955 resultados para pseudo-oxocarbons
1. Identifying the boundary of a species' niche from observational and environmental data is a common problem in ecology and conservation biology and a variety of techniques have been developed or applied to model niches and predict distributions. Here, we examine the performance of some pattern-recognition methods as ecological niche models (ENMs). Particularly, one-class pattern recognition is a flexible and seldom used methodology for modelling ecological niches and distributions from presence-only data. The development of one-class methods that perform comparably to two-class methods (for presence/absence data) would remove modelling decisions about sampling pseudo-absences or background data points when absence points are unavailable. 2. We studied nine methods for one-class classification and seven methods for two-class classification (five common to both), all primarily used in pattern recognition and therefore not common in species distribution and ecological niche modelling, across a set of 106 mountain plant species for which presence-absence data was available. We assessed accuracy using standard metrics and compared trade-offs in omission and commission errors between classification groups as well as effects of prevalence and spatial autocorrelation on accuracy. 3. One-class models fit to presence-only data were comparable to two-class models fit to presence-absence data when performance was evaluated with a measure weighting omission and commission errors equally. One-class models were superior for reducing omission errors (i.e. yielding higher sensitivity), and two-classes models were superior for reducing commission errors (i.e. yielding higher specificity). For these methods, spatial autocorrelation was only influential when prevalence was low. 4. These results differ from previous efforts to evaluate alternative modelling approaches to build ENM and are particularly noteworthy because data are from exhaustively sampled populations minimizing false absence records. Accurate, transferable models of species' ecological niches and distributions are needed to advance ecological research and are crucial for effective environmental planning and conservation; the pattern-recognition approaches studied here show good potential for future modelling studies. This study also provides an introduction to promising methods for ecological modelling inherited from the pattern-recognition discipline.
With the aging population and its rapidly increasing prevalence, dementia has become an important public health concern in developed and developing countries. To date, the pharmacological treatment is symptomatic and based on the observed neurotransmitter disturbances. The four most commonly used drugs are donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine. Donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors with different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles. Donepezil inhibits selectively the acetylcholinesterase and has a long elimination half-life (t½) of 70 h. Galantamine is also a selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, but also modulates presynaptic nicotinic receptors. It has a t½ of 6-8 h. Donepezil and galantamine are mainly metabolised by cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2D6 and CYP3A4 in the liver. Rivastigmine is a so-called 'pseudo-irreversible' inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase. The t½ of the drug is very short (1-2 h), but the duration of action is longer as the enzymes are blocked for around 8.5 and 3.5 h, respectively. Rivastigmine is metabolised by esterases in liver and intestine. Memantine is a non-competitive low-affinity antagonist of the NMDA receptor with a t½ of 70 h. Its major route of elimination is unchanged via the kidneys. Addressing the issue of inter-patient variability in treatment response might be of special importance for the vulnerable population taking anti-dementia drugs. Pharmacogenetic considerations might help to avoid multiple medication changes due to non-response and/or adverse events. Some pharmacogenetic studies conducted on donepezil and galantamine reported an influence of the CYP2D6 genotype on the pharmacokinetics of the drugs and/or on the response to treatment. Moreover, polymorphisms in genes of the cholinergic markers acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, choline acetyltransferase and paraoxonase were found to be associated with better clinical response to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. However, confirmation studies in larger populations are necessary to establish evidence of which subgroups of patients will most likely benefit from anti-dementia drugs. The aim of this review is to summarize the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the four commonly used anti-dementia drugs and to give an overview on the current knowledge of pharmacogenetics in this field.
Alteplase has been shown to be effective in preventing central venous access clotting in patients on hemodialysis. Because of a high phosphorus content in its excipient, it can inadvertently contaminate blood samples, leading the physician in care of the patient to erroneously increase dialysis time or change diet in order to control the pseudo-hyperphosphatemia.
