900 resultados para particulate-reinforced Al composites
ABSTRACT (italiano) Con crescente attenzione riguardo al problema della sicurezza di ponti e viadotti esistenti nei Paesi Bassi, lo scopo della presente tesi è quello di studiare, mediante la modellazione con Elementi Finiti ed il continuo confronto con risultati sperimentali, la risposta in esercizio di elementi che compongono infrastrutture del genere, ovvero lastre in calcestruzzo armato sollecitate da carichi concentrati. Tali elementi sono caratterizzati da un comportamento ed una crisi per taglio, la cui modellazione è, da un punto di vista computazionale, una sfida piuttosto ardua, a causa del loro comportamento fragile combinato a vari effetti tridimensionali. La tesi è incentrata sull'utilizzo della Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA), un metodo di soluzione agli Elementi Finiti alternativo rispetto ai classici approcci incrementali e iterativi. Il vantaggio della SLA è quello di evitare i ben noti problemi di convergenza tipici delle analisi non lineari, specificando direttamente l'incremento di danno sull'elemento finito, attraverso la riduzione di rigidezze e resistenze nel particolare elemento finito, invece dell'incremento di carico o di spostamento. Il confronto tra i risultati di due prove di laboratorio su lastre in calcestruzzo armato e quelli della SLA ha dimostrato in entrambi i casi la robustezza del metodo, in termini di accuratezza dei diagrammi carico-spostamento, di distribuzione di tensioni e deformazioni e di rappresentazione del quadro fessurativo e dei meccanismi di crisi per taglio. Diverse variazioni dei più importanti parametri del modello sono state eseguite, evidenziando la forte incidenza sulle soluzioni dell'energia di frattura e del modello scelto per la riduzione del modulo elastico trasversale. Infine è stato effettuato un paragone tra la SLA ed il metodo non lineare di Newton-Raphson, il quale mostra la maggiore affidabilità della SLA nella valutazione di carichi e spostamenti ultimi insieme ad una significativa riduzione dei tempi computazionali. ABSTRACT (english) With increasing attention to the assessment of safety in existing dutch bridges and viaducts, the aim of the present thesis is to study, through the Finite Element modeling method and the continuous comparison with experimental results, the real response of elements that compose these infrastructures, i.e. reinforced concrete slabs subjected to concentrated loads. These elements are characterized by shear behavior and crisis, whose modeling is, from a computational point of view, a hard challenge, due to their brittle behavior combined with various 3D effects. The thesis is focused on the use of Sequentially Linear Analysis (SLA), an alternative solution technique to classical non linear Finite Element analyses that are based on incremental and iterative approaches. The advantage of SLA is to avoid the well-known convergence problems of non linear analyses by directly specifying a damage increment, in terms of a reduction of stiffness and strength in the particular finite element, instead of a load or displacement increment. The comparison between the results of two laboratory tests on reinforced concrete slabs and those obtained by SLA has shown in both the cases the robustness of the method, in terms of accuracy of load-displacements diagrams, of the distribution of stress and strain and of the representation of the cracking pattern and of the shear failure mechanisms. Different variations of the most important parameters have been performed, pointing out the strong incidence on the solutions of the fracture energy and of the chosen shear retention model. At last a confrontation between SLA and the non linear Newton-Raphson method has been executed, showing the better reliability of the SLA in the evaluation of the ultimate loads and displacements, together with a significant reduction of computational times.
La mancanza di procedure standard per la verifica delle strutture in compositi, al contrario dei materiali metallici, porta all’esigenza di una continua ricerca nel settore, al fine di ottenere risultati significativi che culminino in una standardizzazione delle procedure. In tale contesto si colloca la ricerca svolta per la stesura del presente elaborato, condotta presso il laboratorio DASML del TU Delft, nei Paesi Bassi. Il materiale studiato è un prepreg (preimpregnated) costituito da fibre di carbonio (M30SC) e matrice epossidica (DT120) con la particolare configurazione [0°/90°/±45°/±45°/90°/0°]. L’adesivo utilizzato per l’incollaggio è di tipo epossidico (FM94K). Il materiale è stato assemblato in laboratorio in modo da ottenere i provini da testare, di tipo DCB, ENF e CCP. Due differenti qualità dello stesso materiale sono state ottenute, una buona ottenuta seguendo le istruzione del produttore, ed una povera ottenuta modificando il processo produttivo suggerito, che risulta in un incollaggio di qualità nettamente inferiore rispetto al primo tipo di materiale. Lo scopo era quello di studiare i comportamenti di entrambe le qualità sotto due diversi modi di carico, modo I o opening mode e modo II o shear mode, entrambi attraverso test quasi-statici e a fatica, così da ottenere risultati comparabili tra di essi che permettano in futuro di identificare se si dispone di un materiale di buona qualità prima di procedere con il progetto dell’intera struttura. L’approccio scelto per lo studio dello sviluppo della delaminazione è un adattamento della teoria della Meccanica della Frattura Lineare Elastica (LEFM)
Attraverso questo studio sono state indagate le proprietà di compositi laminati in fibra di carbonio (CFRP) nano-modificati con nanofibre in Nylon 6.6, in termini di resistenza al danneggiamento da impatti a bassa velocità (con caratterizzazione Drop Weight at Low Velocity) e di smorzamento della vibrazione (con caratterizzazione a damping). Sono stati indagate due configurazioni di nanorinforzo differenti, confrontate con le prestazioni di provini vergini laminati tradizionalmente. Sono infine state operate delle analisi grafiche delle micrografie di campioni sezionati per trarre conclusioni di carattere tecnologico.
