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Il pomodoro è una delle colture principali del panorama agro-alimentare italiano e rappresenta un ingrediente base della tradizione culinaria nazionale. Il pomodoro lavorato dall’industria conserviera può essere trasformato in diverse tipologie merceologiche, che si differenziano in base alla tecniche di lavorazione impiegate ed alle caratteristiche del prodotto finito. la percentuale di spesa totale destinata all’acquisto di cibo fuori casa è in aumento a livello globale e l’interesse dell’industria alimentare nei confronti di questo canale di vendita è quindi crescente. Mentre sono numerose le indagine in letteratura che studiano i processi di acquisto dei consumatori finali, non ci sono evidenze di studi simili condotti sugli operatori del Food Service. Obiettivo principale della ricerca è quello di valutare le preferenze dei responsabili acquisti del settore Food Service per diverse tipologie di pomodoro trasformato, in relazione ad una gamma di attributi rilevanti del prodotto e di caratteristiche del cliente. La raccolta dei dati è avvenuta attraverso un esperimento di scelta ipotetico realizzato in Italia e alcuni mercati esteri. Dai risultati ottenuti dall’indagine emerge che i Pelati sono la categoria di pomodoro trasformato preferita dai responsabili degli acquisti del settore Food Service intervistati, con il 35% delle preferenze dichiarate nell'insieme dei contesti di scelta proposti, seguita dalla Polpa (25%), dalla Passata (20%) e dal Concentrato (15%). Dai risultati ottenuti dalla stima del modello econometrico Logit a parametri randomizzati è emerso che alcuni attributi qualitativi di fiducia (credence), spesso impiegati nelle strategie di differenziazione e posizionamento da parte dell’industria alimentare nel mercato Retail, possono rivestire un ruolo importante anche nell’influenzare le preferenze degli operatori del Food Service. Questo potrebbe quindi essere un interessante filone di ricerca da sviluppare nel futuro, possibilmente con l'impiego congiunto di metodologie di analisi basate su esperimenti di scelta ipotetici e non ipotetici.
Reliable electronic systems, namely a set of reliable electronic devices connected to each other and working correctly together for the same functionality, represent an essential ingredient for the large-scale commercial implementation of any technological advancement. Microelectronics technologies and new powerful integrated circuits provide noticeable improvements in performance and cost-effectiveness, and allow introducing electronic systems in increasingly diversified contexts. On the other hand, opening of new fields of application leads to new, unexplored reliability issues. The development of semiconductor device and electrical models (such as the well known SPICE models) able to describe the electrical behavior of devices and circuits, is a useful means to simulate and analyze the functionality of new electronic architectures and new technologies. Moreover, it represents an effective way to point out the reliability issues due to the employment of advanced electronic systems in new application contexts. In this thesis modeling and design of both advanced reliable circuits for general-purpose applications and devices for energy efficiency are considered. More in details, the following activities have been carried out: first, reliability issues in terms of security of standard communication protocols in wireless sensor networks are discussed. A new communication protocol is introduced, allows increasing the network security. Second, a novel scheme for the on-die measurement of either clock jitter or process parameter variations is proposed. The developed scheme can be used for an evaluation of both jitter and process parameter variations at low costs. Then, reliability issues in the field of “energy scavenging systems” have been analyzed. An accurate analysis and modeling of the effects of faults affecting circuit for energy harvesting from mechanical vibrations is performed. Finally, the problem of modeling the electrical and thermal behavior of photovoltaic (PV) cells under hot-spot condition is addressed with the development of an electrical and thermal model.
