1000 resultados para d18O


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The position of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) during the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation (iNHG) has been evaluated using dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and foraminiferal geochemistry from a ~260 kyr interval straddling the base of the Quaternary System from two sites: eastern North Atlantic Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 610 in the path of the present NAC and central North Atlantic Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1313 in the subtropical gyre. Stable isotope and foraminiferal Mg/Ca analyses confirm cooling near the marine isotope stage (MIS) G7-G6 transition (2.74 Ma). However, a continued dominance of the dinoflagellate cyst Operculodinium centrocarpum sensu Wall and Dale (1966) indicates an active NAC in the eastern North Atlantic for a further 140 kyr. At MIS 104 (~2.60 Ma), a profound dinoflagellate cyst assemblage turnover indicates NAC shutdown in the eastern North Atlantic, implying elevated atmospheric pressure over the Arctic and a resulting shift in the westerlies that would have driven the NAC. These findings challenge recent suggestions that there was no significant southward shift of the NAC or the Arctic Front during iNHG, and reveal a fundamental climatic reorganization near the base of the Quaternary.


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The advection of relatively fresh Java Sea water through the Sunda Strait is presently responsible for the low-salinity "tongue" in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean with salinities as low as 32 per mil. The evolution of the hydrologic conditions in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean since the last glacial period, when the Sunda shelf was exposed and any advection via the Sunda Strait was cutoff, and the degree to which these conditions were affected by the Sunda Strait opening are not known. Here we have analyzed two sediment cores (GeoB 10042-1 and GeoB 10043-3) collected from the eastern tropical Indian Ocean off the Sunda Strait that cover the past ~40,000?years. We investigate the magnitude of terrigenous supply, sea surface temperature (SST), and seawater d18O (d18Osw) changes related to the sea level-driven opening of the Sunda Strait. Our new spliced records off the Sunda Strait show that during the last glacial, average SST was cooler and d18Osw was higher than elsewhere in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean. Seawater d18O decreased ~0.5 per mil after the opening of the Sunda Strait at ~10 kyr B.P. accompanied by an SST increase of 1.7°C. We suggest that fresher sea surface conditions have persisted ever since due to a continuous transport of low-salinity Java Sea water into the eastern tropical Indian Ocean via the Sunda Strait that additionally increased marine productivity through the concomitant increase in terrigenous supply.


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利用硝酸盐氮氧同位素讨论地下水硝酸盐来源和转化是地下水硝酸盐研究的热点之一。本研究利用燃烧管法测试了贵阳地下水、部分地表水, 以及雨水中硝酸盐氧同位素, 结果表明地下水中硝酸盐D18O 冬季平均值为+ 12. 6‰±5. 6 (n= 17) , 夏季为+ 11. 1‰±4. 8 (n= 22)。结合氮同位素揭示了贵阳市地下水硝酸盐污染来源的季节性转化, 郊区地下水夏季主要受硝态氮肥等影响, 而市区地下水受人为排污影响严重。


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To assess the contribution of accumulated winter precipitation and glacial meltwater to the recharge of deep ground water flow systems in fracture crystalline rocks, measurements of environmental isotope ratios, hydrochemical composition, and in situ parameters of ground water were performed in a deep tunnel. The measurements demonstrate the significance of these ground water recharge components for deep ground water flow systems in fractured granites of a high alpine catchment in the Central Alps, Switzerland. Hydrochemical and in situ parameters, as well as d18O in ground water samples collected in the tunnel, show only small temporal variations. The precipitation record of d18O shows seasonal variations of ~14‰ and a decrease of 0.23‰ ± 0.03‰ per 100 m elevation gain. d2H and d18O in precipitation are well correlated and plot close to the meteoric water line, as well as d2H and d18O in ground water samples, reflecting the meteoric origin of the latter. The depletion of 18O in ground water compared to 18O content in precipitation during the ground water recharge period indicates significant contributions from accumulated depleted winter precipitation to ground water recharge. The hydrochemical composition of the encountered ground water, Na-Ca-HCO3-SO4(-F), reflects an evolution of the ground water along the flowpath through the granite body. Observed tritium concentrations in ground water range from 2.6 to 16.6 TU, with the lowest values associated with a local negative temperature anomaly and anomalous depleted 18O in ground water. This demonstrates the effect of local ground water recharge from meltwater of submodern glacial ice. Such localized recharge from glaciated areas occurs along preferential flowpaths within the granite body that are mainly controlled by observed hydraulic active shear fractures and cataclastic faults.