Several CFCC (Continuous Fiber Composite Ceramics) production processes were tested, concluding that PIP (Polymer Impregnation, or Infiltration, Pyrolysis) and CBC (Chemically Bonded Ceramics) based procedures have interesting potential applications in the construction and transportation fields, thanks to low costs to get potentially useful thermomechanical performances. Among the different processes considered during the Doctorate (from the synthesis of new preceramic polymers, to the PIP production of SiC / SiC composites) the more promising results came from the PIP process with poly-siloxanes on basalt fabrics preforms. Low processing time and costs, together with fairly good thermomechanical properties were demonstrated, even after only one or two PIP steps in nitrogen flow. In alternative, pyrolysis in vacuum was also tested, a procedure still not discussed in literature, but which could originate an interesting reduction of production costs, with only a moderate detrimental effect on the mechanical properties. The resulting CFCC is a basalt / SiCO composite that can be applied for continuous operation up to 600°C, also in oxidant environment, as TG and XRD demonstrated. The failure upon loading is generally pseudo-plastic, being interlaminar delamination the most probable rupture mechanism. . The strength depends on several different factors (microstructure, polymer curing and subsequent ceramic phase evolution, fiber pull-out, fiber strength, fiber percentage) and can only be optimized empirically. In order to be open minded in selecting the best technology, also CBC (Chemically Bonded Ceramics) matrixes were considered during this Doctorate, making some preliminary investigations on fire-resistant phosphate cements. Our results on a commercial product evidenced some interesting thermomechanical capabilities, even after thermal treatments. However the experiments showed also phase change and possible cracking and deformations even on slow drying (at 130°C) and easy rehydration upon exposure to environmental humidity.
Gli aerosol, sospensione colloidale in aria di particelle solide o liquide, sono parte integrante dell’atmosfera. Essi interagiscono con la radiazione solare influenzando il clima (effetto primario e secondario) e la visibilità atmosferica. Gli aerosol hanno effetti sulla salute umana con patologie degli apparati cardiovascolare e circolatorio. La presente tesi affronta alcuni aspetti critici dei contatori ottici di particelle (OPC), utilizzati per caratterizzare l’aerosol ambientale. Gli OPC si basano sullo scattering luminoso per fornire la concentrazione in numero e la distribuzione dimensionale degli aerosol in tempo reale. Gli obiettivi di questa tesi sono: 1)caratterizzare e migliorare le prestazioni di un OPC di nuova concezione (CompactOPC N1, Alphasense; in seguito COPC) rispetto a un OPC standard commerciale (Grimm 1.108; in seguito GRM); 2)realizzare un banco di prova per la calibrazione di un OPC utilizzato in camere bianche e ambienti sanitari (Laser Particle Sensor 3715-00, Kanomax; in seguito LPS). Per questa attività ha mostrato interesse un’azienda locale (Pollution Clean Air Systems S.p.A.; Budrio, BO). Le prove sperimentali sono state effettuate con aerosol indoor e con particelle monodisperse di latex polistirene (PSL) di dimensioni differenti campionando in parallelo con i diversi OPC e su filtro per osservazioni al microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM). In questo modo si è ottenuto un valore assoluto di riferimento per la concentrazione di aerosol. I risultati ottenuti indicano un buon accordo tra le concentrazioni di particelle fornite dal GRM e quelle ottenute al SEM. Il lavoro ha inoltre permesso di migliorare le prestazioni del COPC modificando la versione di base. Inoltre, è stata effettuata la calibrazione del LPS tramite il banco di prova realizzato nella tesi. Il lavoro sperimentale è stato svolto presso il Laboratorio di Aerosol e Fisica delle Nubi dell’Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima (ISAC) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) a Bologna.
