981 resultados para hydrometeorology, Penman-Monteith-FAO, kriging
R. solanacearum was ranked in a recent survey the second most important bacterial plant pathogen, following the widely used research model Pseudomonas syringae (Mansfield et al., 2012). The main reason is that bacterial wilt caused by R. solanacearum is the world"s most devastating bacterial plant disease (http://faostat.fao.org), threatening food safety in tropical and subtropical agriculture, especially in China, Bangladesh, Bolivia and Uganda (Martin and French, 1985). This is due to the unusually wide host range of the bacterium, its high persistence and because resistant crop varieties are unavailable. In addition, R. solanacearum has been established as a model bacterium for plant pathology thanks to pioneering molecular and genomic studies (Boucher et al., 1985; Cunnac et al., 2004b; Mukaihara et al., 2010; Occhialini et al., 2005; Salanoubat et al., 2002). As for many bacterial pathogens, the main virulence determinant in R. solanacearum is the type III secretion system (T3SS) (Boucher et al., 1994), which injects a number of effector proteins into plant cells causing disease in hosts or an hypersensitive response in resistant plants. In this article we discuss the current state in the study of the R. solanacearum T3SS, stressing the latest findings and future perspectives.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as melhores condições de hidrólise enzimática de fibras alimentares de cotilédones de soja, original (FAO) e micronizada (FAM), e caracterizar os hidrolisados sólidos e solúveis. As amostras foram hidrolisadas com carboidrase (200 µL g-1, durante 12 horas, a 30ºC) ou com protease (150 µL g-1, durante 5 horas, a 55ºC). A fração sólida das amostras tratadas com carboidrase teve redução de 73% dos carboidratos e de 50% dos ácidos urônicos iniciais; houve aumento da concentração de proteínas e aumento da solubilidade e volume de intumescimento comparado com o material não hidrolisado. Proteínas de reserva da soja - beta-conglicinina e glicinina - foram extraídas das fibras alimentares não hidrolisadas e identificadas por eletroforese. A protease solubilizou 54% do total de proteínas das amostras e formou peptídeos com peso molecular menor que 10 KDa e uma banda de peso molecular próximo aos 25 KDa, provavelmente glicoproteína de parede celular, e deixou uma fração sólida com 76% de fibras alimentares totais. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou alterações físicas para a FAO hidrolisada com protease, com superfície mais porosa do que a FAM. O tratamento enzimático foi efetivo em alterar a composição química e estrutural das fibras, dando novas perspectivas para aplicações tecnológicas.
Spatial data analysis mapping and visualization is of great importance in various fields: environment, pollution, natural hazards and risks, epidemiology, spatial econometrics, etc. A basic task of spatial mapping is to make predictions based on some empirical data (measurements). A number of state-of-the-art methods can be used for the task: deterministic interpolations, methods of geostatistics: the family of kriging estimators (Deutsch and Journel, 1997), machine learning algorithms such as artificial neural networks (ANN) of different architectures, hybrid ANN-geostatistics models (Kanevski and Maignan, 2004; Kanevski et al., 1996), etc. All the methods mentioned above can be used for solving the problem of spatial data mapping. Environmental empirical data are always contaminated/corrupted by noise, and often with noise of unknown nature. That's one of the reasons why deterministic models can be inconsistent, since they treat the measurements as values of some unknown function that should be interpolated. Kriging estimators treat the measurements as the realization of some spatial randomn process. To obtain the estimation with kriging one has to model the spatial structure of the data: spatial correlation function or (semi-)variogram. This task can be complicated if there is not sufficient number of measurements and variogram is sensitive to outliers and extremes. ANN is a powerful tool, but it also suffers from the number of reasons. of a special type ? multiplayer perceptrons ? are often used as a detrending tool in hybrid (ANN+geostatistics) models (Kanevski and Maignank, 2004). Therefore, development and adaptation of the method that would be nonlinear and robust to noise in measurements, would deal with the small empirical datasets and which has solid mathematical background is of great importance. The present paper deals with such model, based on Statistical Learning Theory (SLT) - Support Vector