938 resultados para post mortem interval


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The evolution of porosity due to dissolution/precipitation processes of minerals and the associated change of transport parameters are of major interest for natural geological environments and engineered underground structures. We designed a reproducible and fast to conduct 2D experiment, which is flexible enough to investigate several process couplings implemented in the numerical code OpenGeosys-GEM (OGS-GEM). We investigated advective-diffusive transport of solutes, effect of liquid phase density on advective transport, and kinetically controlled dissolution/precipitation reactions causing porosity changes. In addition, the system allowed to investigate the influence of microscopic (pore scale) processes on macroscopic (continuum scale) transport. A Plexiglas tank of dimension 10 × 10 cm was filled with a 1 cm thick reactive layer consisting of a bimodal grain size distribution of celestite (SrSO4) crystals, sandwiched between two layers of sand. A barium chloride solution was injected into the tank causing an asymmetric flow field to develop. As the barium chloride reached the celestite region, dissolution of celestite was initiated and barite precipitated. Due to the higher molar volume of barite, its precipitation caused a porosity decrease and thus also a decrease in the permeability of the porous medium. The change of flow in space and time was observed via injection of conservative tracers and analysis of effluents. In addition, an extensive post-mortem analysis of the reacted medium was conducted. We could successfully model the flow (with and without fluid density effects) and the transport of conservative tracers with a (continuum scale) reactive transport model. The prediction of the reactive experiments initially failed. Only the inclusion of information from post-mortem analysis gave a satisfactory match for the case where the flow field changed due to dissolution/precipitation reactions. We concentrated on the refinement of post-mortem analysis and the investigation of the dissolution/precipitation mechanisms at the pore scale. Our analytical techniques combined scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and synchrotron X-ray micro-diffraction/micro-fluorescence performed at the XAS beamline (Swiss Light Source). The newly formed phases include an epitaxial growth of barite micro-crystals on large celestite crystals (epitaxial growth) and a nano-crystalline barite phase (resulting from the dissolution of small celestite crystals) with residues of celestite crystals in the pore interstices. Classical nucleation theory, using well-established and estimated parameters describing barite precipitation, was applied to explain the mineralogical changes occurring in our system. Our pore scale investigation showed limits of the continuum scale reactive transport model. Although kinetic effects were implemented by fixing two distinct rates for the dissolution of large and small celestite crystals, instantaneous precipitation of barite was assumed as soon as oversaturation occurred. Precipitation kinetics, passivation of large celestite crystals and metastability of supersaturated solutions, i.e. the conditions under which nucleation cannot occur despite high supersaturation, were neglected. These results will be used to develop a pore scale model that describes precipitation and dissolution of crystals at the pore scale for various transport and chemical conditions. Pore scale modelling can be used to parameterize constitutive equations to introduce pore-scale corrections into macroscopic (continuum) reactive transport models. Microscopic understanding of the system is fundamental for modelling from the pore to the continuum scale.


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In Switzerland sarcoptic mange is frequent in free-ranging wild carnivores but until recent years no cases had been recorded in wild ungulates. Since 2010, cases have been observed in wild boar in the cantons of Solothurn, Tessin and Thurgau. Here, we report the detection of mange-like skin lesions in wild boars by photo-trapping and the post-mortem findings in 6 culled animals presenting different stages of the disease. Potential sources of infection include mangy red foxes, outdoor domestic pigs and wild boars from surrounding countries. Disease spread in the wild boar population may become relevant not only for wildlife but also for domestic pig health in the future if piggeries' biosecurity is insufficient to prevent interactions with wild boar.


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Syndromic surveillance (SyS) systems currently exploit various sources of health-related data, most of which are collected for purposes other than surveillance (e.g. economic). Several European SyS systems use data collected during meat inspection for syndromic surveillance of animal health, as some diseases may be more easily detected post-mortem than at their point of origin or during the ante-mortem inspection upon arrival at the slaughterhouse. In this paper we use simulation to evaluate the performance of a quasi-Poisson regression (also known as an improved Farrington) algorithm for the detection of disease outbreaks during post-mortem inspection of slaughtered animals. When parameterizing the algorithm based on the retrospective analyses of 6 years of historic data, the probability of detection was satisfactory for large (range 83-445 cases) outbreaks but poor for small (range 20-177 cases) outbreaks. Varying the amount of historical data used to fit the algorithm can help increasing the probability of detection for small outbreaks. However, while the use of a 0·975 quantile generated a low false-positive rate, in most cases, more than 50% of outbreak cases had already occurred at the time of detection. High variance observed in the whole carcass condemnations time-series, and lack of flexibility in terms of the temporal distribution of simulated outbreaks resulting from low reporting frequency (monthly), constitute major challenges for early detection of outbreaks in the livestock population based on meat inspection data. Reporting frequency should be increased in the future to improve timeliness of the SyS system while increased sensitivity may be achieved by integrating meat inspection data into a multivariate system simultaneously evaluating multiple sources of data on livestock health.