A 2007 Cummins ISL 8.9L direct-injection common rail diesel engine rated at 272 kW (365 hp) and 317 kW (425 hp) was used to load the filter to 2.2 g/L and passively oxidize particulate matter (PM) within an aftertreatment system consisting of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and catalyzed particulate filter (CPF). The tests conducted with the engine rated at 365 hp used a 2007 DOC and CPF. The tests conducted with the engine rated at 425 hp used a 2010 DOC and 2007 CPF. Understanding the passive NO2 oxidation kinetics of PM within the CPF allows for reducing the frequency of active regenerations (hydrocarbon injection) and the associated fuel penalties. Modeling the passive oxidation of accumulated PM in the CPF will lead to creating accurate state estimation strategies. The MTU 1-D CPF model will be used to simulate data collected from this study to examine differences in the PM oxidation kinetics when soy methyl ester (SME) biodiesel is used as the source of fuel for the engine, and when the engine is operated at a higher power rating. A test procedure developed by Hutton et al. [1, 2] was modified to improve the ability to model the experimental data and provide additional insight into passively oxidized PM in a partially regenerated CPF. A test procedure was developed to allow PM oxidation rates by NO2 to be determined from engine test cell data. An experimental matrix consisting of CPF inlet temperatures from 250 to 450 °C with varying NOX/PM from 25 to 583and NO2/PM ratios from 5 to 240 was used. SME biodiesel was volumetrically blended with ULSD in 10% (B10) and 20% (B20) portions. This blended fuel was then used to evaluate the effect of biodiesel on passive oxidation rates. Four tests were performed with B10 and four tests with B20. Gathering data to determine the effect of fuel type (ULSD and biodiesel blends) on PM oxidation is the primary goal. The engine used for this testing was then configured to a higher power rating and one of the tests planned was performed. Additional testing is scheduled to take place with ULSD fuel to determine the affect the engine rating has on the PM oxidation. The experimental reaction rates during passive oxidation varied based upon the average CPF temperature, NO2 concentrations, and the NOX/PM ratios for each engine rating and with all fuels. The data analysis requires a high fidelity model that includes NO2 and thermal oxidation mechanisms and back diffusion to determine the details of the PM oxidation process.
The effect of shot particles on the high temperature, low cycle fatigue of a hybrid fiber/particulate metal-matrix composite (MMC) was studied. Two hybrid composites with the general composition A356/35%SiC particle/5%Fiber (one without shot) were tested. It was found that shot particles acting as stress concentrators had little effect on the fatigue performance. It appears that fibers with a high silica content were more likely to debond from the matrix. Final failure of the composite was found to occur preferentially in the matrix. SiC particles fracture progressively during fatigue testing, leading to higher stress in the matrix, and final failure by matrix overload. A continuum mechanics based model was developed to predict failure in fatigue based on the tensile properties of the matrix and particles. By accounting for matrix yielding and recovery, composite creep and particle strength distribution, failure of the composite was predicted.
Ferroic materials, as notable members of smart materials, have been widely used in applications that perform sensing, actuation and control. The macroscopic property change of ferroic materials may become remarkably large during ferroic phase transition, leading to the fact that the macroscopic properties can be tuned by carefully applying a suitable external field (electric, magnetic, stress). To obtain an enhancement in physical and/or mechanical properties, different kinds of ferroic composites have been fabricated. The properties of a ferroic composite are determined not only by the properties and relative amounts of the constituent phases, but also by the microstructure of individual phase such as the phase connectivity, phase size, shape and spatial arrangement. This dissertation mainly focuses on the computational study of microstructure – property – mechanism relations in two representative ferroic composites, i.e., two-phase particulate magnetoelectric (ME) composite and polymer matrix ferroelectric composite. The former is a great example of ferroic composite exhibiting a new property and functionality that neither of the constituent phases possesses individually. The latter well represents the kind of ferroic composites having property combinations that are better than the existing materials. Phase field modeling was employed as the computing tool, and the required models for ferroic composites were developed based on existing models for monolithic materials. Extensive computational simulations were performed to investigate the microstructure-property relations and the underlying mechanism in ferroic composites. In particulate, it is found that for ME composite 0-3 connectivity (isolated magnetostrictive phase) is necessary to exhibit ME effect, and small but finite electrical conductivity of isolated magnetic phase can beneficially enhance ME effect. It is revealed that longitudinal and transverse ME coefficients of isotropic 0-3 particulate composites can be effectively tailored by controlling magnetic domain structures without resort to anisotropic two-phase microstructures. Simulations also show that the macroscopic properties of the ferroelectricpolymer composites critically depend on the ferroelectric phase connectivity while are not sensitive to the sizes and internal grain structures of the ceramic particles. Texturing is found critical to exploit the paraelectric«ferroelectric phase transition and nonlinear polarization behavior in paraelectric polycrystal and its polymer matrix composite. Additionally, a Diffuse Interface Field model was developed to simulate packing and motion in liquid phase which is promising for studying the fabrication of particulatepolymer composites.