979 resultados para diagnosis therapy


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of the BANA Test to detect different levels of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola and Tannerella forsythia or their combinations in subgingival samples at the initial diagnosis and after periodontal therapy. Periodontal sites with probing depths between 5-7 mm and clinical attachment level between 5-10 mm, from 53 subjects with chronic periodontitis, were sampled in four periods: initial diagnosis (T0), immediately (T1), 45 (T2) and 60 days (T3) after scaling and root planing. BANA Test and Checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization identified red complex species in the subgingival biofilm. In all experimental periods, the highest frequencies of score 2 (Checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization) for P. gingivalis, T. denticola and T. forsythia were observed when strong enzymatic activity (BANA) was present (p < 0.01). The best agreement was observed at initial diagnosis. The BANA Test sensitivity was 95.54% (T0), 65.18% (T1), 65.22% (T2) and 50.26% (T3). The specificity values were 12.24% (T0), 57.38% (T1), 46.27% (T2) and 53.48% (T3). The BANA Test is more effective for the detection of red complex pathogens when the bacterial levels are high, i.e. in the initial diagnosis of chronic periodontitis.


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A anemia por deficiência de ferro caracteriza-se como o mais prevalente problema nutricional em todo o mundo. Nesta revisão reuniu-se informações a respeito do metabolismo da hepcidina, avaliando-se seu valor como parâmetro bioquímico na anemia por deficiência de ferro. Realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados PUBMED e LILACS, período 2006-2010, referentes à hepcidina como um biomarcador para a regulação do metabolismo do ferro. Foram localizados 35 estudos publicados em revistas internacionais e um estudo sobre o assunto em revista nacional. A produção de hepcidina é regulada homeostaticamente pela anemia e hipóxia. Quando a oferta de oxigênio está inadequada ocorre diminuição do nível de hepcidina. Consequentemente, maior quantidade de ferro proveniente da dieta e dos estoques dos macrófagos e hepatócitos se tornam disponíveis. A hepcidina possui a função de se ligar à ferroportina, regulando a liberação do ferro para o plasma. Quando as concentrações de hepcidina estão baixas, as moléculas de ferroportina são expostas na membrana plasmática e liberam o ferro. Quando os níveis de hepcidina aumentam, a hepcidina liga-se às moléculas de ferroportina induzindo sua internalização e degradação, e o ferro liberado diminui progressivamente. Aparentemente o desenvolvimento do diagnóstico e terapia da anemia baseados no bioindicador hepcidina pode oferecer uma abordagem mais efetiva. Estudos epidemiológicos são necessários para comprovar o valor da hepcidina no diagnóstico diferencial das anemias, incluindo protocolos de amostragem para análise, com padronização similar às utilizadas em outras avaliações bioquímicas, e estabelecimento de pontos de corte para a expressão urinária e plasmática desse peptídeo


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FAPESP n. 07/55777-9 e n. 07/50009-3


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A presente pesquisa teve quatro objetivos: 1) identificar reações de mães em relação ao diagnóstico da deficiência visual; 2) identificar o responsável pela detecção da deficiência; 3) verificar dificuldades da criança no processo de escolarização, e 4) verificar possíveis contribuições de atividades terapêuticas direcionadas ao grupo de mães. Foi realizado um "survey" descritivo com as mães de crianças com deficiência visual, atendidas no CEPRE-FCM-Unicamp. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário aplicado por entrevista, desenvolvido após estudo exploratório. Compôs-se uma amostra não probabilística, constituída por 14 mães. Entre os resultados obtidos, com relação aos sentimentos apontados pelas mães em relação ao diagnóstico, destacaram-se: a tristeza (71,0 por cento); o medo (64,0 por cento) e a decepção (42,0 por cento). O problema visual foi percebido por mães em 53,0 por cento dos casos, por pediatras em 26,0 por cento e por familiares em 21,0 por cento. Entre as dificuldades da criança no processo de escolarização foram apontadas: medo de não conseguirem acompanhar as exigências escolares (75,0 por cento) e discriminação (63,0 por cento). A maioria das mães (78,0 por cento) acredita que as atividades do grupo contribuem para o esclarecimento de dúvidas, e as atividades terapêuticas contribuíram para que aprendessem a lidar com as dificuldades de seus filhos (78,0 por cento). Os resultados obtidos contribuíram para concluir: que os sentimentos de tristeza, medo e decepção mostraram-se mais evidentes; que, na maioria dos casos, a deficiência visual foi detectada pela mãe; que na opinião das mães, as crianças teriam dificuldades em acompanhar as atividades escolares e que o grupo contribuiu para esclarecer dúvidas e favorecer troca de experiências


