936 resultados para message dissemination
Nonadherence to treatment is a worldwide problem among people with severe mental disorders. Patient treatment adherence may be supported with simple reminding methods e.g. text message reminders. However, there is limited evidence of its benefits. Intervention evaluation is essential in mHealth research. Therefore, this evaluative study was conducted. This study aimed to evaluate text message reminder use in encouraging patients’treatment adherence among people with antipsychotic medication. The data were collected between September 2011 and December 2013. First, a systematic literature review revealed that text message reminders were widely used in healthcare. However, its impacts were conflicting. Second, a sub-sample (n = 562) analysis showed that patients preferred humorous text message reminders and preferred to receive them in the morning, at the beginning of the week. Age, gender and marital status seemed to have different effects on the preferred amount and timing of the selected reminders. Third, a cross-sectional survey revealed that people with antipsychotic medication (n = 408) expressed overall satisfaction towards the reminder system. Finally, the evaluative design showed that patient recruitment for a randomized controlled trial concerning people with antipsychotic medication was challenging due to low rates of eligible participants. Follow-up drop-out rates varied depending on the data collection method. Participants’ demographic characteristics were associated with the risk of dropping out from the trial. This study suggests that text messages are a potential reminder system in healthcare services among people with antipsychotic medication. More research is needed to gain a comprehensive picture of the impacts and effectiveness of text message reminders.
Transparency has been proposed to both change the way journalism is being produced and increase its credibility. However, little research has been conducted to assess the connection between transparency and credibility. This study utilizes an experimental setting (N=1320) to measure what impact transparency have on source and message credibility from the user perspective. The results reveals an almost absence of any transparency effect on both source and message credibility although some small significant effects could be observed primarily regarding internal hyperlinks, comments and contextual information. Although further research is desperately needed in this area the study suggest that transparency does not affect the credibility of journalism in the eyes of the contemporary audience and thus have limited appeal as a new norm in journalism.
In the reform by the liberal-conservative government of Swedish upper secondary education in 2011, history was recognized as an important part of citizenship education and was introduced into the curriculum for vocational education and training (VET) tracks. Through the concepts of classification and framing, this article explores the process of constructing the history syllabus for VET. The data consist of archived material from the working group responsible for the history curriculum under the Swedish National Agency for Education. The analysis shows that there are competing discourses concerning the relative emphasis on competencies and skills and concerning the emphasis on contemporary and modern history. Although historians, history teachers and other agents are invited to respond to the content of the curriculum, the respondents have no influence on the knowledge structure of the curriculum, which is controlled by agents of the dominant educational ideology. From a critical perspective, this article suggests that the curriculum reflects the instrumental and neoconservative message of the reform through strong classification and framing and through the emphasis on general abilities and a contemporary history that has a more direct explanatory value to contemporary society.
The paper addresses the role played by research-based spin-offs (RBSOs) as knowledge dissemination mechanisms, through their position in knowledge networks. For this purpose the paper analyses the formal networks established by the Portuguese RBSOs in the context of publicly funded research, technology and pre-commercial product development projects, and investigates their configuration along two levels. At organisational level, in order to understand whether RBSOs extend their reach beyond the academic sphere; and if they do, whether they relate with similar firms or connect to organisations located downstream in the knowledge value chain, and which is their position in networks involving both research organisations and other firms. At spatial level, in order to understand whether RBSOs extend their reach beyond the region where they are created, thus potentially acting as connectors between diverse regions. The analysis starts from the population of RBSOs created in Portugal until 2007 (387) and identifies those that have established formal technological relationships as part of projects funded by all the programmes launched in the period 1993-2012. As a result, the analysis encompasses 192 collaborative projects and involves 82 spin-offs and 281 partners, of which only 20% are research organisations, the remaining being other firms and a variety of other user organisations. The results, although still preliminary, provide some insights into the knowledge networking behaviour of the RBSOs. As expected, research organisations are a central actor in spin-offs’ networks, being the sole partner for some of them. But half of the RBSOs have moved beyond the academic sphere, being frequently a central element in tripartite technological relationships between research and other organisations and occupying an intermediation position in the network, thus potentially acting as facilitators in knowledge circulation and transformation. Also as expected, RBSOs are predominantly located in the main metropolitan areas and tend to relate with organisations similarly located. But while geographical proximity emerges as important in the choice of partners, in about half of the cases, RBSOs knowledge networks have extended beyond regional boundaries. Given their central position in the network this suggests a role as connectors across regions that will be explored in subsequent research.
