872 resultados para lcsh: Architectural criticism Europe History 19th century
Este artículo expone los vínculos entre las élites charqueñas y rioplatenses desde mediados del siglo XVIII hasta inicios del siglo XIX, con una mirada que incorpora la relación territorial y el vínculo de las culturas políticas que se entretejen en la conformación de ambas élites. El trabajo da cuenta de los vínculos políticos entre el mundo charqueño y el rioplatense, asumiendo ambas realidades como vinculadas e interdependientes, y muestra que dicho vínculo estuvo configurado por narraciones y preocupaciones comunes, el impacto de la crisis imperial de 1808, la resonancia de la insurgencia indígena en los años previos (La Gran Regelión de los Andes y la Rebelión de Túpac Katari) y las experiencias autonomistas del mundo andino: La Plata (Chiquisaca) y La Paz. Se utilizan los aportes de la historia conceptual y la sociología política para analizar esos complejos mundos políticos y de conformación de élites.
This article is a case study of the emergence of the intellectual in Spanish American: the trajectory of Alfonso Reyes. In Latin America modernity and the beginnings of the 20th Century contributed to circumstances and historical processes that permitted the 19th Century literates to progressively transform into intellectual: to be exact a ‘transitional intellectual’. This study looks at some of the dynamics that validated the intellectual as a new social actor during the period studied. The public visibility as it was never before, placed thinkers, and the use of means of communication of the time and the cultural elements like books and magazines, allowing that they be turned into public figures and to obtain some of their objectives.
The freshwaters of the Mersey Basin have been seriously polluted for over 200 years. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the water quality was relatively clean before the start of the Industrial Revolution. The development of the cotton and chemical industries increased the pollution load to rivers, and consequently a decline in biota supported by the water was observed. Industrial prosperity led to a rapid population increase and an increase in domestic effluent. Poor treatment of this waste meant that it was a significant pollutant. As industry intensified during the 19th century, the mix of pollutants grew more complex. Eventually, in the 1980s, the government acknowledged the problem and more effort was made to improve the water quality. Knowledge of social and economic history, as well as anecdotal evidence, has been used in this paper to extrapolate the changes in water quality that occurred. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper provides some preliminary insights into the emergence and development of indigenous general contractors in Ghana. General contracting is the means by which an individual or organisation takes responsibility for supplying all of the materials, labour, equipment and services necessary for the construction of a project. Whereas the development of general contracting in places like the UK is well documented, the evolution of contractors in Ghana is not clearly articulated in the literature. Therefore, the main question in this paper is: How did indigenous contractors evolve in Ghana? To examine and analyze the research question, a literature review on similar developments elsewhere was first carried out. This was followed by discussions and unstructured interviews with experienced construction practitioners in Ghana most of whom were Quantity Surveyors. Most interviewees narrated their knowledge of contractor development in Ghana dating back to around 1945. From the explanations given, it was possible to develop a general understanding of the research question and to make a qualitative interpretation of the respondents’ comments and to draw some conclusions. General contractors emerged rapidly in the Gold Coast (now Ghana) shortly after World War II. Most were Italian master craftsmen in Ghana who were capitalized by the British colonial government to develop infrastructure in the Gold Coast following devastating effects of the war. Some of the indigenous people learned from the Italians and also established construction firms. Thus, general contracting in Ghana has a relatively short history in comparison to countries like Britain where the profession developed rapidly in the early part of the 19th century in response to the industrial revolution. Although they may possess sufficient technical expertise, many indigenous contractors in Ghana today lack the capacity to carry out major projects because of low capitalization and poor organisational structures. The current construction market in Ghana is dominated by foreign contractors. To become major players in the market, indigenous Ghanaian contractors should build strong organisational structures and pursue mergers and joint venturing to boost their financial, technical and managerial capacity.
This paper analyses tendencies in debates about cultural representations of terrorism to assume that artists make critical interventions, while the mass media circulates stereotypes. Some recent feminist analyses of female terrorist acts have re-instituted essentialist arguments in which violence and terrorism is described as inherently masculine, while women are by nature pacifist, so that femininity is the antithesis of militarism. More progressive analyses mostly tend to expose the circulation of stereotypes and their gender bias, in order to protest the misrepresentation of women in violence. These analyses do not construct alternative accounts. Through an analysis of two works by artists Hito Steyerl and Sharon Hayes, the paper argues that some of the moves to re-image the question of women, violence and agency have already been made in contemporary art practices. Through analysing legacies of terrorism and feminism, it becomes possible to rethink the question of agency, militancy and the nature of political art. The paper appears in an edited interdiscplinary collection arising from a conference at Universität der Bundeswehr in Munich. It relates to wider projects involving collaborations with Birkbeck and Edinburgh on representations of terrorism and on violence and contemporary art.
