973 resultados para fungus mutant
Abstract Background Despite recent advances in the understanding of lignocellulolytic enzyme regulation, less is known about how different carbon sources are sensed and the signaling cascades that result in the adaptation of cellular metabolism and hydrolase secretion. Therefore, the role played by non-essential protein kinases (NPK) and phosphatases (NPP) in the sensing of carbon and/or energetic status was investigated in the model filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Results Eleven NPKs and seven NPPs were identified as being involved in cellulase, and in some cases also hemicellulase, production in A. nidulans. The regulation of CreA-mediated carbon catabolite repression (CCR) in the parental strain was determined by fluorescence microscopy, utilising a CreA: GFP fusion protein. The sensing of phosphorylated glucose, via the RAS signalling pathway induced CreA repression, while carbon starvation resulted in derepression. Growth on cellulose represented carbon starvation and derepressing conditions. The involvement of the identified NPKs in the regulation of cellulose-induced responses and CreA derepression was assessed by genome-wide transcriptomics (GEO accession 47810). CreA:GFP localisation and the restoration of endocellulase activity via the introduction of the ∆creA mutation, was assessed in the NPK-deficient backgrounds. The absence of either the schA or snfA kinase dramatically reduced cellulose-induced transcriptional responses, including the expression of hydrolytic enzymes and transporters. The mechanism by which these two NPKs controlled gene transcription was identified, as the NPK-deficient mutants were not able to unlock CreA-mediated carbon catabolite repression under derepressing conditions, such as carbon starvation or growth on cellulose. Conclusions Collectively, this study identified multiple kinases and phosphatases involved in the sensing of carbon and/or energetic status, while demonstrating the overlapping, synergistic roles of schA and snfA in the regulation of CreA derepression and hydrolytic enzyme production in A. nidulans. The importance of a carbon starvation-induced signal for CreA derepression, permitting transcriptional activator binding, appeared paramount for hydrolase secretion.
Bacterial GatCAB amidotransferases are responsible for the transamidation of mischarged glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) into glutaminyl-tRNA(Gln). Mitochondria matrix also has a multienzymatic complex necessary for the transamidation of glutamyl-tRNA(Gln). Gtf1p, Her2p and Pet112p are the constituents of mitochondrial GatFAB amidotransferase complex. Her2p is subunit A of GatFAB complex, while Gtf1p is subunit F, a connector protein between Pet112p (subunit B) and Her2p. Here we evaluate through molecular modeling and amino acid correlation analysis the HER2 protein family. Localization studies indicated that Her2p is predominantly localized in the mitochondrial outer membrane, but it is also located in the mitochondrial matrix where together with Pet112p and Gtf1p constitutes the GatFAB complex. Finally, HER2 random mutagenesis unveiled important residues that provide thermo stability for the complex and are differently suppressed by overexpression of GTF1 or PET112. For instance, her2/ts11 mutant showed its fermentative growth impaired, and poorly rescued by GTF1 indicating that Her2p unknown function in the mitochondria outer membrane affects cell viability.
Das aus wissenschaftlicher und ökonomischer Sicht wichtigste Pflanzenpathogen M. oryzae entwickelte im Laufe der Evolution konservierte aber auch einzigartige Mechanismen zur Signaltransduktion. Das Erforschen dieser Mechanismen und Prozesse ist essenziell für das Verständnis von Differenzierungsprozessen bei der Pathogen-Wirt-Interaktion.rnIm ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Signalweg zur Osmoregulation, der „High Osmolarity Glycerol“ (HOG)-Signalweg, erstmals anhand physiologischer Experimente in entsprechenden Mutantenstämmen in M. oryzae untersucht. Dabei konnten klare Unter-schiede zum HOG-Signalweg von S. cerevisiae aufgezeigt werden. rnDas in M. oryzae bisher noch nicht beschriebene Gen MoYPD1, welches das Phosphotransferprotein MoYpd1p kodiert, wurde erfolgreich inaktiviert. Diese Inaktivierung ist in S. cerevisiae und vielen anderen Pilzen letal und resultierte bei M. oryzae in einer apathoge¬nen Albinomutante, deren Konidiogenese gestört ist. Insbesondere die Funktion des Phosphotransferproteins MoYpd1p, sowohl im Phosphorelaysystem des HOG-Signal¬wegs als auch im Wirkmechanismus des Fungizids Fludioxonil, konnte eindeutig mittels Y2H- und Western Blot-Analysen nachgewiesen werden.rnEs wurden entscheidende Fortschritte für das Verständnis des Aufbaus und der Funktion des HOG-Signalwegs sowohl als physiologisches Regulationssystem für Umweltreize als auch als Fungizidtarget im Pflanzenschutz erzielt. