970 resultados para laser-kaiverrus


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The Arctic region becoming very active area of the industrial developments since it may contain approximately 15-25% of the hydrocarbon and other valuable natural resources which are in great demand nowadays. Harsh operation conditions make the Arctic region difficult to access due to low temperatures which can drop below -50 °C in winter and various additional loads. As a result, newer and modified metallic materials are implemented which can cause certain problems in welding them properly. Steel is still the most widely used material in the Arctic regions due to high mechanical properties, cheapness and manufacturability. Moreover, with recent steel manufacturing development it is possible to make up to 1100 MPa yield strength microalloyed high strength steel which can be operated at temperatures -60 °C possessing reasonable weldability, ductility and suitable impact toughness which is the most crucial property for the Arctic usability. For many years, the arc welding was the most dominant joining method of the metallic materials. Recently, other joining methods are successfully implemented into welding manufacturing due to growing industrial demands and one of them is the laser-arc hybrid welding. The laser-arc hybrid welding successfully combines the advantages and eliminates the disadvantages of the both joining methods therefore produce less distortions, reduce the need of edge preparation, generates narrower heat-affected zone, and increase welding speed or productivity significantly. Moreover, due to easy implementation of the filler wire, accordingly the mechanical properties of the joints can be manipulated in order to produce suitable quality. Moreover, with laser-arc hybrid welding it is possible to achieve matching weld metal compared to the base material even with the low alloying welding wires without excessive softening of the HAZ in the high strength steels. As a result, the laser-arc welding methods can be the most desired and dominating welding technology nowadays, and which is already operating in automotive and shipbuilding industries with a great success. However, in the future it can be extended to offshore, pipe-laying, and heavy equipment industries for arctic environment. CO2 and Nd:YAG laser sources in combination with gas metal arc source have been used widely in the past two decades. Recently, the fiber laser sources offered high power outputs with excellent beam quality, very high electrical efficiency, low maintenance expenses, and higher mobility due to fiber optics. As a result, fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers even more extended advantages and applications. However, the information about fiber or disk laser-arc hybrid welding is very limited. The objectives of the Master’s thesis are concentrated on the study of fiber laser-MAG hybrid welding parameters in order to understand resulting mechanical properties and quality of the welds. In this work only ferrous materials are reviewed. The qualitative methodological approach has been used to achieve the objectives. This study demonstrates that laser-arc hybrid welding is suitable for welding of many types, thicknesses and strength of steels with acceptable mechanical properties along very high productivity. New developments of the fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers extended capabilities over CO2 laser combined with the arc. This work can be used as guideline in hybrid welding technology with comprehensive study the effect of welding parameter on joint quality.


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Gas shielding plays an important role in laser welding phenomena. This is because it does not only provide shielding against oxidization but it has an effect in beam absorption and thus welds penetration. The goal of this thesis is to study and compare the effects of different shielding gas feeding methods in laser welding of steel. Research method is a literature survey. It is found that the inclination angle and the arrangement of the gas feeding nozzles affect the phenomena significantly. It is suggested that by designing shielding gas feeding case specifically better welding results can be obtained.


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Laser additive manufacturing (LAM), known also as 3D printing, has gained a lot of interest in past recent years within various industries, such as medical and aerospace industries. LAM enables fabrication of complex 3D geometries by melting metal powder layer by layer with laser beam. Research in laser additive manufacturing has been focused in development of new materials and new applications in past 10 years. Since this technology is on cutting edge, efficiency of manufacturing process is in center role of research of this industry. Aim of this thesis is to characterize methods for process efficiency improvements in laser additive manufacturing. The aim is also to clarify the effect of process parameters to the stability of the process and in microstructure of manufactured pieces. Experimental tests of this thesis were made with various process parameters and their effect on build pieces has been studied, when additive manufacturing was performed with a modified research machine representing EOSINT M-series and with EOS EOSINT M280. Material used was stainless steel 17-4 PH. Also, some of the methods for process efficiency improvements were tested. Literature review of this thesis presents basics of laser additive manufacturing, methods for improve the process efficiency and laser beam – material- interaction. It was observed that there are only few public studies about process efficiency of laser additive manufacturing of stainless steel. According to literature, it is possible to improve process efficiency with higher power lasers and thicker layer thicknesses. The process efficiency improvement is possible if the effect of process parameter changes in manufactured pieces is known. According to experiments carried out in this thesis, it was concluded that process parameters have major role in single track formation in laser additive manufacturing. Rough estimation equations were created to describe the effect of input parameters to output parameters. The experimental results showed that the WDA (width-depth-area of cross-sections of single track) is correlating exponentially with energy density input. The energy density input is combination of the input parameters of laser power, laser beam spot diameter and scan speed. The use of skin-core technique enables improvement of process efficiency as the core of the part is manufactured with higher laser power and thicker layer thickness and the skin with lower laser power and thinner layer thickness in order to maintain high resolution. In this technique the interface between skin and core must have overlapping in order to achieve full dense parts. It was also noticed in this thesis that keyhole can be formed in LAM process. It was noticed that the threshold intensity value of 106 W/cm2 was exceeded during the tests. This means that in these tests the keyhole formation was possible.


