515 resultados para ferrite


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The effects of Si and cooling rate are investigated for their effect on the mechanical properties and microstructure. Three alloys were chosen with varying C and Si contents and an attempt to keep the remainder of the elements present constant. Within each heat, three test blocks were poured. Two blocks had chills – one with a fluid flowing through it to cool it (active chill) and one without the fluid (passive) – and the third block did not have a chill. Cooling curves were gathered and analyzed. The mechanical properties of the castings were correlated to the microstructure, cooling rate and Si content of each block. It was found that an increase in Si content increased the yield stress, tensile strength and hardness but decreased the impact toughness, elongation and Young’s modulus. The fast cooling rates produced by the chills caused a high nodule count in the castings along with a fine ferrite grain size and a high degree of nodularity. The fine microstructures, in turn, increased the strength and ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of the castings. The fast cooling rate was not adequate to overcome the dramatic increase in DBTT that is caused by the addition of Si.


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Fastener grade steels with varying alloy contents and heat treatments were employed to measure changes in resistance to hydrogen assisted cracking. The testing procedure compared notched tension specimens fractured in air to threshold stress values obtained during hydrogen charging, utilizing a rising step load procedure. Bainitic structures improved resistance by 10-20% compared to tempered martensite structures. Dual phase steels with a tempered martensite matrix and 20% ferrite were more susceptible and notch sensitive. High strength, fully pearlitic structures showed an improvement in resistance. Carbon content, per se, had no effect on the resistance of steel to hydrogen assisted cracking. Chromium caused a deleterious effect but all other alloying elements studied did not cause much change in hydrogen assisted cracking susceptibility.


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The goals of this project are to develop a Reactive Air Brazing (RAB) alloy and process for joining Barium strontium cobalt ferrite (BSCF), and to develop a fundamental understanding of the wettability and microstructral development due to reaction kinetics in BSCF/Ag-MexOy systems.


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At present copper sulfide ores are recovered by pyrometallurgical processes. While the recovery of cop­per from sulfide ores by hydrometallurgical means has long been considered attractive, the impurities, low re­covery and mechanical difficulties have kept this process from becoming commercial.


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We investigate numerically the excitation of nonlinear magnetic interactions in a ferrite material by an energetic pump pulse of terahertz (THz) radiation. The calculations are performed by solving the coupled Maxwell and Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert differential equations. In a time-resolved THz pump/THz probe scheme, it is demonstrated that Faraday rotation of a delayed THz probe pulse can be used to map these interactions. Our study is motivated by the ability of soft x-ray free electron lasers to perform time-resolved imaging of the magnetization process at the submicrometer and subpicosecond length and time scales.


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Cobalt doped magnetite (CoxFe3-xO4) nanoparticles have been produced through the microbial reduction of cobalt-iron oxyhydroxide by the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens. The materials produced, as measured by SQUID, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, Mössbauer spectroscopy, etc., show dramatic increases in coercivity with increasing cobalt content without a major decrease in overall saturation magnetization. Structural and magnetization analyses reveal a reduction in particle size to <4 nm at the highest Co content, combined with an increase in the effective anisotropy of the magnetic nanoparticles. The potential use of these biogenic nanoparticles in aqueous suspensions for magnetic hyperthermia applications is demonstrated. Further analysis of the distribution of cations within the ferrite spinel indicates that the cobalt is predominantly incorporated in octahedral coordination, achieved by the substitution of Fe2+ site with Co2+, with up to 17 per cent Co substituted into tetrahedral sites.