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Zweikompo-nenten-Hybrid-Histidinkinase (HIK) MoSln1p als Signalsensor für Salzstress und MoHik1p als Signalsensor für Zuckerstress fungiert. Die Beteiligung der Histidinkinasen MoHik5p und MoHik9p als Sensorproteine für Hypoxie im HOG-Signalweg ist durchaus denk¬bar und wurde durch erste Ergebnisse bekräftigt. rnSo konnte der HOG-Signalweg in mehreren Modellen dargestellt werden. Die Modelle der Signalerkennung und –transduktion von osmotischem Stress, von Hypoxie und der Wirkmecha¬nismus von Fludioxonil wurden erstmals in diesem Umfang für M. oryzae ausgearbei¬tet.rnDer zweite Teil dieser Arbeit repräsentiert die erste umfassende Untersuchung aller zehn HIK-codierender Gensequenzen, die im Genom von M. oryzae identifiziert werden konnten. Diese Signalproteine waren bisher noch nicht Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Studien. Die Untersuchung beginnt mit einer phylogenetischen Einordnung aller untersuchten Proteinsequen¬zen in die verschiedenen Gruppen von Histidinkinasen in Pilzen. Eine ausführli-che phänotypische Charakterisierung aller HIK-codierender Gene folgt und wurde anhand von Mutanten durchgeführt, in denen diese Gene einzeln inaktiviert wurden.rnDie Beteiligung von MoHik5p und MoHik9p als mögliche Sauerstoffsensoren im HOG-Signal-weg konnte dokumentiert werden und die anschließenden Western Blot-Analysen bestätig¬ten erstmals die Aktivierung des HOG-Signalwegs bei hypoxieähnlichen Zuständen.rnDes Weiteren wurden mit MoHik5p und MoHik8p zwei neue Pathogenitätsfaktoren in M. oryzae identifiziert. Die apathogenen Mutantenstämme ΔMohik5 und ΔMohik8 sind in der Konidiogenese gestört und nicht in der Lage Appressorien zu differenzieren. Der Einsatz dieser Proteine als Fungizidtarget im protektiven Pflanzenschutz in der Zukunft ist somit denk-bar.rn
Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) supplies electrons from NADPH to steroid and drug metabolizing reactions catalyzed by the cytochrome P450s located in endoplasmic reticulum. Mutations in human POR cause a wide spectrum of disease ranging from disordered steroidogenesis to sexual differentiation. Previously we and others have shown that POR mutations can lead to reduced activities of steroidogenic P450s CYP17A1, CYP19A1 and CYP21A1. Here we are reporting that mutations in the FMN binding domain of POR may reduce CYP3A4 activity, potentially influencing drug and steroid metabolism; and the loss of CYP3A4 activity may be correlated to the reduction of cytochrome b(5) by POR. Computational molecular docking experiments with a FMN free structural model of POR revealed that an external FMN could be docked in close proximity to the FAD moiety and receive electrons donated by NADPH. Using FMN supplemented assays we have demonstrated restoration of the defective POR activity in vitro.
Non-invasive excitability studies of motor axons in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) have revealed a changing pattern of abnormal membrane properties with disease progression, but the heterogeneity of the changes has made it difficult to relate them to pathophysiology. The SOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS displays more synchronous motoneuron pathology. Multiple excitability measures of caudal and sciatic nerves in mutant and wild-type mice were compared before onset of signs and during disease progression (4-19 weeks), and they were related to changes in muscle fiber histochemistry. Excitability differences indicated a modest membrane depolarization in SOD1(G93A) axons at about the time of symptom onset (8 weeks), possibly due to deficient energy supply. Previously described excitability changes in ALS patients, suggesting altered sodium and potassium conductances, were not seen in the mice. This suggests that those changes relate to features of the human disease that are not well represented in the animal model.
Prostate cancer (PCa) progression is enhanced by androgen and treatment with antiandrogens represents an alternative to castration. While patients initially respond favorably to androgen ablation therapy, most experience a relapse of the disease within 1-2 years by expressing androgen receptor (AR) mutants. Such mutations, indeed, promote unfavorable agonistic behavior from classical antagonists. Here, we have synthesized and screened 37 novel compounds derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), cyanolutamide and hydroxyflutamide. These derivatives were tested for their potential antagonistic activity using a luciferase reporter gene assay and binding properties were determined for wild type (WT) and mutant ARs (T877A, W741C, W741L, H874Y). In the absence and presence of antiandrogens, androgen dependent cellular proliferation and prostate specific antigen (PSA) expression were assayed in the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP by crystal violet, real time PCR and by Western blots. Also, cellular proliferation and PSA expression were assayed in 22Rv1. A novel compound RB346, derived from DHT, was found to be an antagonist for all tested AR forms, preventing DHT induced proliferation and PSA expression in LNCaP and 22Rv1 cells. RB346 displayed no agonistic activity, in contrast to the non-steroidal antiandrogen bicalutamide (Casodex) with unfavorable agonistic activity for W741L-AR. Additionally, RB346 has a slightly higher binding affinity for WT-AR, T877A-AR and H874Y-AR than bicalutamide. Thus, RB346 is the first potent steroidal antiandrogen with efficacy for WT and various AR mutants.
