902 resultados para phosphorylated Tau
Background: Cannabis use has a negative impact on psychosis. Studies are needed to explore the efficacy of psychological interventions to reduce cannabis use in psychosis. Our aim is to study the efficacy of a specific motivational intervention on young cannabis users suffering from psychosis. Methods: Participants (aged less than 35 years) were randomly assigned to treatment as usual (TAU) alone, or treatment as usual plus motivational intervention (MI + TAU). TAU was comprehensive and included case management, early intervention and mobile team when needed. Assessments were completed at baseline and at 3, 6 and12 months follow-up. Results: Sixty-two participants (32 TAU and 30 MI + TAU) were included in the study. Cannabis use decreased in both groups at follow-up. Participants who received MI in addition to TAU displayed both a greater reduction in number of joints smoked per week and greater confidence to change cannabis use at 3 and 6 months follow-up, but differences between groups were nonsignificant at 12 months. Conclusions: MI is well accepted by patients suffering from psychosis and has a short-term impact on cannabis use when added to standard care. However, the differential effect was not maintained at 1-year follow-up. MI appears to be a useful active component to reduce cannabis use which should be integrated in routine clinical practice.
We have studied ischemic tolerance induced by the serine protease thrombin in two different models of experimental ischemia. In organotypic hippocampal slice cultures, we demonstrate that incubation with low doses of thrombin protects neurons against a subsequent severe oxygen and glucose deprivation. L-JNKI1, a highly specific c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitor, and a second specific JNK inhibitor, SP600125, prevented thrombin preconditioning (TPC). We also show that the exposure to thrombin increases the level of phosphorylated c-jun, the major substrate of JNK. TPC, in vivo, leads to significantly smaller lesion sizes after a 30-min middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo), and the preconditioned mice were better off in the three tests used to evaluate functional recovery. In accordance with in vitro results, TPC in vivo was prevented by administration of L-JNKI1, supporting a role for JNK in TPC. These results, from two different TPC models and with two distinct JNK inhibitors, show that JNK is likely to be involved in TPC.
Synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) is thought to play a key role in vesicle exocytosis and in the control of transmitter release. However, the precise mechanisms of action as well as the regulation of SNAP-25 remain unclear. Here we show by immunoprecipitation that activation of protein kinase C (PKC) by phorbol esters results in an increase in SNAP-25 phosphorylation. In addition, immunochemical analysis of two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels shows that SNAP-25 focuses as three or four distinct spots in the expected range of molecular weight and isoelectric point. Changing the phosphorylation level of the protein by incubating the slices in the presence of either a PKC agonist (phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate) or antagonist (chelerythrine) modified the distribution of SNAP-25 among these spots. Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate increased the intensity of the spots with higher molecular weight and lower isoelectric point, whereas chelerythrine produced the opposite effect. This effect was specific for regulators of PKC, as agonists of other kinases did not produce similar changes. Induction of long-term potentiation, a property involved in learning mechanisms, and production of seizures with a GABA(A) receptor antagonist also increased the intensity of the spots with higher molecular weight and lower isoelectric point. This effect was prevented by the PKC inhibitor chelerythrine. We conclude that SNAP-25 can be phosphorylated in situ by PKC in an activity-dependent manner.