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A particle accelerator is any device that, using electromagnetic fields, is able to communicate energy to charged particles (typically electrons or ionized atoms), accelerating and/or energizing them up to the required level for its purpose. The applications of particle accelerators are countless, beginning in a common TV CRT, passing through medical X-ray devices, and ending in large ion colliders utilized to find the smallest details of the matter. Among the other engineering applications, the ion implantation devices to obtain better semiconductors and materials of amazing properties are included. Materials supporting irradiation for future nuclear fusion plants are also benefited from particle accelerators. There are many devices in a particle accelerator required for its correct operation. The most important are the particle sources, the guiding, focalizing and correcting magnets, the radiofrequency accelerating cavities, the fast deflection devices, the beam diagnostic mechanisms and the particle detectors. Most of the fast particle deflection devices have been built historically by using copper coils and ferrite cores which could effectuate a relatively fast magnetic deflection, but needed large voltages and currents to counteract the high coil inductance in a response in the microseconds range. Various beam stability considerations and the new range of energies and sizes of present time accelerators and their rings require new devices featuring an improved wakefield behaviour and faster response (in the nanoseconds range). This can only be achieved by an electromagnetic deflection device based on a transmission line. The electromagnetic deflection device (strip-line kicker) produces a transverse displacement on the particle beam travelling close to the speed of light, in order to extract the particles to another experiment or to inject them into a different accelerator. The deflection is carried out by the means of two short, opposite phase pulses. The diversion of the particles is exerted by the integrated Lorentz force of the electromagnetic field travelling along the kicker. This Thesis deals with a detailed calculation, manufacturing and test methodology for strip-line kicker devices. The methodology is then applied to two real cases which are fully designed, built, tested and finally installed in the CTF3 accelerator facility at CERN (Geneva). Analytical and numerical calculations, both in 2D and 3D, are detailed starting from the basic specifications in order to obtain a conceptual design. Time domain and frequency domain calculations are developed in the process using different FDM and FEM codes. The following concepts among others are analyzed: scattering parameters, resonating high order modes, the wakefields, etc. Several contributions are presented in the calculation process dealing specifically with strip-line kicker devices fed by electromagnetic pulses. Materials and components typically used for the fabrication of these devices are analyzed in the manufacturing section. Mechanical supports and connexions of electrodes are also detailed, presenting some interesting contributions on these concepts. The electromagnetic and vacuum tests are then analyzed. These tests are required to ensure that the manufactured devices fulfil the specifications. Finally, and only from the analytical point of view, the strip-line kickers are studied together with a pulsed power supply based on solid state power switches (MOSFETs). The solid state technology applied to pulsed power supplies is introduced and several circuit topologies are modelled and simulated to obtain fast and good flat-top pulses.


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Cold-drawn steel rods and wires retain significant residual stresses as a consequence of the manufacturing process. These residual stresses are known to be detrimental for the mechanical properties of the wires and their durability in aggressive environments. Steel makers are aware of the problem and have developed post-drawing processes to try and reduce the residual stresses on the wires. The present authors have studied this problem for a number of years and have performed a detailed characterization of the residual stress state inside cold-drawn rods, including both experimental and numerical techniques. High-energy synchrotron sources have been particularly useful for this research. The results have shown how residual stresses evolve as a consequence of cold-drawing and how they change with subsequent post-drawing treatments. The authors have been able to measure for the first time a complete residual strain profile along the diameter in both phases (ferrite and cementite) of a cold-drawn steel rod.