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Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is one of the most common malignancies in humans. The average 5-year survival rate is one of the lowest among aggressive cancers, showing no significant improvement in recent years. When detected early, HNSCC has a good prognosis, but most patients present metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, which significantly reduces survival rate. Despite extensive research, no molecular markers are currently available for diagnostic or prognostic purposes. Methods: Aiming to identify differentially-expressed genes involved in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) development and progression, we generated individual Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) libraries from a metastatic and non-metastatic larynx carcinoma, as well as from a normal larynx mucosa sample. Approximately 54,000 unique tags were sequenced in three libraries. Results: Statistical data analysis identified a subset of 1,216 differentially expressed tags between tumor and normal libraries, and 894 differentially expressed tags between metastatic and non-metastatic carcinomas. Three genes displaying differential regulation, one down-regulated (KRT31) and two up-regulated (BST2, MFAP2), as well as one with a non-significant differential expression pattern (GNA15) in our SAGE data were selected for real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a set of HNSCC samples. Consistent with our statistical analysis, quantitative PCR confirmed the upregulation of BST2 and MFAP2 and the downregulation of KRT31 when samples of HNSCC were compared to tumor-free surgical margins. As expected, GNA15 presented a non-significant differential expression pattern when tumor samples were compared to normal tissues. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting SAGE data in head and neck squamous cell tumors. Statistical analysis was effective in identifying differentially expressed genes reportedly involved in cancer development. The differential expression of a subset of genes was confirmed in additional larynx carcinoma samples and in carcinomas from a distinct head and neck subsite. This result suggests the existence of potential common biomarkers for prognosis and targeted-therapy development in this heterogeneous type of tumor.


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Polylactic-co-glycolic nanocapsules, loaded with nanosized magnetic particles and Selol (a selenium-based anticancer drug), were successfully prepared by the precipitation method. Maghemite (gamma-Fe(2)O(3)) nanoparticles were incorporated into the nanocapsules using a highly stable ionic magnetic fluid sample. The obtained nanocapsules presented no agglomeration, negative surface charge while revealing a narrow monomodal size distribution. All the nanocapsule formulations exhibited a good physical stability at 4 degrees C during 3 month storage period. The in vitro antitumoral activity of Selol-magnetic nanocapsules was assessed using a murine melanoma cell line. The influence of nanocapsules on cell viability was investigated by spectrophotometric assay. The results demonstrated that Selol-loaded magnetic nanocapsules (at 100 mu g/ml/5 x 10(9) particle/ml) showed antitumoral activity of 50% on melanoma cells (absence of magnetic field). These results clearly indicate that the loaded nanocapsules represent a novel and promising magnetic drug delivery system suitable for cancer treatment via the active drug and magnetohyperthermia. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3556950]


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A method to compute three-dimension (3D) left ventricle (LV) motion and its color coded visualization scheme for the qualitative analysis in SPECT images is proposed. It is used to investigate some aspects of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT). The method was applied to 3D gated-SPECT images sets from normal subjects and patients with severe Idiopathic Heart Failure, before and after CRT. Color coded visualization maps representing the LV regional motion showed significant difference between patients and normal subjects. Moreover, they indicated a difference between the two groups. Numerical results of regional mean values representing the intensity and direction of movement in radial direction are presented. A difference of one order of magnitude in the intensity of the movement on patients in relation to the normal subjects was observed. Quantitative and qualitative parameters gave good indications of potential application of the technique to diagnosis and follow up of patients submitted to CRT.


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AIM: To establish the efficacy and safety of a 7-d therapeutic regimen using omeprazole, bismuth suticitrate, furazolidone and amoxicillin in patients with peptic ulcer disease who had been previously treated with other therapeutic regimens without success. METHODS: Open cohort study which included patients with peptic ulcer who had previously been treated unsuccessfully with one or more eradication regimens. The therapeutic regimen consisted of 20 mg omeprazole, 240 mg colloidal bismuth subcitrate, 1000 mg amoxicillin, and 200 mg furazolidone, taken twice a day for 7 d. Patients were considered as eradicated when samples taken from the gastric antrum and corpus 12 wk after the end of treatment were negative for Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) (rapid urease test and histology). Safety was determined by the presence of adverse effects. RESULTS: Fifty-one patients were enrolled. The eradication rate was 68.8% (31/45). Adverse effects were reported by 31.4% of the patients, and these were usually considered to be slight or moderate in the majority of the cases. Three patients had to withdraw from the treatment due to the presence of severe adverse effects. CONCLUSION: The association of bismuth, furazolidone, amoxicillin and a proton-pump inhibitor is a valuable alternative for patients who failed to respond to other eradication regimens. It is an effective, cheap and safe option for salvage therapy of positive patients. (C) 2008 The WJG Press. All rights reserved.