Regression. SLT is a general mathematical framework devoted to the problem of estimation of the dependencies from empirical data (Hastie et al, 2004; Vapnik, 1998). SLT models for classification - Support Vector Machines - have shown good results on different machine learning tasks. The results of SVM classification of spatial data are also promising (Kanevski et al, 2002). The properties of SVM for regression - Support Vector Regression (SVR) are less studied. First results of the application of SVR for spatial mapping of physical quantities were obtained by the authorsin for mapping of medium porosity (Kanevski et al, 1999), and for mapping of radioactively contaminated territories (Kanevski and Canu, 2000). The present paper is devoted to further understanding of the properties of SVR model for spatial data analysis and mapping. Detailed description of the SVR theory can be found in (Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor, 2000; Smola, 1996) and basic equations for the nonlinear modeling are given in section 2. Section 3 discusses the application of SVR for spatial data mapping on the real case study - soil pollution by Cs137 radionuclide. Section 4 discusses the properties of the modelapplied to noised data or data with outliers.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi mapear a evapotranspiração real (ETr) e determinar o volume de água utilizado no projeto de irrigação de São Gonçalo, PB, no Semiárido brasileiro, com auxílio do sensoriamento remoto. Foram adquiridas imagens TM/Landsat 5 da área em estudo, em 2008, que foram utilizadas na obtenção dos mapas temáticos da ETr diária. Selecionaram-se dois pomares de coqueiro‑anão para validação dos resultados da evapotranspiração obtida com o "surface energy balance algorithm for land" (ET Sebal) e com o método FAO‑56 (ET FAO). Para determinação da ET FAO, utilizou-se o produto entre o coeficiente de cultura, o coeficiente de ajuste e a evapotranspiração de referência. As diferenças obtidas, com uso das duas técnicas, resultaram em raiz do erro quadrado médio, erro relativo médio e erro absoluto médio iguais a 0,53 mm, 9,46% e 0,43 mm, respectivamente. Nas áreas irrigadas, a ETr representou 85% do saldo de radiação e, nas de sequeiro, apenas 12,5%. O mapeamento da ETr delimitou claramente as áreas irrigadas das de sequeiro, bem como as diferenças existentes no interior do perímetro irrigado do projeto em investigação. O volume de água empregado no projeto de irrigação representa, somente no período de julho a dezembro, mais de 60% da capacidade do açude de São Gonçalo.
The quality of environmental data analysis and propagation of errors are heavily affected by the representativity of the initial sampling design [CRE 93, DEU 97, KAN 04a, LEN 06, MUL07]. Geostatistical methods such as kriging are related to field samples, whose spatial distribution is crucial for the correct detection of the phenomena. Literature about the design of environmental monitoring networks (MN) is widespread and several interesting books have recently been published [GRU 06, LEN 06, MUL 07] in order to clarify the basic principles of spatial sampling design (monitoring networks optimization) based on Support Vector Machines was proposed. Nonetheless, modelers often receive real data coming from environmental monitoring networks that suffer from problems of non-homogenity (clustering). Clustering can be related to the preferential sampling or to the impossibility of reaching certain regions.
The objective of this work was to select semivariogram models to estimate the population density of fig fly (Zaprionus indianus; Diptera: Drosophilidae) throughout the year, using ordinary kriging. Nineteen monitoring sites were demarcated in an area of 8,200 m2, cropped with six fruit tree species: persimmon, citrus, fig, guava, apple, and peach. During a 24 month period, 106 weekly evaluations were done in these sites. The average number of adult fig flies captured weekly per trap, during each month, was subjected to the circular, spherical, pentaspherical, exponential, Gaussian, rational quadratic, hole effect, K-Bessel, J-Bessel, and stable semivariogram models, using ordinary kriging interpolation. The models with the best fit were selected by cross-validation. Each data set (months) has a particular spatial dependence structure, which makes it necessary to define specific models of semivariograms in order to enhance the adjustment to the experimental semivariogram. Therefore, it was not possible to determine a standard semivariogram model; instead, six theoretical models were selected: circular, Gaussian, hole effect, K-Bessel, J-Bessel, and stable.