Dieser Beitrag geht davon aus, dass eine neue Gattung in anderen europäischen Sprachen und Kulturen bereits vorhandene Gattungsformen ,"(re)konfiguriert", um sie der eigenen Sprache und Kultur anzupassen und neue Aussageformen zu schaffen. Dieser Prozess wird am Beispiel der europäischen Märchen aufgezeigt, die der hier formulierten Hypothese nach weder Erzeugnisse einer Universalgattung noch nationaler Folklore sind, sondern komplexe ,"Rekonfigurationen" lateinischer, italienischen und französischer Gattungsformen. Am Beispiel der Histoires ou contes du temps passé, avec des Moralités von 1697 wird gezeigt, wie Charles Perrault mit einer neuartigen ,"Szenographie" das zum Gattungsparadigma gewordene Psyche-Märchen von Apuleius ,"rekonfiguiert". An die Stelle des erzählenden Esels Lucius, der vorgibt, Psyches Geschichte von der alten Magd einer Räuberbande gehört zu haben, setzt Perrault seinen Sohn, Pierre Darmancour, und schafft mit einer pseudo-naiven Szenographie eine neue Gattung, die von den Brüdern Grimm und deren ,"Beiträgerinnen" hugenottischer Herkunft zum Kinder- und Hausmärchen umgearbeitet wird.
Quartz-carbonate-chlorite veins were studied in borehole samples of the RWTH-1 well in Aachen. Veins formed in Devonian rocks in the footwall of the Aachen thrust during Variscan deformation and associated fluid flow. Primary fluid inclusions indicate subsolvus unmixing of a homogenous H(2)O-CO(2)-CH(4)-(N(2))-Na-(K)-Cl fluid into a H(2)O-Na-(K)-Cl solution and a vapour-rich CO(2)-(H(2)O, CH(4), N(2)) fluid. The aqueous end-member composition resembles that of metamorphic fluids of the Variscan front zone with salinities ranging from 4 to 7% NaCl equiv. and maximum homogenisation temperatures of close to 400A degrees C. Pressure estimates indicate a burial depth between 4,500 and 8,000 m at geothermal gradients between 50 and 75A degrees C/26 MPa, but pressure decrease to sublithostatic conditions is also indicated, probably as a consequence of fracture opening during episodic seismic activity. A second fluid system, mainly preserved in pseudo-secondary and secondary fluid inclusions, is characterised by fluid temperatures between 200 and 250A degrees C and salinities of < 5% NaCl equiv. Bulk stable isotope analyses of fluids released from vein quartz, calcite, and dolomite by decrepitation yielded delta D(H2O) values from -89 to -113 aEuro degrees, delta(13)C(CH4) from -26.9 to -28.9aEuro degrees (VPDB) and delta(13)C(CO2) from -12.8 to -23.3aEuro degrees (VPDB). The low delta D and delta(13)C range of the fluids is considered to be due to interaction with cracked hydrocarbons. The second fluid influx caused partial isotope exchange and disequilibrium. It is envisaged that an initial short lived flux of hot metamorphic fluids expelled from the epizonal metamorphic domains of the Stavelot-Venn massif. The metamorphic fluid was focused along major thrust faults of the Variscan front zone such as the Aachen thrust. A second fluid influx was introduced from formation waters in the footwall of the Aachen thrust as a consequence of progressive deformation. Mixing of the cooler and lower salinity formation water with the hot metamorphic fluid during episodic fluid trapping resulted in an evolving range of physicochemical fluid inclusion characteristics.
Given a compact pseudo-metric space, we associate to it upper and lower dimensions, depending only on the pseudo-metric. Then we construct a doubling measure for which the measure of a dilated ball is closely related to these dimensions.
The oxidation of solutions of glucose with methylene-blue as a catalyst in basic media can induce hydrodynamic overturning instabilities, termed chemoconvection in recognition of their similarity to convective instabilities. The phenomenon is due to gluconic acid, the marginally dense product of the reaction, which gradually builds an unstable density profile. Experiments indicate that dominant pattern wavenumbers initially increase before gradually decreasing or can even oscillate for long times. Here, we perform a weakly nonlinear analysis for an established model of the system with simple kinetics, and show that the resulting amplitude equation is analogous to that obtained in convection with insulating walls. We show that the amplitude description predicts that dominant pattern wavenumbers should decrease in the long term, but does not reproduce the aforementioned increasing wavenumber behavior in the initial stages of pattern development. We hypothesize that this is due to horizontally homogeneous steady states not being attained before pattern onset. We show that the behavior can be explained using a combination of pseudo-steady-state linear and steady-state weakly nonlinear theories. The results obtained are in qualitative agreement with the analysis of experiments.