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Scanning optics create different types of phenomena and limitation to cladding process compared to cladding with static optics. This work concentrates on identifying and explaining the special features of laser cladding with scanning optics. Scanner optics changes cladding process energy input mechanics. Laser energy is introduced into the process through a relatively small laser spot which moves rapidly back and forth, distributing the energy to a relatively large area. The moving laser spot was noticed to cause dynamic movement in the melt pool. Due to different energy input mechanism scanner optic can make cladding process unstable if parameter selection is not done carefully. Especially laser beam intensity and scanning frequency have significant role in the process stability. The laser beam scanning frequency determines how long the laser beam affects with specific place local specific energy input. It was determined that if the scanning frequency in too low, under 40 Hz, scanned beam can start to vaporize material. The intensity in turn determines on how large package this energy is brought and if the intensity of the laser beam was too high, over 191 kW/cm2, laser beam started to vaporize material. If there was vapor formation noticed in the melt pool, the process starts to resample more laser alloying due to deep penetration of laser beam in to the substrate. Scanner optics enables more flexibility to the process than static optics. The numerical adjustment of scanning amplitude enables clad bead width adjustment. In turn scanner power modulation (where laser power is adjusted according to where the scanner is pointing) enables modification of clad bead cross-section geometry when laser power can be adjusted locally and thus affect how much laser beam melts material in each sector. Power modulation is also an important factor in terms of process stability. When a linear scanner is used, oscillating the scanning mirror causes a dwell time in scanning amplitude border area, where the scanning mirror changes the direction of movement. This can cause excessive energy input to this area which in turn can cause vaporization and process instability. This process instability can be avoided by decreasing energy in this region by power modulation. Powder feeding parameters have a significant role in terms of process stability. It was determined that with certain powder feeding parameter combinations powder cloud behavior became unstable, due to the vaporizing powder material in powder cloud. Mainly this was noticed, when either or both the scanning frequency or powder feeding gas flow was low or steep powder feeding angle was used. When powder material vaporization occurred, it created vapor flow, which prevented powder material to reach the melt pool and thus dilution increased. Also powder material vaporization was noticed to produce emission of light at wavelength range of visible light. This emission intensity was noticed to be correlated with the amount of vaporization in the powder cloud.


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Tämä tutkimus käsittelee sähkömagneettista spektriä ja sen tuottamaa uhkaa lentotukikohdan hälytyspaikka-alue ympäristölle. Sähkömagneettinen spektri on käsitteenä ja uhkan tuottajana laaja käsite, joten tutkimuksessa keskitytään käsittelemään sähkömagneettista spektriä yleisesti uhkan tuottajana, sekä käsitellään sen kahta eri sovellutusta lasermaalinosoitusta ja lämpökameraa uhkan tuottajina tarkemmin. Lähtökohtana työlle on luoda lukijalle kuvasähkömagneettisen spektrin uhkien laajuudesta, tutkimalla itse spektrin ominaisuuksia ja käsittelemällä sen eri sovellutuksia, joihin kuuluu esimerkiksi elektroninen sodankäynti kokonaisuudessaan. Keskeisenä menetelmää tutkimuksessa on laadullinen kirjallisuustutkimus, hyödyntäen kirjallisuuslähteitä sekä sotilas- että siviililähteistä. Lähteet on pyritty valitsemaan siten, että niiden avulla voidaan muodostaa kokonaisvaltainen kuva itse sähkömagneettisesta spektristä, sen ominaisuuksista, laserin muodostamisen periaatteista, lämpökameran toiminnasta ja liittää nämä asiat hälytyspaikka-alueen uhkakuvaan. Yhteenvetona tutkimus on keskittynyt tuloksien valossa luomaan kuvan, kuinka laaja sähkömagneettisen spektrin tuottama uhka on, käsittäen itse spektrin laajuuden ja sovellutusten laajuuden tuottaman uhkakuvan, sekä tarkentaa miten lämpökamera toimii teknisesti tiedustelun välineenä. Lisäksi laser maalinosoitusta käsittelevä osio avaa lukijalle, miten lasersäteen muodostaminen tapahtuu, ja kuinka jopa 4-10km kantamaltaan olevalla lasersäteellä voi valaista maaleja kaukaakin. Johtopäätöksissä summataan yhteen uhkan laajuus, sekä perustellaan miten ja miksi sähkömagneettisen spektrin uhkilta voi suojautua. Spektrin tuottama uhkakuva on sen verran laaja ja kattava, että siltä täysin suojautuminen on mahdotonta, vaan uhkaa on pyrittävä minimoimaan.


