945 resultados para oil-water emulsion


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The hydrothermal liquefaction(HTL) of algal biomass is a promising route to viable second generation biofuels. In this investigation HTL was assessed for the valorisation of algae used in the remediation of acid mine drainage (AMD). Initially the HTL process was evaluated using Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina) with additional metal sulphates to simulate metal remediation. Optimised conditions were then used to process a natural algal community (predominantly Chlamydomonas sp.) cultivated under two scenarios: high uptake and low uptake of metals from AMD. High metal concentrations appear to catalyse the conversion to bio-oil, and do not significantly affect the heteroatom content or higher heating value of the bio-oil produced. The associated metals were found to partition almost exclusively into the solid residue, favourable for potential metal recovery. High metal loadings also caused partitioning of phosphates from the aqueous phase to the solid phase, potentially compromising attempts to recycle process water as a growth supplement. HTL was therefore found to be a suitable method of processing algae used in AMD remediation, producing a crude oil suitable for upgrading into hydrocarbon fuels, an aqueous and gas stream suitable for supplementing the algal growth and the partitioning of most contaminant metals to the solid residue where they would be readily amenable for recovery and/or disposal.


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Rotational moulding is a method to produce hollow plastic articles. Heating is normally carried out by placing the mould into a hot air oven where the plastic material in the mould is heated. The most common cooling media are water and forced air. Due to the inefficient nature of conventional hot air ovens most of the energy supplied by the oven does not go to heat the plastic and as a consequence the procedure has very long cycle times. Direct oil heating is an effective alternative in order to achieve better energy efficiency and cycle times. This research work has combined this technology with new innovative design of mould, applying the advantages of electroforming and rapid prototyping. Complex cavity geometries are manufactured by electroforming from a rapid prototyping mandrel. The approach involves conformal heating and cooling channels , where the oil flows into a parallel channel to the electroformed cavity (nickel or copper). Because of this the mould enables high temperature uniformity with direct heating and cooling of the electroformed shell, Uniform heating and cooling is important not only for good quality parts but also for good uniform wall thickness distribution in the rotationally moulded part. The experimental work with the manufactured prototype mould has enabled analysis of the thermal uniformity in the cavity, under different temperatures. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.


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The present work is concerned with the use of the cross correlation technique to measure delay time between two simulated signals displaced with respect to time, in order to develop a cross correlator system that will be used to measure the water and oil pipes flowrate in which the detection system is composed by two external low intensity radiation sources located along the tube and two NaI(Tl) gamma-ray detectors. The final purpose of the correlator system is to use the natural disturbances, as the turbulence in the own flow rather than to inject radioactive tracers to the fluid flow as usually is carried out. In the design of this correlator is evaluated the point-by-point calculation method for the cross correlation function in order to produce a system accurate and fast. This method is divided at the same time in three modes of operation: direct, relay and polarity.


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Background and Problem: Sustainability reporting is a growing trend in the society. One of the most exposed industries to environmental matters is the oil and gas industry, which commit to sustainability reporting in order to deal with the industry’s destructive operations. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides voluntary guidelines in sustainability reporting, which increase transparency for the company’s stakeholders. However, it is controversial that the oil and gas industry put a great effort into sustainability reporting even though the industry is environmentally destructive. This gap is interesting to investigate and will contribute to the academic discussion. Therefore, this thesis will focus on the sustainability reporting in the oil and gas industry and to what extent the industry actually discloses material environmental information about their operations. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the sustainability reporting has changed in the oil and gas industry in Europe. This is performed from a stakeholder perspective. Further, it aims to investigate how oil and gas companies have followed the GRI guidelines and how the reporting has changed over time. Method: A quantitative method is used in order to answer the research questions. The data sample is based on oil and gas companies reporting according to the GRI framework during year 2012 to year 2014. The empirical data is gathered from the studied companies’ environmental category in their sustainability reports. Further, a content analysis technique, with a coding scheme, was set up to interpret and analyse the information. To enable an easy overview of the findings, the relevant data is presented in tables and diagrams. Empirical Findings and Conclusion: The majority of the studied companies have increased their level of compliance in the environmental category. Although, the majority of the companies have increased their reporting, the compliance level differs between the companies. The most reported sectors are the; “Water”, “Biodiversity”, “Emissions”, “Effluents and Waste”, “Compliance”, and “Overall”. Further, the empirical findings show that there is an overall increase in the amount of disclosed information per indicator. The conclusion of this thesis is that the environmental disclosures have increased in the oil and gas industry from year 2012 to 2014.


