954 resultados para educational data mining


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Medical outcomes are inexorably linked to patient illness and clinical interventions. Interventions change the course of disease, crucially determining outcome. Traditional outcome prediction models build a single classifier by augmenting interventions with disease information. Interventions, however, differentially affect prognosis, thus a single prediction rule may not suffice to capture variations. Interventions also evolve over time as more advanced interventions replace older ones. To this end, we propose a Bayesian nonparametric, supervised framework that models a set of intervention groups through a mixture distribution building a separate prediction rule for each group, and allows the mixture distribution to change with time. This is achieved by using a hierarchical Dirichlet process mixture model over the interventions. The outcome is then modeled as conditional on both the latent grouping and the disease information through a Bayesian logistic regression. Experiments on synthetic and medical cohorts for 30-day readmission prediction demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model over clinical and data mining baselines.


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Nonnegative matrix factorization based methods provide one of the simplest and most effective approaches to text mining. However, their applicability is mainly limited to analyzing a single data source. In this chapter, we propose a novel joint matrix factorization framework which can jointly analyze multiple data sources by exploiting their shared and individual structures. The proposed framework is flexible to handle any arbitrary sharing configurations encountered in real world data. We derive an efficient algorithm for learning the factorization and show that its convergence is theoretically guaranteed. We demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of the proposed framework in two real-world applications—improving social media retrieval using auxiliary sources and cross-social media retrieval. Representing each social media source using their textual tags, for both applications, we show that retrieval performance exceeds the existing state-of-the-art techniques. The proposed solution provides a generic framework and can be applicable to a wider context in data mining wherever one needs to exploit mutual and individual knowledge present across multiple data sources.


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As people have unique tastes, the way to satisfy a small group of targeted customers or to be generic to meet most people's preference has been a traditional question to many fashion designers and website developers. This study examined the relationship between individuals' personality differences and their web design preferences. Each individual's personality is represented by a combination of five traits, and 15 website design-related features are considered to test the users' preference. We introduced a data mining technique called targeted positive and negative association rule mining to analyze a dataset containing the survey results collected from undergraduate students. The results of this study not only suggest the importance of providing specific designs to attract individual customers, but also provide valuable input on the Big Five personality traits in their entirety.


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Notwithstanding recent work which has demonstrated the potential of using Twitter messages for content-specific data mining and analysis, the depth of such analysis is inherently limited by the scarcity of data imposed by the 140 character tweet limit. In this paper we describe a novel approach for targeted knowledge exploration which uses tweet content analysis as a preliminary step. This step is used to bootstrap more sophisticated data collection from directly related but much richer content sources. In particular we demonstrate that valuable information can be collected by following URLs included in tweets. We automatically extract content from the corresponding web pages and treating each web page as a document linked to the original tweet show how a temporal topic model based on a hierarchical Dirichlet process can be used to track the evolution of a complex topic structure of a Twitter community. Using autism-related tweets we demonstrate that our method is capable of capturing a much more meaningful picture of information exchange than user-chosen hashtags.


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Big data is an emerging hot research topic due to its pervasive application in human society, such as government, climate, finance, and science. Currently, most research work on big data falls in data mining, machine learning, and data analysis. However, these amazing top-level killer applications would not be possible without the underneath support of networking due to their extremely large volume and computing complexity, especially when real-time or near-real-time applications are demanded.


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The multi-relational Data Mining approach has emerged as alternative to the analysis of structured data, such as relational databases. Unlike traditional algorithms, the multi-relational proposals allow mining directly multiple tables, avoiding the costly join operations. In this paper, is presented a comparative study involving the traditional Patricia Mine algorithm and its corresponding multi-relational proposed, MR-Radix in order to evaluate the performance of two approaches for mining association rules are used for relational databases. This study presents two original contributions: the proposition of an algorithm multi-relational MR-Radix, which is efficient for use in relational databases, both in terms of execution time and in relation to memory usage and the presentation of the empirical approach multirelational advantage in performance over several tables, which avoids the costly join operations from multiple tables. © 2011 IEEE.