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In this communication we review the results obtained with the confocal laser scanning microscope to characterize the interaction of epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi and tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii with host cells. Early events of the interaction process were studied by the simultaneous localization of sites of protein phosphorylation, revealed by immunocytochemistry, and sites of actin assembly, revealed by the use of labeled phaloidin. The results obtained show that proteins localized in the interaction sites are phosphorylated. The process of formation of the parasitophorous vacuole was monitored by labeling the host cell surface with fluorescent probes for lipids (PKH26), proteins (DTAF) and sialic acid (FITC-thiosemicarbazide) before interaction with the parasites. Evidence was obtained indicating transfer of components of the host cell surface to the parasite surface in the beginning of the interaction process. We also analyzed the distribution of cytoskeletal structures (microtubules and microfilaments visualized with specific antibodies), mitochondria (visualized with rhodamine 123), the Golgi complex (visualized with C6-NBD-ceramide) and the endoplasmic reticulum (visualized with anti-reticulin antibodies and DIOC6) during the evolution of intracellular parasitism. The results obtained show that some, but not all, structures change their position during evolution of the intracellular parasitism.


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Additive manufacturing is a fast growing manufacturing technology capable of producing complex objects without the need for conventional manufacturing process planning. During the process the work piece is built by adding material one layer at a time according to a digital 3D CAD model. At first additive manufacturing was mainly used to make prototypes but the development of the technology has made it possible to also make final products. Welding is the most common joining method for metallic materials. As the maximum part size of additive manufacturing is often limited, it may sometimes be required to join two or more additively manufactured parts together. However there has been almost no research on the welding of additively manufactured parts so far, which means that there has been very little information available on the possible differences compared to the welding of sheet metal parts. The aim of this study was to compare the weld joint properties of additively manufactured parts to those of sheet metal parts. The welding process that was used was TIG welding and the test material was 316L austenitic stainless steel. Weld joint properties were studied by making tensile, bend and hardness tests and by studying the weld microstructures with a microscope. Results show that there are certain characteristics in the welds of additively manufactured parts. The building direction of the test pieces has some impact on the mechanical properties of the weld. Nevertheless all the welds exhibited higher yield strength than the sheet metal welds but at the same time elongation at break was lower. It was concluded that TIG welding is a feasible process for welding additively manufactured parts.


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Keyhole welding, meaning that the laser beam forms a vapour cavity inside the steel, is one of the two types of laser welding processes and currently it is used in few industrial applications. Modern high power solid state lasers are becoming more used generally, but not all process fundamentals and phenomena of the process are well known and understanding of these helps to improve quality of final products. This study concentrates on the process fundamentals and the behaviour of the keyhole welding process by the means of real time high speed x-ray videography. One of the problem areas in laser welding has been mixing of the filler wire into the weld; the phenomena are explained and also one possible solution for this problem is presented in this study. The argument of this thesis is that the keyhole laser welding process has three keyhole modes that behave differently. These modes are trap, cylinder and kaleidoscope. Two of these have sub-modes, in which the keyhole behaves similarly but the molten pool changes behaviour and geometry of the resulting weld is different. X-ray videography was used to visualize the actual keyhole side view profile during the welding process. Several methods were applied to analyse and compile high speed x-ray video data to achieve a clearer image of the keyhole side view. Averaging was used to measure the keyhole side view outline, which was used to reconstruct a 3D-model of the actual keyhole. This 3D-model was taken as basis for calculation of the vapour volume inside of the keyhole for each laser parameter combination and joint geometry. Four different joint geometries were tested, partial penetration bead on plate and I-butt joint and full penetration bead on plate and I-butt joint. The comparison was performed with selected pairs and also compared all combinations together.