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Water systems in the Sultanate of Oman are inevitably exposed to varied threats and hazards due to both natural and man-made hazards. Natural disasters, especially tropical cyclone Gonu in 2007, cause immense damage to water supply systems in Oman. At the same time water loss from leaks is a major operational problem. This research developed an integrated approach to identify and rank the risks to the water sources, transmission pipelines and distribution networks in Oman and suggests appropriate mitigation measures. The system resilience was evaluated and an emergency response plan for the water supplies developed. The methodology involved mining the data held by the water supply utility for risk and resilience determination and operational data to support calculations of non-revenue water. Risk factors were identified, ranked and scored at a stakeholder workshop and the operational information required was principally gathered from interviews. Finally, an emergency response plan was developed by evaluating the risk and resilience factors. The risk analysis and assessment used a Coarse Risk Analysis (CRA) approach and risk scores were generated using a simple risk matrix based on WHO recommendations. The likelihoods and consequences of a wide range of hazardous events were identified through a key workshop and subsequent questionnaires. The thesis proposes a method of translating the detailed risk evaluations into resilience scores through a methodology used in transportation networks. A water audit indicated that the percentage of NRW in Oman is greater than 35% which is similar to other Gulf countries but high internationally. The principal strategy for managing NRW used in the research was the AWWA water audit method which includes free to use software and was found to be easy to apply in Oman. The research showed that risks to the main desalination processes can be controlled but the risk due to feed water quality might remain high even after implementing mitigation measures because the intake is close to an oil port with a significant risk of oil contamination and algal blooms. The most severe risks to transmission mains were found to be associated with pipe rather than pump failure. The systems in Oman were found to be moderately resilient, the resilience of desalination plants reasonably high but the transmission mains and pumping stations are very vulnerable. The integrated strategy developed in this study has a wide applicability, particularly in the Gulf area, which may have risks from exceptional events and will be experiencing NRW. Other developing countries may also experience such risks but with different magnitudes and the risk evaluation tables could provide a useful format for further work.


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Esta dissertação é composta por 5 artigos.


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Persian Gulf region is globally of great importance due to its economical and political reasons. The importance lies in oil sources and sea exports. Geophysical phenomena dominated in the water circulation affected this region is called Monsoon it stretches from African coasts to the half way of Red Seal affected all coasts of Persian Gulf and goes toward east to the Indian ocean. Other essential factors in the water circulation in this region are net evaporation (several meters in per year), high density and high salinity. In this article the effects of wind stress and evaporation in the water circulation in the region will be considered and model equations for wind forces, density, pressure, gradient, and bottom friction for Persian Gulf will be discussed.


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Rhipicephalus australis (formerly Boophilus microplus) is a one host tick responsible for major economic loss in tropical and subtropical cattle production enterprises. Control is largely dependent on the application of acaricides but resistance has developed to most currently registered chemical groups. Repellent compounds that prevent initial attachment of tick larvae offer a potential alternative to control with chemical toxicants. The repellent effects of Melaleuca alternifolia oil (TTO) emulsions and two β-cyclodextrin complex formulations, a slow release form (SR) and a modified faster release form (FR), were examined in a series of laboratory studies. Emulsions containing 4% and 5% TTO applied to cattle hair in laboratory studies completely repelled ascending tick larvae for 24 h whereas 2% and 3% formulations provided 80% protection. At 48 h, 5% TTO provided 78% repellency but lower concentrations repelled less than 60% of larvae. In a study conducted over 15 days, 3% TTO emulsion applied to cattle hair provided close to 100% repellency for 2 days, but then protection fell to 23% by day 15. The FR formulation gave significantly greater repellency than the emulsion and the SR formulation from day 3 until the end of the study (P < 0.05), providing almost complete repellency at day 3 (99.5%), then decreasing over the period of the study to 49% repellency at day 15. Proof of concept is established for the use of appropriately designed controlled-release formulations to extend the period of repellency provided by TTO against R. australis larvae.