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Multi-relational data mining enables pattern mining from multiple tables. The existing multi-relational mining association rules algorithms are not able to process large volumes of data, because the amount of memory required exceeds the amount available. The proposed algorithm MRRadix presents a framework that promotes the optimization of memory usage. It also uses the concept of partitioning to handle large volumes of data. The original contribution of this proposal is enable a superior performance when compared to other related algorithms and moreover successfully concludes the task of mining association rules in large databases, bypass the problem of available memory. One of the tests showed that the MR-Radix presents fourteen times less memory usage than the GFP-growth. © 2011 IEEE.


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In soil surveys, several sampling systems can be used to define the most representative sites for sample collection and description of soil profiles. In recent years, the conditioned Latin hypercube sampling system has gained prominence for soil surveys. In Brazil, most of the soil maps are at small scales and in paper format, which hinders their refinement. The objectives of this work include: (i) to compare two sampling systems by conditioned Latin hypercube to map soil classes and soil properties; (II) to retrieve information from a detailed scale soil map of a pilot watershed for its refinement, comparing two data mining tools, and validation of the new soil map; and (III) to create and validate a soil map of a much larger and similar area from the extrapolation of information extracted from the existing soil map. Two sampling systems were created by conditioned Latin hypercube and by the cost-constrained conditioned Latin hypercube. At each prospection place, soil classification and measurement of the A horizon thickness were performed. Maps were generated and validated for each sampling system, comparing the efficiency of these methods. The conditioned Latin hypercube captured greater variability of soils and properties than the cost-constrained conditioned Latin hypercube, despite the former provided greater difficulty in field work. The conditioned Latin hypercube can capture greater soil variability and the cost-constrained conditioned Latin hypercube presents great potential for use in soil surveys, especially in areas of difficult access. From an existing detailed scale soil map of a pilot watershed, topographical information for each soil class was extracted from a Digital Elevation Model and its derivatives, by two data mining tools. Maps were generated using each tool. The more accurate of these tools was used for extrapolation of soil information for a much larger and similar area and the generated map was validated. It was possible to retrieve the existing soil map information and apply it on a larger area containing similar soil forming factors, at much low financial cost. The KnowledgeMiner tool for data mining, and ArcSIE, used to create the soil map, presented better results and enabled the use of existing soil map to extract soil information and its application in similar larger areas at reduced costs, which is especially important in development countries with limited financial resources for such activities, such as Brazil.


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Concept drift, which refers to non stationary learning problems over time, has increasing importance in machine learning and data mining. Many concept drift applications require fast response, which means an algorithm must always be (re)trained with the latest available data. But the process of data labeling is usually expensive and/or time consuming when compared to acquisition of unlabeled data, thus usually only a small fraction of the incoming data may be effectively labeled. Semi-supervised learning methods may help in this scenario, as they use both labeled and unlabeled data in the training process. However, most of them are based on assumptions that the data is static. Therefore, semi-supervised learning with concept drifts is still an open challenging task in machine learning. Recently, a particle competition and cooperation approach has been developed to realize graph-based semi-supervised learning from static data. We have extend that approach to handle data streams and concept drift. The result is a passive algorithm which uses a single classifier approach, naturally adapted to concept changes without any explicit drift detection mechanism. It has built-in mechanisms that provide a natural way of learning from new data, gradually "forgetting" older knowledge as older data items are no longer useful for the classification of newer data items. The proposed algorithm is applied to the KDD Cup 1999 Data of network intrusion, showing its effectiveness.