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O desenvolvimento dos aços inoxidáveis Super-Martensíticos (SM) nasce da necessidade de implementar novas tecnologias, mais econômicas e amigáveis ao meio ambiente. Os aços inoxidáveis SM são uma derivação dos aços inoxidáveis martensíticos convencionais, diferenciando-se basicamente no menor teor de carbono, na adição de Ni e Mo. Foram desenvolvidos como uma alternativa para aços inoxidáveis duplex no uso de dutos para a extração de petróleo offshore em meados dos anos 90. Para que esses aços apresentem as propriedades mecânicas de resistência à tração e tenacidade é necessário que sejam realizados tratamentos de austenitização, seguido de têmpera, e de revenimento, onde, particularmente para este último, há várias opções de tempos e temperaturas. Como os tratamentos térmicos geram as propriedades mecânicas através de transformações de fase (precipitação) podem ocorrer alterações da resistência à corrosão. São conhecidos os efeitos benéficos da adição de Nb em aços inoxidáveis tradicionais. Por isso, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar aços inoxidáveis SM contendo Nb. Foi pesquisada a influência da temperatura de revenimento sobre a resistência à corrosão de três aços inoxidáveis SM, os quais contêm 13% Cr, 5% Ni, 1% a 2% Mo, com e sem adições de Nb. No presente trabalho, foram denominados de SM2MoNb, SM2Mo e SM1MoNb, que representam aços com 2% Mo, 1% Mo e 0,11% Nb. Dado que os principais tipos de corrosão para aços inoxidáveis são a corrosão por pite (por cloreto) e a corrosão intergranular (sensitização), optou-se por determinar os Potenciais de Pite (Ep) e os Graus de Sensitização (GS) em função da temperatura de revenimento. Os aços passaram por recozimento a 1050°C por 48 horas, para eliminação de fase ferrita delta. Em seguida foram tratados a 1050 °C por 30 minutos, com resfriamento ao ar, para uniformização do tamanho de grão. A estrutura martensítica obtida recebeu tratamentos de revenimento em temperaturas de: 550 °C, 575 °C, 600 °C, 625 °C, 650 °C e 700 °C, por 2 horas. O GS foi medido através da técnica de reativação eletroquímica potenciodinâmica na versão ciclo duplo (DL-EPR), utilizando-se eletrólito de 1M H2SO4 + 0,01M KSCN. Para determinar o Ep foram realizados ensaios de polarização potenciodinâmica em 0,6M NaCl. Os resultados obtidos foram discutidos através das variações microestruturais encontradas. Foram empregadas técnicas de microscopia ótica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), simulação termodinâmica de fases através do programa Thermo-Calc e determinação de austenita revertida mediante difração de raios X (DRX) e ferritoscópio. A quantificação da austenita por DRX identificou que a partir de 600 °C há formação desta fase, apresentando máximo em 650 °C, e novamente diminuindo para zero a 700 °C. Por sua vez, o método do ferritoscópio detectou austenita nas condições em que a analise de DRX indicou valor nulo, sendo as mais críticas a do material temperado (sem revenimento) e do aço revenido a 700 °C. Propõe-se que tais diferenças entre os dois métodos se deve à morfologia fina da austenia retida, a qual deve estar localizada entre as agulhas de martensita. Os resultados foram discutidos em termos da precipitação de Cr23C6, Mo6C, NbC, fase Chi, austenita e ferrita, bem como das consequências do empobrecimento em Cr e Mo, gerados por tais microconstituintes. São propostos três mecanismos para explicar a sensitização: o primeiro é devido a precipitação de Cr23C6, o segundo a precipitação de fase Chi (rica em Cr e Mo) e o terceiro é devido a formação de ferrita durante o revenimento. O melhor desempenho quanto ao GS foi obtido para os revenimentos a 575 °C e 600°C, por 2 horas. Os resultados de Ep indicaram que o aço SM2MoNb, revenido a 575°C, tem o melhor desempenho quanto à resistência à corrosão por cloreto. Isso associado ao baixo GS coloca este aço, com este tratamento térmico, numa posição de destaque para aplicações onde a resistência à corrosão é um critério de seleção de material, uma vez que, segundo a literatura a temperatura de 575 °C está no intervalo de temperaturas de revenimento onde são obtidas as melhores propriedades mecânicas.


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The effect of deoxidation on the rate of ferrite formation in plain carbon steels by C. H. Herty, M. W. Lightner, and D. L. McBride.--The effect of deoxidation on grain size and grain growth in plain carbon steels, by C. H. Herty, D. L. McBride and S. O. Hough.--The effect of deoxidation on the aging of mild steels, by C. H. Herty and B. N. Daniloff.--Effect of deoxidation on the impact strength of carbon steels at low temperatures, by C. H. Herty and D. L. McBride.--The physical chemistry of steel-making. The control of iron oxide in the basic openhearth process, by C. H. Herty, and others.--The deoxidation of steel, by C. H. Herty.


