939 resultados para incidents


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Over the past few decades, children and young people who have sexually harmed others have attracted increasing attention from researchers and policy makers. Although it is known that they form a small, but significant group, there are difficulties in gaining a clear indication of incidence since much of the existing research has involved small and heterogeneous samples, many of which were not UK-based and lack of control groups for comparison. Furthermore, many incidents of sexual abuse are likely to go unreported. The nature, extent and significant negative consequences of harmful sexual behaviour for the victims and perpetrators, make this an important issue for policy development and research investigation. Overall, research and knowledge in this important area are still accumulating and much remains to be confirmed. Although recent decades have seen a movement towards greater understanding of the issue of harmful sex behaviour, a gap remains. The purpose of the project was to help address this gap in knowledge.


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The small signal stability of interconnected power systems is one of the important aspects that need to be investigated since the oscillations caused by this kind of instability have caused many incidents. With the increasing penetration of wind power in the power system, particularly doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), the impact on the power system small signal stability performance should be fully investigated. Because the DFIG wind turbine integration is through a fast action converter and associated control, it does not inherently participate in the electromechanical small signal oscillation. However, it influences the small signal stability by impacting active power flow paths in the network and replacing synchronous generators that have power system stabilizer (PSS). In this paper, the IEEE 39 bus test system has been used in the analysis. Furthermore, four study cases and several operation scenarios have been conducted and analysed. The selective eigenvalue Arnoldi/lanczos's method is used to obtain the system eigenvalue in the range of frequency from 0.2 Hz to 2 Hz which is related to electromechanical oscillations. Results show that the integration of DFIG wind turbines in a system during several study cases and operation scenarios give different influence on small signal stability performance.


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Experiences from smart grid cyber-security incidents in the past decade have raised questions on the applicability and effectiveness of security measures and protection mechanisms applied to the grid. In this chapter we focus on the security measures applied under real circumstances in today’s smart grid systems. Beginning from real world example implementations, we first review cyber-security facts that affected the electrical grid, from US blackout incidents, to the Dragonfly cyber-espionage campaign currently focusing on US and European energy firms. Provided a real world setting, we give information related to energy management of a smart grid looking also in the optimization techniques that power control engineers perform into the grid components. We examine the application of various security tools in smart grid systems, such as intrusion detection systems, smart meter authentication and key management using Physical Unclonable Functions, security analytics and resilient control algorithms. Furthermore we present evaluation use cases of security tools applied on smart grid infrastructure test-beds that could be proved important prior to their application in the real grid, describing a smart grid intrusion detection system application and security analytics results. Anticipated experimental results from the use-cases and conclusions about the successful transitions of security measures to real world smart grid operations will be presented at the end of this chapter.


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The education system in Northern Ireland is characterized by division, with
around 95% of the pupil population attending predominantly co-religionist
schools. In a society that is transitioning from a thirty year conflict that has been
framed by hostilities between the main Catholic and Protestant communities, reconciliation
interventions in education have sought to promote the value of intergroup
contact between pupils attending separate schools. Some qualitative research
suggests that such initiatives are more likely to have positive outcomes for
pupils from more middle class backgrounds than those from more disadvantaged
communitiesand areas that experienced high levels of conflict related incidents and deaths during the pre-ceasefire years. Drawing on contact theory and empirical evidence from a large scale quantitative study, we seek to examine this theory. Using free school meals as a proxy for social class, our findings are consistent in finding that there is a differential impact of contact for those from less affluent backgrounds, and we conclude by arguing that this should be reflected in policy responses.


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Background: Women and their babies are entitled to equal access to high quality maternity care. However, when women fit into two or more categories of vulnerability they can face multiple, compound barriers to accessing and utilising services. Disabled women are up to three times more likely to experience domestic abuse than non-disabled women. Domestic abuse may compromise health service access and utilisation and disabled people in general have suboptimal access to healthcare services. Despite this, little is known about the compounding effects of disability and domestic abuse on women’s access to maternity care.

Methods: The aim of the study was to identify how women approach maternity care services, their expectations of services and whether they are able to get the type of care that they need and want. We conducted a qualitative, Critical Incident Technique study in Scotland. Theoretically we drew on Andersen’s model of healthcare use. The model was congruent with our interest in women’s intended/actual use of maternity services and the facilitators and barriers
impacting their access to care. Data were generated during 2013 using one-to-one interviews.