Oxidative DNA-Basenmodifikationen, wie 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxoguanin (8-oxoG), werden endogen in allen Zellen gebildet. Die beobachtbaren Spiegel ergeben sich aus dem Gleichgewicht zwischen der Bildung durch reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (ROS), sowie der gleichzeitigen Reparatur der DNA-Schäden. Durch ihr hohes mutagenes Potential, tragen oxidative DNA-Basenmodifikationen zur spontanen Mutationsrate bei. Der Ausfall wichtiger DNA-Reparaturmechanismen führt in Ogg1(-/-)Csb(-/-)-Knockout-Mäusen zu einem Anstieg von 8 oxoG und der spontanen Mutationsrate.rnIn dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob die basalen Spiegel an oxidativen Basenmodifikationen und die spontanen Mutationsraten in vivo durch die orale Gabe von Resveratrol moduliert werden können. Resveratrol ist ein Pflanzeninhaltsstoff (u.a. aus Rotwein) mit einer Vielzahl von Wirkungen, der bereits in zahlreichen Studien ein chemopräventives Potential gezeigt hat und antioxidativ wirkt.rnAn verschiedenen Mausgenotypen wurden zum einen eine Kurzzeit-Behandlung (7 Tage mit 100 mg/kg per Gavage) und zum anderen eine Langzeit-Behandlung (3-9 Monate mit 0,04% ad libitum) mit Resveratrol durchgeführt. Die oxidativen DNA Schäden wurden in primären Maushepatozyten mit Hilfe einer modifizierten Alkalischen Elution, mit der bakteriellen Formamidopyrimidin-DNA Glykosylase als Sonde, bestimmt. Zur Analyse der Mutationsrate wurde der BigBlue® Mutationsassay mit anschließender Sequenzierung der Mutationen verwendet.rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Kurzzeit- und die Langzeit-Behandlung mit Resveratrol die basalen Spiegel oxidativer DNA-Basenmodifikationen senken. Die Reduktion ist jeweils wesentlich ausgeprägter in den reparaturdefizienten Ogg1(-/-)Csb(-/-)-Mäusen zu erkennen. Auch die spontane Mutationsrate wird durch eine mehrmonatige Behandlung mit Resveratrol um ungefähr 20-30% reduziert.rnAnschließende mechanistische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass dieser Schutz wahrscheinlich auf einer Induktion der antioxidativen Schutzmechanismen begründet ist. So wurde gefunden, dass primäre Hepatozyten aus mit Resveratrol behandelten Mäusen wesentlich besser gegen exogen herbeigeführten oxidativen Stress geschützt sind, als Hepatozyten von unbehandelten Tieren. Ein weiterer Hinweis ist die Hochregulation der mRNA-Spiegel von verschiedenen antioxidativen Schutzenzymen, wie Superoxiddismutase 1 / 2, Hämoxygenase 1, Glutathionperoxidase 1, nach der Gabe von Resveratrol in Mäuselebern. Außerdem sind die oxidativen Markermutationen (GC->TA-Transversionen) stärker von der Reduktion der spontanen Mutationsrate betroffen, als andere Mutationen (z.B. GC->AT-Transitionen).rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen erstmalig, dass spontane Mutationen in vivo durch Fremdstoffe in der Nahrung reduziert werden können. Im Falle von Resveratrol wird diese Reduktion wahrscheinlich durch eine Stimulation der antioxidativen Schutzmechanismen ausgelöst.rn
The overall objective of this PhD was to investigate the possibility to increase the nutritional value of confectionary products by the use of natural ingredients with healthy functions. The first part of the thesis focused on the possible substitution of the most characteristic component of confectionary products, i.e. refined sugar. Many natural whole sweetening alternatives are available, though not widely used; the use of molasses, the byproduct of sugar beet and cane production, still rich in healthy components as minerals and phytochemicals is hereby discussed; after having verified molasses effectiveness in oxidative stress counteraction on liver cultured cells, the higher antioxidant capacity of a sweet food prepared with molasses instead of refined sugar was confirmed. A second step of the project dealt with another main ingredient of various sweet products, namely wheat. Particularly, the exploitation of soft and durum wheat byproducts could be another sustainable strategy to improve the healthy value of confectionery. The isolation of oligosaccharides with bioactive functions form different fractions of the wheat milling stream was studied and the new ingredients were shown to have a high dietary fiber and antioxidants content. As valid alternative, product developers should consider the appealing and healthy addition of ancient grains flour to sweet baked goods. The possibility of substituting the modern whole durum wheat with the ancient Kamut® khorasan was considered, and the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of these grains were evaluated and compared both in vitro and in vivo on rats. Finally, since high consumption of confectionery is a risk factor for obesity, a possible strategy for the counteraction of this disease was investigated. The ability of three bioactives in inhibiting adipocytes differentiation was investigated. In fact, theoretically, compounds able to influence adipogenesis could be used in the formulation of functional sweet products and contribute to prevent obesity.