Archaeological excavations alongside the river Wandle in Wallington produced evidence of the environmental history and human exploitation of the area. The recovery of a large assemblage of struck flint provided information on the nature of the prehistoric activities represented, while a detailed environmental archaeological programme permitted an examination of both the local sediment successions and thus an opportunity to reconstruct the environmental history of the site. The site revealed a complex sedimentary sequence deposited in riverine conditions, commencing during the early Holocene (from c 10,000 years before present) and continuing through the late Holocene (c last 3000 years). Large flint nodules were washed by the river onto the site where they were procured and worked by Mesolithic and Bronze Age communities. Potentially usable nodules had been tested, and suitable pieces completely reduced, while the majority of useful flakes and blades had been removed for use elsewhere. Small numbers of retouched pieces, such as scrapers and piercers, indicate that domestic activities took place nearby. By the Saxon period the site had begun to stabilise, although it remained marshy and probably peripheral to habitation. Two pits from this period were excavated, one of which contained an antler pick. A small quantity of cereal grain also suggests that cultivated land lay in the vicinity of the site. During the 19th century a mill race was dug across the site, redirecting water from the river Wandle, which resulted in episodic flooding.
Writers on military matters from the 14th century until the late 18th century either regretted the decadence of their times compared with Antiquity, or they saw no great change in military affairs since Antiquity. Few saw a revolutionary change ushered in by gunpowder, although this number increased since the great "querelle" about the Ancients and the Moderns under Louis XIV. In the early 19th century, the balance tipped, and few would have denied that technology had profoundly changed warfare. All this is a far cry, however, from any contemporary perception of a "Military Revolution" in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Alverata: a typeface design for Europe This typeface is a response to the extraordinarily diverse forms of letters of the Latin alphabet in manuscripts and inscriptions in the Romanesque period (c. 1000–1200). While the Romanesque did provide inspiration for architectural lettering in the nineteenth century, these letterforms have not until now been systematically considered and redrawn as a working typeface. The defining characteristic of the Romanesque letterform is variety: within an individual inscription or written text, letters such as A, C, E and G might appear with different forms at each appearance. Some of these forms relate to earlier Roman inscriptional forms and are therefore familiar to us, but others are highly geometric and resemble insular and uncial forms. The research underlying the typeface involved the collection of a large number of references for lettering of this period, from library research and direct on-site ivestigation. This investigation traced the wide dispersal of the Romanesque lettering tradition across the whole of Europe. The variety of letter widths and weights encountered, as well as variant shapes for individual letters, offered both direct models and stylistic inspiration for the characters and for the widths and weight variants of the typeface. The ability of the OpenType format to handle multiple stylistic variants of any one character has been exploited to reflect the multiplicity of forms available to stonecutters and scribes of the period. To make a typeface that functions in a contemporary environment, a lower case has been added, and formal and informal variants supported. The pan-European nature of the Romanesque design tradition has inspired an pan-European approach to the character set of the typeface, allowing for text composition in all European languages, and the typeface has been extended into Greek and Cyrillic, so that the broadest representation of European languages can be achieved.
The Pax Americana and the grand strategy of hegemony (or “Primacy”) that underpins it may be becoming unsustainable. Particularly in the wake of exhausting wars, the Global Financial Crisis, and the shift of wealth from West to East, it may no longer be possible or prudent for the United States to act as the unipolar sheriff or guardian of a world order. But how viable are the alternatives, and what difficulties will these alternatives entail in their design and execution? This analysis offers a sympathetic but critical analysis of alternative U.S. National Security Strategies of “retrenchment” that critics of American diplomacy offer. In these strategies, the United States would anticipate the coming of a more multipolar world and organize its behavior around the dual principles of “concert” and “balance,” seeking a collaborative relationship with other great powers, while being prepared to counterbalance any hostile aggressor that threatens world order. The proponents of such strategies argue that by scaling back its global military presence and its commitments, the United States can trade prestige for security, shift burdens, and attain a more free hand. To support this theory, they often look to the 19th-century concert of Europe as a model of a successful security regime and to general theories about the natural balancing behavior of states. This monograph examines this precedent and measures its usefulness for contemporary statecraft to identify how great power concerts are sustained and how they break down. The project also applies competing theories to how states might behave if world politics are in transition: Will they balance, bandwagon, or hedge? This demonstrates the multiple possible futures that could shape and be shaped by a new strategy. viii A new strategy based on an acceptance of multipolarity and the limits of power is prudent. There is scope for such a shift. The convergence of several trends—including transnational problems needing collaborative efforts, the military advantages of defenders, the reluctance of states to engage in unbridled competition, and hegemony fatigue among the American people—means that an opportunity exists internationally and at home for a shift to a new strategy. But a Concert-Balance strategy will still need to deal with several potential dilemmas. These include the difficulty of reconciling competitive balancing with cooperative concerts, the limits of balancing without a forward-reaching onshore military capability, possible unanticipated consequences such as a rise in regional power competition or the emergence of blocs (such as a Chinese East Asia or an Iranian Gulf), and the challenge of sustaining domestic political support for a strategy that voluntarily abdicates world leadership. These difficulties can be mitigated, but they must be met with pragmatic and gradual implementation as well as elegant theorizing and the need to avoid swapping one ironclad, doctrinaire grand strategy for another.