Results: Five women took part and collectively reported 45 critical incidents relating to accessing and utilising maternity services. Mapped to the underpinning theoretical framework, our findings show how the four domains of attitudes; knowledge; social norms; and perceived control are important factors shaping maternity care experiences.

Conclusions: Positive staff attitude and empowering women to have control over their own care is crucial in influencing women’s access to and utilisation of maternity healthcare services. Moreover these are cyclical, with the consequences and outcomes of healthcare use becoming part of the enabling or disabling factors affecting future healthcare decisions.Further consideration needs to be given to the development of strategies to access and recruit women in these circumstances. This will provide an opportunity for under-represented and silenced voices to be heard.


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Land wars in India: Contestations, social forces and evolving neoliberal urban transformation
The recent incidents of ‘land wars’ in India have highlighted the contradictions and challenges of the neoliberal urban transformation through a range of issues across governance, equity and empowerment in the development agenda. Simply put, a strong top down approach and corporate-political nexus have determined the modality of land acquisition, compensation and ultimately the nature of its consumption leaving out majority urban poor from its benefits. The paper focuses on the concept of neoliberalism as a modality of urban governance and emergence of the grassroots activism as a countermagnate to neoliberalist hegemony by examining the inequity and marginalization that embody these ‘land wars’ in India and the forms of resistance from the grassroots - their capacity, relationship and modus operandi. Emerging lessons suggest the potential for advancing governance from the bottoms up leading to more equitable distribution of resources. It is however argued that there is a need for a stronger conception of the ‘grassroots’ in both epistemological and empirical context. In particular, the preconditions for the ‘grassroots organisations’ to foster and play a more effective role requires a more inclusive notion of ‘institutionality and plurality’ within the current political economic context. The empirical focus of the paper is ‘land wars’ observed in Kolkata, West Bengal, however references to other examples across the country have also been made.


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The UK’s transport infrastructure is one of the most heavily used in the world. The performance of these networks is critically dependent on the performance of cutting and embankment slopes which make up £20B of the £60B asset value of major highway infrastructure alone. The rail network in particular is also one of the oldest in the world: many of these slopes are suffering high incidents of instability (increasing with time). This paper describes the development of a fundamental understanding of earthwork material and system behaviour, through the systematic integration of research across a range of spatial and temporal scales. Spatially these range from microscopic studies of soil fabric, through elemental materials behaviour to whole slope modelling and monitoring and scaling up to transport networks. Temporally, historical and current weather event sequences are being used to understand and model soil deterioration processes, and climate change scenarios to examine their potential effects on slope performance in futures up to and including the 2080s. The outputs of this research are being mapped onto the different spatial and temporal scales of infrastructure slope asset management to inform the design of new slopes through to changing the way in which investment is made into aging assets. The aim ultimately is to help create a more reliable, cost effective, safer and more resilient transport system.


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This article explores the factors that contribute to patient safety incidents. It highlights the importance of human factors in influencing the clinician's performance. Rather than focusing on clinical skills, the article explores the range of non-technical skills which are seen to each contribute to patient safety, including: communication, teamworking, leadership, active followership, situational awareness, decision-making, assertiveness, and workload management. It asks how cognitive processes can influence safe decision-making.


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Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a natural global phenomena emerging in severity and extent. Incidents have many economic, ecological and human health impacts. Monitoring and providing early warning of toxic HABs are critical for protecting public health. Current monitoring programmes include measuring the number of toxic phytoplankton cells in the water and biotoxin levels in shellfish tissue. As these efforts are demanding and labour intensive, methods which improve the efficiency are essential. This study compares the utilisation of a multitoxin surface plasmon resonance (multitoxin SPR) biosensor with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and analytical methods such as high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for toxic HAB monitoring efforts in Europe. Seawater samples (n = 256) from European waters, collected 2009-2011, were analysed for biotoxins: saxitoxin and analogues, okadaic acid and dinophysistoxins 1/2 (DTX1/DTX2) and domoic acid responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) and amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), respectively. Biotoxins were detected mainly in samples from Spain and Ireland. France and Norway appeared to have the lowest number of toxic samples. Both the multitoxin SPR biosensor and the RNA microarray were more sensitive at detecting toxic HABs than standard light microscopy phytoplankton monitoring. Correlations between each of the detection methods were performed with the overall agreement, based on statistical 2 × 2 comparison tables, between each testing platform ranging between 32% and 74% for all three toxin families illustrating that one individual testing method may not be an ideal solution. An efficient early warning monitoring system for the detection of toxic HABs could therefore be achieved by combining both the multitoxin SPR biosensor and RNA microarray.


