliferation. On one hand, post-cooking contamination is least understood and on the other, hot-holding of food gives the consumer a false sense of freedom from foodborne diseases. In this study, the dynamics of food contamination before or after cooking and during hot-holding are discussed and a food contamination dynamics model is presented.^ The literature on foodborne cholera, cholera-like diarrhea, shigellosis and E. coli gastroenteritis together with the literature on the occurrence and growth of the causative enteropathogens; 01 V. cholerae, non-01 V. cholerae, S. sonnei, S. flexneri and E. coli were reviewed. The literature on the infective doses of these organisms were also cited.^ In the study, four cooked food types held hot at 40-60(DEGREES)C were deliberately contaminated with 01 V. cholerae, non-01 V. cholerae, S. sonnei, S. flexneri and E. coli, one at a time at each of the hot-holding temperatures. Tested food samples for the recovery of these enteropathogens were withdrawn at various time intervals of hot holding.^ The results showed bacterial recovery to decline with increasing temperature and with increasing hot-holding time within each holding temperature. All the bacterial types except V. cholerae were recovered even after holding the food at 60(DEGREES)C for one hour. V. cholerae was not recovered after hot-holding the food at 50-60(DEGREES)C at certain holding periods. After 48 hrs incubation, V. cholerae was recovered on TCBS agar plates that read negative after the initial 24 hrs of incubation. Effective hot-holding temperatures were determined for each of the food types contaminated by each of the bacterial types.^ Statistical analysis of the collected data showed temperature, bacterial type and their interaction to be significant in enteropathogen recovery. Food type and its interactions with temperature and bacterial type were found not significant. ^
A knowledge of rock stress is fundamental for improving our understanding of oceanic crustal mechanisms and lithospheric dynamic processes. However, direct measurements of stress in the deep oceans, and in particular stress magnitudes, have proved to be technically difficult. Anelastic strain recovery measurements were conducted on 15 basalt core samples from Sites 765 and 766 during Leg 123. Three sets of experiments were performed: anelastic strain recovery monitoring, dynamic elastic property measurements, and thermal azimuthal anisotropy observations. In addition, a range of other tests and observations were recorded to characterize each of the samples. One common feature of the experimental results and observations is that apparently no consistent orientation trend exists, either between the different measurements on each core sample or between the same sets of measurements on the various core samples. However, some evidence of correspondence between velocity anisotropy and anelastic strain recovery exists, but this is not consistent for all the core samples investigated. Thermal azimuthal anisotropy observations, although showing no conclusive correlations with the other results, were of significant interest in that they clearly exhibited anisotropic behavior. The apparent reproducibility of this behavior may point toward the possibility of rocks that retain a "memory" of their stress history, which could be exploited to derive stress orientations from archived core. Anelastic strain recovery is a relatively new technique. Because use of the method has extended to a wider range of rock types, the literature has begun to include examples of rocks that contracted with time. Strong circumstantial evidence exists to suggest that core-sample contractions result from the slow diffusion of pore fluids from a preexisting microcrack structure that permits the rock to deflate at a greater rate than the expansion caused by anelastic strain recovery. Both expansions and contractions of the Leg 123 cores were observed. The basalt cores have clearly been intersected by an abundance of preexisting fractures, some of which pass right through the samples, but many are intercepted or terminate within the rock matrix. Thus, the behavior of the core samples will be influenced not only by the properties of the rock matrix between the fractures, but also by how these macro- and micro-scale fractures mutually interact. The strain-recovery curves recorded during Leg 123 for each of the 15 basalt core samples may reflect the result of two competing time dependent processes: anelastic strain recovery and pore pressure recovery. Were these the only two processes to influence the gauge responses, then one might expect that given the additional information required, established theoretical models might be used to determine consistent stress orientations and reliable stress magnitudes. However, superimposed upon these competing processes is their respective interaction with the preexisting fractures that intersect each core. Evidence from our experiments and observations suggests that these fractures have a dominating influence on the characteristics of the recovery curves and that their effects are complex.