A evapotranspiração (ETc) e o coeficiente de cultura (Kc) da goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Paluma, aos dois anos e três meses após o plantio e irrigada por microaspersão, foram determinados durante um ciclo de produção, em Petrolina-PE, Brasil. O método da razão de Bowen foi utilizado para a estimativa da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc), enquanto o de Penmam-Monteith foi empregado para a estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência (ETo), com a utilização de duas estações agrometeorológicas, uma automática e outra convencional. A ETc acumulada entre a poda (junho de 2001) e a colheita (dezembro de 2001) foi de 906 mm em 200 dias, correspondendo a um valor médio de 4,53 ± 0,68 mm.dia-1. O Kc apresentou valores entre 0,75 a 0,93 e de 0,61 a 0,84, quando foram usadas as estações convencional e automática, respectivamente.
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar la correspondencia entre los resultados de una evaluación de tierras con la distribución real de los cultivos. Para ello la aptitud biofísica de las tierras se comparó con diferentes tipologías de frecuencia de ocurrencia de los cultivos y rotaciones derivadas de mapas de cultivos multitemporales. La investigación fue llevada a cabo en el distrito de riego de Flumen (33.000 ha), localizado en el valle del Ebro (NE España). La evaluación de tierras se basó en una cartografía de suelos 1:100.000, según el esquema FAO, para los principales cultivos presentes en el área de estudio (alfalfa, cereales de invierno, maíz, arroz y girasol). Se utilizaron tres mapas de frecuencia de cultivos y un mapa de rotaciones, derivado de una serie temporal de imágenes Landsat TM y ETM+ del periodo 1993-2000, y se compararon con los mapas de aptitud de tierras para los diferentes cultivos. Se analizó estadísticamente (Pearson χ2, Cramer V, Gamma y Somers D) la relación entre los dos tipos de variables. Los resultados muestran la existencia de una relación significativa (P=0,001) entre la localización de los cultivos y la idoneidad de las tierras, excepto de cultivos oportunistas como el girasol, muy influenciado por las subvenciones en el periodo estudiado. Las rotaciones basadas en la alfalfa muestran los mayores porcentajes (52%) de ocupación en las tierras más aptas para la agricultura en el área de estudio. El presente enfoque multitemporal de análisis de la información ofrece una visión más real que la comparación entre un mapa de evaluación de tierras y un mapa de cultivos de una fecha determinada, cuando se valora el grado de acuerdo entre las recomendaciones sobre la aptitud de las tierras y los cultivos realmente cultivados por los agricultores.
Este estudio está basado en el muestreo de campo y posterior análisis de 24 parcelas de hayedo seleccionadas mediante una estratificación de su área de distribución basada en la clasificación CLATERES de la Ecorregión Catalano-Aragonesa. En cada parcela se han evaluado 3 parámetros fisiográficos, 15 climáticos y 18 edáficos, a partir de los cuales se han establecido sus valores paramétricos centrales y marginales que permiten definir los hábitats fisiográfico, climático y edáfico de las masas de Fagus sylvatica L. en Cataluña. Los hayedos catalanes se presentan sobre substratos litológicos muy diversos (plutonitas, vulcanitas, metamorfitas y sedimentitas, tanto ácidas como básicas), con texturas predominantes francas, franco-arenosas o franco-limosas. Los suelos, según FAO, son mayoritariamente cambisoles. A pesar de que la capacidad de retención de agua de sus suelos es escasa, la sequía fisiológica es reducida. Los humus predominantemente pertenecen a los tipos mull forestal y mull cálcico. Además, se presentan una serie de parámetros selvícolas ( Densidad de pies y densidad de chirpiales, Area basimétrica, Altura Total dominante, Índices de Hart-Becking, Índice de Calidad de Estación y Edad de la masa) que al correlacionarlos con los ecológicos nos ha permitido comprobar que los mejores hayedos se encuentran en las localizaciones más térmicas, en las que incluso se podría producir sequía fisiológica si no fuera por que existen suficientes precipitaciones estivales.