In early modern times, warfare in Europe took on many diverse and overlapping forms. Our modern notions of ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ warfare, of ‘major war’ and ‘small war’, have their roots in much greater diversity than such binary notions allow for. While insurgencies go back to time immemorial, they have become conceptually fused with ‘small wars’. This is a term first used to denote special operations, often carried out by military companies formed from special ethnic groups and then recruited into larger armies. In its Spanish form, guerrilla, the term ‘small war’ came to stand for an ideologically-motivated insurgency against the state authorities or occupying forces of another power. There is much overlap between the phenomena of irregular warfare in the sense of special operations alongside regular operations, and irregular warfare of insurgents against the regular forces of a state. This book demonstrates how long the two phenomena were in flux and fed on each other, from the raiding operations of the 16th century to the ‘small wars’ or special operations conducted by special units in the 19th century, which existed alongside and could merge with a popular insurgency. This book is based on a special issue of the journal Small Wars & Insurgencies.
The aim in this chapter is to develop a deeper understanding about the informal Björling 'School' in Sweden. Contextually the example is related to the micro history of opera education contributing to the macro perspective illuminating a provincial example of the concept of domestic opera schooling. The specific focus was on Karl David Björling (1873-1926), the teaching parent of the Swedish tenor Jussi Björling (1911-1960) and his brothers Gösta and Olle. The Björling family model of opera schooling belongs to the classical canon of domestic home education which was common during the epoch. The phenomenon is also within the field of opera singing an important reference to the historical context of the Nordic opera history of vocal education. The uniqueness concerning the Björling School seems to be the rigorous and exceptionally early training. David Björling’s pedagogy was rooted in earlier German theories of musical upbringing. It's clear from his results that he was familiar with the neo-humanistic ideal on which reformed music education was based. Of a specific interest is the term Gesang als Unterricht as a concept for developing childrens musical and memorising capacities. Conceptually the roots of the Björling model are in the eighteenth-century Romantic view of prodigies and their abilities. The extensive touring is connected to the promotion of wonder-children, and David Björling’s educational style to the conservative Master-pupil tradition. David Björling's vocal ideal was a part of the contemporary debate about “The decadence of the singing art”, and seems to have its roots in an older Italian tradition. There are recurring similarities between his educational methods and the didactic principles of the Lamperti School: Enjoying a revival around the late 1800s and early 1900s, it has been called the natural or the national school. Nevertheless, through authentic experiences and gramophone recordings the Italian tenor Enrico Caruso became David Björling’s pedagogical role model.