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Several genetic linkage and epidemiological studies have provided strong evidence that DCDC2 is a candidate gene for developmental dyslexia, a disorder that impairs a person’s reading ability despite adequate intelligence, education, and socio-economic status. Studies investigating embryonic intra-ventricular RNA interference (RNAi) of Dcdc2, a rat homolog of the DCDC2 gene in humans, indicate disruptions in neuronal migration in the rat cortex during development. Interestingly, these anatomical anomalies are consistent with post mortem histological analysis of human dyslexic patients. Other rodent models of cortical developmental disruption have shown impairment in rapid auditory processing and learning maze tasks in affected subjects. The current study investigates the rapid auditory processing abilities of mice heterozygous for Dcdc2 (one functioning Dcdc2 allele) and mice with a homozygous knockout of Dcdc2 (no functioning Dcdc2 allele). It is important to note that this genetic model for behavioral assessment is still in the pilot stage. However, preliminary results suggest that mice with a genetic mutation of Dcdc2 have impaired rapid auditory processing, as well as non-spatial maze learning and memory ability, as compared to wildtypes. By genetically knocking out Dcdc2 in mice, behavioral features associated with Dcdc2 can be characterized, along with other neurological abnormalities that may arise due to the loss of the functioning gene.


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Developmental Dyslexia is a reading disorder that affects individuals that possess otherwise normal intelligence. Until the four candidate dyslexia susceptibility genes were discovered, the cause of cortical malformations found in post mortem dyslexic brains was unclear. Normal brain development is crucial for the proper wiring of the neural circuitry that allow an individual to perform cognitive tasks like reading. For years, familial and twin studies have suggested that there was a genetic basis to the causation of dyslexia. Kiaa0319 was among the candidate dyslexia susceptibility genes that were ascertained. KIAA0319 is located on Chromosome 6p22.2-22.3 and has been found to exhibit differential spatial-temporal expression patterns in the brain throughout development, which suggests that the polycystic kidney disease (PKD) domain encoded by KIAA0319 facilitates cell-cell adhesion to enable neuronal precursors to crawl up the radial glia during neuronal migration. With the knowledge of KIAA0319 involvement in early neurogenesis, we were interested in determining how different KIAA0319 expression may impact cortical neurons in layer II and III during early adulthood. We show that KIAA0319 knockdown in cortical pyramidal neurons significantly reduces the dendritic spine density. Studies have shown that changes in dendritic spine morphology and density affect properties of neural circuitry. Henceforth, this finding may reveal a link between the Kiaa0319 gene and the deficit of the neural processing task of reading due to reduced spines density. Finding a correlation between Kiaa0319 expression and its influence on dendritic spine development may lead to a greater insight of a direct link between the dyslexia susceptibility gene and the biological mechanism that causes dyslexia.


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The prevalence of antirotavirus antibodies in chickens and turkeys in the Gonzales, Texas and Llano, Texas areas was studied. Caged layer chicken flocks were found to have a prevalence of 64% when samples were taken randomly. This compares to 45% in chicken broiler breeder flocks and 92% in turkey breeding flocks. The natural occurrence of turkey rotavirus infection in two separate field studies showed an increase in mortality varying from 9% to 45% above expected death losses. Clinically, pasted vents, lacitude, and general malaise were noted in affected poults. Lesions noted on post mortem examination were; slight ballooning of the small intestine, excessively large ceca, and mild hyperemia of the small and large intestines.^ The use of maternal antibody from simian rotavirus immunized chickens' eggs for preventing murine rotavirus infection in infant mice was investigated. There was a reduction from 91% to 15% incidence when infant mice were treated twice daily with egg yolk immunoglobulin.^ The need for a convenient, easily grown and rapidly reproducing model for avian and mammalian rotaviruses led to the use of coturnix chicks. The turkey rotavirus was adapted to the quail chicks be serial passage. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy as well as micropathological methods were used in the study of the pathogenesis of rotavirus infection in quail and infant mice. ^