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In [1], the authors proposed a framework for automated clustering and visualization of biological data sets named AUTO-HDS. This letter is intended to complement that framework by showing that it is possible to get rid of a user-defined parameter in a way that the clustering stage can be implemented more accurately while having reduced computational complexity


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Il presente lavoro nasce dall’obiettivo di individuare strumenti statistici per indagare, sotto diversi aspetti, il flusso di lavoro di un Laboratorio di Anatomia Patologica. Il punto di partenza dello studio è l’ambiente di lavoro di ATHENA, software gestionale utilizzato nell’Anatomia Patologica, sviluppato dalla NoemaLife S.p.A., azienda specializzata nell’informatica per la sanità. A partire da tale applicativo è stato innanzitutto formalizzato il workflow del laboratorio (Capitolo 2), nelle sue caratteristiche e nelle sue possibili varianti, identificando le operazioni principali attraverso una serie di “fasi”. Proprio le fasi, unitamente alle informazioni addizionali ad esse associate, saranno per tutta la trattazione e sotto diversi punti di vista al centro dello studio. L’analisi che presentiamo è stata per completezza sviluppata in due scenari che tengono conto di diversi aspetti delle informazioni in possesso. Il primo scenario tiene conto delle sequenze di fasi, che si presentano nel loro ordine cronologico, comprensive di eventuali ripetizioni o cicli di fasi precedenti alla conclusione. Attraverso l’elaborazione dei dati secondo specifici formati è stata svolta un’iniziale indagine grafica di Workflow Mining (Capitolo 3) grazie all’ausilio di EMiT, un software che attraverso un set di log di processo restituisce graficamente il flusso di lavoro che li rappresenta. Questa indagine consente già di valutare la completezza dell’utilizzo di un applicativo rispetto alle sue potenzialità. Successivamente, le stesse fasi sono state elaborate attraverso uno specifico adattamento di un comune algoritmo di allineamento globale, l’algoritmo Needleman-Wunsch (Capitolo 4). L’utilizzo delle tecniche di allineamento applicate a sequenze di processo è in grado di individuare, nell’ambito di una specifica codifica delle fasi, le similarità tra casi clinici. L’algoritmo di Needleman-Wunsch individua le identità e le discordanze tra due stringhe di caratteri, assegnando relativi punteggi che portano a valutarne la similarità. Tale algoritmo è stato opportunamente modificato affinché possa riconoscere e penalizzare differentemente cicli e ripetizioni, piuttosto che fasi mancanti. Sempre in ottica di allineamento sarà utilizzato l’algoritmo euristico Clustal, che a partire da un confronto pairwise tra sequenze costruisce un dendrogramma rappresentante graficamente l’aggregazione dei casi in funzione della loro similarità. Proprio il dendrogramma, per la sua struttura grafica ad albero, è in grado di mostrare intuitivamente l’andamento evolutivo della similarità di un pattern di casi. Il secondo scenario (Capitolo 5) aggiunge alle sequenze l’informazione temporale in termini di istante di esecuzione di ogni fase. Da un dominio basato su sequenze di fasi, si passa dunque ad uno scenario di serie temporali. I tempi rappresentano infatti un dato essenziale per valutare la performance di un laboratorio e per individuare la conformità agli standard richiesti. Il confronto tra i casi è stato effettuato con diverse modalità, in modo da stabilire la distanza tra tutte le coppie sotto diversi aspetti: le sequenze, rappresentate in uno specifico sistema di riferimento, sono state confrontate in base alla Distanza Euclidea ed alla Dynamic Time Warping, in grado di esprimerne le discordanze rispettivamente temporali, di forma e, dunque, di processo. Alla luce dei risultati e del loro confronto, saranno presentate già in questa fase le prime valutazioni sulla pertinenza delle distanze e sulle informazioni deducibili da esse. Il Capitolo 6 rappresenta la ricerca delle correlazioni tra elementi caratteristici del processo e la performance dello stesso. Svariati fattori come le procedure utilizzate, gli utenti coinvolti ed ulteriori specificità determinano direttamente o indirettamente la qualità del servizio erogato. Le distanze precedentemente calcolate vengono dunque sottoposte a clustering, una tecnica che a partire da un insieme eterogeneo di elementi individua famiglie o gruppi simili. L’algoritmo utilizzato sarà l’UPGMA, comunemente applicato nel clustering in quanto, utilizzando, una logica di medie pesate, porta a clusterizzazioni pertinenti anche in ambiti diversi, dal campo biologico a quello industriale. L’ottenimento dei cluster potrà dunque essere finalmente sottoposto ad un’attività di ricerca di correlazioni utili, che saranno individuate ed interpretate relativamente all’attività gestionale del laboratorio. La presente trattazione propone quindi modelli sperimentali adattati al caso in esame ma idealmente estendibili, interamente o in parte, a tutti i processi che presentano caratteristiche analoghe.


