944 resultados para in-tube solid-phase microextraction


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D'entre els defectes organolèptics associats al vi, en destaca l'anomenat "gust de suro" habitualment vinculat a la presència de cloroanisoles, els quals són productes de l'activitat microbiana formats a partir dels corresponents clorofenols. La present tesi doctoral recull, en primer lloc, metodologies analítiques adreçades principalment a la determinació dels compostos clorofenòlics (2,4,6-triclorofenol, 2,3,4,6-tetraclorofenol i pentaclorofenol) en el control de qualitat dels taps suro, emprant dissolucions hidroalcohòliques com a medi de maceració o d'extracció i utilitzant les tècniques d'extracció en fase sòlida (SPE) i microextracció en fase sòlida (SPME) acoblades a la cromatografia de gasos (GC). En segon lloc, per tal de dur a terme l'anàlisi de cloroanisoles juntament amb els seus precursors en matrius de suro s'ha avaluat un mètode basat en l'extracció amb dissolvent orgànic, el qual ha estat aplicat per a l'estudi de diferents sistemes d'eliminació d'aquests anàlits en la matriu citada. En darrer lloc, s'han proposat metodologies per l'anàlisi de mostres de vi, en les quals d'una banda s'han determinat els compostos clorofenòlics utilitzant la SPME i de l'altra el 2,4,6-tricloroanisole i el 2,4,6-tribromoanisole mitjançant l'acoblament de la SPE i la injecció de grans volums (LVI) en el sistema cromatogràfic.


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La incidència sobre el suro de defectes sensorials amb descriptors de florit-humitat és un dels principals problemes amb què s'enfronta la indústria surera. Els principals compostos relacionats amb aquest defecte son cloroanisoles, metoxipirazines, geosmina i metilisoborneol. Aquesta recerca s'ha fet amb l'objectiu principal d'aprofundir en els mètodes de determinació de compostos volàtils en suro. S'ha desenvolupat una metodologia basada en la microextracció en fase sòlida i la cromatografia de gasos per a l'anàlisi conjunta d'aquests compostos en macerats de suro. El fet que la majoria dels compostos d'interès tingui un origen microbià ha fet necessari completar les anàlisis químiques amb mètodes de detecció i aïllament dels microorganismes susceptibles de produir-los. S'ha utilitzat un mètode per a l'estudi de la diversitat de fongs i bacteris en mostres de suro basat en l'estudi de marcadors genètics mitjançant l'anàlisi en gradients electroforètics desnaturalitzants. Per últim s'ha avaluat la capacitat de producció de defectes sensorials per microorganismes aïllats de suro utilitzant tècniques olfactomètriques.


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The objective was to determine the presence or absence of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA in ruminal fluid, duodenal digesta, milk, blood, and feces, and if found, to determine fragment size. Six multiparous lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas received a total mixed ration. There were two treatments (T). In T1, the concentrate contained genetically modified (GM) soybean meal (cp4epsps gene) and GM corn grain (cry1a[b] gene), whereas T2 contained the near isogenic non-GM counterparts. Polymerase chain reaction analysis was used to determine the presence or absence of DNA sequences. Primers were selected to amplify small fragments from single-copy genes (soy lectin and corn high-mobility protein and cp4epsps and cry1a[b] genes from the GM crops) and multicopy genes (bovine mitochondrial cytochrome b and rubisco). Single-copy genes were only detected in the solid phase of rumen and duodenal digesta. In contrast, fragments of the rubisco gene were detected in the majority of samples analyzed in both the liquid and solid phases of ruminal and duodenal digesta, milk, and feces, but rarely in blood. The size of the rubisco gene fragments detected decreased from 1176 bp in ruminal and duodenal digesta to 351 bp in fecal samples.


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The objective was to determine the presence or absence of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA in ruminal fluid, duodenal digesta, milk, blood, and feces, and if found, to determine fragment size. Six multiparous lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas received a total mixed ration. There were two treatments (T). In T1, the concentrate contained genetically modified (GM) soybean meal (cp4epsps gene) and GM corn grain (cry1a[b] gene), whereas T2 contained the near isogenic non-GM counterparts. Polymerase chain reaction analysis was used to determine the presence or absence of DNA sequences. Primers were selected to amplify small fragments from single-copy genes (soy lectin and corn high-mobility protein and cp4epsps and cry1a[b] genes from the GM crops) and multicopy genes (bovine mitochondrial cytochrome b and rubisco). Single-copy genes were only detected in the solid phase of rumen and duodenal digesta. In contrast, fragments of the rubisco gene were detected in the majority of samples analyzed in both the liquid and solid phases of ruminal and duodenal digesta, milk, and feces, but rarely in blood. The size of the rubisco gene fragments detected decreased from 1176 bp in ruminal and duodenal digesta to 351 bp in fecal samples.