Aplicació de càlcul nutricional que permet les següents funcionalitats: Gestió d’Individus/Pacients permet organitzar els pacients en carpetes i subcarpetes, podent incorporar un històric de dades antropomètriques i dietètic i calcular els següents dades: IMC (Índex de Massa Corporal), Índex Cintura / Maluc, Estima el pes ideal orientatiu, Estimació de Despesa Energètica per: Harris-Benedict, FAO-OMS, Mifflin-St. Jeor. En base a la informació introduïda a la pestanya Activitat Física estima també la despesa energètica tenint en compte l’activitat física realitzada per l’individu (permet estimar la despesa energètica per 605 activitats).Estimació de necessitats energètiques en malalts per Long et al. i Ireton-Jones amb la base del càlcul del Metabolisme Basal de Harris-Benedict. Introduint els plecs (Plec Pectoral, Plec Bíceps, Plec Abdominal, Plec Supraespinal, Plec Cuixa anterior, Plec Cama medial, Plec Subescapular, Plec Tricipital), els diàmetres (Diàmetre Antero-Posterior Tòrax, Diàmetre Sagital, Diàmetre Húmer, Diàmetre Fèmur, Diàmetre Biacromial, Diàmetre Transversal Tòrax, Diàmetre Biileocrestal) i els perímetres (Perímetre Braç flexionat, Perímetre Braç, Perímetre Canell, Perímetre Cuixa, Perímetre Cama, Perímetre Tòrax) el programa és capaç de calcular el % de greix, massa òssia, massa muscular i massa residual per diferents fórmules (% Gas Yuhasz, % Gras Faulkner, % Gras Siri, % Gras Brozek, Distribució corporal de Drinkwater). També calcula el perímetre muscular del braç i la cama. També calcula el Pes Objectiu en relació a un % Greix objectiu, calculant quin pes hauria de tenir el pacient per un % de Greix donat.
Several hundreds of artificial radionuclides are produced as the result of human activities, such as the applications of nuclear reactors and particle accelerators, testing of nuclear weapons and nuclear accidents. Many of these radionuclides are short-lived and decay quickly after their production, but some of them are longer-lived and are released into the environment. From the radiological point of view the most important radionuclides are cesium-137, strontium-90 and plutonium-239, due to their chemical and nuclear characteristics. The two first radioisotopes present long half life (30 and 28 years), high fission yields and chemical behaviour similar to potassium and calcium, respectively. No stable element exists for plutonium-239, that presents high radiotoxicity, long half-life (24000 years) and some marine organisms accumulate plutonium at high levels. The radionuclides introduced into marine environment undergo various physical, chemical and biological processes taking place in the sea. These processes may be due to physical dispersion or complicated chemical and biological interactions of the radionuclides with inorganic and organic suspend matter, variety of living organisms, bottom sediments, etc. The behaviour of radionuclides in the sea depends primarily on their chemical properties, but it may also be influenced by properties of interacting matrices and other environmental factors. The major route of radiation exposure of man to artificial radionuclides occuring in the marine environment is through ingestion of radiologically contamined marine organisms. This paper summarizes the main sources of contamination in the marine environment and presents an overview covering the oceanic distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides in the FAO regions. A great number of measurements of artificial radionuclides have been carried out on various marine environmental samples in different oceans over the world, being cesium-137 the most widely measured radionuclide. Radionuclide concentrations vary from region to region, according to the specific sources of contamination. In some regions, such as the Irish Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, the concentrations depend on the inputs due to discharges from reprocessing facilities and from Chernobyl accident. In Brazil, the artificial radioactivity is low and corresponds to typical deposition values due to fallout for the Southern Hemisphere.