Os fenômenos convulsivos despertaram o interesse de estudiosos e pensadores já na Antigüidade, quando aspectos mágicos e sobrenaturais eram a eles associados. No século XIX foram lançadas as bases dos conceitos atuais sobre a desestruturação funcional cerebral na epilepsia, e Berger, em 1929, marcou definitivamente a história com a descoberta dos ritmos cerebrais. Crise epiléptica e epilepsia não são sinônimos, já que o último termo refere-se a crises recorrentes espontâneas. Ela costuma iniciar na infância, daí a preocupação com o risco de repetição do primeiro episódio e com a decisão de instituir tratamento medicamentoso. Fatores prognósticos são apontados, mas não há consenso. No Brasil existem poucas pesquisas nesta linha, tanto de prevalência da epilepsia como de fatores envolvidos na recorrência de crises. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral avaliar aspectos clinicoeletrográficos capazes de auxiliar no prognóstico e no manejo da epilepsia da criança e do adolescente. Foram objetivos específicos determinar a incidência de crise epiléptica não provocada recorrente; identificar fatores remotos implicados na ocorrência de crise epiléptica; relacionar tipo de crise com achados eletrencefalográficos; relacionar tipo de crise, duração da crise, estado vigília/sono no momento da crise e achados eletrencefalográficos com possibilidade de recorrência; e identificar os fatores de risco para epilepsia. Foram acompanhados 109 pacientes com idades entre 1 mês e 16 anos, com primeira crise não-provocada, em média por 24 meses, a intervalos trimestrais, no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). Foram realizados eletrencefalogramas (EEG) após a primeira crise; depois, solicitados anualmente. Não foram incluídos casos com epilepsia ou síndrome epiléptica bem definida, ou que fizeram uso prévio de drogas antiepilépticas. A média de idade foi 6 anos, com predomínio da faixa etária de 6 a 12 anos. Setenta eram meninos e 39, meninas. Os indivíduos brancos eram 92, e os não-brancos, 17. O nível de escolaridade dos casos esteve de acordo com a distribuição da idade e, entre os responsáveis, predominaram 8 anos de escolaridade. Foi possível concluir que as crises únicas não-provocadas mais freqüentes foram generalizadas, e sem predomínio significativo do tipo de EEG. A incidência de crise não-provocada recorrente foi 51,4%. História de intercorrências pré-natais maternas aumentou em 2 vezes o risco de repetição de crises. Via de nascimento, escore de Apgar no 5º minuto, relação peso ao nascer/idade gestacional, intercorrências no período pós-natal imediato e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor não tiveram influência na recorrência. História familiar de crises mostrou tendência à significância estatística para repetição dos episódios, com risco de 1,7. Não foi encontrada associação entre tipo de crise e achado eletrencefalográfico. A maioria das crises foi de curta duração (até 5 minutos), mas este dado não esteve relacionado com a recorrência. Estado de vigília teve efeito protetor na recorrência. Se a primeira crise foi parcial, o risco de repetição foi 1,62, com tendência à significância. Quando o primeiro EEG foi alterado, houve relação significativa com primeira crise tanto generalizada como parcial. O primeiro EEG com alterações paroxísticas focais apontou risco de repetição de 2,90. Quando as variáveis envolvidas na repetição de crises foram ajustadas pelo modelo de regressão de Cox, EEG alterado mostrou risco de 2,48, com riscos acumulados de 50%, 60%, 62% e 68%; com EEG normal, os riscos foram 26%, 32%, 34% e 36% em 6, 12, 18 e 24 meses respectivamente.
O presente trabalho pretendeu analisar de que forma se originou a construção da chamada “natureza turística” da cidade de Petrópolis, através de uma perspectiva histórica. Como objetivo específico, pretendi descrever como se deu a organização da atividade turística no município, destacando as suas origens, buscando compreender e identificar as principais narrativas e imagens que sustentam essa construção cultural, destacando as suas origens entre os anos de 1900 e 1930. Com este fim, o trabalho apresenta as origens e evolução da cidade de Petrópolis desde os antecedentes de sua fundação no século XIX. Em seguida, trabalhei no sentido de desvendar as transformações sociais no ato de viajar, na perspectiva de compreender as origens e consolidação da atividade turística organizada no município. Finalmente, analisei algumas narrativas e imagens que representam a construção cultural da “natureza turística” de Petrópolis, tendo como referência as primeiras décadas do Século XX. O estudo foi realizado através de recurso a literatura técnico-científica existente e também de pesquisa documental e iconográfica que retratasse narrativas e imagens do turismo em Petrópolis no início de sua organização. Para isso, foram selecionados guias e revistas publicados entre os anos de 1900 e 1930.
Esta dissertação trata daqueles que são considerados os principais compêndios didáticos de História do Brasil do século XIX. A construção do Estado Imperial provocou significativas mudanças nas vidas de muitos componentes da "boa sociedade", dentre eles os próprios dirigentes imperiais. Uma destas vidas foi a de Joaquim Manuel de Macedo - professor do principal colégio do Império, autor dos mais importantes compêndios de História do Brasil do século XIX e divulgador de um método de ensino adotado por inúmeras gerações de professores. Lições de História do Brasil para uso dos alunos do Imperial Colégio de Pedro 11 e Lições de História do Brasil para uso das escolas de Instrução Primária - obras de perfil conservador, elas fixaram para sucessivas gerações de "boa sociedade" imperial conteúdos, métodos, valores e imagens de uma História do Brasil que cumpria o papel de não apenas legitimar a ordem imperial, mas também e sobretudo de pôr em destaque o lugar do Império do Brasil no conjunto das "Nações Civilizadas" e o lugar da "boa sociedade" no conjunto da sociedade imperial, permitindo, assim, a construção de uma identidade.