541 resultados para piel


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La historia de la Actividad Física en general y de la Educación Física en particular son sin duda herederas de un cuerpo escindido, biologizado. La modernidad, montada sobre ese discurso dicotómico erige la razón como el nuevo Dios, y el cuerpo, siempre lo otro de sí, pasa a ser una maquinaria al servicio del cogito cartesiano. Considerar al cuerpo una construcción de la cultura, alejándose por completo del cuerpo físico que otrora fuera el centro de las preocupaciones, constituye un quiebre epistemológico radical que es preciso valorar. Efectivamente, limitar el análisis de la actividad física y las prácticas corporales de los hombres a una simple consideración orgánica, es reducirla a un nivel muy pobre de argumentación. Pero también, un enfoque culturalista que pretende deslindar toda consideración de la condición de animalidad del ser humano, su condición de ser vivo, constituye otra cara del reduccionismo. Como tampoco esencializar la cultura y no considerar las condiciones macroestructurales que la explican parece lo más plausible. En ese sentido, nos parece oportuno advertir que alentamos una postura antiesencialista que sostiene la no existencia de un sustrato primario, una esencia de lo social, sino que por el contrario asume el carácter contingente de toda identidad. De igual modo rechaza todo determinismo puesto que no concibe que exista una primacía de ninguna esfera, ya sea económica, cultural, o social, en la formación de las identidades; sino más bien entiende que todas ellas se interrelacionan e influencian mutuamente. Somos ese cuerpo que está, no solo atravesado por la razón, sino también por el poder y el deseo. Esa carne que somos es ese límite, ese punto ciego, esa piel que antecede toda reflexión y nos conecta con el mundo. En esta posibilidad de aunar la dimensión animal, humana y cósmica en una entidad indisoluble e integral, están quizás las huellas de nuevas (o viejas) sendas a ser transitadas


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Samoylov Island is centrally located within the Lena River Delta at 72° N, 126° E and lies within the Siberian zone of continuous permafrost. The landscape on Samoylov Island consists mainly of late Holocene river terraces with polygonal tundra, ponds and lakes, and an active floodplain. The island has been the focus of numerous multidisciplinary studies since 1993, which have focused on climate, land cover, ecology, hydrology, permafrost and limnology. This paper aims to provide a framework for future studies by describing the characteristics of the island's meteorological parameters (temperature, radiation and snow cover), soil temperature, and soil moisture. The land surface characteristics have been described using high resolution aerial images in combination with data from ground-based observations. Of note is that deeper permafrost temperatures have increased between 0.3 to 1.3 °C over the last five years. However, no clear warming of air and active layer temperatures is detected since 1998, though winter air temperatures during recent years have not been as cold as in earlier years.


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In this study, we present the winter time surface energy balance at a polygonal tundra site in northern Siberia based on independent measurements of the net radiation, the sensible heat flux and the ground heat flux from two winter seasons. The latent heat flux is inferred from measurements of the atmospheric turbulence characteristics and a model approach. The long-wave radiation is found to be the dominant factor in the surface energy balance. The radiative losses are balanced to about 60 % by the ground heat flux and almost 40 % by the sensible heat fluxes, whereas the contribution of the latent heat flux is small. The main controlling factors of the surface energy budget are the snow cover, the cloudiness and the soil temperature gradient. Large spatial differences in the surface energy balance are observed between tundra soils and a small pond. The ground heat flux released at a freezing pond is by a factor of two higher compared to the freezing soil, whereas large differences in net radiation between the pond and soil are only observed at the end of the winter period. Differences in the surface energy balance between the two winter seasons are found to be related to differences in snow depth and cloud cover which strongly affect the temperature evolution and the freeze-up at the investigated pond.


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This paper presents the "state of the art" and some of the main issues discussed in relation to the topic of transnational migration and reproductive work in southern Europe. We start doing a genealogy of the complex theoretical development leading to the consolidation of the research program, linking consideration of gender with transnational migration and transformation of work and ways of survival, thus making the production aspects as reproductive, in a context of globalization. The analysis of the process of multiscale reconfiguration of social reproduction and care, with particular attention to its present global dimension is presented, pointing to the turning point of this line of research that would have taken place with the beginning of this century, with the rise notions such as "global care chains" (Hochschild, 2001), or "care drain" (Ehrenreich and Hochschild, 2013). Also, the role of this new agency, now composed in many cases women who migrate to other countries or continents, precisely to address these reproductive activities, is recognized. Finally, reference is made to some of the new conceptual and theoretical developments in this area.


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We present the experience of a brief Art Therapy Workshop conducted with a group of women with dermatological conditions, conducted at the Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofía of Murcia. We will focus on one of the patients, recognizing the importance of group relationships for therapy. The main objective was to establish a link between emotions and experiences of patients and their own body, specifically their skin condition. Thus, personal, family and social will constitute the basis on which these emotions and experiences are embedded. The relationships and their status as mothers are guides for the therapeutic work carried out.


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Hombre sin nombre pertenece a la modalidad de novela histórica que ambienta su relato en la Guerra Civil española, integrada en el proceso de recuperación de la “Memoria Histórica” impulsado precisamente en 2006; el trabajo se basa en la consulta y manejo de la rica documentación (bibliográfica, hemerográfica, testimonial, policial, judicial...) utilizada por el autor para construir su ficción narrativa.