Enjeu et contexte de la recherche La dégénérescence lobaire fronto-temporale (DLFT) est une pathologie neurodégénérative aussi fréquente que la maladie d'Alzheimer parmi les adultes de moins de 65 ans. Elle recouvre une constellation de syndromes neuropsychiatriques et moteurs dont les caractéristiques cliniques et anatomo-pathologiques se recoupent partiellement. La plupart des cas de démence sémantique ne présentent pas de troubles moteurs et révèlent à l'autopsie des lésions ubiquitine-positives. Son association à un syndrome cortico-basal et à une tauopathie 4R est donc très inhabituelle. Le cas que nous présentons est le premier à disposer d'une description clinique complète, tant sur le plan cognitif que moteur, et d'une analyse génétique et histopathologique. Résumé de l'article Il s'agit d'un homme de 57 ans, sans antécédents familiaux, présentant une démence sémantique accompagnée de symptômes inhabituels dans ce contexte, tels qu'une dysfonction exécutive et en mémoire épisodique, une désorientation spatiale et une dyscalculie. Le déclin physique et cognitif fut rapidement progressif. Une année et demie plus tard, il développait en effet des symptômes moteurs compatibles initialement avec un syndrome de Richardson, puis avec un syndrome cortico-basal. Son décès survint à l'âge de 60 ans des suites d'une pneumonie sur broncho-aspiration. L'autopsie cérébrale mit en évidence une perte neuronale et de nombreuses lésions tau-4R-positives dans les lobes frontaux, pariétaux et temporaux, les ganglions de la base et le tronc cérébral. Aucune mutation pathologique n'a été décelée dans le gène MAPT (microtubule-associated protein tau). L'ensemble de ces éléments sont discutés dans le cadre des connaissances actuelles sur la DLFT. Conclusions et perspectives Ce cas illustre le recoupement important des différents syndromes de la DLFT, parfois appelée le « complexe de Pick ». De plus, la démence sémantique pourrait s'avérer cliniquement moins homogène que prévu. Les définitions actuelles de la démence sémantique omettent la description des symptômes cognitifs extra-sémantiques malgré l'accumulation de preuves de leur existence. La faible prévalence de la démence sémantique, ainsi que des différences dans les examens neuropsychologiques, peuvent expliquer en partie la raison de cette omission. La variabilité histopathologique de chaque phénotype de DLFT peut également induire des différences dans leur expression clinique. Dans un domaine aussi mouvant que la DLFT, la co- occurrence ou la succession de plusieurs syndromes cliniques est en outre probablement la règle plutôt que l'exception.
Résumé : Le cancer, qui est responsable d'un quart des décès en Suisse, exhibe un état cellulaire désordonné, qui lui-même, est la conséquence d'un dérèglement des gènes. Le gène le plus fréquemment altéré, dans les cas de cancers humains, est p53. Ce gène encode un facteur de transcription, impliqué dans la régulation de nombreux gènes impliqués dans le cycle cellulaire, l'apoptose ou la différenciation. Notre laboratoire a récemment identifié seize nouveaux gènes, dont l'expression est régulée par p53, parmi lesquels sept4, su jet de cette thèse. La protéine 5EPT4 appartient à la famille des septines, qui est impliquée dans la cytokinèse. Dans ce travail, nous avons confirmé la régulation de l'expression de sept4 par p53 dans des tissus de souris, et étonnamment, seul un des deux promoteurs du gène sept4 est contrôlé par p53. En outre, l'approche immunohistologique nous a permis de supposer une implication de la protéine SEPT4 dans le mécanisme de l'exocytose. Cette hypothèse a été confirmée par l'interaction de SEPT4 avec la protéine syntaxine 1A, et par son activité inhibitrice sur la sécrétion stimulée. En élargissant l'étude de la protéine SEPT4, nous avons découvert que celle-ci avait comme partenaire fonctionnel, la protéine Pinl, une enzyme qui catalyse l'isomérisation cis-trans du lien peptidique précédant une proline. bans ce contexte, nous avons démontré que l'interaction entre ces deux protéines reposait sur le domaine WW de Pinl, un type de domaine reconnaissant les motifs phosphoséryl-prolyl et phosphothréonyl-prolyl. Ce dernier résultat nous a conduit à examiner la phosphorylation de 5EPT4. Nous avons démontré que la partie N-terminale de SEPT4 était phosphorylée par la kinase Cdk5. La co¬expression de Cdk5 et de SEPT4 stimule la dégradation de SEPT4, indépendamment de la voie du protéasome. Ainsi, l'ensemble de nos observations fournissent l'évidence de l'engagement de la protéine SEPT4 dans la régulation de l'exocytose, et soutiennent le rôle de p53 dans le contrôle de l'exocytose, via SEPT4, ce qui constituerait un nouveau rôle fonctionnel pour ce gardien du génome. Summary: Cancer, which is responsible for a quarter of the deaths in Switzerland, exhibits a disordered cellular state, which itself, is the consequence of an altered state of genes. The most frequently altered gene in human cancer is p53. This gene encodes a transcription factor, implicated in the regulation of numerous genes involved in cell cycle, apoptosis or differentiation. Our laboratory has recently identified sixteen new genes whose expression is regulated by p53, amongst them septin 4, which is the subject of this thesis. The SEPT4 protein belongs to the septin family which is implicated in cytokinesis. In the present work, we have confirmed the regulation of sept4 expression by p53 in mouse tissues, and surprisingly, only one of the two sept4 promoters is regulated by p53. In addition, the immunohistologic approach enabled us to suppose a role of SEPT4 in exocytosis. This assumption was confirmed by the interaction of SEPT4 with syntaxin 1A, and by its inhibiting activity on stimulated secretion. By widening the analysis of SEPT4, we identified Pin1 as an interacting protein. Pin1 is an enzyme which catalyzes the cis-trans isomerization of the peptide bond preceding a proline residue. In this context, we showed that the interaction between these two proteins depends on the WW domain of Pin 1. This domain has been shown to function as a phosphoserine- or phosphothreonine¬binding module. This last result prompted us to examine phosphorylation of SEPT4. We demonstrated that the N-terminal portion of SEPT4 was phosphorylated by the Cdk5 kinase. The co-expression of Cdk5 with 5EPT4 stimulates SEPT4 degradation, independently of the proteasome pathway. Thus, these observations provide evidence for the engagement of SEPT4 in the regulation of exocytosis, and supports the role of p53 in the control of exocytosis, via SEPT4, which constitutes a new functional role for this guardian of the genome.