Interfacial hydrodynamic instabilities arise in a range of chemical systems. One mechanism for instability is the occurrence of unstable density gradients due to the accumulation of reaction products. In this paper we conduct two-dimensional nonlinear numerical simulations for a member of this class of system: the methylene-blue¿glucose reaction. The result of these reactions is the oxidation of glucose to a relatively, but marginally, dense product, gluconic acid, that accumulates at oxygen permeable interfaces, such as the surface open to the atmosphere. The reaction is catalyzed by methylene-blue. We show that simulations help to disassemble the mechanisms responsible for the onset of instability and evolution of patterns, and we demonstrate that some of the results are remarkably consistent with experiments. We probe the impact of the upper oxygen boundary condition, for fixed flux, fixed concentration, or mixed boundary conditions, and find significant qualitative differences in solution behavior; structures either attract or repel one another depending on the boundary condition imposed. We suggest that measurement of the form of the boundary condition is possible via observation of oxygen penetration, and improved product yields may be obtained via proper control of boundary conditions in an engineering setting. We also investigate the dependence on parameters such as the Rayleigh number and depth. Finally, we find that pseudo-steady linear and weakly nonlinear techniques described elsewhere are useful tools for predicting the behavior of instabilities beyond their formal range of validity, as good agreement is obtained with the simulations.
Dominant mutations in the receptor calcium channel gene TRPV4 have been associated with a family of skeletal dysplasias (metatropic dysplasia, pseudo-Morquio type 2, spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Kozlowski type, brachyolmia, and familial digital arthropathy) as well as with dominantly inherited neuropathies (hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy 2C, scapuloperoneal spinal muscular atrophy, and congenital distal spinal muscular atrophy). While there is phenotypic overlap between the various members of each group, the two groups were considered to be totally separate with the former being strictly a structural skeletal condition and the latter group being confined to the peripheral nervous system. We report here on fetal akinesia as the presenting feature of severe metatropic dysplasia, suggesting that certain TRPV4 mutations can cause both a skeletal and a neuropathic phenotype. Three cases were detected on prenatal ultrasound because of absent movements in the second trimester. Case 4 presented with multiple joint contractures and absent limb movements at birth and was diagnosed with "fetal akinesia syndrome". Post-interruption and post-natal X-rays showed typical features of metatropic dysplasia in all four. Sequencing of the TRPV4 gene confirmed the presence of de novo heterozygous mutations predicting G78W (Case 1), T740I (Cases 2 and 3), and K276E (Case 4). Although some degree of restriction of movements is not uncommon in fetuses with skeletal dysplasia, akinesia as leading sign is unusual and suggests that certain TRPV4 mutations produce both chondrodysplasia and a peripheral neuropathy resulting in a severe "overlap" phenotype.
Purpose: To assess the global cardiovascular (CV) risk of an individual, several scores have been developed. However, their accuracy and comparability need to be evaluated in populations others from which they were derived. The aim of this study was to compare the predictive accuracy of 4 CV risk scores using data of a large population-based cohort. Methods: Prospective cohort study including 4980 participants (2698 women, mean age± SD: 52.7±10.8 years) in Lausanne, Switzerland followed for an average of 5.5 years (range 0.2 - 8.5). Two end points were assessed: 1) coronary heart disease (CHD), and 2) CV diseases (CVD). Four risk scores were compared: original and recalibrated Framingham coronary heart disease scores (1998 and 2001); original PROCAM score (2002) and its recalibrated version for Switzerland (IAS-AGLA); Reynolds risk score. Discrimination was assessed using Harrell's C statistics, model fitness using Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and calibration using pseudo Hosmer-Lemeshow test. The sensitivity, specificity and corresponding 95% confidence intervals were assessed for each risk score using the highest risk category ([20+ % at 10 years) as the "positive" test. Results: Recalibrated and original 1998 and original 2001 Framingham scores show better discrimination (>0.720) and model fitness (low AIC) for CHD and CVD. All 4 scores are correctly calibrated (Chi2<20). The recalibrated Framingham 1998 score has the best sensitivities, 37.8% and 40.4%, for CHD and CVD, respectively. All scores present specificities >90%. Framingham 1998, PROCAM and IAS-AGLA scores include the greatest proportion of subjects (>200) in the high risk category whereas recalibrated Framingham 2001 and Reynolds include <=44 subjects. Conclusion: In this cohort, we see variations of accuracy between risk scores, the original Framingham 2001 score demonstrating the best compromise between its accuracy and its limited selection of subjects in the highest risk category. We advocate that national guidelines, based on independently validated data, take into account calibrated CV risk scores for their respective countries.