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate some important key factors able to promote the prospected growth of the aquaculture sector. The limited availability of fishmeal and fish oil led the attention of the aquafeed industry to reduce the dependency on marine raw materials in favor of vegetable ingredients. In Chapter 2, we reported the effects of fishmeal replacement by a mixture of plant proteins in turbot (Psetta maxima L.) juveniles. At the end of the trial, it was found that over the 15% plant protein inclusion can cause stress and exert negative effects on growth performance and welfare. Climate change aroused the attention of the aquafeed industry toward the production of specific diets capable to counteract high temperatures. In Chapter 3, we investigated the most suitable dietary lipid level for gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) reared at Mediterranean summer temperature. In this trial, it was highlighted that 18% dietary lipid allows a protein sparing effect, thus making the farming of this species economically and environmentally more sustainable. The introduction of new farmed fish species makes necessary the development of new species-specific diets. In Chapter 4, we assessed growth response and feed utilization of common sole (Solea solea L.) juveniles fed graded dietary lipid levels. At the end of the trial, it was found that increasing dietary lipids over 8% led to a substantial decline in growth performance and feed utilization indices. In Chapter 5, we investigated the suitability of mussel meal as alternative ingredient in diets for common sole juveniles. Mussel meal proved to be a very effective alternative ingredient for enhancing growth performance, feed palatability and feed utilization in sole irrespectively to the tested inclusion levels. This thesis highlighted the importance of formulating more specific diets in order to support the aquaculture growth in a sustainable way.
Organic electronics is an emerging field with a vast number of applications having high potential for commercial success. Although an enormous progress has been made in this research area, many organic electronic applications such as organic opto-electronic devices, organic field effect transistors and organic bioelectronic devices still require further optimization to fulfill the requirements for successful commercialization. The main bottle neck that hinders large scale production of these devices is their performances and stability. The performance of the organic devices largely depends on the charge transport processes occurring at the interfaces of various material that it is composed of. As a result, the key ingredient needed for a successful improvement in the performance and stability of organic electronic devices is an in-depth knowledge of the interfacial interactions and the charge transport phenomena taking place at different interfaces. The aim of this thesis is to address the role of the various interfaces between different material in determining the charge transport properties of organic devices. In this framework, I chose an Organic Field Effect Transistor (OFET) as a model system to carry out this study as it An OFET offers various interfaces that can be investigated as it is made up of stacked layers of various material. In order to probe the intrinsic properties that governs the charge transport, we have to be able to carry out thorough investigation of the interactions taking place down at the accumulation layer thickness. However, since organic materials are highly instable in ambient conditions, it becomes quite impossible to investigate the intrinsic properties of the material without the influence of extrinsic factors like air, moisture and light. For this reason, I have employed a technique called the in situ real-time electrical characterization technique which enables electrical characterization of the OFET during the growth of the semiconductor.
In food industry, quality assurance requires low cost methods for the rapid assessment of the parameters that affect product stability. Foodstuffs are complex in their structure, mainly composed by gaseous, liquid and solid phases which often coexist in the same product. Special attention is given to water, concerned as natural component of the major food product or as added ingredient of a production process. Particularly water is structurally present in the matrix and not completely available. In this way, water can be present in foodstuff in many different states: as water of crystallization, bound to protein or starch molecules, entrapped in biopolymer networks or adsorbed on solid surfaces of porous food particles. The traditional technique for the assessment of food quality give reliable information but are destructive, time consuming and unsuitable for on line application. The techniques proposed answer to the limited disposition of time and could be able to characterize the main compositional parameters. Dielectric interaction response is mainly related to water and could be useful not only to provide information on the total content but also on the degree of mobility of this ubiquitous molecule in different complex food matrix. In this way the proposal of this thesis is to answer at this need. Dielectric and electric tool can be used for the scope and led us to describe the complex food matrix and predict food characteristic. The thesis is structured in three main part, in the first one some theoretical tools are recalled to well assess the food parameter involved in the quality definition and the techniques able to reply at the problem emerged. The second part explains the research conducted and the experimental plans are illustrated in detail. Finally the last section is left for rapid method easily implementable in an industrial process.