The paper addresses the role played by research-based spin-offs (RBSOs) as knowledge dissemination mechanisms, through their position in knowledge networks. For this purpose the paper analyses the formal networks established by Portuguese RBSOs, in the context of publicly funded research, technology and pre-commercial product development projects, and investigates their configuration across two levels. At organisational level, in order to understand whether RBSOs extend their reach beyond the academic sphere; and if they do, whether they connect to organisations located downstream in the knowledge value chain, and which is their position in networks involving both research organisations and other firms. At spatial level, in order to understand whether RBSOs extend their reach beyond the region where they are created, thus potentially acting as connectors between diverse regions. The analysis starts from the population of RBSOs created in Portugal until 2007 (327 firms) and identifies those that have established formal technological relationships, as part of projects funded by all the relevant programmes launched in the period 1993-2012. As a result, the analysis encompasses 192 collaborative projects and involves 82 spin-offs and 281 partners, of which only 20% are research organisations, the remaining being other firms and a variety of other downstream organisations. The results, although still preliminary, provide some insights into the knowledge networking behaviour of the RBSOs. As expected, research organisations are a central actor in spin-offs’ networks, being the sole partner for some of them. But half of the RBSOs have moved beyond the academic sphere, being frequently a central element in tripartite technological relationships between research and other organisations, and occupying an intermediation position in the network, thus potentially acting as facilitators in knowledge circulation and transformation. Also as expected, RBSOs are predominantly located in the main metropolitan areas and tend to relate with organisations similarly located. But while geographical proximity emerges as important in the choice of partners, in about half of the cases, RBSOs knowledge networks have extended beyond regional boundaries. Given their central position in the network, this suggests a role as connectors across regions that will be explored in subsequent research.
Report for Deliverable 7: Activity 2 of MEDOLICO Project - Mediterranean Cooperation in the Treatment and Valorisation of Olive Mill Wastewater, EU Programme ENPI-CBCMED I-B/2.1/090
The next generation of vehicles will be equipped with automated Accident Warning Systems (AWSs) capable of warning neighbouring vehicles about hazards that might lead to accidents. The key enabling technology for these systems is the Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) but the dynamics of such networks make the crucial timely delivery of warning messages challenging. While most previously attempted implementations have used broadcast-based data dissemination schemes, these do not cope well as data traffic load or network density increases. This problem of sending warning messages in a timely manner is addressed by employing a network coding technique in this thesis. The proposed NETwork COded DissEmination (NETCODE) is a VANET-based AWS responsible for generating and sending warnings to the vehicles on the road. NETCODE offers an XOR-based data dissemination scheme that sends multiple warning in a single transmission and therefore, reduces the total number of transmissions required to send the same number of warnings that broadcast schemes send. Hence, it reduces contention and collisions in the network improving the delivery time of the warnings. The first part of this research (Chapters 3 and 4) asserts that in order to build a warning system, it is needful to ascertain the system requirements, information to be exchanged, and protocols best suited for communication between vehicles. Therefore, a study of these factors along with a review of existing proposals identifying their strength and weakness is carried out. Then an analysis of existing broadcast-based warning is conducted which concludes that although this is the most straightforward scheme, loading can result an effective collapse, resulting in unacceptably long transmission delays. The second part of this research (Chapter 5) proposes the NETCODE design, including the main contribution of this thesis, a pair of encoding and decoding algorithms that makes the use of an XOR-based technique to reduce transmission overheads and thus allows warnings to get delivered in time. The final part of this research (Chapters 6--8) evaluates the performance of the proposed scheme as to how it reduces the number of transmissions in the network in response to growing data traffic load and network density and investigates its capacity to detect potential accidents. The evaluations use a custom-built simulator to model real-world scenarios such as city areas, junctions, roundabouts, motorways and so on. The study shows that the reduction in the number of transmissions helps reduce competition in the network significantly and this allows vehicles to deliver warning messages more rapidly to their neighbours. It also examines the relative performance of NETCODE when handling both sudden event-driven and longer-term periodic messages in diverse scenarios under stress caused by increasing numbers of vehicles and transmissions per vehicle. This work confirms the thesis' primary contention that XOR-based network coding provides a potential solution on which a more efficient AWS data dissemination scheme can be built.
