885 resultados para order-disorder effects
Background: 5'-deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine (MTA) is an endogenous compound produced through the metabolism of polyamines. The therapeutic potential of MTA has been assayed mainly in liver diseases and, more recently, in animal models of multiple sclerosis. The aim of this study was to determine the neuroprotective effect of this molecule in vitro and to assess whether MTA can cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) in order to also analyze its potential neuroprotective efficacy in vivo. Methods: Neuroprotection was assessed in vitro using models of excitotoxicity in primary neurons, mixed astrocyte-neuron and primary oligodendrocyte cultures. The capacity of MTA to cross the BBB was measured in an artificial membrane assay and using an in vitro cell model. Finally, in vivo tests were performed in models of hypoxic brain damage, Parkinson's disease and epilepsy. Results: MTA displays a wide array of neuroprotective activities against different insults in vitro. While the data from the two complementary approaches adopted indicate that MTA is likely to cross the BBB, the in vivo data showed that MTA may provide therapeutic benefits in specific circumstances. Whereas MTA reduced the neuronal cell death in pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus and the size of the lesion in global but not focal ischemic brain damage, it was ineffective in preserving dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-pyridine (MPTP)-mice model. However, in this model of Parkinson's disease the combined administration of MTA and an A(2A) adenosine receptor antagonist did produce significant neuroprotection in this brain region. Conclusion: MTA may potentially offer therapeutic neuroprotection.
Hot pressing (HP) at higher sintering temperature has been a traditional and prevalent technique for the fabrication of alpha-SiAlON. In order to prepare translucent SiAlON more easily, LiF was used as a non-oxide sintering additive to lower the sintering temperature to <= 1650 degrees C. As a result, all of the samples possessed a good hardness and fracture toughness. At the same time, the lower temperature sintered samples showed a higher optical transmittance in the range of 2.5-5.5 mu m wavelength (0.5 mm in thickness). The maximum infrared transmission reached 68% at a wavelength of 3.3 mu m. The present work shows that the sintering process has a strong effect on microstructure and property of alpha-SiAlON. To be exact, a lower sintering temperature and longer holding time can produce some fully-developed microstrcture, which is beneficial for the optical transmittance. (C) 2008 The Ceramic Society of Japan. All rights reserved.
Commercial longline fishing data were analyzed and experiments were conducted with gear equipped with hook timers and timedepth recorders in the Réunion Island fishery (21°5ʹS lat., 53°28ʹE long.) to elucidate direct and indirect effects of the lunar cycle and other operational factors that affect catch rates, catch composition, fish behavior, capture time, and fish survival. Logbook data from 1998 through 2000, comprising 2009 sets, indicated that swordfish (Xiphias gladius) catch-per unit of effort (CPUE) increased during the first and last quarter of the lunar phase, whereas albacore (Thunnus alalunga) CPUE was highest during the full moon. Swordfish were caught rapidly after the longline was set and, like bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), they were caught during days characterized by a weak lunar illumination—mainly during low tide. We found a significant but very low influence of chemical lightsticks on CPUE and catch composition. At the time the longline was retrieved, six of the 11 species in the study had >40% survival. Hook timers indicated that only 8.4% of the swordfish were alive after 8 hours of capture, and two shark species (blue shark [Prionace glauca] and oceanic whitetip shark [Carcharhinus longimanus]) showed a greater resilience to capture: 29.3% and 23.5% were alive after 8 hours, respectively. Our results have implications for current fishing practices and we comment on the possibilities of modifying fishing strategies in order to reduce operational costs, bycatch, loss of target fish at sea, and detrimental impacts on the environment.