Neurofilaments (NF), the main components of axonal cytoskeleton, are known to be involved in several neurodegenerative diseases. It has been reported that methylmalonate and propionate affect phosphorylation of NFs. In an in vitro model for methylmalonic aciduria our group has recently shown that 2- methylcitrate (2-MCA) is the most toxic metabolite for developing brain cells. Here, we studied the effects of repetitive administration of 1mM 2- MCA every 12 hours over 3 days on the development of NFs in 3D organotypic rat brain cell cultures. By immunohistochemistry with antibodies specific for the different NF subunits (light NFL, medium NFM, heavy NFH) as well as for phosphorylated (p) and glycosylated (g) forms of NFs, we observed a decrease of axonal labeling and a disorganized axonal pattern. Interestingly, signal retention of p-NFM and g-NFM was observed in neuronal soma. Western blotting showed the decrease of NFL and NFH subunits. Taken together, our data show that 2-MCA alters expression of the different NF subunits as well as their post-translational modifications. This likely results in disturbed NF assembly, abnormal accumulation of NF in neuronal cell bodies and impairment of axonal development.We conclude thatNF are involved in 2-MCA-induced neurodegeneration in methylmalonic aciduria.
The nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) alpha, beta, and gamma activate the transcription of multiple genes involved in lipid metabolism. Several natural and synthetic ligands have been identified for each PPAR isotype but little is known about the phosphorylation state of these receptors. We show here that activators of protein kinase A (PKA) can enhance mouse PPAR activity in the absence and the presence of exogenous ligands in transient transfection experiments. Activation function 1 (AF-1) of PPARs was dispensable for transcriptional enhancement, whereas activation function 2 (AF-2) was required for this effect. We also show that several domains of PPAR can be phosphorylated by PKA in vitro. Moreover, gel retardation experiments suggest that PKA stabilizes binding of the liganded PPAR to DNA. PKA inhibitors decreased not only the kinase-dependent induction of PPARs but also their ligand-dependent induction, suggesting an interaction between both pathways that leads to maximal transcriptional induction by PPARs. Moreover, comparing PPAR alpha knockout (KO) with PPAR alpha WT mice, we show that the expression of the acyl CoA oxidase (ACO) gene can be regulated by PKA-activated PPAR alpha in liver. These data demonstrate that the PKA pathway is an important modulator of PPAR activity, and we propose a model associating this pathway in the control of fatty acid beta-oxidation under conditions of fasting, stress, and exercise.
Cells respond to different kind of stress through the coordinated activation of signaling pathways such as MAPK or p53. To find which molecular mechanisms are involved, we need to understand their cell adaptation. The ribosomal protein, S6 kinase 1 (S6K1), is a common downstream target of signaling by hormonal or nutritional stress. Here, we investigated the initial contribution of S6K1/MAPK signaling pathways in the cell response to oxidative stress produced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). To analyze S6K1 activation, we used the commercial anti-phospho-Thr389-S6K1 antibody most frequently mentioned in the bibliography. We found that this antibody detected an 80-90 kDa protein that was rapidly phosphorylated in response to H2O2 in several human cells. Unexpectedly, this phosphorylation was insensitive to both mTOR and PI3K inhibitors, and knock-down experiments showed that this protein was not S6K1. RSK and MSK proteins were candidate targets of this phosphorylation. We demonstrated that H2O2 stimulated phosphorylation of RSK and MSK kinases at residues that are homologous to Thr389 in S6K1. This phosphorylation required the activity of either p38 or ERK MAP kinases. Kinase assays showed activation of RSK and MSK by H2O2. Experiments with mouse embryonic fibroblasts from p38 animals" knockout confirmed these observations. Altogether, these findings show that the S6K1 signaling pathway is not activated under these conditions, clarify previous observations probably misinterpreted by non-specific detection of proteins RSK and MSK by the anti-phospho-Thr389-S6K1 antibody, and demonstrate the specific activation of MAPK signaling pathways through ERK/p38/RSK/MSK by H2O2.
