853 resultados para pavements


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The use of High Performance Concrete (HPC) in Iowa has consisted of achieving slightly higher compressive strengths with an emphasis on reduced permeability. Concrete with reduced permeability has increased durability by slowing moisture and chloride ingress. Achieving reduced permeability has typically been accomplished with combinations of slag and Class C fly ash, or the use of blended cements such as locally available Type IS(20), IS(25) and Type IP(25) in conjunction with Class C fly ash. Fly ash has been used in the majority of concrete placed in Iowa since 1984 and slag has been available in Iowa since 1995. During the economic downturn in 2008, one of the cement plants that produced a Type IS(25) cement was forced to shut down, which reduced the availability of blended cements, typically used on HPC deck overlays. Recently, a source of high reactivity metakaolin has been made available. Metakaolin is produced by heating a pure kaolinite clay to 650 to 700 °C in a rotary kiln (calcining). Metakaolin is a white pozzolan that is used to produce concrete with increased strengths, reduced permeability, reduced efflorescence, and resistance to alkali silica reactivity. The W.R. Grace MK-100 metakaolin will likely be available in dissolvable bags between 25 and 50 pounds. Thus, the mix designs were based on the anticipated bag size range for field use. This research evaluated metakaolin mixes with and without Class C fly ash. Results indicated a seven percent replacement with metakaolin produced concrete with increased strengths and low permeability. When used with Class C fly ash, permeability is reduced to very low rating. Metakaolin may be used to enhance hardened concrete properties for use in high performance concrete (HPC).


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The Iowa State Highway Commission Laboratory is called upon to determine the cement content of hardened concrete when field problems relating to batch weights are encountered. The standard test for determining the cement content is ASTM C-85. An investigation of this method by the New Jersey State Highway Department involving duplicate samples and four cooperating laboratories produced very erratic results, however, the results obtained by this method have not been directly compared to known cement contents of concrete made with various cements and various aggregates used in Iowa.


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The purpose of this investigation was to determine the comparative effectiveness of standard D-57 concrete and Iowa system Low Slump Dense Concrete in preventing threshold levels of chloride from penetrating the concrete slabs to the reinforcing steel.


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Pavement marking materials other than conventional paint must be evaluated as environmental standards become more restrictive. The new EPA classification for solvents states that all oil paints are photochemically reactive and, therefore, contribute to smog. This will eventually result in the elimination of organic solvents from all paints, which may occur in Iowa by 1985. The Special Investigations Section of the Office of Materials field reviewed all urban and rural applications of pavement marking materials in the spring of 1979. The field review consisted of a visual estimation of percent marking missing, percent satisfactory, and percent non-satisfactory; reflective readings by ERMA; and notation of special conditions which may have impacted performance. ERMA was not effective in evaluating the reflective quality of pavement marking materials. No pavement marking materials evaluated have been successful enough to date to totally replace conventional painting methods.


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Samples of both recycled and nonrecycled asphaltic concrete were extracted in increments by the Abson Recovery Method and the penetration of the asphalt from each increment determined. The recycled projects were plantsite operations containing various amounts of virgin gravel. Cored samples were taken from the pavements on Kossuth County roads that were constructed as recycled projects in 1975, 1976, and 1977. Cored samples were also taken from a Kossuth County paving project done in 1975, that was not recycled. Comparison mix samples from 1978 construction projects in Marshall and Woodbury Counties of non - recycled projects are included. The test data from the penetrations of the recovered asphalt indicates that mixing of the old and new asphalt occurs very extensively in the hot recycling process. In laboratory controlled conditions it is difficult to coat aggregates with different penetration asphalts and prevent them from mixing.


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Sufficient evidence was not discovered in this brief search to alter the general opinion that the Serviceability (Present Serviceability Index-PSI) - Performance Concepts developed by the AASHO Road Test provides the optimum engineering basis for pavement management. Use of these concepts in Iowa has the additional advantage in that we have a reasonable quantity of historical data over a period of time on the change in pavement condition as measured by PSI's. Some additional benefits would be the ability to better assess our needs with respect to those being recommended to Congress by AASHTO Committees. These concepts have been the basis used for developing policies on dimensions and weight of vehicles and highway needs which the AASHTO Transport Committees have recommended to the United States House Committee on Ways and Means. The first recommendation based on these concepts was made in the mid 1960's. Iowa's participation in the evaluation for this recommendation was under the direction of our present Director of Transportation, Mr. Raymond Kassel. PSI Indexes had to be derived from subjective surface ratings at that time. The most recent recommendation to Congress was made in November of 1977. Based on the rationale expressed above, a pilot study of the major part of the rural interstate system was conducted. The Objective of the study was to measure pavement performance through the use of the Present Serviceability Index (PSI) - Pavement Performance concepts as developed by the AASHO Road Test and to explore the usefulness of this type of data as a pavement management tool. Projects in the vicinity of the major urban centers were not included in this study due to the extra time that would be required to isolate accurate traffic data in these areas. Projects consisting of asphalt surface courses on crushed stone base sections were not included.


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The Iowa D.O.T. has a classification system designed to rate coarse aggregates as to their skid resistant characteristics. Aggregates have been classified into five functional types, with a Type 1 being the most skid resistant. A complete description of the classification system can be found in the Office of Materials Instructional Memorandum T-203. Due to the variability of ledges within any given quarry the classification of individual ledges becomes necessary. The type of aggregate is then specified for each asphaltic concrete surface course. As various aggregates become used in a.c. paving, there is a continuing process of evaluating the frictional properties of the pavement surface. It is primarily through an effort of this sort that information on aggregate sources and individual ledges becomes more refined. This study is being conducted to provide that needed up-to-date information that can be used to monitor the aggregate classification system.