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Background: The Brazilian consensus recommends a short-term treatment course with clarithromycin, amoxicillin and proton-pump inhibitor for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori). This treatment course has good efficacy, but cannot be afforded by a large part of the population. Azithromycin, amoxicillin and omeprazole are subsidized, for several aims, by the Brazilian federal government. Therefore, a short-term treatment course that uses these drugs is a low-cost one, but its efficacy regarding the bacterium eradication is yet to be demonstrated. The study's purpose was to verify the efficacy of H. pylori eradication in infected patients who presented peptic ulcer disease, using the association of azithromycin, amoxicillin and omeprazole. Methods: Sixty patients with peptic ulcer diagnosed by upper digestive endoscopy and H. pylori infection documented by rapid urease test, histological analysis and urea breath test were treated for six days with a combination of azithromycin 500 mg and omeprazole 20 mg, in a single daily dose, associated with amoxicillin 500 mg 3 times a day. The eradication control was carried out 12 weeks after the treatment by means of the same diagnostic tests. The eradication rates were calculated with 95% confidence interval. Results: The eradication rate was 38% per intention to treat and 41% per protocol. Few adverse effects were observed and treatment compliance was high. Conclusion: Despite its low cost and high compliance, the low eradication rate does not allow the recommendation of the triple therapy with azithromycin as an adequate treatment for H. pylori infection.


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Over two-thirds of renal masses noted incidentally on abdominal CT scans performed for nonurological indications are most likely renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The prognosis in these instances is often quite favorable, as early diagnosis offers the best hope of a complete cure. We report the identification of a RCC incidentally at endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) while an earlier CT scan of abdomen was negative. The mass was biopsied resulting in a histological confirmation of RCC and successful surgical resection.


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Perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) is a rare mesenchymal neoplasia and currently well recognized as a distinct entity with characteristic morphological, immunohistochemical and molecular findings. We report a case of PEComa arising in the antrum of a 71-year-old female with melena. The tumor, located predominantly in the submucosa as a well delimited nodule, measured 3.0 cm in diameter and was completely resected, with no evidence of the disease elsewhere. Histologically, it was composed predominantly of eosinophilic epithelioid cells arranged in small nests commonly related to variably sized vessels, with abundant extracellular material, moderate nuclear variation and discrete mitotic activity. No necrosis, angiolymphatic invasion or perineural infiltration was seen. Tumor cells were uniformly positive for vimentin, smooth muscle actin, desmin and melan A. Although unusual, PEComa should be considered in the differential diagnosis of gastric neoplasia with characteristic epithelioid and oncocytic features and prominent vasculature: (C) 2010 Baishideng. All rights reserved.


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Background: The results of previous studies elsewhere have indicated that GB virus C (GBV-C) infection is frequent in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) due to similar transmission routes of both viruses. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, incidence density and genotypic characteristics of GBV-C in this population. Methodology/Principal Findings: The study population included 233 patients from a cohort primarily comprised of homosexual men recently infected with HIV-1 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The presence of GBV-C RNA was determined in plasma samples by reverse transcriptase-nested polymerase chain reaction and quantified by real-time PCR. GBV-C genotypes were determined by direct sequencing. HIV viral load, CD4+ T lymphocyte and CD8+ T lymphocyte count were also tested in all patients. The overall prevalence of GBV-C infection was 0.23 (95% CI: 0.18 to 0.29) in the study group. There was no significant difference between patients with and without GBV-C infection and Glycoprotein E2 antibody presence regarding age, sex, HIV-1 viral load, CD4+ and CD8+ T cell counts and treatment with antiretroviral drugs. An inverse correlation was observed between GBV-C and HIV-1 loads at enrollment and after one year. Also, a positive but not significant correlation was observed between GBV-C load and CD4+ T lymphocyte. Phylogenetic analysis of the GBV-C isolates revealed the presence of genotype 1 and genotype 2, these sub classified into subtype 2a and 2b. Conclusion/Significance: GBV-C infection is common in recently HIV -1 infected patients in Sao Paulo, Brazil and the predominant genotype is 2b. This study provides the first report of the GBV-C prevalence at the time of diagnosis of HIV-1 and the incidence density of GBV-C infection in one year.