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Laser additive manufacturing (LAM), known also as 3D printing, is a powder bed fusion (PBF) type of additive manufacturing (AM) technology used to manufacture metal parts layer by layer by assist of laser beam. The development of the technology from building just prototype parts to functional parts is due to design flexibility. And also possibility to manufacture tailored and optimised components in terms of performance and strength to weight ratio of final parts. The study of energy and raw material consumption in LAM is essential as it might facilitate the adoption and usage of the technique in manufacturing industries. The objective this thesis was find the impact of LAM on environmental and economic aspects and to conduct life cycle inventory of CNC machining and LAM in terms of energy and raw material consumption at production phases. Literature overview in this thesis include sustainability issues in manufacturing industries with focus on environmental and economic aspects. Also life cycle assessment and its applicability in manufacturing industry were studied. UPLCI-CO2PE! Initiative was identified as mostly applied exiting methodology to conduct LCI analysis in discrete manufacturing process like LAM. Many of the reviewed literature had focused to PBF of polymeric material and only few had considered metallic materials. The studies that had included metallic materials had only measured input and output energy or materials of the process and compared to different AM systems without comparing to any competitive process. Neither did any include effect of process variation when building metallic parts with LAM. Experimental testing were carried out to make dissimilar samples with CNC machining and LAM in this thesis. Test samples were designed to include part complexity and weight reductions. PUMA 2500Y lathe machine was used in the CNC machining whereas a modified research machine representing EOSINT M-series was used for the LAM. The raw material used for making the test pieces were stainless steel 316L bar (CNC machined parts) and stainless steel 316L powder (LAM built parts). An analysis of power, time, and the energy consumed in each of the manufacturing processes on production phase showed that LAM utilises more energy than CNC machining. The high energy consumption was as result of duration of production. Energy consumption profiles in CNC machining showed fluctuations with high and low power ranges. LAM energy usage within specific mode (standby, heating, process, sawing) remained relatively constant through the production. CNC machining was limited in terms of manufacturing freedom as it was not possible to manufacture all the designed sample by machining. And the one which was possible was aided with large amount of material removed as waste. Planning phase in LAM was shorter than in CNC machining as the latter required many preparation steps. Specific energy consumption (SEC) were estimated in LAM based on the practical results and assumed platform utilisation. The estimated platform utilisation showed SEC could reduce when more parts were placed in one build than it was in with the empirical results in this thesis (six parts).


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This study is a literature review on laser scribing in monolithically interconnected thin-film PV modules, focusing on efficiency of modules based on absorber materials CIGS, CdTe and a-Si. In thin-film PV module manufacturing scribing is used to interconnect individual cells monolithically by P1, P2 and P3 scribes. Laser scribing has several advantages compared to mechanical scribing for this purpose. However, laser scribing of thin-films can be a challenging process and may induce efficiency reducing defects. Some of these defects can be avoided by improving optimisation or processing methods.


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We determined the effects of helium-neon (He-Ne) laser irradiation on wound healing dynamics in mice treated with steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Male albino mice, 28-32 g, were randomized into 6 groups of 6 animals each: control (C), He-Ne laser (L), dexamethasone (D), D + L, celecoxib (X), and X + L. D and X were injected im at doses of 5 and 22 mg/kg, respectively, 24 h before the experiment. A 1-cm long surgical wound was made with a scalpel on the abdomens of the mice. Animals from groups L, D + L and X + L were exposed to 4 J (cm²)-1 day-1 of He-Ne laser for 12 s and were sacrificed on days 1, 2, or 3 after the procedure, when skin samples were taken for histological examination. A significant increase of collagen synthesis was observed in group L compared with C (168 ± 20 vs 63 ± 8 mm²). The basal cellularity values on day 1 were: C = 763 ± 47, L = 1116 ± 85, D = 376 ± 24, D + L = 698 ± 31, X = 453 ± 29, X + L = 639 ± 32 U/mm². These data show that application of L increases while D and X decrease the inflammatory cellularity compared with C. They also show that L restores the diminished cellularity induced by the anti-inflammatory drugs. We suggest that He-Ne laser promotes collagen formation and restores the baseline cellularity after pharmacological inhibition, indicating new perspectives for laser therapy aiming to increase the healing process when anti-inflammatory drugs are used.