This chapter discusses the consequences of open-access (OA) publishing and dissemination for libraries in higher education institutions (HEIs). Key questions (which are addressed in this chapter) include: 1. How might OA help information provision? 2. What changes to library services will arise from OA developments (particularly if OA becomes widespread)? 3. How do these changes fit in with wider changes affecting the future role of libraries? 4. How can libraries and librarians help to address key practical issues associated with the implementation of OA (particularly transition issues)? This chapter will look at OA from the perspective of HE libraries and will make four key points: 1. Open access has the potential to bring benefits to the research community in particular and society in general by improving information provision. 2. If there is widespread open access to research content, there will be less need for library-based activity at the institution level, and more need for information management activity at the supra-institutional or national level. 3. Institutional libraries will, however, continue to have an important role to play in areas such as managing purchased or licensed content, curating institutional digital assets, and providing support in the use of content for teaching and research. 4. Libraries are well-placed to work with stakeholders within their institutions and beyond to help resolve current challenges associated with the implementation of OA policies and practices.
Cover title.
Antimicrobial resistance of marine heterotrophic bacteria to different antimicrobials agents were evaluated in seawater, dry and wet sands from three marine recreational beaches with different pollution levels. In all studied beaches, the greatest frequencies of resistance were found in relation to penicillin. on Gonzaguinha, the most polluted beach, 72.3% of all isolated strains showed simple resistance, whilst 8.33% had multiple resistance. The values found on Ilha Porchat beach, were 70.8% and 6.9% for simple and multiple resistances, respectively. on GuaraA(0), the less polluted beach, only 35.3% of isolated strains had simple resistance. Multiple resistance was not observed. While samples from Gonzaguinha and Ilha Porchat beach showed isolated strains resistant to seven and six different antimicrobial agents, respectively, samples from GuaraA(0) beach were resistant only to penicillin and erytromicin. The positive correlations obtained between the degree of seawater contamination and frequency and variability of bacterial resistance indicate that polluted marine recreational waters and sands are sources of resistant bacteria contributing thus, to the dissemination of bacterial resistance.
Sabendo que grande parte do combate ao flagelo que é a sinistralidade rodoviária, passa pela prevenção e que as redes sociais são ferramentas cada vez mais utilizadas no quotidiano, pela sociedade, tendo passado a ser um veículo cada vez mais utilizado para comunicar com as pessoas, surge a presente investigação intitulada: “A utilização das redes sociais pela Guarda Nacional Republicana no âmbito da Prevenção Rodoviária”. O objetivo geral do presente Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada, é determinar o contributo da utilização das redes sociais na divulgação da Prevenção Rodoviária, por parte da Guarda Nacional Republicana. Nesta investigação adotou-se o método hipotético-dedutivo tendo-se a presente investigação desenvolvido em três fases: exploratória, analítica e conclusiva. A primeira fase consiste num levantamento bibliográfico e documental. A segunda fase consiste em análise documental, na recolha e tratamento de dados resultantes da realização de entrevistas, e na respetiva apresentação, análise e discussão dos mesmos, respondendo-se ainda às hipóteses de investigação, lançadas no início da investigação. Na terceira fase, responde-se às perguntas derivadas e à pergunta de partida, frisando ainda algumas dificuldades sentidas durante a realização desta investigação. Assim, conclui-se que ao aderir às redes sociais, a instituição passou a ser um ator ativo e autónomo no processo de comunicação, não necessitando constantemente da comunicação social para passar determinada mensagem. A instituição pode e deve complementar e tomar a iniciativa, em situações em que a comunicação social dê uma importância redutora a certas campanhas, relevando o papel da utilização das redes sociais, sendo possível atingir números bastante consideráveis de pessoas. Além disso, passou a ser possível pôr em prática campanhas e ações de autoria própria, elevando assim o nome da Guarda, tornando-a num produto “apetecível” para a comunicação social, fazendo com que venham ter com a instituição e estejam interessados em que esta faça parte do seu tempo de antena, especialmente da televisão.