Nowadays, in developed countries, the excessive food intake, in conjunction with a decreased physical activity, has led to an increase in lifestyle-related diseases, such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, type -2 diabetes, a range of cancer types and arthritis. The socio-economic importance of such lifestyle-related diseases has encouraged countries to increase their efforts in research, and many projects have been initiated recently in research that focuses on the relationship between food and health. Thanks to these efforts and to the growing availability of technologies, the food companies are beginning to develop healthier food. The necessity of rapid and affordable methods, helping the food industries in the ingredient selection has stimulated the development of in vitro systems that simulate the physiological functions to which the food components are submitted when administrated in vivo. One of the most promising tool now available appears the in vitro digestion, which aims at predicting, in a comparative way among analogue food products, the bioaccessibility of the nutrients of interest.. The adoption of the foodomics approach has been chosen in this work to evaluate the modifications occurring during the in vitro digestion of selected protein-rich food products. The measure of the proteins breakdown was performed via NMR spectroscopy, the only techniques capable of observing, directly in the simulated gastric and duodenal fluids, the soluble oligo- and polypeptides released during the in vitro digestion process. The overall approach pioneered along this PhD work, has been discussed and promoted in a large scientific community, with specialists networked under the INFOGEST COST Action, which recently released a harmonized protocol for the in vitro digestion. NMR spectroscopy, when used in tandem with the in vitro digestion, generates a new concept, which provides an additional attribute to describe the food quality: the comparative digestibility, which measures the improvement of the nutrients bioaccessibility.
The aims of this research study is to explore the opportunity to set up Performance Objectives (POs) parameters for specific risks in RTE products to propose for food industries and food authorities. In fact, even if microbiological criteria for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes Ready-to-Eat (RTE) products are included in the European Regulation, these parameters are not risk based and no microbiological criteria for Bacillus cereus in RTE products is present. For these reasons the behaviour of Salmonella enterica in RTE mixed salad, the microbiological characteristics in RTE spelt salad, and the definition of POs for Bacillus cereus and Listeria monocytogenes in RTE spelt salad has been assessed. Based on the data produced can be drawn the following conclusions: 1. A rapid growth of Salmonella enterica may occurr in mixed ingredient salads, and strict temperature control during the production chain of the product is critical. 2. Spelt salad is characterized by the presence of high number of Lactic Acid Bacteria. Listeria spp. and Enterobacteriaceae, on the contrary, did not grow during the shlef life, probably due to the relevant metabolic activity of LAB. 3. The use of spelt and cheese compliant with the suggested POs might significantly reduce the incidence of foodborne intoxications due to Bacillus cereus and Listeria monocytogenes and the proportions of recalls, causing huge economic losses for food companies commercializing RTE products. 4. The approach to calculate the POs values and reported in my work can be easily adapted to different food/risk combination as well as to any changes in the formulation of the same food products. 5. The optimized sampling plans in term of number of samples to collect can be derive in order to verify the compliance to POs values selected.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Modellierung niederenergetischer elektromagnetischer und hadronischer Prozesse im Rahmen einer manifest lorentzinvarianten, chiralen effektiven Feldtheorie unter expliziter, dynamischer Berücksichtigung resonanter, das heißt vektormesonischer Freiheitsgrade. Diese effektive Theorie kann daher als Approximation der grundlegenden Quantenchromodynamik bei kleinen Energien verstanden werden. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf das verwendete Zähl- sowie Renormierungschema gelegt, wodurch eine konsistente Beschreibung mesonischer Prozesse bis zu Energien von etwa 1GeV ermöglicht wird. Das verwendete Zählschema beruht dabei im Wesentlichen auf einem Argument für großes N_c (Anzahl der Farbfreiheitsgrade) und lässt eine äquivalente Behandlung von Goldstonebosonen (Pionen) und Resonanzen (Rho- und Omegamesonen) zu. Als Renormierungsschema wird das für (bezüglich der starken Wechselwirkung) instabile Teilchen besonders geeignete complex-mass scheme als Erweiterung des extended on-mass-shell scheme verwendet, welches in Kombination mit dem BPHZ-Renormierungsverfahren (benannt nach Bogoliubov, Parasiuk, Hepp und Zimmermann) ein leistungsfähiges Konzept zur Berechnung von Quantenkorrekturen in dieser chiralen effektiven Feldtheorie darstellt. Sämtliche vorgenommenen Rechnungen schließen Terme der chiralen Ordnung vier sowie einfache Schleifen in Feynman-Diagrammen ein. Betrachtet werden unter anderem der Vektorformfaktor des Pions im zeitartigen Bereich, die reelle Compton-Streuung (beziehungsweise Photonenfusion) im neutralen und geladenen Kanal sowie die virtuelle Compton-Streuung, eingebettet in die Elektron-Positron-Annihilation. Zur Extraktion der Niederenergiekopplungskonstanten der Theorie wird letztendlich eine Reihe experimenteller Datensätze verschiedenartiger Observablen verwendet. Die hier entwickelten Methoden und Prozeduren - und insbesondere deren technische Implementierung - sind sehr allgemeiner Natur und können daher auch an weitere Problemstellungen aus diesem Gebiet der niederenergetischen Quantenchromodynamik angepasst werden.
