883 resultados para goat kids
Una primera guía para sobrevivir en la escuela y seguir adelante con los compañeros de clase. Se incluye una mirada al prejuicio, cómo hacer frente a lo matones de la escuela, qué hacer cuando alguien dice mentiras acerca de nosotros o pide que acusemos.
Obra de referencia para descubrir más de cuatrocientas palabras esenciales, sus definiciones y cómo utilizarlas, que se explican en un contexto que los niños entienden fácilmente.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
The adjustment of the teaching learning contents in Physical Education, requires of a rigorous analysis that permits to adjust them to the maximum with the educational needs of the student body. It has been approached an investigation study in the one which have intervened pupils, boys and girls, of two different populations, Girona and Madrid in order to prove and analyse the motor and mental components of the student body in the real situation of the game. The hypothesis that we have treated are:if it exists differences between the boys and girls of the educational levels studied in the motor and mental solution in the sports initiation, additionally, the differences that they can exist between the courses and what distance is verified between the study ages to approach a physical activity that implies an initial step to the hour of teaching the collective sports in the classes of Physical education. They have been employed three measure instruments: the first permits to analyse the mental solution without need of practice employing situation photographs of the real game with those which the pupils must choose to who to happen; the second is a pass test that permits to prove the technical dominance to use in a collective sport and the third is a real game situation that permits to put in manifesto the relationship between the mental behaviour and the motor of the pupil. This real game situation is ‘the game of ten pass’ (Blázquez,1986; Torres,1993). The results demonstrate that it do not exist differences between the two sexes in the study ages. In the case of the technical execution level, there is a considerable increase with the age and it is slightly greater in the kids that in the girls. In the case of the real game, we find ourselves with a great variability in the results and we cannot conclude that there are relative differences to the sex in none of the three courses. Respect at participation level during the game is confirmed that the pupils that more participate are not the pupils than more balls lose, what permits to guarantee the idea of the fact that it is convenient to use the real game practice as direct learning element. Finally, there is no a high correlation between the execution level measured in the test of technical execution and the decision execution during the game
En La Fiesta del Chivo, de Mario Vargas Llosa, el autor representa al dictador de la República Dominicana, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, como un híbrido entre la autoridad patriarcal y la burocracia autoritaria. La reflexión que la autora propone se centra en la observación de la relación entre representaciones de la credibilidad del gobernante en el pueblo dominicano y las pretendidas “realidades”, referentes de estas representaciones en la novela, es decir, la relación entre la ficción literaria y la pretendida lectura cultural de la legitimidad del poder en la cultura popular. Una aproximación a esta siempre inconclusa relación entre la representación y su objeto y a las pretensiones de adecuación entre ambas nos permite observar la relativización de la violencia que forma parte de la mencionada representación literaria.
Long-term indicators of soil fertility were assessed by measuring grain yield, soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil Olsen phosphorous for a P-deficient soil. In one set of treatments, goat manure was applied annually for 13 years at 0, 5 and 10 t ha(-1), and intercrops of sorghum/cowpea, millet/green gram and maize/pigeonpea were grown. Yield depended on rainfall and trends with time were not identifiable. Manure caused an upward trend in SOC, but 10 t ha(-1) manure did not give significantly more SOC than 5 t ha(-1). Only 10 t ha(-1) manure increased Olsen P. Measurements of both SOC and Olsen P are recommended. In another set of treatments, manure was applied for four years; the residual effect lasted another seven to eight years when assessed by yield, SOC and Olsen P Treatment with mineral fertilizers provided the same rates of N and P as 5 t hat manure and yields from manure and fertilizer were similar. Fertilizer increased Olsen P but not SOC. Management systems with occasional manure application and intermediate fertilizer applications should be assessed. Inputs and offtakes of C, N and P were measured for three years. Approximately 16, 25 and 11% of C, N and P respectively were stabilized into soil organic matter from 5 t ha(-1) a(-1) manure. The majority of organic P was fixed as soil inorganic P.
The sustainability of cereal/legume intercropping was assessed by monitoring trends in grain yield, soil organic C (SOC) and soil extractable P (Olsen method) measured over 13 years at a long-term field trial on a P-deficient soil in semi-arid Kenya. Goat manure was applied annually for 13 years at 0, 5 and 10 t ha(-1) and trends in grain yield were not identifiable because of season-to-season variations. SOC and Olsen P increased for the first seven years of manure application and then remained constant. The residual effect of manure applied for four years only lasted another seven to eight years when assessed by yield, SOC and Olsen P. Mineral fertilizers provided the same annual rates of N and P as in 5 t ha(-1) manure and initially ,gave the same yield as manure, declining after nine years to about 80%. Therefore, manure applications could be made intermittently and nutrient requirements topped-up with fertilizers. Grain yields for sorghum with continuous manure were described well by correlations with rainfall and manure input only, if data were excluded for seasons with over 500 mm rainfall. A comprehensive simulation model should correctly describe crop losses caused by excess water.