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Il problema relativo alla predizione, la ricerca di pattern predittivi all‘interno dei dati, è stato studiato ampiamente. Molte metodologie robuste ed efficienti sono state sviluppate, procedimenti che si basano sull‘analisi di informazioni numeriche strutturate. Quella testuale, d‘altro canto, è una tipologia di informazione fortemente destrutturata. Quindi, una immediata conclusione, porterebbe a pensare che per l‘analisi predittiva su dati testuali sia necessario sviluppare metodi completamente diversi da quelli ben noti dalle tecniche di data mining. Un problema di predizione può essere risolto utilizzando invece gli stessi metodi : dati testuali e documenti possono essere trasformati in valori numerici, considerando per esempio l‘assenza o la presenza di termini, rendendo di fatto possibile una utilizzazione efficiente delle tecniche già sviluppate. Il text mining abilita la congiunzione di concetti da campi di applicazione estremamente eterogenei. Con l‘immensa quantità di dati testuali presenti, basti pensare, sul World Wide Web, ed in continua crescita a causa dell‘utilizzo pervasivo di smartphones e computers, i campi di applicazione delle analisi di tipo testuale divengono innumerevoli. L‘avvento e la diffusione dei social networks e della pratica di micro blogging abilita le persone alla condivisione di opinioni e stati d‘animo, creando un corpus testuale di dimensioni incalcolabili aggiornato giornalmente. Le nuove tecniche di Sentiment Analysis, o Opinion Mining, si occupano di analizzare lo stato emotivo o la tipologia di opinione espressa all‘interno di un documento testuale. Esse sono discipline attraverso le quali, per esempio, estrarre indicatori dello stato d‘animo di un individuo, oppure di un insieme di individui, creando una rappresentazione dello stato emotivo sociale. L‘andamento dello stato emotivo sociale può condizionare macroscopicamente l‘evolvere di eventi globali? Studi in campo di Economia e Finanza Comportamentale assicurano un legame fra stato emotivo, capacità nel prendere decisioni ed indicatori economici. Grazie alle tecniche disponibili ed alla mole di dati testuali continuamente aggiornati riguardanti lo stato d‘animo di milioni di individui diviene possibile analizzare tali correlazioni. In questo studio viene costruito un sistema per la previsione delle variazioni di indici di borsa, basandosi su dati testuali estratti dalla piattaforma di microblogging Twitter, sotto forma di tweets pubblici; tale sistema include tecniche di miglioramento della previsione basate sullo studio di similarità dei testi, categorizzandone il contributo effettivo alla previsione.


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Nowadays, more and more data is collected in large amounts, such that the need of studying it both efficiently and profitably is arising; we want to acheive new and significant informations that weren't known before the analysis. At this time many graph mining algorithms have been developed, but an algebra that could systematically define how to generalize such operations is missing. In order to propel the development of a such automatic analysis of an algebra, We propose for the first time (to the best of my knowledge) some primitive operators that may be the prelude to the systematical definition of a hypergraph algebra in this regard.


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In this work we will discuss about a project started by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government regarding the manage of the public transport. In particular we will perform a data mining analysis on the data-set of this project. After introducing the Weka software used to make our analysis, we will discover the most useful data mining techniques and algorithms; and we will show how these results can be used to violate the privacy of the same public transport operators. At the end, despite is off topic of this work, we will spend also a few words about how it's possible to prevent this kind of attack.