997 resultados para penal culture


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Sarotherodon galilaeus and Oreochromis niloticus are 2 readily available fish species in Nigeria, often cultured interchangeably. The findings are presented of a comparative study conducted to provide information on their performance using similar nutrient loadings without supplemental feed. Results showed a better performance of O.niloticus over S.galilaeus, which may be partly explained by the dietary mechanisms of the fish. Further trials on gut content analyses are required


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Details are given of a study carried out in Nigeria, to introduce the practice of fish-cum-rice culture, using Sarotherodon galilaeus. Two plots each measuring 360m super(2) were used for this study and were compared with the farmer's two plots measuring 300m super(2) and 350m super(2). The plots were modified and had two central canals. Rice seedlings were transplanted into the plots after 19 days using a planting distance of 20 x 20cm. Three rice seedlings were planted per hole, using rice variety FARO 40, and grown for 90 days. About 240 and 180 S. galilaeus fingerlings of mean weight of 30g and 26g were stocked in the two experimental plots, respectively. They were fed with pelleted feed of 25% C.P. and monitored for 100 days. A yield of 22.8kg was obtained in plot A while 15.66kg was obtained in plot B. A rice yield of 250kg (i.e 5 bags) was obtained in each of the plots. The results obtained were compared with plots with no fish


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This paper reviews the production trials of rice-cum-fish culture. Rice and various fish species using rotation and concurrent methods of cultivation are used. The farming system is mostly practiced and researched in to in Southeast Asian countries. It addresses the problems of high external inputs, sustainable aquaculture, poverty and nutrition in the rural population, insect pests, use of insecticides, weeds control and under-utilization of agricultural lands. The production trials yields are summarized and a summary of annual income per hectare from rice and fish have been given. The yield however depends to a large extent on the species stocked, culture period, fertility of the soil and water, degree of supplemental feeding and culturing methods. The production results are discussed. Niger state is blessed with abundant wetlands/rice fields suitable for the practice. However, ecological differences from country to country and region to region, research and development trials are necessary to ensure a successful adoption of the technology to farmers in the State


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Fish cage culture is a rapid aquacultural practice of producing fish with more yield compared to traditional pond culture. Several species cultured by this method include Cyprinus carpio, Orechromis niloticus, Sarotherodon galilaeus, Tilapia zilli, Clarias lazera, C. gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis, Citharinus citharus, Distochodus rostratus and Alestes dentes. However, the culture of fish in cages has some problems that are due to mechanical defects of the cage or diseases due to infection. The mechanical problems which may lead to clogged net, toxicity and easy access by predators depend on defects associated with various types of nets which include fold sieve cloth net, wire net, polypropylene net, nylon, galvanized and welded net. The diseases problems are of two types namely introduced diseases due to parasites. The introduced parasites include Crustaseans, Ergasilus sp. Argulus africana, and Lamprolegna sp, Helminth, Diplostomulum tregnna: Protozoan, Trichodina sp, Myxosoma sp, Myxobolus sp. the second disease problems are inherent diseases aggravated by the very rich nutrient environment in cages for rapid bacterial, saprophytic fungi, and phytoplanktonic bloom resulting in clogging of net, stagnation of water and low biological oxygen demand (BOD). The consequence is fish kill, prevalence of gill rot and dropsy conditions. Recommendations on routine cage hygiene, diagnosis and control procedures to reduce fish mortality are highlighted


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Nutrient digestibility and amino acid availability were assessed in sharp-toothed catfish, Clarias gariepinus, fingerlings fed diets containing soyabean flour (SF) - Poultry meat meal (PMM) blends (25:75. 50:50, and 75:25) and 0.5 of 1.0%, Cr sub(2)0 sub(3). There was agreement between the pattern of overall protein digestibility and average amino acid availability despite the variability in individual amino acid availability the best dry matter, lipid and protein digestibility coefficients, and amino acid availability values were obtained with diets containing 0.5% Cr sub(2)0 sub(3). Chromic Oxide inclusion level appeared to affect nutrient availability. Increased marker level resulted into decreased nutrient digestibility coefficients. Similarly, these diets generated lower fecal crude protein than those with 1.0% Cr sub(2)0 sub(3). However, the latter group recorded higher protein retention efficiency. Dry mailer and lipid of diets containing more soyabean flour seemed to be more digestible than those of poultry meat meal. Similar trend was observed for the apparent availability of the amino acids. This investigation has indicated that low level of marker was better in digestibility study. Utilization of more SF than PMM in the diets of this catfish was more beneficial and should be encouraged in the feed industries producing catfish diets towards a better feed and waste management strategies in this aquaculture operation