Objectives: This in vitro study aimed to investigate the protective effect of four commercial novel agents against erosion. Methods: Ninety human molars were distributed into 9 groups, and after incubation in human saliva for 2 h, a pellicle was formed. Subsequently, the specimens were submitted to demineralization (orange juice, pH 3.6, 3 min) and remineralization (paste slurry containing one of the tested novel agents, 3 min) cycles, two times per day, for 4 days. The tested agents were: (1) DenShield Tooth; active ingredient: 7.5% W/W NovaMin® (calcium sodium phosphosilicate); (2) Nanosensitive hca; active ingredient: 7.5% W/W NovaMin®; (3) GC Tooth Mousse; active ingredient: 10% Recaldent™ (CPP-ACP); (4) GC MI Paste Plus; active ingredients: 10% Recaldent™, 900 ppm fluoride. Two experimental procedures were performed: in procedure 1, the tested agents were applied prior to the erosive attack, and in procedure 2 after the erosive attack. A control group receiving no prophylactic treatment was included. Surface nanohardness (SNH) of enamel specimens was measured after pellicle formation and after completion of daily cyclic treatment. Results: SNH significantly decreased at the end of the experiment for all groups (p < 0.05). In both procedures, there was no statistically significant difference between the control group and those treated with paste slurries (p > 0.05). In addition, the changes in SNH (ΔSNH = SNHbaseline − SNHfinal) did not show statistically significant difference between both procedures (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Tooth erosion cannot be prevented or repaired by these novel agents, regardless of fluoride content.
Cognitive functioning is based on binding processes, by which different features and elements of neurocognition are integrated and coordinated. Binding is an essential ingredient of, for instance, Gestalt perception. We have implemented a paradigm of causality perception based on the work of Albert Michotte, in which 2 identical discs move from opposite sides of a monitor, steadily toward, and then past one another. Their coincidence generates an ambiguous percept of either "streaming" or "bouncing," which the subjects (34 schizophrenia spectrum patients and 34 controls with mean age 27.9 y) were instructed to report. The latter perception is a marker of the binding processes underlying perceived causality (type I binding). In addition to this visual task, acoustic stimuli were presented at different times during the task (150 ms before and after visual coincidence), which can modulate perceived causality. This modulation by intersensory and temporally delayed stimuli is viewed as a different type of binding (type II). We show here, using a mixed-effects hierarchical analysis, that type II binding distinguishes schizophrenia spectrum patients from healthy controls, whereas type I binding does not. Type I binding may even be excessive in some patients, especially those with positive symptoms; Type II binding, however, was generally attenuated in patients. The present findings point to ways in which the disconnection (or Gestalt) hypothesis of schizophrenia can be refined, suggesting more specific markers of neurocognitive functioning and potential targets of treatment.
Betel quid (BQ) and areca nut chewing is widely prevalent in many parts of Asia and Asian-migrant communities throughout the world. Global reports estimate 600 million users. Sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity has been found for BQ and its main ingredient, areca nut. BQ areca nut users have an increased risk of potentially malignant disorders. Among chewers, BQ remains in contact with the oral mucosa for prolonged periods. This review examines the clinical and pathological aspects of lichenoid lesions caused by areca nut and BQ, a condition that has received little attention in the published literature.
There are at least six psychotherapeutic treatments of personality disorders having received empirical and clinical validation in terms of their efficacy. These treatments are based on different theoretical models, namely the cognitive-behavioural, psychodynamic and interpersonal models. This article briefly presents these treatments, focusing on the process of therapeutic change. It is assumed that the process of emotional activation is one of the most interesting theoretical psychotherapy ingredient in treatments of these patients. The treatments are discussed regarding this hypothesis and its clinical implications.