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Grain boundaries (GBs), particularly ferrite: ferrite GBs, of X70 pipeline steel were characterized using analytical electron microscopy (AEM) in order to understand its intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) mechanism(s). The microstructure consisted of ferrite (alpha), carbides at ferrite GBs, some pearlite and some small precipitates inside the ferrite grains. The precipitates containing Ti, Nb, V and N were identified as complex carbo-nitrides and designated as (Ti, Nb, WC, N). The GB carbides occurred (1) as carbides along ferrite GBs, (2) at triple points, and (3) at triple points and extending along the three ferrite GBs. The GB carbides were Mn rich, were sometimes also Si rich, contained no micro-alloying elements (Ti, Nb, V) and also contained no N. It was not possible to measure the GB carbon concentration due to surface hydrocarbon contamination despite plasma cleaning and glove bag transfer from the plasma cleaner to the electron microscope. Furthermore, there may not be enough X-ray signal from the small amount of carbon at the GBs to enable measurement using AEM. However, the microstructure does indicate that carbon does segregate to alpha : alpha GBs during microstructure development. This is particularly significant in relation to the strong evidence in the literature linking the segregation of carbon at GBs to IGSCC. It was possible to measure all other elements of interest. There was no segregation at alpha : alpha GBs, in particular no S, P and N, and also no segregation of the micro-alloying elements, Ti, Nb and V. (C) 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The initiation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) was studied using scanning electron microscope observations of linearly increasing stress test specimens. SCC initiation from the following surfaces was studied: (i) initiation from the commercial pipe surface covered by the Zn coating, (ii) initiation from a mechanically polished surface with a deformed layer, and (iii) initiation from an electro-polished surface. SCC initiation involved different features for these surfaces as follows. (i) For the Zn coated commercial pipe surface, a crack in the Zn coating led to the dissolution of the deformed layer and when the deformed layer was penetrated, intergranular SCC initiation became possible. (ii) For a mechanically polished surface with a deformed layer, cracks in the surface oxide concentrated the anodic dissolution to such an extent that there was transgranular SCC in the deformed layer. SCC was intergranular when the deformed layer had been penetrated. Transgranular stress corrosion cracks were stopped at ferrite grain boundaries (GBs) oriented perpendicular to the SCC propagation direction. (iii) For an electro-polished surface, the surface oxide film was cracked at many locations, but intergranular SCC only propagated into the steel when the oxide crack corresponded to a GB. An oxide crack away from a GB is expected to be healed. The observed SCC initiation mechanism was not associated with simple preferential chemical attack of the ferrite GBs. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The convergent beam Kikuchi line diffraction technique has been used to accurately determine the orientation relationships between bainitic ferrite and retained austenite in a hard bainitic steel. A reproducible orientation relationship has been uniquely observed for both the upper and lower bainite. It is [GRAPHICS] However, the habit plane of upper bainite is different from that of lower bainite. The former has habit plane that is either within 5 degrees of (221)(A) or of (259)(A). The latter only corresponds with a habit plane that is within 5 degrees of (259)(A). The determined orientation relationship is completely consistent with reported results determined using the same technique with an accuracy of +/- 0.5 degrees in lath martensite in an Fe-20 wt.% Ni-6 wt.% Mn alloy and in a low carbon low alloy steel. It also agrees well with the orientation relationship between granular bainite and austenite in an Fe-19 wt.% Ni-3.5 wt.% Mn-0.15 wt.% C steel. Hence it is believed that, at least from a crystallographic point view, the bainite transformation has the characteristics of martensitic transformation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The increasing demand for high capacity data storage requires decreasing the head-to-tape gap and reducing the track width. A problem very often encountered is the development of adhesive debris on the heads at low humidity and high temperatures that can lead to an increase of space between the head and media, and thus a decrease in the playback signal. The influence of stains on the playback signal of reading heads is studied using RAW (Read After Write) tests and their influence on the wear of the heads by using indentation technique. The playback signal has been found to vary and the errors to increase as stains form a patchy pattern and grow in size to form a continuous layer. The indentation technique shows that stains reduce the wear rate of the heads. In addition, the wear tends to be more pronounced at the leading edge of the head compared to the trailing one. Chemical analysis of the stains using ferrite samples in conjunction with MP (metal particulate) tapes shows that stains contain iron particles and polymeric binder transferred from the MP tape. The chemical anchors in the binder used to grip the iron particles now react with the ferrite surface to create strong chemical bonds. At high humidity, a thin layer of iron oxyhydroxide forms on the surface of the ferrite. This soft material increases the wear rate and so reduces the amount of stain present on the heads. The stability of the binder under high humidity and under high temperature as well as the chemical reactions that might occur on the ferrite poles of the heads influences the dynamic behaviour of stains. A model of stain formation taking into account the channels of binder degradation and evolution upon different environmental conditions is proposed.


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      This thesis examines the mechanism of wear occuring to the video head and their effect on signal reproduction. in particular it examines the wear occuring to manganese-zinc ferrite heads in sliding contact with iron oxide media.       A literature survey is presented, which covers magnetic recording technologies, focussing on video recording. Existing work on wear of magnetic heads is also examined, and gaps in the theoretical account of wear mechanisms presented in the literature are identified.       Pilot research was carrried out on the signal degradation and wear associated witha number of commercial video tapes, containing a range of head cleaning agents. From this research, the main body of the research was identified. A number of methods of wear measurement were examined for use in this project. Knoop diamond indentation was chosen because experimentation showed it to be capable of measuring wear occuring in situ. This technique was then used to examine the wear associated with different levels of A12O3 and Cr2O3 head cleaning agents.      The results of the research indicated that, whilst wear of the video head increases linearly with increasing HCA content, signal degradation does not vary significantly. The most significant differences in wear and signal reproduction were observed between the two HCAs. The signal degradation of heads worn with tape samples containing A12O3 HCA was found to be lower than heads worn with tapes containing Cr2O3 HCA.      The results also indicate that the wear to the head is an abrasive process characterised by ploughing of the ferrite surface and chipping of the edges of the head gap. Both phenomena appear to be caused by poor iron oxide and head cleaning particles, which create isolated asperities on the tape surface.