Deficiency of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHC) is the most common disorder leading to lactic acidemia. Phosphorylation of specific serine residues of the E1-alpha subunit of the PDHC by pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) inactivates the enzyme, whereas dephosphorylation restores PDHC activity. We recently found that phenylbutyrate prevents phosphorylation of the E1-alpha subunit of the branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase complex (BCKDC) and reduces plasma concentrations of neurotoxic branched chain amino acids in patients with maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), due to the deficiency of BCKDC. We hypothesized that, similarly to BCKDC, phenylbutyrate enhances PDHC enzymatic activity by increasing the portion of unphosphorylated enzyme. To test this hypothesis, we treated wild-type human fibroblasts at different concentrations of phenylbutyrate and found that it reduces the levels of phosphorylated E1-alpha as compared to untreated cells. To investigate the effect of phenylbutyrate in vivo, we administered phenylbutyrate to C57B6 wild-type mice and we detected a significant increase in Pdhc enzyme activity and a reduction of phosphorylated E1-alpha subunit in brains and muscles as compared to saline treated mice. Being a drug already approved for human use, phenylbutyrate has great potential for increasing the residual enzymatic activity of PDHC and to improve the clinical phenotype of PDHC deficiency.
We purified from activated T lymphocytes a novel, highly conserved, 116-kDa, intracellular protein that occurred at high levels in the large, dividing cells of the thymus, was up-regulated when resting T or B lymphocytes or hemopoietic progenitors were activated, and was down-regulated when a monocytic leukemia, M1, was induced to differentiate. Expression of the protein was highest in the thymus and spleen and lowest in tissues with a low proportion of dividing cells such as kidney or muscle, although expression was high in the brain. The protein was localized to the cytosol and was phosphorylated, which is consistent with a previous report that the Xenopus laevis ortholog was phosphorylated by a mitotically activated kinase (1 ). The cDNA was previously mischaracterized as encoding p137, a 137-kDa GPI-linked membrane protein (2 ). We propose that the authentic protein encoded by this cDNA be called cytoplasmic activation/proliferation-associated protein-1 (caprin-1), and show that it is the prototype of a novel family of proteins characterized by two novel protein domains, termed homology regions-1 and -2 (HR-1, HR-2). Although we have found evidence for caprins only in urochordates and vertebrates, two insect proteins exhibit well-conserved HR-1 domains. The HR-1 and HR-2 domains have no known function, although the HR-1 of caprin-1 appeared necessary for formation of multimeric complexes of caprin-1. Overexpression of a fusion protein of enhanced green fluorescent protein and caprin-1 induced a specific, dose-dependent suppression of the proliferation of NIH-3T3 cells, consistent with the notion that caprin-1 plays a role in cellular activation or proliferation.
Resveratrol is a polyphenol that is mainly found in grapes and red wine and has been reported to be a caloric restriction (CR) mimetic driven by Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) activation. Resveratrol increases metabolic rate, insulin sensitivity, mitochondrial biogenesis and physical endurance, and reduces fat accumulation in mice. In addition, resveratrol may be a powerful agent to prevent age-associated neurodegeneration and to improve cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Moreover, different findings support the view that longevity in mice could be promoted by CR. In this study, we examined the role of dietary resveratrol in SAMP8 mice, a model of age-related AD. We found that resveratrol supplements increased mean life expectancy and maximal life span in SAMP8 and in their control, the related strain SAMR1. In addition, we examined the resveratrol-mediated neuroprotective effects on several specific hallmarks of AD. We found that long-term dietary resveratrol activates AMPK pathways and pro-survival routes such as SIRT1 in vivo. It also reduces cognitive impairment and has a neuroprotective role, decreasing the amyloid burden and reducing tau hyperphosphorylation.