The effectiveness of adapted rumen fluid versus PEG to ferment tannin-containing substrates in vitro
This study investigated the potential of the goat's ruminal adaptation to reduce the negative effect of tannins on in vitro fermentation. Rumen fluid was obtained from goats fed a mixture of tannin-containing tree fruits (adapted rumen fluid) or tannin-free commercial protein supplements (unadapted rumen fluid) for 85 days. Dry, mature fruits of Acacia nilotica, Acacia erubescens, Acacia erioloba, Dichrostachys cinerea and Piliostigma thonningii were used as substrates for the in vitro fermentation. The effectiveness of adapted rumen fluid to ferment tannin-containing substrates was compared to the extent of fermentation when tannins were inactivated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), a known tannin-binding agent. Adapted rumen fluid (P < 0.05) increased gas production from all five substrates between 15.8% and 73.7%. In A. nilotica, D. cinerea and P thonningii, this increase was less than that obtained through PEG treatment. When PEG was added to adapted rumen fluid a further improvement in extent of fermentation was observed in four out of the five fruit samples. The largest PEG effect when incubated with adapted rumen fluid was observed in A. nilotica (43.1%) and D. cinerea (42.9%) fruits. It is concluded that some tannin-rich feedstuffs may still benefit from treatment even when these are offered to adapted animals. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An experiment was conducted to determine what effect simple treatments might have on the voluntary intake by goats in Nepal of Eupatorium adenophorum, an invasive weed that is usually only consumed by goats to a very limited extent. Samples of E. adenophorum were collected and either untreated, soaked for 2 h or wilted for 2 h before being oven dried (60 degrees C) and ground. Soaking and wilting had little effect on the chemical composition of E. adenophorum, but did increase (P=0.036) its in vitro organic matter degradability, by approximately 8%. The short-term intake rate (STIR) of treated and untreated E. adenophorum was then estimated with eight goats. Soaking time (from 2 to 24 h) was not related to STIR (r = -0.111, P=0.198), but the time E. adenophorum was left to wilt (from 2 to 48h), was positively related to STIR (r=0.521, P<0.001), with values of STIR (g dry matter/min kg goat liveweight(0.75)) being 0.405, 0.649,1.058, S.E.M. 0.088 for E. adenophorum, that had been wilted for 0, 24 and 48 h respectively (P<0.001). Liveweight change of goats and voluntary intake of E. adenophorum by goats was then estimated with 24 goats. E. adenophorum was fed either unwilted, or wilted for 24 or 48 h. It was fed as the sole forage or as a 3:1 mixture (dry matter basis) with Ficus cunia. There was a linear (P<0.001) and quadratic (P<0.01) increase in the intake of total forage and E. adenophorum with wilting time of E. adenophorum. Offering Ficus cunia increased total forage intake, but decreased E. adenophorum intake (P<0.05). After four weeks, there was virtually no change in goat liveweight and no significant difference between treatments. The results suggest that wilting E adenophorum for 24 h could increase its intake by goats, and thereby increase its usefulness, as a potential source of forage in the dry season of Nepal, when forage scarcity is a common constraint to livestock production. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The member countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) have recently endorsed its global strategy on diet, physical activity and health. The strategy emphasises the need to limit the consumption of saturated fats and trans-fatty acids, salt and sugars, and to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables in order to combat the growing burden of non-communicable diseases. This paper attempts a broad quantitative assessment of the consumption impacts of these norms in OECD countries using a mathematical programming approach. We find that adherence to the WHO norms would involve a significant decrease in the consumption of vegetable oils (30%), dairy products (28%), sugar (24%), animal fats (30%) and meat (pig meat, 13.5%, mutton and goat 14.5%) and a significant increase in the human consumption of cereals (31%), fruits (25%) and vegetables (21%). (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Calcium removal, using Duolite C433 ion exchange resin, was faster from permeate than from milk. Almost all calcium could be removed, suggesting a fairly rapid conversion from both soluble calcium phosphate and from micellar calcium to ionic calcium. Calcium reduction from milk is accompanied by an increase in pH, a reduction in ionic calcium, an increase in ethanol stability and an increase in the rennet coagulation time. There is a gradual increase in the average casein micelle size with calcium removal, up to a point where the micelle size increases dramatically. Zeta potential becomes more negative with calcium removal. At higher levels of calcium removal, the changes are not reversible, on reducing pH to its original value. For goat's milk, over the range 0-20% total calcium removal, relatively small reductions in total calcium gave rise to proportionally larger reductions in ionic calcium in a ratio of about 1:3.2.