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Chlorosilylene, ClSiH, was prepared by 193 nm laser flash photolysis of 1-chloro-1-silacyclopent-3-ene in the gas phase. ClSiH was monitored in real time at 457.9 nm using a CW argon ion laser. The kinetics of reactions of ClSiH with C2H4, CH2 = CHCMe3, C2H2, Me2O, SO2, HCl, MeSiH3, Me2SiH2, Me3SiH, MeGeH3, MeGeH3 and precursor have been studied at ambient temperatures for the first time. Addition reactions of ClSiH and reactions with lone pair donors are faster than insertion reactions. Surprisingly ClSiH inserts faster into Si-H than Ge-H bonds. ClSiH is intermediate in reactivity between SiH2 and SiCI2. Relative reactivities of CISiH and SiH2 vary considerably. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, with H2O and with D2O have been carried out in the gas phase at 297 K and at 345 K, using laser flash photolysis to generate and monitor SiH2. The reaction was studied independently as a function of H2O (or D2O) and SF6 (bath gas) pressures. At a fixed pressure of SF6 (5 Torr), [SiH2] decay constants, k(obs), showed a quadratic dependence on [H2O] or [D2O]. At a fixed pressure of H2O or D2O, k(obs) Values were strongly dependent on [SF6]. The combined rate expression is consistent with a mechanism involving the reversible formation of a vibrationally excited zwitterionic donor-acceptor complex, H2Si...OH2 (or H2Si...OD2). This complex can then either be stabilized by SF6 or it reacts with a further molecule of H2O (or D2O) in the rate-determining step. Isotope effects are in the range 1.0-1.5 and are broadly consistent with this mechanism. The mechanism is further supported by RRKM theory, which shows the association reaction to be close to its third-order region of pressure (SF6) dependence. Ab initio quantum calculations, carried out at the G3 level, support the existence of a hydrated zwitterion H2Si...(OH2)(2), which can rearrange to hydrated silanol, with an energy barrier below the reaction energy threshold. This is the first example of a gas-phase-catalyzed silylene reaction.


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A new transient species has been produced and detected by the gas-phase, 193 nm laser flash photolysis of 1,3,4-trimethylgermacyclopent-3-ene, TMGCP. The species has strong visible absorptions in the wavelength region 450−520 nm (maximum at 485 nm) and is attributed to the germylene, MeGeH. Time-resolved kinetic studies have led to the first rate constants for its reactions with GeH4, Me2GeH2, C2H2, C2H4, C3H6, i-C4H8, TMGCP, MeOH, HCl, and SO2. The reactivity of MeGeH is compared to those of GeH2 and GeMe2. The Me-for-H substituent effect varies according to reaction type and is not constant from GeH2 to MeGeH to GeMe2.


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The terminally protected tripeptide Boc-Ala(1)-Leu(2)-Ala(3)-OMe 1 forms antiparallel hydrogen-bonded dimers of two different conformers in the asymmetric unit and the individual dimers then self-associate to form supramolecular beta-sheet structures in crystals and amyloid-like fibrils in the solid state.


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Helices and sheets are ubiquitous in nature. However, there are also some examples of self-assembling molecules forming supramolecular helices and sheets in unnatural systems. Unlike supramolecular sheets there are a very few examples of peptide sub-units that can be used to construct supramolecular helical architectures using the backbone hydrogen bonding functionalities of peptides. In this report we describe the design and synthesis of two single turn/bend forming peptides (Boc-Phe-Aib-Ile-OMe 1 and Boc-Ala-Leu-Aib-OMe 2) (Aib: alpha-aminoisobutyric acid) and a series of double-turn forming peptides (Boc-Phe-Aib-IIe-Aib-OMe 3, Boc-Leu-Aib-Gly-Aib-OMe 4 and Boc-gamma-Abu-Aib-Leu-Aib-OMe 5) (gamma-Abu: gamma-aminobutyric acid). It has been found that, in crystals, on self-assembly, single turn/bend forming peptides form either a supramolecular sheet (peptide 1) or a supramolecular helix (peptide 2). unlike self-associating double turn forming peptides, which have only the option of forming supramolecular helical assemblages. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show that the extended structure of dipeptide I Boc-beta-Ala-m-ABA-OMe (m-ABA: meta-aminobenzoic acid) self-assembles in the solid state by intermolecular hydrogen bonding to create an infinite parallel P-sheet structure. In dipeptide II Boc-gamma-Abu-m-ABA-OMe (gamma-Abu: gamma-aminobutyric acid), two such parallel beta-sheets are further cross-linked by intermolecular hydrogen bonding through m-aminobenzoic acid moieties. SEM (scanning electron microscopy) studies reveal that both the peptides I and II form amyloid-like fibrils in the solid state. The fibrils are also found to be stained readily by Congo red, a characteristic feature of the amyloid fiber whose accumulation causes several fatal diseases such as Alzheimer's, prion-protein etc.