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A temática da violência (e do bullying) nas escolas em Portugal tem vindo, nos anos mais recentes, a assumir uma crescente visibilidade fruto de variados fatores, entre os quais podemos destacar o aparente aumento no número de incidentes reportados envolvendo alunos, professores e pessoal não docente ou, ainda, como resultado da maior atenção dispensada ao(s) fenómeno(s) pela comunicação social. Na relação que se estabelece entre alunos, o bullying (e ultimamente o cyberbullying) tem igualmente ocupado um maior espaço de discussão no contexto português pela elevada complexidade que o carateriza e pelas diversas consequências negativas e irreversíveis que acarreta para vítimas, agressores, famílias e escolas. Para que sejam encontradas estratégias e soluções eficazes na abordagem ao(s) fenómeno(s), torna-se necessário aprofundar – e partilhar – o(s) conhecimento(s) em torno dos fatores e das dinâmicas que caraterizam o fenómeno e que contribuem para a sua (re)ocorrência. Procurámos, portanto, refletir sobre o papel que a escola, enquanto organização com uma missão muito própria ‒ e todos os demais elementos que a integram (diretores, docentes, assistentes operacionais, alunos e respetivas famílias) ‒ devem efetivamente desempenhar no sentido de serem promovidas e implementadas políticas e medidas que possam acautelar e solucionar quaisquer manifestações de violência, com especial incidência nos episódios de bullying. Sobressai, em primeira instância, a necessidade de sensibilizar e de mobilizar toda a comunidade escolar, prestando especial atenção ao papel vital que cada sujeito desempenha. Destaque-se, por outro lado, a aposta que deve ser feita na vertente da (in)formação de professores, não docentes, alunos e pais com o claro propósito de serem criados climas de escola positivos e seguros. Dividimos o trabalho empírico da nossa investigação em dois momentos. Do estudo comparativo (resultante da recolha de informação baseada na pesquisa e análise documental) que levámos a cabo na primeira parte a um conjunto de doze programas de prevenção e de intervenção de bullying implementados (e igualmente avaliados) em países anglo-saxónicos, procurámos identificar os seus componentes fundamentais (princípios teóricos subjacentes às intervenções, objetivos pretendidos, destinatários, níveis/fases de ação, componentes/estratégias de atuação e materiais de apoio disponibilizados). Pudemos verificar que essas iniciativas assentaram numa perspetiva sistémica da problemática do bullying que sublinha a necessidade de mudanças persistentes e contibuadas ao nível da sensibilização, da consciencialização e de transformações nas atitudes da população escolar no seu todo. Este exercício possibilitou, por outro lado, a identificação e a assimiliação de algumas das boas práticas experimentadas com esses programas. Na segunda parte, desenvolvemos um projeto-piloto numa escola Secundária com o 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico ao longo do ano letivo de 2010/2011 (envolvendo diretamente na iniciativa duas turmas ‒ uma do 7.º e outra do 10.º ano ‒ e os respetivos professores), sendo de destacar que a temática se tornou mais familiar para a maior parte dos participantes (por via da mobilização, da sensibilização e da formação desses atores). Na sequência da aplicação de dois questionários a 190 alunos no âmbito do projeto-piloto, foi ainda possível apurar que as percentagens de vitimação de bullying presencial moderado se situam abaixo dos 10%, sendo que para as ofensas sofridas de modo mais intenso esses níveis não ultrapassam os 5% para qualquer uma das formas de agressão apresentadas. Os dados indicaram igualmente as ofensas diretas verbais e indiretas como sendo as mais frequentes entre os inquiridos, surgindo em terceiro lugar as de pendor direto físico. Os índices de vitimação apresentam valores superiores junto dos alunos mais novos, independentemente do seu género. Perto de 45% dos sujeitos objeto de agressão admitiu não ter reportado o sucedido a uma terceira pessoa. Cerca de 27% dos jovens confessou assumir uma atitude passiva ou de indiferença perante uma agressão testemunhada. Foi, por outro lado, possível constatar que um conjunto significativo de jovens admitiu conhecer um colega da escola que tenha sido já gozado ou ameaçado no ciberespaço.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Educação, Especialização em Educação de Infância, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve; Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, 2007