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Second Edition. Pp.5-61 General Surgical Necessities, Gauze, Antiseptic Sundries, Surgical Sundries, Rubber Bandages, Catheters, Bougies, Splints, Tents, Emergency Bags, Surgeon's Needles, Operating Instruments, Amputating, Forceps, Aspiration, Cases, Catheters and Directors, Pocket Case Instruments, Dissecting and Post-Mortem Pp.62-118 General Operating - Osteotomy, Mastoid, Trephining, Eye Instruments, Aural, Nasal, Mouth and Throat, Tooth Forceps, Laryngoscopic Sets, Hydraulic Air Compressor, Variocele, Genito Urinary Pp. 119-167 Genito Urinary-Lithotrity, Alimentary, Anal and Rectal, Gynaecological, Pessaries, Microscopes, Syringes Pp.168-205 Chemical Apparatus and Glassware, Physician's Cabinets, Office Furniture, Operating Chairs and Tables, Hospital Beds, Cautery, Electrolytic, Batteries Pp.206-246 Cases, Varicose, Braces, Abdominal Supporters, Trusses, Invalid Chairs and Supplies, Sterilizers, Saddle-Bags, Deformity Apparatus Advertisements: Bandages, Abdominal Supporters, Rubber Supplies, Bags, Batteries, Cotton, Microscopes, Hypodermic Tablets, Atomizers, Furniture, Sterilizers, Syringes


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Section "A": Dissecting and Post-Mortem Instruments Diagnostic Instruments and Apparatus Microscopes and Microscopic Accessories Laboratory Apparatus and Glass Ware Apparatus for Blood and Urine Analysis Apparatus for Phlebotomy, Cupping and Leeching Apparatus for Infusion and Transfusion Syringes for Aspiration and Injection Osteological Preparations Section "B": Anaesthetic, General Operating, Osteotomy, Trepanning, Bullet, Pocket Case, Cautery, Ligatures, Sutures, Dressings, Etc. Section "B" continued Section "C": Eye, Ear, Nasal, Dermal, Oral, Tonsil, Tracheal, Laryngeal,Esophageal, Stomach, Intestinal, Gall Bladder Section "C": continued Section "D": Rectal, Phimosis, Prostatic, Vesical, Urethral, Ureteral, Instruments Section "E": Gynecic, Hysterectomy, Obstetrical, Instrument Satchels, Medicine Cases Section "F": Electric Cautery Transformers, Electro-Cautery Burners and Accessories, Electric Current Controllers, Electro-Diagnostic Outfits, Electrolysis Instruments Electro-Therapeutic Lamps, Faradic Batteries, Galvanic Batteries Section "G": Office Furniture, Office Sterilizing Apparatus, Hospital Supplies, Surgical Rubber Goods, Sick Room Utensils, Invalid Rolling Chairs, Invalid Supplies Section "H": Artificial Limbs, Deformity Apparatus, Fracture Apparatus, Splints, Splint Material, Elastic Hosiery, Abdominal Supporters, Crutches, Trusses, Suspensories, Etc. Index


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This study provides a theoretical assessment of the potential bias due to differential lateral transport on multi-proxy studies based on a range of marine microfossils. Microfossils preserved in marine sediments are at the centre of numerous proxies for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. The precision of proxies is based on the assumption that they accurately represent the overlying watercolumn properties and faunas. Here we assess the possibility of a syn-depositional bias in sediment assemblages caused by horizontal drift in the water column, due to differential settling velocities of sedimenting particles based on their shape, size and density, and due to differences in current velocities. Specifically we calculate the post-mortem lateral transport undergone by planktic foraminifera and a range of other biological proxy carriers (diatoms, radiolaria and fecal pellets transporting coccolithophores) in several regions with high current velocities. We find that lateral transport of different planktic foraminiferal species is minimal due to high settling velocities. No significant shape- or size-dependent sorting occurs before reaching the sediment, making planktic foraminiferal ideal proxy carriers. In contrast, diatoms, radiolaria and fecal pellets can be transported up to 500km in some areas. For example in the Agulhas current, transport can lead to differences of up to 2°C in temperature reconstructions between different proxies in response to settling velocities. Therefore, sediment samples are likely to contain different proportions of local and imported particles, decreasing the precision of proxies based on these groups and the accuracy of the temperature reconstruction.