Studies highlight the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for companies' stakeholders. Consumers, however, are often unaware of such initiatives. Understanding how to effectively communicate socially responsible initiatives is an important challenge for both researchers and managers, who invest considerable resources in CSR initiatives. This study examines consumers' responses to two types of CSR initiatives (environment-related and employee-based) using two types of message appeals (emotional and rational) across two service types (hedonic and utilitarian). Responses provide data on consumers' awareness of CSR initiatives, attitudes toward the company, perceived company uniqueness, emotional response, and attributions of company motives to engage in CSR activities. Rational appeals more effectively communicate environment-related CSR initiatives, whereas emotional appeals more effectively communicate employee-based CSR initiatives. Effects on consumers' attributions of company motives to engage in CSR are significant in both service types. Finally, rational message appeals affect consumers' CSR awareness and emotional responses in utilitarian service.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Psicologia Social e do Trabalho, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social, do Trabalho e das Organizações, 2016.
With wireless vehicular communications, Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) enable numerous applications to enhance traffic safety, traffic efficiency, and driving experience. However, VANETs also impose severe security and privacy challenges which need to be thoroughly investigated. In this dissertation, we enhance the security, privacy, and applications of VANETs, by 1) designing application-driven security and privacy solutions for VANETs, and 2) designing appealing VANET applications with proper security and privacy assurance. First, the security and privacy challenges of VANETs with most application significance are identified and thoroughly investigated. With both theoretical novelty and realistic considerations, these security and privacy schemes are especially appealing to VANETs. Specifically, multi-hop communications in VANETs suffer from packet dropping, packet tampering, and communication failures which have not been satisfyingly tackled in literature. Thus, a lightweight reliable and faithful data packet relaying framework (LEAPER) is proposed to ensure reliable and trustworthy multi-hop communications by enhancing the cooperation of neighboring nodes. Message verification, including both content and signature verification, generally is computation-extensive and incurs severe scalability issues to each node. The resource-aware message verification (RAMV) scheme is proposed to ensure resource-aware, secure, and application-friendly message verification in VANETs. On the other hand, to make VANETs acceptable to the privacy-sensitive users, the identity and location privacy of each node should be properly protected. To this end, a joint privacy and reputation assurance (JPRA) scheme is proposed to synergistically support privacy protection and reputation management by reconciling their inherent conflicting requirements. Besides, the privacy implications of short-time certificates are thoroughly investigated in a short-time certificates-based privacy protection (STCP2) scheme, to make privacy protection in VANETs feasible with short-time certificates. Secondly, three novel solutions, namely VANET-based ambient ad dissemination (VAAD), general-purpose automatic survey (GPAS), and VehicleView, are proposed to support the appealing value-added applications based on VANETs. These solutions all follow practical application models, and an incentive-centered architecture is proposed for each solution to balance the conflicting requirements of the involved entities. Besides, the critical security and privacy challenges of these applications are investigated and addressed with novel solutions. Thus, with proper security and privacy assurance, these solutions show great application significance and economic potentials to VANETs. Thus, by enhancing the security, privacy, and applications of VANETs, this dissertation fills the gap between the existing theoretic research and the realistic implementation of VANETs, facilitating the realistic deployment of VANETs.
Plasmid pB1000 is a mobilizable replicon bearing the bla(ROB-1) beta-lactamase gene that we have recently described in Haemophilus parasuis and Pasteurella multocida animal isolates. Here we report the presence of pB1000 and a derivative plasmid, pB1000', in four Haemophilus influenzae clinical isolates of human origin. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed unrelated patterns in all strains, indicating that the existence of pB1000 in H. influenzae isolates is not the consequence of clonal dissemination. The replicon can be transferred both by transformation and by conjugation into H. influenzae, giving rise to recipients resistant to ampicillin and cefaclor (MICs, > or =64 microg/ml). Stability experiments showed that pB1000 is stable in H. influenzae without antimicrobial pressure for at least 60 generations. Competition experiments between isogenic H. influenzae strains with and without pB1000 revealed a competitive disadvantage of 9% per 10 generations for the transformant versus the recipient. The complete nucleotide sequences of nine pB1000 plasmids from human and animal isolates, as well as the epidemiological data, suggest that animal isolates belonging to the Pasteurellaceae act as an antimicrobial resistance reservoir for H. influenzae. Further, since P. multocida is the only member of this family that can colonize both humans and animals, we propose that P. multocida is the vehicle for the transport of pB1000 between animal- and human-adapted members of the Pasteurellaceae.