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Macadamias, adapted to the fringes of subtropical rainforests of coastal, eastern Australia, are resilient to mild water stress. Even after prolonged drought, it is difficult to detect stress in commercial trees. Despite this, macadamia orchards in newer irrigated regions produce more consistent crops than those from traditional, rain-fed regions. Crop fluctuations in the latter tend to follow rainfall patterns. The benefit of irrigation in lower rainfall areas is undisputed, but there are many unanswered questions about the most efficient use of irrigation water. Water is used more efficiently when it is less readily available, causing partial stomatal closure that restricts transpiration more than it restricts photosynthesis. Limited research suggests that macadamias can withstand mild stress. In fact, water use efficiency can be increased by strategic deficit irrigation. However, macadamias are susceptible to stress during oil accumulation. There may be benefits of applying more water at critical times, less at others, and this may vary with cultivar. Currently, it is common for macadamia growers to apply about 20-40 L tree-1 day-1 of water to their orchards in winter and 70-90 L tree-1 day-1 in summer. Research reported water use at 20-30 L tree-1 day-1 during winter and 40-50 L tree-1 day-1 in summer using the Granier sap flow technique. The discrepancy between actual water use and farmer practice may be due to water loss via evaporation from the ground, deep drainage and/or greater transpiration due to luxury water consumption. More irrigation research is needed to develop efficient water use and to set practical limits for deficit irrigation management.


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This thesis considers a three- dimensional numerical model based on 3-D Navier— Stokes and continuity equations involving various wind speeds (North west), water surface levels, horizontal shier stresses, eddy viscosity, densities of oil and gas condensate- water mixture flows. The model is used to simulate the prediction of the surface movement of oil and gas condensate slicks from spill accident in the north coasts of Persian Gulf.


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A Refinaria de Matosinhos é um dos complexos industriais da Galp Energia. A sua estação de tratamento de águas residuais industriais (ETARI) – designada internamente por Unidade 7000 – é composta por quatro tratamentos: o pré-tratamento, o tratamento físico-químico, o tratamento biológico e o pós-tratamento. Dada a interligação existente, é fundamental a otimização de cada um dos tratamentos. Este trabalho teve como objetivos a identificação dos problemas e/ou possibilidades de melhoria do pré-tratamento, tratamento físico-químico e pós-tratamento e principalmente a otimização do tratamento biológico da ETARI. No pré-tratamento verificou-se que a separação de óleos e lamas não era eficaz uma vez que se formam emulsões destas duas fases. Como solução, sugeriu-se a adição de agentes desemulsionantes, que se revelou economicamente inviável. Assim, sugeriu-se como alternativa o recurso a técnicas de tratamento da emulsão gerada, tais como a extração com solvente, centrifugação, ultrassons e micro-ondas. No tratamento físico-químico constatou-se que o controlo da unidade de saturação de ar na água era feito com base na análise visual dos operadores, o que pode conduzir a condições de operação afastadas das ótimas para este tratamento. Assim, sugeriu-se a realização de um estudo de otimização desta unidade com vista à determinação da razão ar/sólidos ótima para este efluente. Para além disto, constatou-se, ainda, que os consumos de coagulante aumentaram cerca de -- % no último ano, pelo que foi sugerido o estudo da viabilidade do processo de eletrocoagulação como substituto do sistema de coagulação existente. No pós-tratamento identificou-se o processo de lavagem dos filtros como sendo a etapa com possibilidade de ser otimizada. Através de um estudo preliminar concluiu-se que a lavagem contínua de um filtro por cada turno melhorava o desempenho dos mesmos. Constatou-se, ainda, que a introdução de ar comprimido na água de lavagem promove uma maior remoção de detritos do leito de areia, no entanto esta prática parece influenciar negativamente o desempenho dos filtros. No caso do tratamento biológico, identificaram-se problemas ao nível do tempo de retenção hidráulico do tratamento biológico II, que apresentou elevada variabilidade. Apesar de identificado concluiu-se que este problema era de difícil solução. Verificou-se, também, que o oxigénio dissolvido não era monitorizado, pelo que se sugeriu a instalação de uma sonda de oxigénio dissolvido numa zona de baixa turbulência do tanque de arejamento. Concluiu-se que o oxigénio era distribuído de forma homogénea por todo o tanque de arejamento e tentou-se identificar quais os fatores que influenciariam este parâmetro, no entanto, dada a elevada variabilidade do efluente e das condições de tratamento, tal não foi possível. Constatou-se, também, que o doseamento de fosfato para o tratamento biológico II era pouco eficiente já Otimização dos sistemas biológicos e melhorias nos tratamentos da ETARI da Refinaria de Matosinhos que em -- % dos dias se verificaram níveis baixos de fosfato no licor misto (< - mg/L). Foi, por isso, proposta a alteração do atual sistema de doseamento por gravidade para um sistema de bomba doseadora. Para além disso verificou-se que os consumos deste nutriente aumentaram significativamente no último ano (cerca de --%), situação que se constatou estar relacionada com um aumento da população microbiana para este período. Foi possível relacionar-se o aparecimento frequente de lamas à superfície dos decantadores secundários com incrementos repentinos de condutividade, pelo que se sugeriu o armazenamento do efluente nas bacias de tempestade, nestas situações. Verificou-se que a remoção de azoto era praticamente ineficaz uma vez que a conversão de azoto amoniacal em nitratos foi muito baixa. Assim, sugeriu-se o recurso à técnica de bio-augmentação ou a transformação do sistema de lamas ativadas num sistema bietápico. Por fim, constatou-se que a temperatura do efluente à entrada da ETARI apresenta valores bastante elevados para o tratamento biológico (aproximadamente de --º C) pelo que se sugeriu a instalação de uma sonda de temperatura no tanque de arejamento de modo a controlar de forma mais eficaz a temperatura do licor misto. Ainda no que diz respeito ao tratamento biológico, foi possível desenvolver-se um conjunto de ferramentas que visaram o funcionamento otimizado deste tratamento. Nesse sentido, foram apresentadas várias sugestões de melhoria: a utilização do índice volumétrico de lamas como indicador da qualidade das lamas em alternativa à percentagem de lamas; foi desenvolvido um conjunto de fluxogramas para a orientação dos operadores de exterior na resolução de problemas; foi criada uma “janela de operação” que pretende ser um guia de apoio à operação; foi ainda proposta a monitorização frequente da idade das lamas e da razão alimento/microrganismo.