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Depuis une trentaine d' années, les nouveaux enseignants sont confrontés à des conditions d'insertion difficiles, notamment en raison de la précarité professionnelle. Ce contexte peut affecter de différentes manières le développement et la mobilisation des compétences, processus qui sont en relation avec le développement du sentiment d'efficacité personnelle (SEP) face à l'enseignement. Le SEP étant considéré comme une ressource essentielle pour agir avec compétence, s'engager dans les tâches et persévérer dans la profession enseignante, nous avons consacré notre recherche doctorale à ce sujet. Pour la méthodologie, la recherche a fait appel à des entrevues semi-structurées auprès de 15 enseignantes et enseignants, à une liste de contrôle permettant aux participants de cibler les sources de leur SEP, et enfin à la technique des incidents critiques pour faire évoquer des expériences mettant en relief le déploiement du SEP en contexte de pratique. Les résultats de la recherche montrent que le SEP se développe premièrement, au cours de la formation initiale grâce à la formation théorique et surtout aux stages. Deuxièmement, durant la phase d'insertion professionnelle par la mobilisation réussie des compétences acquises en formation initiale, par l'expérience d'enseignement, les conditions d'insertion facilitantes, la formation continue et l'apport des différents acteurs du milieu scolaire et universitaire, notamment à travers le soutien social, la rétroaction, la collaboration, la reconnaissance et la confiance témoignées. Les résultats indiquent également que ceux et celles qui se sentent efficaces surmontent mieux les difficultés de l'insertion, prennent davantage d'initiatives, innovent dans leur pratiques et obtiennent de meilleures performances dans les tâches attribuées. Notre étude contribue à apporter une nouvelle perspective dans la compréhension du SEP basée sur de véritables expériences d'enseignants débutants du secondaire, fait découvrir les possibilités sur lesquelles les programmes de formation et les mesures d' insertion pourraient s'appuyer et enfin, permet d'enrichir la problématique de l'insertion en enseignement.


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Die Auswahl geeigneter Bewerber/Innen nimmt aufgrund der demographischen Entwicklung und der damit verbundenen Verknappung der Ressource Personal einen immer höheren Stellenwert ein. Der Einsatz von Anforderungsprofilen soll dabei helfen das Risiko einer fehlerhaften Auswahlentscheidung zu verringern und somit den geeignetsten Bewerber auszuwählen. Ein Trend hin zu den Soft-Skills, wie beispielsweise Teamfähigkeit und Kommunikationsbereitschaft, ist klar zu erkennen. Gegenstand der nachfolgenden Diplomarbeit ist daher die Entwicklung eines Anforderungsprofils, welches sich auf diese Soft-Skills konzentriert. Die Erstel-lung des Anforderungsprofils erfolgt dabei auf Grundlage der von John C. Flanagan entwickelten „Critical Incident Technique“, die im deutschen Sprachgebrauch auch als Methode der kritischen Ereignisse bezeichnet wird. Infolgedessen werden zunächst die theoretischen Grundlagen eines Anforderungsprofils sowie die der „Critical Incident Technique“ detailliert erläutert. Im Anschluss daran erfolgt eine ausführliche Beschreibung der methodischen Vorgehensweise, die den kompletten Ablauf der praktischen Durchführung widerspiegelt. In diesem Zusammenhang werden getroffene Entscheidungen, die zu einer Anpassung der Vorgehensweise führten, näher erläutert und begründet. Die aus den Mitarbeiterbefragungen gewonnenen „Critical Incidents“ werden nachfolgend kategorisiert und zu Anforderungsbereichen zusammengefasst, die abschließend zum Anforderungsprofil verdichtet werden. Ferner wird die Möglichkeit einer praktischen Anwendung der Ergebnisse anhand von drei vom Autor begleiteten Projekten dargestellt.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino da Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011


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In the last 4 years Worcester, UK has been hit by several intense convective rainstorms, which caused flash floods outside of existing surface drainage networks. This paper addresses two questions related to such events: Firstly to what extent can the occurrence of flash flood flow accumulation can be determined using only commonly available data and tools, assuming the rainfall events caused mainly surface runoff due to their tropical intensity and the relatively impermeable urban catchment surface? Secondly, are the flood in-cidents in Worcester aggravated by roads serving as preferential flow paths under these conditions? The as-sessment results indicated that roads do not have an influence on the flow path of flash flood rainfall in Worcester. Flow accumulation calculated with a 10m DEM, corresponds well with reported flood incidents. This basic assessment method can be used to inform the implementation of non structural flood mitigation and public awareness.