O cloridrato de metilfenidato é um estimulante moderado do sistema nervoso central com propriedades semelhantes à anfetamina, indicado principalmente para tratar o Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Segundo relatórios da ONU, sua produção mundial cresceu em torno de 357% entre os anos de 1996 e 2012 enquanto que sua comercialização no Brasil, nesse mesmo período, passou de 9 Kg para 578 Kg, o que significou um aumento de aproximadamente 6.322%. A ampliação no consumo se justifica pela expansão da categoria diagnóstica de TDAH, visto que, a desordem transitória que atingia um número menor de crianças foi transformada em um quadro psiquiátrico incluindo um maior número de sinais e sintomas, persistindo durante a adolescência e toda a vida adulta. Outro possível motivo para o crescimento na comercialização do fármaco é o uso para aprimoramento cognitivo, ou seja, a utilização do metilfenidato por pessoas sem o citado diagnóstico, mas com a finalidade de melhorar o desempenho nos estudos e no trabalho. Assim, buscando entender os usos e sentidos associados ao consumo do remédio, fizemos uma pesquisa de campo de cunho qualitativo e exploratório. Foram realizadas dezesseis entrevistas semiestruturadas com usuários do medicamento. Participaram da investigação onze homens e cinco mulheres, entre 23 e 48 anos. A análise de dados mostrou que todos os entrevistados, independentemente de terem ou não o diagnóstico de TDAH, se reconheciam com dificuldades de atenção, que poderia ser constitucional ou passageiro. Mas, para a maioria dos entrevistados, a procura pelo remédio só ocorreu quando essa característica virou um problema, atrapalhando a preparação para uma importante etapa na vida profissional, como uma prova para concurso público ou residência. Também foi percebido que o relato dos amigos sobre os benefícios do remédio e a experiência pessoal do primeiro comprimido de metilfenidato foi fundamental para que a muitos usuários investigados buscassem a prescrição médica. Ou seja, a maior parte dos entrevistados da pesquisa iniciou a ingestão quando seus amigos lhes contaram sobre os benefícios do remédio para superar os problemas na concentração que atrapalhavam o alcance de uma importante meta profissional. Os participantes da pesquisa apontaram que o consumo do fármaco teria contribuído para melhorar o rendimento nos estudos, já que o estimulante teria aumentado a disposição, a concentração, a memória e a eficiência do desempenho cognitivo. Porém, não foi possível identificar o quanto os efeitos positivos podiam ser o resultado de uma sugestão psicológica, questão levantada por alguns usuários. A análise qualitativa dos dados também revelou que o uso do estimulante ora era vivido como um tratamento para TDAH, ora como aprimoramento cognitivo. Tal ambiguidade parece ser o reflexo de o discurso médico ser o principal meio para justificar o uso do remédio, sem precisar questionar aspectos emocionais, sociais e/ou éticos para alcançar uma melhor performance cognitiva. Assim, entendemos que o presente estudo é uma importante contribuição no campo da Saúde Coletiva por ampliar o conhecimento sobre os usos e sentidos que os seus usuários depositam no estimulante.
O cloridrato de metilfenidato é um estimulante moderado do sistema nervoso central com propriedades semelhantes à anfetamina, indicado principalmente para tratar o Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Segundo relatórios da ONU, sua produção mundial cresceu em torno de 357% entre os anos de 1996 e 2012 enquanto que sua comercialização no Brasil, nesse mesmo período, passou de 9 Kg para 578 Kg, o que significou um aumento de aproximadamente 6.322%. A ampliação no consumo se justifica pela expansão da categoria diagnóstica de TDAH, visto que, a desordem transitória que atingia um número menor de crianças foi transformada em um quadro psiquiátrico incluindo um maior número de sinais e sintomas, persistindo durante a adolescência e toda a vida adulta. Outro possível motivo para o crescimento na comercialização do fármaco é o uso para aprimoramento cognitivo, ou seja, a utilização do metilfenidato por pessoas sem o citado diagnóstico, mas com a finalidade de melhorar o desempenho nos estudos e no trabalho. Assim, buscando entender os usos e sentidos associados ao consumo do remédio, fizemos uma pesquisa de campo de cunho qualitativo e exploratório. Foram realizadas dezesseis entrevistas semiestruturadas com usuários do medicamento. Participaram da investigação onze homens e cinco mulheres, entre 23 e 48 anos. A análise de dados mostrou que todos os entrevistados, independentemente de terem ou não o diagnóstico de TDAH, se reconheciam com dificuldades de atenção, que poderia ser constitucional ou passageiro. Mas, para a maioria dos entrevistados, a procura pelo remédio só ocorreu quando essa característica virou um problema, atrapalhando a preparação para uma importante etapa na vida profissional, como uma prova para concurso público ou residência. Também foi percebido que o relato dos amigos sobre os benefícios do remédio e a experiência pessoal do primeiro comprimido de metilfenidato foi fundamental para que a muitos usuários investigados buscassem a prescrição médica. Ou seja, a maior parte dos entrevistados da pesquisa iniciou a ingestão quando seus amigos lhes contaram sobre os benefícios do remédio para superar os problemas na concentração que atrapalhavam o alcance de uma importante meta profissional. Os participantes da pesquisa apontaram que o consumo do fármaco teria contribuído para melhorar o rendimento nos estudos, já que o estimulante teria aumentado a disposição, a concentração, a memória e a eficiência do desempenho cognitivo. Porém, não foi possível identificar o quanto os efeitos positivos podiam ser o resultado de uma sugestão psicológica, questão levantada por alguns usuários. A análise qualitativa dos dados também revelou que o uso do estimulante ora era vivido como um tratamento para TDAH, ora como aprimoramento cognitivo. Tal ambiguidade parece ser o reflexo de o discurso médico ser o principal meio para justificar o uso do remédio, sem precisar questionar aspectos emocionais, sociais e/ou éticos para alcançar uma melhor performance cognitiva. Assim, entendemos que o presente estudo é uma importante contribuição no campo da Saúde Coletiva por ampliar o conhecimento sobre os usos e sentidos que os seus usuários depositam no estimulante.