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Purpose: To develop a novel chitosan/gelatin-hydroxyapatite (CGHaP) microspheres for evaluating the biological response of pre-osteoblast cells. Methods: The microsphere was prepared by water-in-oil emulsion method. Cell proliferation was studied using AlamarBlue colorimetric assay and DAPI staining while alkaline phosphatase assay was carried out by colorimetric assay method. Chitosan microspheres as well as chitosan-hydroxyapatite microspheres was prepared and tested for biological response from MC3T3-E1 cell line. Results: The results showed that CGHaP promotes MC3T3-E1 cell proliferation and spread on the surface of microspheres. The cells were clustered with more actin filaments and well-linked with neighbouring cells or adjacent cells when cultured in CGHaP microspheres whereas fewer cells were spread on chitosan (CH) microspheres. CGHaP microspheres significantly (p < 0.05) promoted cell attachment, proliferation and extracellular matrix mineralization. CGHaP microspheres presented significantly (p < 0.02) higher calcium deposition (0.5 ng) than CH microspheres (0.28 ng). Specifically, CGHaP microspheres exhibited high ALP activity (8 units; 2-fold) compared to CH with 3 units, after 7 days of incubation. The results suggest that CGHaP possesses a great ability to facilitate bone ingrowth formation and possibility of good osteointegration in vivo. Conclusion: The nanomaterial enhances the proliferation of pre-osteoblast cells in tissue engineering microspheres. The outcome of this study may have a major impact on the development of novel nanomaterials for bone tissue engineering.


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Os rios e lagos de várzea da província petrolífera de Urucu, na Amazônia Central, são amplamente colonizados por macrófitas aquáticas, que podem ser afetadas por acidentes durante a exploração e o transporte de petróleo. Entre as macrófitas, a espécie flutuante Eichhornia crassipes (aguapé) ocorre abundantemente na região; OBJETIVO: O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o efeito de diferentes dosagens do petróleo de Urucu (0; 0,5; 1,5 e 3,0 L.m-2) na biomassa viva e morta de E. crassipes e em algumas características físicas e químicas da água; MÉTODOS: O experimento teve oitenta e quatro dias de duração. A cada sete dias foi determinada a biomassa (viva e morta) de E. crassipes e os valores de temperatura, pH, condutividade elétrica e oxigênio dissolvido da água; RESULTADOS: A dosagem de 0,5 L.m-2 foi suficiente para causar mortalidade parcial (48%) em E. crassipes após trinta e cinco dias de exposição ao petróleo. A dosagem de 3,0 L.m-2 causou mortalidade total (100%) em E. crassipes em oitenta e quatro dias de exposição. A decomposição do petróleo e da biomassa morta de E. crassipes provocam a redução do oxigênio dissolvido e do pH, e aumento da condutividade elétrica e de fósforo total na água; CONCLUSÕES: Nós concluímos que um derramamento de petróleo pode provocar mortalidade total em uma população de uma espécie de macrófita, mas não em uma outra. Isto pode alterar a diversidade de espécies de macrófitas na região impactada. No caso de Eichhornia crassipes e Pistia stratiotes, um derramamento de petróleo de Urucu pode favorecer E. crassipes, a espécie menos sensível ao petróleo.