The Cariaco Basin is a 1400-m-deep depression approximately 160 km long by 70 km wide located off the central Venezuelan coast . It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by a sill ~100-m-deep, and two slightly deeper channels that breech it; Canal Centinela (146-m-deep) and Canal de la Tortuge (135-m-deep). High surface production rates and restricted circulation result in anoxic waters below ca. 275 m. The depth of the oxycline varies between 250 and 320 m and is independent of density. Rather, fluctuations in oxycline depth appear to be due to lateral intrusions of Caribbean Sea water that are linked to eddies along the continental shelf. A mooring with five sediment traps (Z, A-D) is located in the eastern Cariaco Basin. Traps A-D have been in place since November 1995. Trap A is located in oxic waters at 226 ± 6 m. Trap B is located at 407 ± 3 m and Trap D is located at 1205 ± 3 m. Trap C was located at a depth of 880 ± 2 m from Jan. 1996 to Nov. 2000, and was moved to 807 ± 2 m in Nov. 2000. A fifth trap, Z, was added in November 2003 at 110 m for the first 6 months, and at 150 m thereafter. All five sediment traps are coneshaped with a 0.5 m**2 opening that is covered with a baffle top to reduce turbulence. The mooring is deployed for six-month intervals and each sample collection cup is filled with a buffered 3.2% formalin solution as a preservative for the accumulating organic matter. The cups are numbered 1-13, with cup 1 collecting for the two-week interval immediately following deployment, and cup 13 collecting for the 2 weeks immediately before recovery.
Six samples from Sites 1219 and 1221 ranging in age from early Eocene to early Oligocene were analyzed for freely extractable lipids to determine whether the low organic carbon (Corg) sediments of the Eocene equatorial Pacific (Corg content typically 0.03%) are appropriate for biomarker studies. Only one sample from the Oligocene equatorial Pacific (Sample 199-1219A-13H-3, 50-54 cm) contained any biomarkers of interest to paleoceanography. The only lipids identified in the remaining samples appear to be contaminants from drilling or subsequent handling. Sample 199-1219A-13H-3, 50-54 cm, contained alkenone biomarkers specific to haptophyte algae that are used for estimating past mean annual sea-surface temperature (maSST). If the Holocene calibration of maSST is appropriate for the Oligocene, the estimated equatorial temperature is >=28.3°C, or at least 3°C warmer than modern equatorial maSST at a similar longitude.
Homogenized data series of total ozone measurements taken by the regularly and well calibrated Dobson and Brewer spectrophotometers at Hradec Králové (Czech) and the data from the re-analyses ERA-40 and ERA-Interim were assimilated and combined to investigate differences between the particular data sets over Central Europe, the NH mid-latitudes. The Dobson-to-Brewer transfer function and the algorithm for approximation of the data from the re-analyses were developed, tested and applied for creation of instrumentally consistent and completed total ozone data series of the 50-year period 1961-2010 of observations. The assimilation has reduced the well-known seasonal differences between Dobson and Brewer data below the 1% calibration limit of the spectrophotometers. Incorporation of the ERA-40 and ERA-Interim total ozone data on days with missing measurements significantly improved completeness and reliability of the data series mainly in the first two decades of the period concerned. Consistent behaviour of the original and assimilated data sets was found in the pre-ozone-hole period (1961-1985). In the post-Pinatubo (1994-2010) era the data series show seasonal differences that can introduce uncertainty in estimation of ozone recovery mainly in the winter-spring season when the effect of the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments is expected. All the data sets confirm substantial depletion of ozone also in the summer months that gives rise to the question about its origin. The assimilated and completed data series of total ozone will be further analyzed to quantify chemical ozone losses and contribution of natural atmospheric processes to the ozone depletion over the region. This case study points out importance of selection and evaluation of the quality and consistency of the input data sets used in estimation of long-term ozone changes including recovery of the ozone layer over the selected areas.