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Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show that the beta-turn structure of tetrapeptide I, Boc-Gly-Phe-Aib-Leu-OMe (Aib: alpha-amino isobutyric acid) self-assembles to a supramolecular helix through intermolecular hydrogen bonding along the crystallographic a axis. By contrast the beta-turn structure of an isomeric tetrapeptide II, Boc-Gly-Leu-Aib-Phe-OMe self-assembles to a supramolecular beta-sheet-like structure via a two-dimensional (a, b axis) intermolecular hydrogen bonding network and pi-pi interactions. FT-IR studies of the peptides revealed that both of them form intermolecularly hydrogen bonded supramolecular structures in the solid state. Field emission scanning electron micrographs (FE-SEM) of the dried fibrous materials of the peptides show different morphologies, non-twisted filaments in case of peptide I and non-twisted filaments and ribbon-like structures in case of peptide II.


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A critical analysis of single crystal X-ray diffraction studies on a series of terminally protected tripeptides containing a centrally positioned Aib (alpha-aminoisobutyric acid) residue has been reported. For the tripeptide series containing Boc-Ala-Aib as corner residues, all the reported peptides formed distorted type II beta-turn structures. Moreover, a series of Phe substituted analogues ( tripeptides with Boc-Phe-Aib) have also shown different beta-turn conformations. However, the Leu-modified analogues (tripeptides with Boc-Leu-Aib) disrupt the concept of beta-turn formation and adopt various conformations in the solid state. X-ray crystallography sheds some light on the conformational heterogeneity at atomic resolution. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The orientational ordering of the nematic phase of a polyethylene glycol (PEG)-peptide block copolymer in aqueous solution is probed by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), with the sample subjected to steady shear in a Couette cell. The PEG-peptide conjugate forms fibrils that behave as semiflexible rodlike chains. The orientational order parameters (P) over bar (2) and (P) over bar (4) are obtained by modeling the data using a series expansion approach to the form factor of uniform cylinders. The method used is independent of assumptions on the form of the singlet orientational distribution function. Good agreement with the anisotropic two-dimensional SANS patterns is obtained. The results show shear alignment starting at very low shear rates, and the orientational order parameters reach a plateau at higher shear rates with a pseudologarithmic dependence on shear rate. The most probable distribution functions correspond to fibrils parallel to the flow direction under shear, but a sample at rest shows a bimodal distribution with some of the rodlike peptide fibrils oriented perpendicular to the flow direction.


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UV absorption spectra of five methyl-substituted hydroxy-cyclohexadienyl radicals, formed by the addition of the hydroxyl radical (OH) to toluene (methyl benzene), o-, m- and p-xylene (1,2-, 1,3- and 1,4-dimethyl benzene, respectively) and mesitylene (1,3,5-trimethylbenzene), have been determined at 298 K, 1 atm pressure (N-2 + O-2), and the corresponding absolute absorption cross-sections measured, using laser flash photolysis and time-resolved UV absorption detection. As observed for other cyclohexadienyl-type radicals, a strong absorption band is present in the 260-340 nm spectral region, with maximum cross-sections in the range (0.9-2.2) x 10(-17) cm(2) molecule(-1). The shape of the band varies significantly from one radical to the next for the series of aromatic precursors investigated. The nature and yields of hydroxylated ring-retaining oxidation products, identified in previous studies of the OH-initiated oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons, and the results of theoretical density functional theory (DFT) calculations indicate that one or more possible isomers of the various OH-adducts may contribute to the observed spectra. Isomers where the OH-group is ortho- (or both ortho- and ipso-) to a substituent methyl-group are likely to be the most abundant but other isomers may also be formed to a significant extent. Nonetheless, the present study provides absorption spectra of the adduct radicals formed from the gas phase addition of OH to the aromatic hydrocarbons considered, near room temperature and I atm pressure. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The mechanism of formation of pinonic and norpinonic acids from alpha-pinene ozonolysis has been investigated by studying the products of the ozonolysis of an enone derived from alpha-pinene using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.