Resveratrol is a polyphenol that is mainly found in grapes and red wine and has been reported to be a caloric restriction (CR) mimetic driven by Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) activation. Resveratrol increases metabolic rate, insulin sensitivity, mitochondrial biogenesis and physical endurance, and reduces fat accumulation in mice. In addition, resveratrol may be a powerful agent to prevent age-associated neurodegeneration and to improve cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Moreover, different findings support the view that longevity in mice could be promoted by CR. In this study, we examined the role of dietary resveratrol in SAMP8 mice, a model of age-related AD. We found that resveratrol supplements increased mean life expectancy and maximal life span in SAMP8 and in their control, the related strain SAMR1. In addition, we examined the resveratrol-mediated neuroprotective effects on several specific hallmarks of AD. We found that long-term dietary resveratrol activates AMPK pathways and pro-survival routes such as SIRT1 in vivo. It also reduces cognitive impairment and has a neuroprotective role, decreasing the amyloid burden and reducing tau hyperphosphorylation.
We assessed by immunohistochemistry the expression of the phosphorylated (activated) form of Smad1 and 5 (P-SMAD1/5), of Noggin and of two smooth muscle cell markers (α-SMA and SM22) in a series of human myometrium samples and in a smooth muscle cell line derived from human myometrium (HUt-SMC, PromoCell, USA). Myometrium samples were removed from two cadavers (a fetus at 26weeks of gestation and a neonate) and from ten non-menopausal women who underwent hysterectomy for adenomyosis and leiomyoma. P-SMAD1/5 expression was never detected in myometrium (both normal and pathological specimens), but only as a nuclear positive staining in glandular and luminal epithelial cells in sections in which also the endometrial mucosa was present. Noggin was strongly expressed especially in myometrium and adenomyosis samples from non-menopausal patients in comparison to the neonatal and fetal myometrium specimens in which muscle cells were less positive. In more than 95% of HUt-SMCs, α-SMA and Desmin were co-expressed, indicating a pure smooth muscle phenotype. When progesterone was added to the culture medium, no P-SMAD1/5 expression was detected, whereas the expression Noggin and SM22, a marker of differentiated smooth muscle cells, increased by 3 fold (p=0.002) and 4.3 fold (p=0.001), respectively (p=0.002). Our results suggest that, in non-menopausal normal human myometrium, the BMP pathway might be inhibited and that this inhibition might be enhanced by progesterone, which increases the differentiation of smooth muscle cells (SM22 levels). These findings could help in the identification of new mechanisms that regulate uterine motility.
Blue light mediates the phosphorylation of a membrane protein in seedlings from several plant species. When crude microsomal membrane proteins from dark-grown pea (Pisum sativum L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.), Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana L.), or tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) stem segments, or from maize (Zea mays L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), or sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) coleoptiles are illuminated and incubated in vitro with [gamma-(32)P]ATP, a protein of apparent molecular mass from 114 to 130 kD is rapidly phosphorylated. Hence, this system is probably ubiquitous in higher plants. Solubilized maize membranes exposed to blue light and added to unirradiated solubilized maize membranes show a higher level of phosphorylation of the light-affected protein than irradiated membrane proteins alone, suggesting that an unirradiated substrate is phosphorylated by a light-activated kinase. This finding is further demonstrated with membrane proteins from two different species, where the phosphorylated proteins are of different sizes and, hence, unambiguously distinguishable on gel electrophoresis. When solubilized membrane proteins from one species are irradiated and added to unirradiated membrane proteins from another species, the unirradiated protein becomes phosphorylated. These experiments indicate that the irradiated fraction can store the light signal for subsequent phosphorylation in the dark. They also support the hypothesis that light activates a specific kinase and that the systems share a close functional homology among different higher plants.
Resveratrol is a polyphenol that is mainly found in grapes and red wine and has been reported to be a caloric restriction (CR) mimetic driven by Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) activation. Resveratrol increases metabolic rate, insulin sensitivity, mitochondrial biogenesis and physical endurance, and reduces fat accumulation in mice. In addition, resveratrol may be a powerful agent to prevent age-associated neurodegeneration and to improve cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Moreover, different findings support the view that longevity in mice could be promoted by CR. In this study, we examined the role of dietary resveratrol in SAMP8 mice, a model of age-related AD. We found that resveratrol supplements increased mean life expectancy and maximal life span in SAMP8 and in their control, the related strain SAMR1. In addition, we examined the resveratrol-mediated neuroprotective effects on several specific hallmarks of AD. We found that long-term dietary resveratrol activates AMPK pathways and pro-survival routes such as SIRT1 in vivo. It also reduces cognitive impairment and has a neuroprotective role, decreasing the amyloid burden and reducing tau hyperphosphorylation.