O estresse durante o desenvolvimento está associado com diversas desordens neurocomportamentais, que podem persistir ao longo da vida. A hiperatividade é um dos transtornos comportamentais que, com maior frequência, observa-se em humanos submetidos ao estresse precoce. Esse transtorno pode ser a manifestação clínica predominante, ou mesclar-se com déficit de atenção, impulsividade e retardo da aprendizagem, constituindo o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH), com número de casos diagnosticados em ascensão. Diversos protocolos experimentais utilizam a separação materna (SM) de roedores neonatos para mimetizar as consequências do estresse precoce em humanos. Esta predileção por roedores recém-nascidos se deve à sua equivalência aproximada com fetos humanos no terceiro trimestre da gestação em termos de neurodesenvolvimento, quando ocorre o maior crescimento do Sistema Nervoso Central fetal. Neste trabalho, camundongos suíços neonatos foram submetidos a sessões diárias de isolamento com separação materna, entre o 2 e o 10 dias de vida pós-natal (PN2 a PN10), variando-se a temperatura de isolamento dos filhotes, que permaneciam sem aquecimento (na temperatura do biotério, entre 22 e 25C) ou eram mantidos aquecidos a 37C durante essas sessões. Portanto, foram três grupos experimentais: isolamento aquecido com SM; isolamento não aquecido com SM; e controle. Os animais do grupo controle foram pesados em PN2 e PN10 e, prontamente, devolvidos às progenitoras. Todos os animais foram desmamados e sexados em PN21, não sendo perturbados até a realização dos testes neurocomportamentais, a partir de PN30, que incluíram os Testes de Campo Aberto e de Esquiva Inibitória. Num segundo estudo, foram realizadas dosagens séricas da corticosterona basal e dos hormônios tireoidianos nos três grupos experimentais, em PN6, PN10 e PN30. Finalmente, num terceiro estudo, camundongos do grupo controle e do grupo submetido ao isolamento não aquecido com SM foram tratados com vimpocetina (20g/kg), um neuroprotetor potencial, ou com veículo (Dimetilsulfóxido), a fim de avaliar os efeitos da vimpocetina na atividade locomotora. O 1 estudo demonstrou que a temperatura foi um fator crítico para a manifestação de hiperatividade locomotora no Teste do Campo Aberto, que ocorreu, somente, nos animais do grupo submetido ao isolamento não aquecido. Adicionalmente, não houve diferenças entre os grupos experimentais no Teste da Esquiva Inibitória, quanto à memória e à aprendizagem. O 2 estudo demonstrou que a temperatura do isolamento influenciou os níveis da corticosterona basal e dos hormônios tireoidianos em PN10 e em PN30. No 3 estudo, a vimpocetina reduziu a hiperatividade locomotora no grupo de animais submetidos ao isolamento não aquecido com SM. De todo o exposto, conclui-se que o isolamento com SM de camundongos suíços neonatos à temperatura de 22 a 25C aumentou a atividade locomotora nesses animais, e que a vimpocetina foi capaz de atenuar esse comportamento, sem aumento da mortalidade. Finalmente, considerando-se o maior risco de desenvolvimento do TDAH em crianças e adolescentes com históricos de prematuridade, levanta-se a hipótese de que o estresse térmico pelo frio seja um dos fatores envolvidos na fisiopatogenia da hiperatividade nesses casos.
The construction of several barrages in order to develop the hydroelectric and irrigation potential of the Tana river has been proposed and the probable effects of these developments upon the fish and fisheries of the area' has been investigated. Briefly in the highest reaches the sport fishery will be unaffected, in the middle reaches the sparse subsistence fisheries will be only slightly inconvenienced but in the terminal reaches of the river the subsistence and commercial fishing enterprises are expected to be seriously reduced by the progressive re-regulation of river-flow. However each new dam will support a new and productive reservoir fishery and with proper development the annual yield of fish from the Tana basin is expected to increase considerably.