The production by biosynthesis of optically active amino acids and amines satisfies the pharmaceutical industry in its demand for chiral building blocks for the synthesis of various pharmaceuticals. Among several enzymatic methods that allow the synthesis of optically active aminoacids and amines, the use of minotransferase is a promising one due to its broad substrate specificity and no requirement for external cofactor regeneration. The synthesis of chiral compounds by aminotransferases can be done either by asymmetric synthesis starting from keto acids or ketones, and by kinetic resolution starting from racemic aminoacids or amines. The asymmetric synthesis of substituted (S)-aminotetralin, an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), has shown to have two major factors that contribute to increasing the cost of production. These factors are the raw material cost of biocatalyst used to produce it and product loss during biocatalyst separation. To minimize the cost contribution of biocatalyst and to minimize the loss of product, two routes have been chosen in this research: 1. To engineer the aminotransferase biocatalyst to have greater specific activity, and 2. Improve the engineering of the process by immobilization of biocatalyst in calcium alginate and addition of cosolvents. An (S)-aminotransferase (Mutant CNB03-03) was immobilized, not as purified enzyme but as enzyme within spray dried cells, in calcium alginate beads and used to produce substituted (S)-aminotetralin at 50 °C and pH 7 in experiments where the immobilized biocatalyst was recycled. Initial rate of reaction for cycle 1 (6 hr duration) was determined to be 0.258 mM/min, for cycle 2 (20 hr duration) it decreased by ~50% compared to cycle 1, and for cycle 3 (20 hr duration) it decreased by ~90% compared to cycle 1 (immobilized preparation consisted of 50 mg of spray dried cells per gram of calcium alginate). Conversion to product for each cycle decreased as well, from 100% in cycle 1 (About 50 mM), 80% in cycle 2, and 30% after cycle 3. This mutant was determined to be deactivated at elevated temperatures during the reaction cycle and was not stable enough to allow multiple cycles in its immobilized form. A new mutant aminotransferase was isolated by applying error-prone polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on the gene coding for this enzyme and screening/selection: CNB04-01. This mutant showed a significant improvement in thermostability in comparison to CNB03-03. The new mutant was immobilized and tested under similar reaction conditions. Initial rate remained fairly constant (0.2 mM/min) over four cycles (each cycle with a duration of about 20 hours) with the mutant retaining almost 80% of initial rate in the fourth cycle. The final product concentrations after each cycle did not decrease during recycle experiments. Thermostability of CNB04-01 was much improved compared to CNB03-03. Under the same reaction conditions as stated above, the addition of co-solvents was studied in order to increase substituted tetralone solubility. Toluene and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) were used. SDS at 0.01% (w/v) allowed four recycles of the immobilized spray dried cells of CNB04-01, always reaching higher product concentration (80-85 mM) than the system with toluene at 3% (v/v) -70 mM-. The long term activity of immobilized CNB04-01 in a system with SDS 0.01% (w/v) at 50 °C, pH 7 was retained for three cycles (20 to 24 hours each one), reaching always final product concentration between 80-85 mM, but dropping precipitously in the fourth cycle to a final product concentration of 50 mM. Although significant improvement of immobilization on productivity and stability were observed using CNB04-01, another observation demonstrated the limitations of an immobilization strategy on reducing process costs. After analyzing the results of this experiment it was seen that a sudden drop occurred on final product concentration after the third recycle. This was due to product accumulation inside the immobilized preparation. In order to improve the economics of the process, research was focused on developing a free enzyme with an even higher activity, thus reducing raw material cost as well as improving biomass separation. A new enzyme was obtained (CNB05-01) using error-prone PCR and screening using as a template the gene derived from the previous improved enzyme. This mutant was determined to have 1.6 times the initial rate of CNB04-01 and had a higher temperature optimum (55°). This new enzyme would allow reducing enzyme loading in the reaction by five-fold compared to CNB03-03, when using it at concentration of one gram of spray dried cells per liter (completing the reaction after 20-24 hours). Also this mutant would allow reducing process time to 7-8 hours when used at a concentration of 5 grams of spray dried cells per liter compared to 24 hours for CNB03-03, assuming that the observations shown before are scalable. It could be possible to improve the economics of the process by either reducing enzyme concentration or reducing process time, since the production cost of the desired product is primarily a function of both enzyme concentration and process time.