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The aim of the investigation is to know the percentage of fish meal required to support the best growth of Heterotis niloticus in a semi intensive pond culture system. To achieve this, feed was formulated with equal percentages of blood meal, and corn meal and varying levels of fish meal. The experiment was in four treatments. Results showed that the mean weight gained was directly proportional to the quantity of fish meal made available to the fish fence 31.58g, 33.79g, 45.15g and 51.24g were recorded for treatments I, II, III and IV respectively. Result from this study when compared with previous works, shows that size of the water body to a greater extent affects the growth. The availability of fish meal in the feed made it more acceptable to the fish and hence a commensurate conversion in to flesh. The analysis of variance showed that there is significant difference in the growth performance in the treatments


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One major aspect of the poverty status in Nigeria is the high rate of unemployment with the attendant economic in capacity, which in turn is responsible for the persistent problem of malnutrition over the decades. This paper is focused on how women can be empowered for better productivity in fish culture enterprises, seeing that women have been active in different aspects of agricultural production. They also sustain more than half of the developing countries such as Nigeria. Some problems being encountered by would be women fish farmers and suggestions on how women participation in fish and shellfish culture enterprises can be enhanced are proffered. The major ones being those sustainable policies by the Government State ADPs and NGOs are applied to ensure adequate motivation of women for fish culture enterprises


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo central analisar o Sistema Penitenciário do Estado do Rio de Janeiro a partir do regime semi-aberto, tendo como campo de análise o Instituto Penal Oscar Stevenson, situado em Benfica, no município do Rio de Janeiro, voltado para um público carcerário feminino. Buscou-se verificar, sob o enfoque das presas, a expectativa e possibilidades de retorno ao convívio social; analisar os aspectos jurídico-institucionais referentes ao regime semi-aberto, no que tange a obtenção dos benefícios, junto a Lei de Execução Penal e identificar quais as parcerias que viabilizam a inserção delas no mercado de trabalho. Para a efetivação desse trabalho utilizou-se, preferencialmente os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da pesquisa quali-quantitativa, pois foi trabalhado não só no nível da objetividade, mas também no significado das ações e relações humanas, sabendo que a realidade prisional é perpassada por questões de cunho opressor, punitivo, em função de preconizar a segurança. Foram realizados também levantamentos de dados bibliográficos e censitários, bem como entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto aos agentes penitenciários do setor de educação e classificação e principalmente as presas. A análise do material coletado permitiu confirmar as hipóteses da pesquisa: i) que a ausência de oportunidades que garantam às presas os benefícios do regime semi-aberto não se dá por falta de instrumentos legais, mas sim pela burocracia no cadastramento e poucas parcerias de cursos profissionalizantes, empresas privadas que absorvam mão-de-obra das presas do regime semi-aberto; e ii) e que no momento em que as presas ainda estavam no regime fechado, não tiveram oportunidades de se capacitarem e também os vínculos familiares não foram mantidos, com isso dificultando que estas usufruam dos benefícios do regime semi-aberto. E, conseqüentemente, sendo cada vez mais adiado o seu retorno gradativo ao convívio social, através da progressão de regime.


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O combate efetivo ao flagelo secular do terrorismo, ainda que possa se revestir de muitas formas, não prescinde da repressão penal de seus autores. Em vista da maciça internacionalização do terrorismo, a partir do Século XX, a cooperação jurídica internacional em matéria penal (aí incluída a extradição) consolida-se como instrumento de essencial importância para a repressão do terrorismo pela comunidade internacional, com a vantagem de resguardar o domínio do direito e, por conseguinte, de assegurar a paz e a segurança internacionais. A evolução do tratamento do crime de terrorismo pelo direito penal transnacional influenciada pelo direito da segurança coletiva, especialmente a partir dos atentados de 11 de setembro de 2001 exerceu expressivo impacto no direito extradicional. O entendimento desse efeito é fundamental para extrair-se do instituto da extradição todo o seu potencial para a repressão penal do terrorismo. Desde que presentes determinados requisitos, uma conduta de caráter terrorista à luz de parâmetros internacionais gera a obrigação estatal de extraditar ou processar seu autor, mesmo na ausência de tratado. Além disso, a extradição exercida ou não em decorrência de obrigação convencional tem seus princípios afetados pela obrigação internacional de repressão do terrorismo, particularmente no que se refere a questões como extraditabilidade, extradição por crimes políticos e extradição de refugiados. O direito brasileiro apresenta algumas vulnerabilidades para o cumprimento da obrigação aut dedere aut iudicare e a prática judicial brasileira relativa à extradição de acusados de atos de terrorismo poderia reportar-se mais ao direito internacional, com vistas a evitar o risco de violação de obrigações internacionais pelo Brasil.


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The rhythm of division of 9 species belonging to different groups of algae were analysed in situ and in the laboratory. The research which developed in different environmental conditions attempted to establish the capacity for multiplication and assimilation of chlorophyll on the part of the algae under study with a view to placing them in a culture. The results obtained showed that the green multicellular algae (eg. Ulothrix) and the blue algae (eg. Lyngbya, Oscillatoria) are able to produce an appreciable quantity of dry matter, just as the unicellular algae. At the same time it arises that amongst the numerous factors of the environment, temperature plays one of the most important roles in the process of multiplication.