Deficiencies of subunits of the transcriptional regulatory complex Mediator generally result in embryonic lethality, precluding study of its physiological function. Here we describe a missense mutation in Med30 causing progressive cardiomyopathy in homozygous mice that, although viable during lactation, show precipitous lethality 2-3 wk after weaning. Expression profiling reveals pleiotropic changes in transcription of cardiac genes required for oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial integrity. Weaning mice to a ketogenic diet extends viability to 8.5 wk. Thus, we establish a mechanistic connection between Mediator and induction of a metabolic program for oxidative phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation, in which lethal cardiomyopathy is mitigated by dietary intervention.
Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma), characterized by ichthyotic, rippled hyperkeratosis, erythroderma and skin blistering, is a rare autosomal dominant disease caused by mutations in keratin 1 or keratin 10 (K10) genes. A severe phenotype is caused by a missense mutation in a highly conserved arginine residue at position 156 (R156) in K10.
The urea cycle defect argininosuccinate lyase (ASL) deficiency has a large spectrum of presentations from highly severe to asymptomatic. Enzyme activity assays in red blood cells or fibroblasts, although diagnostic of the deficiency, fail to discriminate between severe, mild or asymptomatic cases. Mutation/phenotype correlation studies are needed to characterize the effects of individual mutations on the activity of the enzyme.
Funduscopy is one of the most commonly used diagnostic tools in the ophthalmic practice, allowing for a ready assessment of pathological changes in the retinal vasculature and the outer retina. This non-invasive technique has so far been rarely used in animal model for ophthalmic diseases, albeit its potential as a screening assay in genetic screens. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is well suited for such genetic screens for ocular alterations. Therefore we developed funduscopy in adult zebrafish and employed it as a screening tool to find alterations in the anterior segment and the fundus of the eye of genetically modified adult animals.A stereomicroscope with coaxial reflected light illumination was used to obtain fundus color images of the zebrafish. In order to find lens and retinal alterations, a pilot screen of 299 families of the F3 generation of ENU-treated adult zebrafish was carried out.Images of the fundus of the eye and the anterior segment can be rapidly obtained and be used to identify alterations in genetically modified animals. A number of putative mutants with cataracts, defects in the cornea, eye pigmentation, ocular vessels and retina were identified. This easily implemented method can also be used to obtain fundus images from rodent retinas.In summary, we present funduscopy as a valuable tool to analyse ocular abnormalities in adult zebrafish and other small animal models. A proof of principle screen identified a number of putative mutants, making funduscopy based screens in zebrafish feasible.
BACKGROUND: FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) is a class III receptor tyrosine kinase involved in hematopoietic progenitor cell development. Mutations of FLT3 have been reported in about a third of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and inhibitors of FLT3 are of clinical interest. Sorafenib is an orally active multikinase inhibitor with potent activity against FLT3 and the Raf/ERK/MEK kinase pathway. METHODS: We studied the patterns of molecular response and relapse in 18 patients with mutated FLT3 treated with the combination of sorafenib, idarubicin, and cytarabine. RESULTS: The median follow-up was 9 months. Sixteen patients achieved complete remission (CR), and the other 2 patients achieved CR but lacked platelet recovery for an overall response rate of 100%. Ten patients had their FLT3-mutated clone eradicated, with 6 patients who showed some residual FLT3-mutated cells, and 2 patients who showed persistent FLT3-mutated cells. The elimination of FLT3-mutated population at the time of morphologic CR, however, was not predictive of relapse. After a median follow-up of 9 months (range, 1-16 months), 10 (55%) patients had relapsed, with a median CR duration of 8.8 months (range, 1-9.5 months). By DNA sequencing, there was no evidence of an acquired FLT3 point mutation at the time of relapse in 7 patients tested, which suggested the presence of other mechanisms of sorafenib resistance. CONCLUSION: Sorafenib, combined with chemotherapy, is effective in attaining CR, but relapses still occur.
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is the most serious cattle disease in Africa, caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small-colony type (SC). CBPP control strategies currently rely on vaccination with a vaccine based on live attenuated strains of the organism. Recently, an lppQ(-) mutant of the existing vaccine strain T1/44 has been developed (Janis et al., 2008). This T1lppQ(-) mutant strain is devoid of lipoprotein LppQ, a potential virulence attribute of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC. It is designated as a potential live DIVA (Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals) vaccine strain allowing both serological and etiological differentiation. The present paper reports on the validation of a control strategy for CBPP in cattle, whereby a TaqMan real-time PCR based on the lppQ gene has been developed for the direct detection of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC in ex vivo bronchoalveolar lavage fluids of cows and for the discrimination of wild type strains from the lppQ(-) mutant vaccine strain.