The photoisomerisation of a flexoelectric chiral nematic bimesogen system dyed with an azo dye has been investigated. The host material has a pitch and field dependent tilt angle that are temperature independent. Upon illumination by ultra violet, the azo dye molecules undergo a shape change from their trans to cis isomer. The effect of the shape change of the dye on the mixture is to decrease the I-N* transition temperatures, to increase the response times and to decrease the transmitted optical intensity. For the same reduced temperatures, the tilt angles, pitch and threshold voltages for the transition from focal conic to homeotropic textures are unchanged. The macroscopic parameters observed suggest that the orientational order parameter of the system is reduced by UV illumination. The cis isomers do not appear to separate from the host material or significantly change the flexoelectric coefficient. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.
Simulations of an n-heptane spray autoigniting under conditions relevant to a diesel engine are performed using two-dimensional, first-order conditional moment closure (CMC) with full treatment of spray terms in the mixture fraction variance and CMC equations. The conditional evaporation term in the CMC equations is closed assuming interphase exchange to occur at the droplet saturation mixture fraction values only. Modeling of the unclosed terms in themixture fraction variance equation is done accordingly. Comparison with experimental data for a range of ambient oxygen concentrations shows that the ignition delay is overpredicted. The trend of increasing ignition delay with decreasing oxygen concentration, however, is correctly captured. Good agreement is found between the computed and measured flame lift-off height for all conditions investigated. Analysis of source terms in the CMC temperature equation reveals that a convective-reactive balance sets in at the flame base, with spatial diffusion terms being important, but not as important as in lifted jet flames in cold air. Inclusion of droplet terms in the governing equations is found to affect the mixture fraction variance field in the region where evaporation is the strongest, and to slightly increase the ignition delay time due to the cooling associated with the evaporation. Both flame propagation and stabilization mechanisms, however, remain unaffected. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
An experiment was undertaken in order to determine an adequate anaesthetic and optimum concentrations for use in the handling of fingerling milkfish (Chanos chanos). The compounds 2-phenoxy ethanol and MS-222 were investigated. Results show the latter to be adequate with optimum concentrations between 100 and 200 ppm.
The present study was carried out in order to establish an economical effective diet for the pacific white shrimp in the southern part conditions of Iran. With the consideration of three dietary energy levels (E1=262, E2=312, E3=362 kcal 100 g-1 diet) and six ratios of fish meal (FM) to soybean meal (SBM) [(P1=100%FM+0%SBM, P2=80%FM+20%SBM, P3=60%FM+40%SBM, P4=40%FM+60%SBM, P5=20%FM+80%SBM, P6=0%FM+100%SBM)], 18 experimental diets (with 36% crude protein) were prepared. Completely randomized design was used to assign 54 polyethylene 300 litre round tanks provided by aeration and flow through water system and was stocked by 19 juvenile as 3 replicates to each treatment. Shrimps average weight was about 0.77 grams at the start. After 56 days culture period, maximum growth and nutritional performances were observed in the P6E1 treatment (containing 100% soybean meal and 262 kcal 100 g-1 diet) and P5E1 treatment (containing 80% soybean meal and 262 kcal 100 g-1 diet). Also the highest survival rate of the shrimps was observed in the P1E1, P1E2, P3E3 and P5E3 treatments. Additionally interactive effect of different protein ratios and energy levels had significant difference on body protein, fat, fiber and ash contents (P<0.05). Results of the present study suggest the possibility replacement of at least 80% of dietary fish meal by soybean meal in the diet of pacific white shrimp in the conditions of southern part of Iran.
Whether mice perceive the depth of space dependent on the visual size of object targets was explored when visual cues such as perspective and partial occlusion in space were excluded. A mouse was placed on a platform the height of which is adjustable. The platform located inside a box in which all other walls were dark exception its bottom through that light was projected as a sole visual cue. The visual object cue was composed of 4x4 grids to allow a mouse estimating the distance of the platform relative to the grids. Three sizes of grids reduced in a proportion of 2/3 and seven distances with an equal interval between the platform and the grids at the bottom were applied in the experiments. The duration of a mouse staying on the platform at each height was recorded when the different sizes of the grids were presented randomly to test whether the Judgment of the mouse for the depth of the platform from the bottom was affected by the size information of the visual target. The results from all conditions of three object sizes show that time of mice staying on the platform became longer with the increase in height. In distance of 20 similar to 30 cm, the mice did not use the size information of a target to judge the depth, while mainly used the information of binocular disparity. In distance less than 20 cm or more than 30 cm, however, especially in much higher distance 50 cm, 60 cm and 70 cm, the mice were able to use the size information to do so in order to compensate the lack of binocular disparity information from both eyes. Because the mice have only 1/3 of the visual field that is binocular. This behavioral paradigm established in the current study is a useful model and can be applied to the experiments using transgenic mouse as an animal model to investigate the relationships between behaviors and gene functions.