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The Iowa D.O.T. specifications do not require 100 percent of 50 blow Marshall density (generally 94%) for field compaction. However, stabilities are determined in the Laboratory on specimens compacted to 100 percent of Marshall density. The purpose of this study is to determine the stabilities of specimens compacted to various densities which are below 100 percent of the 50 blow Marshall density.


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It has been observed in the Laboratory that an increase in oven heating time of relatively short duration between mixing and compaction of asphaltic concrete hot mixes can have an effect on the Marshall stability results obtained. The purpose of this short investigation is to determine the effect of oven heating time on the density and stability of hot mixes.


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The 1982 cost of a two-inch asphaltic concrete overlay, with fabric, was an average of 85% of the cost of a three-inch overlay (see attached calculations). A structural number can be assigned to the extra inch of overlay, whereas it is doubtful that any number can be assigned to the fabric. The observations made on the projects in this report leave little reason to be optimistic on the use of fabrics under asphalt overlays. This is especially true of the Floyd, Dallas and Clarke county projects. A great amount of fabric is being used nationwide for this purpose, probably more from sales promotion than from actual documented performance. Full scale field testing is continuing each time a project is let utilizing fabric reinforcement under asphaltic concrete overlays. It has already become apparent that the use of fabrics in AC overlays is not always cost effective.


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This is a continuation of a project initiated a year ago to determine any differences in test results on recovered asphalt cements caused by the use of industrial grade of solvent as compared with the reagent grade. AASHTO specifies the use of reagent grade of trichlorethylene, but the Laboratory uses industrial grade which costs much less. Last year this objective of the project was aborted when it was found that a larger difference in test results was obtained between the two distillation apparatuses than between the two solvents, Then all efforts were directed toward obtaining uniformity in test results between the apparatuses under the east hood as compared with that under the west hood. Considerable progress was made toward this end. (See report under this same title dated April 1982). The objective this year was to again evaluate the results when using both variables (apparatuses and solvents). Another objective developed later in this investigation; this was to determine any differences in test results on recovered asphalt cements caused by the use of reclaimed trichlorethylene (from the distillation process) as compared with the use of industrial grade of solvent. At the present time the reclaimed trichlorethylene is discarded. If the reclaimed solvent could be used for further recoveries, a considerable savings in solvent costs would result.


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This study investigates the properties imparted to extruded asphalt curb mixes by five different additives. The AC used in these mixes was also tested with various amounts of the additives. All of the additives stiffened the AC as indicated by a reduction of penetration and increased viscosity. Only the powdered asphalts, gilsonite and Witcurb improved the Marshall stability and the indirect tensil strength enough to justify their use in curb mixes.


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Three comparable hot mixed asphalt paving mixes were produced using two different aggregates produced from reclaimed portland cement concrete paving and one from a crushed limestone aggregate. These were subjected both dry and soaked to indirect tensile tests to determine the wet strength retention. One mix made from reclaimed concrete demonstrated a slightly better strength retention than the limestone mix and the other less. Satisfactory asphalt paving mixes can be produced from reclaimed concrete pavements but the increased asphalt demand (about 1%) negates part of the potential savings.


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Portland cement concrete is an outstanding structural material but stresses and cracks often occur in large structures due to drying shrinkage. The objective of this research was to determine the change in length due to loss of moisture from placement through complete drying of portland cement concrete. The drying shrinkage was determined for four different combinations of Iowa DOT structural concrete mix proportions and materials. The two mix proportions used were an Iowa DOT D57 (bridge deck mix proportions) and a water reduced modified C4 mix. Three 4"x 4"x 18" beams were made for each mix. After moist curing for three days, all beams were maintained in laboratory dry air and the length and weight were measured at 73°F ± 3°F. The temperature was cycled on alternate days from 73°F to 90°F through four months. From four months through six months, the temperature was cycled one day at 73°F and six days at 130°F. It took approximately six months for the concrete to reach a dry condition with these temperatures. The total drying shrinkage for the four mixes varied from .0106 in. to .0133 in. with an average of .0120 in. The rate of shrinkage was approximately .014% shrinkage per 1% moisture loss for all four mixes. The rate and total shrinkage for all four mixes was very similar and did not seem to depend on the type of coarse aggregate or the use of a retarder.


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Intrusion of deicing materials and surface water into concrete bridge decks is a main contributor in deck reinforcing steel corrosion and concrete delamination. Salt, spread on bridge decks to melt ice, dissolves in water and permeates voids in the concrete deck. When the chloride content of the concrete in contact with reinforcing steel reaches a high enough concentration, the steel oxidizes. In Iowa, the method used to reduce bridge deck chloride penetration is the application of a low slump dense concrete overlay after the completion of all Class A and Class B floor repairs. A possible alternative to the use of dense concrete overlays, developed by Poly-Carb, Inc., is the MARK-163 FLEXOGRID Overlay System. FLEXOGRID is a two component system of epoxy and urethane which is applied on a bridge deck to a minimum thickness of ¼ inch. An aggregate mixture of silica quartz and aluminum oxide is broadcast onto the epoxy at a prescribed rate to provide deck protection and superior friction properties. The material is mixed on site and applied to the deck in a series of lifts (usually two) until the desired overlay thickness has been attained.