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In this thesis the effect of focal point parameters in fiber laser welding of structural steel is studied. The goal is to establish relations between laser power, focal point diameter and focal point position with the resulting quality, weld-bead geometry and hardness of the welds. In the laboratory experiments, AB AH36 shipbuilding steel was welded in an I-butt joint configuration using IPG YLS-10000 continuous wave fiber laser. The quality of the welds produced were evaluated based on standard SFS-EN ISO 13919-1. The weld-bead geometry was defined from the weld cross-sections and Vickers hardness test was used to measure hardness's from the middle of the cross-sections. It was shown that all the studied focal point parameters have an effect on the quality, weld-bead geometry and hardness of the welds produced.


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This study determined the effects of gallium-aluminum-arsenide laser (GaAlAs), gallium-arsenide laser (GaAs) and Dersani® healing ointment on skin wounds in Wistar rats. The parameters analyzed were: type I and III collagen fiber concentrations as well as the rate of wound closure. Five wounds, 12 mm in diameter, were made on the animals’ backs. The depth of the surgical incision was controlled by removing the epithelial tissue until the dorsal muscular fascia was exposed. The animals were anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine via intraperitoneal injection. The rats were randomly divided into five groups of 6 animals each, according to the treatment received. Group 1 (L4): GaAs laser (4 J/cm²); group 2 (L30): GaAlAs laser (30 J/cm²); group 3 (L60): GaAlAs laser (60 J/cm²); group 4 (D): Dersani® ointment; group 5 (control): 0.9% saline. The applications were made daily over a period of 20 days. Tissue fragments were stained with picrosirius to distinguish type I collagen from type III collagen. The collagen fibers were photo-documented and analyzed using the Quantum software based on the primary color spectrum (red, yellow and blue). Significant results for wound closing rate were obtained for group 1 (L4), 7.37 mm/day. The highest concentration of type III collagen fibers was observed in group 2 (L30; 37.80 ± 7.10%), which differed from control (29.86 ± 5.15%) on the 20th day of treatment. The type I collagen fibers of group 1 (L4; 2.67 ± 2.23%) and group 2 (L30; 2.87 ± 2.40%) differed significantly from control (1.77 ± 2.97%) on the 20th day of the experiment.


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The objective of the present study was to develop a quantitative method to evaluate laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in a rat model using Heidelberg Retina Angiograph 2 (HRA2) imaging. The expression of two heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) related to inflammation and angiogenesis was also investigated. CNV lesions were induced with argon laser in 21 heterozygous Zucker rats and after three weeks a fluorescein angiogram and autofluorescence exams were performed using HRA2. The area and greatest linear dimension were measured by two observers not aware of the protocol. Bland-Altman plots showed agreement between the observers, suggesting that the technique was reproducible. After fluorescein angiogram, HSPG (perlecan and syndecan-4) were analyzed by real-time RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. There was a significant increase in the expression of perlecan and syndecan-4 (P < 0.0001) in retinas bearing CNV lesions compared to control retinas. The expression of these two HSPG increased with increasing CNV area. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that the rat retina damaged with laser shots presented increased expression of perlecan and syndecan-4. Moreover, we observed that the overexpression occurred in the outer layer of the retina, which is related to choroidal damage. It was possible to develop a standardized quantitative method to evaluate CNV in a rat model using HRA2. In addition, we presented data indicating that the expression of HSPG parallels the area of CNV lesion. The understanding of these events offers opportunities for studies of new therapeutic interventions targeting these HSPG.


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Low-level lasers are used at low power densities and doses according to clinical protocols supplied with laser devices or based on professional practice. Although use of these lasers is increasing in many countries, the molecular mechanisms involved in effects of low-level lasers, mainly on DNA, are controversial. In this study, we evaluated the effects of low-level red lasers on survival, filamentation, and morphology of Escherichia colicells that were exposed to ultraviolet C (UVC) radiation. Exponential and stationary wild-type and uvrA-deficientE. coli cells were exposed to a low-level red laser and in sequence to UVC radiation. Bacterial survival was evaluated to determine the laser protection factor (ratio between the number of viable cells after exposure to the red laser and UVC and the number of viable cells after exposure to UVC). Bacterial filaments were counted to obtain the percentage of filamentation. Area-perimeter ratios were calculated for evaluation of cellular morphology. Experiments were carried out in duplicate and the results are reported as the means of three independent assays. Pre-exposure to a red laser protected wild-type and uvrA-deficient E. coli cells against the lethal effect of UVC radiation, and increased the percentage of filamentation and the area-perimeter ratio, depending on UVC fluence and physiological conditions in the cells. Therapeutic, low-level red laser radiation can induce DNA lesions at a sub-lethal level. Consequences to cells and tissues should be considered when clinical protocols based on this laser are carried out.