In this study, which has been done in Hormoz larve Hatchery at Kohestak in Minab at 1385, the efficiency of Ergosen and Vibromax vaccine and the effect of them on growth factors such as total length, Carapase, dry weight and the number of upper mordents of rostrum and survival of the stages of larvae and post larvae of Indian white shrimp was studied. Thus in order to comparison the effects of Vibromax and Ergosen, each of them separately, in one treatment, and in another simultaneously with one control treatment was used. Vaccination against larvae shrimps was done through Artemia. This study used four treatments with three replicates in a completely randomized design and comparison of means was done through Duncan test. Breeding larvae and post larvae of Indian white shrimp from zoa I stage to PL 15 was done in 20 litter plastic buckets. Present results indicated that the highest amount of growth and survival factors in larvae stage (from zoa to PL1), and also in stages of PL5 and PL15, in the treatment of Ergoson effect + vaccine and it was with a little difference from that treatment of Ergoson effect which was in high significance difference in regard to control treatment at α<0.01 level and treatment of vaccine effect and control treatment at α<0.01 level often have no significant difference. This research used environmental stress tests to study the quality of post larvae under experiment. Studying in this field showed that feeding vaccine to larvae of Indian shrimps which was done through Artemia nauplii enrichment ,and ergosen , in treatment of ergosen vaccine lead to more resistance of post larvaes against salinity stress tests and formalin .This case was observed in every three stages ,so that in stress formalin test 100 parts per million and also 10 and 20 salinity parts in thousands the most survival was observed in treatment of Ergosan effect+vaccine and after that in treatment of Ergoson effect and with a little difference in treatment of vaccine effect. Of course this case, in treatment of Ergoson effect + vaccine due to the synergistic properties vaccine with Ergoson was more than to other treatments, while every three treatments, in most stages had significant difference toward control treatment at α<0.01 level and the control treatment because of not having Ergoson and nauplii artemia with vaccine, having the least survival rate in this stages.
In the present research, investigations were carried out for structure elucidation of natural compounds and also for studing biological and teratogenical effects of two Genus of soft corals named as " Echinogorgia cf. indica" and "Sinularia erecta" in Persian Gulf. First, 350 gr Echinogorgia was extracted by Acetone, then, the extract was separated by ether from aqueos phase to give 4.5 gr oil. The oil eluted with Petrol - ether Et2 o (9:1) which was recovered Linderazulene and it's derivative as purple Cristals (350 mg/ca 0.1 %). In order to determine molecular structure, the Samples were used for spectroscopic method as: H1- NMR , C13- NMR and 2D NMR. Also, for extraction and structure elucidation of natural compounds, the soft coral " sinularia erecta " were used 1187/37 gr and extracted by Aceton. The extract was concentrated and resulting aqueous suspension and extracted by using ether to give 8.41 gr oil. The oil , was Chromatographed on a column of silica gel and some different fractions were gathered. Initial fraction (1-11) which were nonpolar compounds were seprated by GC/MS. Mass spectrum were prepared and much compounds were recognized.
At the fishing season, in 2000, samples of species persian sturgeon (A. persicus), Severjuga (A. stellatus) and Mullet (L. aurata), were caught from the southern coasts of Caspian Sea and were freezes and preserved in the cold storage for one year They have also become biometery. The tissue's fillet were identified in order to determined the Fatty Acids. This was done during one year, frequently, fresh, two weeks after freezing and then monthly, respectively. So, after the extraction of lipids from the tissues and methylation, was injected to the gas-liquid Chromatography. After calibration, identified Fatty Acids were compared with standards according to their Retention Times. Peroxid value, lipid content and humidity were controlled. The unsaturated Fatty acids had The most amount, and a plenty of Polyunsaturated Fatty acids (PUFA) were observed, so that linoleic (C18:2), a-linolenic (C18:3), Arashidonic (C20:4), EPA (C20:5) and DHA (C22:6) Fatty acids had high amounts. The w-3, PUFA were more in comparison with w-6. The effects of freezing and cold storing on the fish fatty acids , were evaluated by the statistical tests , like SPSS, Tukey, Homogenous and Anova, and showed that in some species, a group of Fatty acids, specially PUFA, had some variation. The peroxide value that indicates the lipid deterioration, increased during toring. So, the best term if preserving in the cold storage, were determined and their Nutrition value and Medical applications due to their consumption were investigated.