The use of natural plant anthelmintics was suggested as a possible alternative control of gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) in ruminants. Direct anthelmintic effects of tannin-containing plants have already been shown in sheep and goat GIN. These anthelmintic properties are mainly associated with condensed tannins. In the present study, we evaluated possible in vitro effects of three tannin-containing plants against bovine GIN. Effects of Onobrychis viciifolia, Lotus pedunculatus and Lotus corniculatus condensed tannin (CT) extracts on Cooperia oncophora and Ostertagia ostertagi were determined by a larval feeding inhibition assay (LFIA) and a larval exsheathment assay (LEA). In the LFIA, all three plant extracts significantly inhibited larval feeding behaviour of both C. oncophora and O. ostertagi first stage larvae in a dose-dependent manner. The L. pedunculatus extract, based on EC50 (effective concentration for 50% inhibition), was the most effective against both nematodes, followed by O. viciifolia and L. corniculatus. The effect of CT extracts upon larval feeding behaviour correlates with CT content and procyanidin/prodelphidin ratio. Larval exsheathment of C. oncophora and O. ostertagi L3 larvae (third stage larvae) was also affected by CT extracts from all three plants. In both in vitro assays, extracts with added polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, an inhibitor of tannins, generated almost the same values as the negative control; this confirms the role of CT in the anthelmintic effect of these plant extracts. Our results, therefore, indicated that tannin-containing plants could act against cattle nematodes.
Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 was first implicated in human disease in the early 1980s, with ruminants cited as the primary reservoirs. Preliminary studies indicated cattle to be the sole source of E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks in humans; however, further epidemiological studies soon demonstrated that E. coli O157:H7 was widespread in other food sources and that a number of transmission routes existed. More recently, small domestic ruminants (sheep and goats) have emerged as important sources of E. coli O157:H7 human infection, particularly with the widespread popularity of petting farms and the increased use of sheep and goat food products, including unpasteurized cheeses. Although the colonization and persistence characteristics of E. coli O157:H7 in the bovine host have been studied intensively, this is not the case for small ruminants. Despite many similarities to the bovine host, the pathobiology of E. coli O157:H7 in small domestic ruminants does appear to differ significantly from that described in cattle. This review aims to critically review the current knowledge regarding colonization and persistence of E. coli O157:H7 in small domestic ruminants, including comparisons with the bovine host where appropriate.
Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 : H7 infections of man have been associated with consumption of unpasteurized goat's milk and direct contact with kid goats on petting farms, yet little is known about colonization of goats with this organism. To assess the contribution of flagella and intimin of E coli O157 : H7 in colonization of the goat, 8-week-old conventionally reared goats were inoculated orally in separate experiments with 1 X 10(10) c.f.u. of a non-verotoxigenic strain of E coli O157: H7 (strain NCTC 12900 Nal(r)), an aflagellate derivative (DMB1) and an intimin-deficient derivative (DMB2). At 24 In after inoculation, the three E coli O157 : H7 strains were shed at approximately 5 X 1 04 c.f.u. (g faeces)(-1) from all animals. Significantly fewer intimin-deficient bacteria were shed only on days 2 (P = 0(.)003) and 4 (P = 0(.)014), whereas from day 7 to 29 there were no differences. Tissues from three animals inoculated with wild-type E coli O157 : H7 strain NCTC 12900 Nalr were sampled at 24,48 and 96 In after inoculation and the organism was cultured from the large intestine of all three animals and from the duodenum and ileum of the animal examined at 96 h. Tissues were examined histologically but attaching-effacing (AE) lesions were not observed at any intestinal site of the animals examined at 24 or 48 In. However, the animal examined at 96 h, which had uniquely shed approximately 1 x 10(7) E coli O157: H7 (g faeces)(-1) for the preceding 3 days, showed a heavy, diffuse infection with cryptosporidia. and abundant, multifocal AE lesions in the distal colon, rectum and at the recto-anal junction. These AE lesions were confirmed by immunohistochemistry to be associated with E coli O157: H7.