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En el presente artículo reconstruimos a partir de la información proporcionada por testamentos e inventarios post mortem las características productivas de los establecimientos frutihortícolas y cerealeros del partido de San José de Flores. Abordamos, además, el estudio de los esquemas de inversión de los propietarios y/o arrendatarios de estas unidades esbozando su perfil socioeconómico y político, deteniéndonos especialmente en aquellos que han accedido a la propiedad legal de los terrenos.


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Las nuevas noticias referidas a la biografía de Alejandro Sawa propor¬cionan datos de gran interés para desentrañar las andanzas de la bohemia Hispanoamérica en el París de finales del siglo XIX, a la sombra de la Casa Editorial Garnier y de las tertulias presididas por P. Verlaine, así como para descifrar las claves históricas diseminadas por Valle-Inclán en Luces de bohemia, homenaje póstumo a la memoria del introductor de las novedades literarias francesas en la cultura española de fin de siglo, Alejandro Sawa - Max Estrella.


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El artículo refiere a una investigación doctoral en curso sobre el desarrollo de la comprensión infantil de la muerte, y se centra en los conceptos de lo real, lo posible y lo necesario de las últimas investigaciones piagetianas. Aunque se trata de una discusión teórica, se mencionan algunos estudios precedentes acerca de la comprensión de la muerte, puntuando algunos de sus problemas metodológicos vinculados con la distinción entre creencias infantiles sugeridas y espontáneas. Se presentan algunos datos de nuestras exploraciones piloto con niños de 5 a 10 años. Ellos se utilizan como ilustración en la discusión sobre la posibilidad de analizar el desarrollo del concepto de muerte desde la hipótesis 'tendiente a precisar los mecanismos productores de novedad' de la diferenciación gradual entre lo real, lo posible y lo necesario. Se señala que la aceptación de la universalidad, la inevitabilidad y la irreversibilidad de la muerte es una constante en todos los niños entrevistados. Asimismo, sus ideas acerca de la 'persistencia de la existencia' luego de la muerte, y de la 'relocalización' post mórtem en otro espacio, sugieren la presencia de mecanismos análogos a los hallados en otros estudios. Finalmente, la co-existencia de racionalidades diferentes en un mismo sujeto, parecen manifestar las complejas relaciones entre representaciones sociales y creencias espontáneas


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En el presente artículo reconstruimos a partir de la información proporcionada por testamentos e inventarios post mortem las características productivas de los establecimientos frutihortícolas y cerealeros del partido de San José de Flores. Abordamos, además, el estudio de los esquemas de inversión de los propietarios y/o arrendatarios de estas unidades esbozando su perfil socioeconómico y político, deteniéndonos especialmente en aquellos que han accedido a la propiedad legal de los terrenos.


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Las nuevas noticias referidas a la biografía de Alejandro Sawa propor¬cionan datos de gran interés para desentrañar las andanzas de la bohemia Hispanoamérica en el París de finales del siglo XIX, a la sombra de la Casa Editorial Garnier y de las tertulias presididas por P. Verlaine, así como para descifrar las claves históricas diseminadas por Valle-Inclán en Luces de bohemia, homenaje póstumo a la memoria del introductor de las novedades literarias francesas en la cultura española de fin de siglo, Alejandro Sawa - Max Estrella.


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El artículo refiere a una investigación doctoral en curso sobre el desarrollo de la comprensión infantil de la muerte, y se centra en los conceptos de lo real, lo posible y lo necesario de las últimas investigaciones piagetianas. Aunque se trata de una discusión teórica, se mencionan algunos estudios precedentes acerca de la comprensión de la muerte, puntuando algunos de sus problemas metodológicos vinculados con la distinción entre creencias infantiles sugeridas y espontáneas. Se presentan algunos datos de nuestras exploraciones piloto con niños de 5 a 10 años. Ellos se utilizan como ilustración en la discusión sobre la posibilidad de analizar el desarrollo del concepto de muerte desde la hipótesis 'tendiente a precisar los mecanismos productores de novedad' de la diferenciación gradual entre lo real, lo posible y lo necesario. Se señala que la aceptación de la universalidad, la inevitabilidad y la irreversibilidad de la muerte es una constante en todos los niños entrevistados. Asimismo, sus ideas acerca de la 'persistencia de la existencia' luego de la muerte, y de la 'relocalización' post mórtem en otro espacio, sugieren la presencia de mecanismos análogos a los hallados en otros estudios. Finalmente, la co-existencia de racionalidades diferentes en un mismo sujeto, parecen manifestar las complejas relaciones entre representaciones sociales y creencias espontáneas