998 resultados para movement preparation


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Thirty-three skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) (53−73 cm fork length) were caught and released with implanted archival tags in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean during April 2004. Six skipjack tuna were recap-tured, and 9.3 to 10.1 days of depth and temperature data were down-loaded from five recovered tags. The vertical habitat-use distributions indicated that skipjack tuna not associated with floating objects spent 98.6% of their time above the thermocline (depth=44 m) during the night, but spent 37.7% of their time below the thermocline during the day. When not associated with floating objects, skipjack tuna displayed repetitive bounce-diving behavior to depths between 50 and 300 m during the day. The deepest dive recorded was 596 m, where the ambient temperature was 7.7°C. One dive was particularly remarkable because the fish contin-uously swam for 2 hours below the thermocline to a maximum depth of 330 m. During that dive, the ambient temperature reached a low of 10.5°C, and the peritoneal cavity temperature reached a low of 15.9°C. The vertical movements and habitat use of skipjack tuna, revealed in this study, provide a much greater understanding of their ecological niche and catchability by purse-seine fisheries.


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Otoliths of larval and juvenile fish provide a record of age, size, growth, and development (Campana and Neilson, 1985; Thorrold and Hare, 2002). However, determining the time of first increment formation in otoliths (Campana, 2001) and assessing the accuracy (deviation from real age) and precision (repeatability of increment counts from the same otolith) of increment counts are prerequisites for using otoliths to study the life history of fish (Campana and Moksness, 1991). For most fish species, first increment deposition occurs either at hatching, a day after hatching, or after first feeding and yolksac absorption (Jones, 1986; Thorrold and Hare, 2002). Increment deposition before hatching also occurs (Barkmann and Beck, 1976; Radtke and Dean, 1982). If first increment deposition does not occur at hatching, the standard procedure is to add a predetermined number to increment counts to estimate fish age (Campana and Neilson, 1985).


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Billfish movements relative to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas management areas, as well as U.S. domestic data collection areas within the western North Atlantic basin, were investigated with mark-recapture data from 769 blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, 961 white marlin, Tetrapturus albidus, and 1,801 sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus. Linear displacement between release and recapture locations ranged from zero (all species) to 15,744 km (mean 575, median 119, SE 44) for blue marlin, 6,523 km (mean 719, median 216, SE 33) for white marlin, and 3,845 km (mean 294, median 98, SE 13) for sailfish. In total, 2,824 (80.0%) billfish were recaptured in the same management area of release. Days at liberty ranged from zero (all species) to 4,591 (mean 619, median 409, SE 24) for blue marlin, 5,488 (mean 692, median 448, SE 22) for white marlin, and 6,568 (mean 404, median 320, SE 11) for sailfish. The proportions (per species) of visits were highest in the Caribbean area for blue marlin and white marlin, and the Florida East Coast area for sailfish. Blue marlin and sailfish were nearly identical when comparing the percent of individuals vs. the number of areas visited. Overall, white marlin visited more areas than either blue marlin or sailfish. Seasonality was evident for all species, with overall results generally reflecting the efforts of the catch and release recreational fishing sector, particularly in the western North Atlantic. This information may be practical in reducing the uncertainties in billfish stock assessments and may offer valuable insight into management consideration of time-area closure regulations to reduce bycatch mortality of Atlantic billfishes.


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Foram realizados ensaios de adensamento, SIC e CRS, em amostras retiradas de um depósito argiloso muito mole, na Baixada de Jacarepaguá, 15 anos após a execução de um aterro. As amostras foram retiradas do mesmo local onde foram obtidas as amostras da primeira campanha, por ocasião do projeto. Os ensaios CRS, realizados com diferentes velocidades de deformação, são comparados aos resultados dos ensaios SIC da campanha atual de investigação. Os parâmetros geotécnicos da camada de argila muito mole, 15 anos após a construção do aterro, são comparados aos parâmetros da camada original. O aumento das tensões de sobreadensamento e redução do OCR são obtidos da interpretação dos ensaios atuais. A grandeza do recalque foi inferida a partir da nova estratigrafia, através da espessura atual da camada na região investigada, pela variação do índice de vazios e pela variação do teor médio de umidade. Os recalques previstos originalmente, incluindo a parcela de compressão secundária, são comparados aos recalques inferidos e medidos através de placa de recalque. As principais conclusões da pesquisa sugerem que a qualidade dos corpos de prova da primeira campanha foram superiores aos atuais, apesar dos cuidados com a amostragem, transporte das amostras e preparação dos corpos de prova no laboratório na segunda campanha de ensaios. Atribuiu-se esta ocorrência ao processo construtivo, que impôs movimentação excessiva ao maciço argiloso, interferindo com suas características de maior uniformidade em seu processo de deposição natural. Os ensaios de adensamento com diferentes velocidades de carregamento apresentaram comportamento similar, com variação da posição relativa das curvas e x σv, com ensaios mais rápidos exibindo maiores índices de vazios. As curvas do índice de vazios versus tensão efetiva ilustram, de forma acentuada, a redução significativa do índice de vazios da segunda campanha em relação ao solo natural, antes do lançamento do aterro. Os recalques previstos e os obtidos, seja pela instrumentação, seja pelos demais registros, indicam valores bastante próximos, em face da variabilidade da estratigrafia e dos parâmetros geotécnicos inerentes à natureza dos depósitos sedimentares.