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Objective: This study investigated the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and electrical stimulation (ES) on bone loss in spinal cord-injured rats. Materials and Methods: Thirty-seven male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: standard control group (CG); spinal cord-injured control (SC); spinal cord-injured treated with laser (SCL; GaAlAs, 830 nm, CW, 30mW/cm, 250 J/cm(2)); and spinal cord-injured treated with electrical field stimulation (SCE; 1.5 MHz, 1: 4 duty cycles, 30 mW, 20 min). Biomechanical, densitometric, and morphometric analyses were performed. Results: SC rats showed a significant decrease in bone mass, biomechanical properties, and morphometric parameters (versus CG). SCE rats showed significantly higher values of inner diameter and internal and external areas of tibia diaphyses; and the SCL group showed a trend toward the same result (versus SC). No increase was found in either mechanical or densitometric parameters. Conclusion: We conclude that the mentioned treatments were able to initiate a positive bone-tissue response, maybe through stimulation of osteoblasts, which was able to determine the observed morphometric modifications. However, the evoked tissue response could not determine either biomechanical or densitometric modifications.


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Background: Cell therapy approaches for biologic cardiac repair hold great promises, although basic fundamental issues remain poorly understood. In the present study we examined the effects of timing and routes of administration of bone marrow cells (BMC) post-myocardial infarction (MI) and the efficacy of an injectable biopolymer scaffold to improve cardiac cell retention and function. Methodology/Principal Findings: (99m)Tc-labeled BMC (6x10(6) cells) were injected by 4 different routes in adult rats: intravenous (IV), left ventricular cavity (LV), left ventricular cavity with temporal aorta occlusion (LV(+)) to mimic coronary injection, and intramyocardial (IM). The injections were performed 1, 2, 3, or 7 days post-MI and cell retention was estimated by gamma-emission counting of the organs excised 24 hs after cell injection. IM injection improved cell retention and attenuated cardiac dysfunction, whereas IV, LV or LV* routes were somewhat inefficient (< 1%). Cardiac BMC retention was not influenced by timing except for the IM injection that showed greater cell retention at 7 (16%) vs. 1, 2 or 3 (average of 7%) days post-MI. Cardiac cell retention was further improved by an injectable fibrin scaffold at day 3 post-MI (17 vs. 7%), even though morphometric and function parameters evaluated 4 weeks later displayed similar improvements. Conclusions/Significance: These results show that cells injected post-MI display comparable tissue distribution profile regardless of the route of injection and that there is no time effect for cardiac cell accumulation for injections performed 1 to 3 days post-MI. As expected the IM injection is the most efficient for cardiac cell retention, it can be further improved by co-injection with a fibrin scaffold and it significantly attenuates cardiac dysfunction evaluated 4 weeks post myocardial infarction. These pharmacokinetic data obtained under similar experimental conditions are essential for further development of these novel approaches.


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Background: Theracyte is a polytetrafluoroethylene membrane macroencapsulation system designed to induce neovascularization at the tissue interface, protecting the cells from host's immune rejection, thereby circumventing the problem of limited half-life and variation in circulating levels. Endostatin is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis and tumor growth. Continuous delivery of endostatin improves the efficacy and potency of the antitumoral therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine whether recombinant fibroblasts expressing endostatin encapsulated in Theracyte immunoisolation devices can be used for delivery of this therapeutic protein for treatment of mice bearing B16F10 melanoma and Ehrlich tumors. Results: Mice were inoculated subcutaneously with melanoma (B16F10 cells) or Ehrlich tumor cells at the foot pads. Treatment began when tumor thickness had reached 0.5 mm, by subcutaneous implantation of 10(7) recombinant encapsulated or non-encapsulated endostatin producer cells. Similar melanoma growth inhibition was obtained for mice treated with encapsulated or non-encapsulated endostatin-expressing cells. The treatment of mice bearing melanoma tumor with encapsulated endostatin-expressing cells was decreased by 50.0%, whereas a decrease of 56.7% in tumor thickness was obtained for mice treated with non-encapsulated cells. Treatment of Ehrlich tumor-bearing mice with non-encapsulated endostatin-expressing cells reduced tumor thickness by 52.4%, whereas lower tumor growth inhibition was obtained for mice treated with encapsulated endostatin-expressing cells: 24.2%. Encapsulated endostatin-secreting fibroblasts failed to survive until the end of the treatment. However, endostatin release from the devices to the surrounding tissues was confirmed by immunostaining. Decrease in vascular structures, functional vessels and extension of the vascular area were observed in melanoma microenvironments. Conclusions: This study indicates that immunoisolation devices containing endostatin-expressing cells are effective for the inhibition of the growth of melanoma and Ehrlich tumors. Macroencapsulation of engineered cells is therefore a reliable platform for the refinement of innovative therapeutic strategies against tumors.