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The purpose of this work is a contribution to the quantitative record of the use of iron by planktonic algae. Preliminary experiments with Chlorella to determine the rate of iron intake in the presence of inorganic sources of iron did not produce the desired result. The crucial point of this work is the investigation of the influence of various external factors on the stability of FeEDTA (FeEDTA = Ferric(III)-compound of ethylene-diamine tetra-acetic acid), since this compound appears to be particularly well-suited as a source of iron for planktonic algae (e.g. TAMIYA et al. 1953). Cultures of Chlorella fusca in a light thermostat were used in experimental research. Methods and results are discussed.


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By the industrial cultivation of blue-green algae, there very much appears the important question about their carbon nutrition. Spirulina grows within the range of pH value of medium of 8.5 - 11.0. In this range of pH value in the culture medium CO2 is present in the form of bicarbonate and carbonate, which serves as principal source of carbon for the present type of algae. There is little information yet about the influence of the pH of the medium, and the form of carbon components of the medium, on the rate-increase of Spirulina. Investigations were conducted into the influence of some pH values of medium on the rate-increase of the alga Spirulina platensis.


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It was on July 1960 when 10 algal balls were acquired for exhibition at Suma Aquarium, Kobe. Permission to remove the specimens from the Lake Akan Reserve was given by the National Nature Reserve Committee. Algal balls, as a rule, lose their natural beauty when they are kept in an ordinary tank for a certain length of time. In an effort to retain the natural beauty it was decided to exhibit them in culture. This paper summarises the findings of this experiments with Cladophora sauteri. The author concludes that serious consideration has to be given as to the intensity of light, the sunlight, the water temperature and the nutrition for algal balls in culture in order to retain the natural beauty and shape.


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An article explaining how the methods and results from the time spent by the author culturing algae can be applied to other algal investigations. The work by the author found that physiological requirements differ widely among algae belonging to different systematic groups. Details are given of the results of a series of experiments which were undertaken in solutions with similar proporties to some natural waters in the Lake District. Reference is made to a paper under preparation at that time containing data on phytoplankton studied in the field within the Lake District during 1937. Reference is also made to Loch Leven and the affects of bluegreen alga on the number of trout caught weekly during 1937.


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O fato de se enxergar a tarefa do direito penal na proteção de bens jurídicos contra a colocação em perigo e lesão destes, tornou-se quase uma unanimidade na teoria do direito penal. Objetivo deste trabalho é investigar se é possível, a partir da teoria de proteção a bens jurídicos, derivar um critério para limitar a intervenção jurídico-penal. De acordo com este estudo é impossível a partir desta teoria desenvolver um critério que esteja em condição de limitar o poder punitivo. Que isto é assim, deriva-se do fato de que a a teoria de proteção a bens jurídicos inaugura uma verdadeira função de maximização da eficiência da proteção. Esta função carrega, contudo, uma série de problemas. Em primeiro lugar, permite tanto a antecipação da punibilidade como também o recrudescimento da punição em nome de uma proteção mais efetiva. Esta circunstãncia ignora, contudo, o valor absoluto da pessoa humana. Em segundo lugar, há a problemática empírica da teoria de proteção a bens jurídicos. Com outras palavras: para ser eficiente, a proteção penal precisa de constante comprovação empírica. É, porém, eficiente esta proteção? Que isto não é o caso, a própria realidade do direito penal nos revela. Em terceiro lugar, a função de proteção exige a adoção de uma teoria preventiva da pena. Isto viola também o valor absoluto da pessoa humana. Em quarto lugar, a função de proteção não põe qualquer obstáculo à prerrogativa de valoração do legislador. Por fim, a função de proteção não fornece nenhuma base apodítica para respeitar a pessoa humana, porque ela se ocupa essencialmente de aspectos juspositivos e contingenciais. O presente trabalho oferece uma nova definição de bem jurídico que se funda na fenomenologia de Husserl, e tenta limitar o poder punitivo por meio do desenvolvimento de uma teoria da absolutidade do valor intrínseco da pessoa humana. De acordo com essas considerações, bem jurídico é a possibilidade da pessoa humana de actualizar vivências no mundo da vida na forma esquemática de uma relação intencional entre aquela pessoa e um objeto que é de valor para ela. De acordo com a concepção de Scheler, que aqui é adotada, a pessoa humana é justamente aquela unidade, que consiste em todas as distintas essências, de modo que a pessoa é a unidade concreta, e mesmo essencial, de atos de diferentes essências, que em si precede todas as diferenças essenciais de atos. Essencial á pessoa é ainda o poder-fazer como fato puramente fenomenal, que existe por meio do corpo. A pessoa tem sempre um valor positivo-absoluto, o que significa que ela jamais pode ser considerada como objeto.