Question: When multiple observers record the same spatial units of alpine vegetation, how much variation is there in the records and what are the consequences of this variation for monitoring schemes to detect change? Location: One test summit in Switzerland (Alps) and one test summit in Scotland (Cairngorm Mountains). Method: Eight observers used the GLORIA protocols for species composition and visual cover estimates in percent on large summit sections (>100 m2) and species composition and frequency in nested quadrats (1 m2). Results: The multiple records from the same spatial unit for species composition and species cover showed considerable variation in the two countries. Estimates of pseudoturnover of composition and coefficients of variation of cover estimates for vascular plant species in 1m x 1m quadrats showed less variation than in previously published reports whereas our results in larger sections were broadly in line with previous reports. In Scotland, estimates for bryophytes and lichens were more variable than for vascular plants. Conclusions: Statistical power calculations indicated that, unless large numbers of plots were used, changes in cover or frequency were only likely to be detected for abundant species (exceeding 10% cover) or if relative changes were large (50% or more). Lower variation could be reached with the point methods and with larger numbers of small plots. However, as summits often strongly differ from each other, supplementary summits cannot be considered as a way of increasing statistical power without introducing a supplementary component of variance into the analysis and hence the power calculations.
This report describes a project begun in January 1989 and completed December 1990, with the primary objective of obtaining sufficiently accurate horizontal and vertical control by using Global Positioning System (GPS) for highway applications. The ISU research group studied the operations of the Ashtech GPS receiver in static, pseudo-static, kinematic, and pseudo-kinematic modes. By using the Electronic Distance Measuring Instrument (EDMI) Calibration Baseline at ISU, the GPS receiver was tested for distance measurement accuracy. It was found that GPS measurements differed from the baseline distance by about 5.3 mm. Four projects were undertaken to further evaluate and improve the horizontal as well as the vertical accuracies of the GPS receiver -- (1) The Campus Project: with all points concentrated within a one-mile radius; (2) The Des Moines Project: a typical DOT project with all the points within a five-mile radius; (3) The Iowa Project: with all points within a 100-mile radius in the state of Iowa; and (4) The Mustang Project: an extension of the Iowa project, including a typical DOT project of about 10 miles within the inner 30 mile radius of the Iowa project.
The ability to identify letters and encode their position is a crucial step of the word recognition process. However and despite their word identification problem, the ability of dyslexic children to encode letter identity and letter-position within strings was not systematically investigated. This study aimed at filling this gap and further explored how letter identity and letter-position encoding is modulated by letter context in developmental dyslexia. For this purpose, a letter-string comparison task was administered to French dyslexic children and two chronological age (CA) and reading age (RA)-matched control groups. Children had to judge whether two successively and briefly presented four-letter strings were identical or different. Letter-position and letter identity were manipulated through the transposition (e.g., RTGM vs. RMGT) or substitution of two letters (e.g., TSHF vs. TGHD). Non-words, pseudo-words, and words were used as stimuli to investigate sub-lexical and lexical effects on letter encoding. Dyslexic children showed both substitution and transposition detection problems relative to CA-controls. A substitution advantage over transpositions was only found for words in dyslexic children whereas it extended to pseudo-words in RA-controls and to all type of items in CA-controls. Letters were better identified in the dyslexic group when belonging to orthographically familiar strings. Letter-position encoding was very impaired in dyslexic children who did not show any word context effect in contrast to CA-controls. Overall, the current findings point to a strong letter identity and letter-position encoding disorder in developmental dyslexia.
Mental disorders in patients having difficulties to treat their epilepsy are without a doubt more frequent than those presented by patients with controlled epilepsies or within a general population. These problems are especially affective disorders; clinical presentations of these troubles are often particular and difficult to classify through the current admitted classification guidelines. We speak generally about an interictal dysphoric disorder. The relationship between observed troubles in seizures is in some cases very particular: postictal depressions and psychosis are very peculiar disorders, self limited, difficult to detect and to treat. Some considerations are made about certain topics related to severe epilepsies: suicide, pseudo seizures and therapeutic attitude.