KBrO3 is registered by the FAO/OMS as a genotoxic and carcinogenic compound. In spite of this, KBrO3 is still employed by Brazilian bakeries. Nowadays ion exchange chromatography (IEC) is the most rapid and trustful method for BrO3- analysis. When at high concentrations, chloride ions can interfere in the BrO3- analysis, if the detection is performed by electrical conductivity. On the other hand, spectrophotometric detection, presented here is based on the absorption of BrO3- in the ultraviolet region (210 - 230 nm) where the absortion of chloride ions is very low, thus making possible the qualitative and quantitative analysis of BrO3- in flour improver samples.
Significance: Current lifestyles with high-energy diets and little exercise are triggering an alarming growth in obesity. Excess of adiposity is leading to severe increases in associated pathologies, such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer, arthritis, asthma, and hypertension. This, together with the lack of efficient obesity drugs, is the driving force behind much research. Recent Advances: Traditional anti-obesity strategies focused on reducing food intake and increasing physical activity. However, recent results suggest that enhancing cellular energy expenditure may be an attractive alternative therapy. Critical Issues: This review evaluates recent discoveries regarding mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and its potential as a therapy for obesity. We focus on the still controversial beneficial effects of increased FAO in liver and muscle, recent studies on how to potentiate adipose tissue energy expenditure, and the different hypotheses involving FAO and the reactive oxygen species production in the hypothalamic control of food intake. Future Directions: The present review aims to provide an overview of novel anti-obesity strategies that target mitochondrial FAO and that will definitively be of high interest in the future research to fight against obesity-related disorders.
Lipid overload in obesity and type 2 diabetes is associated with adipocyte dysfunction, inflammation, macrophage infiltration, and decreased fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Here, we report that the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), the rate-limiting enzyme in mitochondrial FAO, is higher in human adipose tissue macrophages than in adipocytes and that it is differentially expressed in visceral vs. subcutaneous adipose tissue in both an obese and a type 2 diabetes cohort. These observations led us to further investigate the potential role of CPT1A in adipocytes and macrophages. We expressed CPT1AM, a permanently active mutant form of CPT1A, in 3T3-L1 CARΔ1 adipocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages through adenoviral infection. Enhanced FAO in palmitate-incubated adipocytes and macrophages reduced triglyceride content and inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity in adipocytes, and reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress and ROS damage in macrophages. We conclude that increasing FAO in adipocytes and macrophages improves palmitate-induced derangements. This indicates that enhancing FAO in metabolically relevant cells such as adipocytes and macrophages may be a promising strategy for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pathologies such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Lipid overload in obesity and type 2 diabetes is associated with adipocyte dysfunction, inflammation, macrophage infiltration, and decreased fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Here, we report that the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A), the rate-limiting enzyme in mitochondrial FAO, is higher in human adipose tissue macrophages than in adipocytes and that it is differentially expressed in visceral vs. subcutaneous adipose tissue in both an obese and a type 2 diabetes cohort. These observations led us to further investigate the potential role of CPT1A in adipocytes and macrophages. We expressed CPT1AM, a permanently active mutant form of CPT1A, in 3T3-L1 CARΔ1 adipocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages through adenoviral infection. Enhanced FAO in palmitate-incubated adipocytes and macrophages reduced triglyceride content and inflammation, improved insulin sensitivity in adipocytes, and reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress and ROS damage in macrophages. We conclude that increasing FAO in adipocytes and macrophages improves palmitate-induced derangements. This indicates that enhancing FAO in metabolically relevant cells such as adipocytes and macrophages may be a promising strategy for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pathologies such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.