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Since 1995, when pumps were withdrawn from deep mines in East Fife (Scotland), mine waters have been rebounding throughout the coalfield. Recently, it has become necessary to pump and treat these waters to prevent their uncontrolled emergence at the surface. However, even relatively shallow pumping to surface treatment lagoons of the initially chemically-stratified mine water from a shaft in the coastal Frances Colliery during two dynamic step-drawdown tests to establish the hydraulic characteristics of the system resulted in rapid breakdown of the stratification within 24 h and a poor pumped water quality with high dissolved Fe loading. Further, data are presented here of hydrochemical and isotopic sampling of the extended pump testing lasting up to several weeks. The use in particular of the environmental isotopes d18O, d2H, d34S, 3H, 13C and 14C alongside hydrochemical and hydraulic pump test data allowed characterisation of the Frances system dynamics, mixing patterns and water quality sources feeding into this mineshaft under continuously pumped conditions. The pumped water quality reflects three significant components of mixing: shallow freshwater, seawater, and leakage from the surface treatment lagoons. In spite of the early impact of recirculating lagoon waters on the hydrochemistries, the highest Fe loadings in the longer-term pumped waters are identified with a mixed freshwater–seawater component affected by pyrite oxidation/melanterite dissolution in the subsurface system.


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In agroecosystems, most isotopic investigations of NO3- involve the use of tracers that are artificially enriched in 15N. Although the dual isotope composition of NO3-— d15N and d18O is especially beneficial for understanding the origin and fate of NO3-, its use for KCl-extractable soil NO3- has been hampered by the lack of a suitable analytical technique. Our objective was to test whether the denitrifier method, whereby NO3- is reduced to N2O before mass spectrometric analysis, can be used to determine the N and O isotopic composition of NO3- from 2 M KCl soil extracts. Several internationally accepted NO3- standards were dissolved in 2 M KCl, the conventional extractant for soil inorganic N, and inoculated with the bacterial strain Pseudomonas aureofaciens (ATCC no. 13985). The standard deviation of the NO3- standards analyzed did not exceed 0.2‰ for d15N and 0.3‰ for d18O values. After appropriate corrections, differences between our measured and consensus d15N and d18O values of standard NO3- generally were within the standard deviations given for the consensus values. Both d15N and d18O values were reproducible among separate analytical runs. The method was also tested on genuine 2 M KCl extracts from unfertilized and fertilized soils. Depending on N fertilization, the soils had distinct d15N and d18O values, which were attributed to amendment with NH4NO3 fertilizer. Hence, our data indicate that the denitrifier method provides a fast, reliable, precise, and accurate way of simultaneously analyzing the natural abundances of 15N and 18O in KCl-extractable soil NO3-.


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The partially semi-arid Oldman River basin (OMRB), located in southern Alberta (Canada), has an area of 28 200 km2, is forested in its western headwater part, and is used for agriculture in its eastern part. Hydrometric measurements indicate that flow in the Oldman River has decreased by ~34% between 1913 and 2003, and it is predicted that water withdrawals will increase in the next 20 years. The objective of this study was to determine whether isotope ratio measurements can provide further insight into the water dynamics of the Oldman River and its tributaries. Surface water samples were collected monthly between December 2000 and March 2003. Groundwater samples were taken from 58 wells during one-time sampling trips. Runoff within the OMRB is currently about 70 mm year-1, with a corresponding runoff ratio of 0Ð18. Seasonal flow characteristics are markedly different upstream and downstream of the Oldman River reservoir. Upstream, sharp increases in flow in late spring and early summer are followed by a rapid decrease to base flow levels. Downstream, a prolonged high flow peak is observed due to the storage effect of the Oldman River reservoir. The seasonal variation in the isotopic composition of surface water from upstream sites is small. This suggests that peak runoff is not predominantly generated by melting snow accumulated during the preceding winter, but mainly by relatively well-mixed young groundwater. A significant increase in the d18O and d2H values in the downstream part of the basin was observed. The increase in the isotopic values is partly due to surface water and groundwater influx with progressively higher d18O and d2H values in the eastern part, and partly due to evaporation. Hence, the combination of hydrometric data with isotope measurements yields valuable insights into the water dynamics in the OMRB that may be further refined with more intensive measurement programmes in the future.


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Concentrations and isotopic compositions of NO-3 from the Oldman River (OMR) and some of its tributaries (Alberta, Canada) have been determined on a monthly basis since December 2000 to assess temporal and spatial variations of riverine NO-3 sources within the OMR basin. For the OMR sites, NO-3 -N concentrations reached up to 0.34 mg L-1, d15N-NO-3 values varied between –0.3 and +13.8‰, and d18O-NO-3 values ranged from –10.0 to +5.7‰. For the tributary sites, NO-3 -N concentrations were as high as 8.81 mg L-1, d15N-NO-3 values varied between –2.5 and +23.4‰, and d18O-NO-3 values ranged from –15.2 to +3.4‰. Tributaries in the western, relatively pristine forested part of the watershed add predominantly NO-3 to the OMR with d15N-NO-3 indicative of soil nitrification. In contrast, tributaries in the eastern agriculturally-urban-industrially-used part of the basin contribute NO-3 with d15N-NO-3 values of about +16‰ indicative of manure and/or sewage derived NO-3. This difference in d15N-NO-3 values of tributaries was found to be independent of the season, but rather indicates a spatial change in the NO-3 source, which correlates with land use changes within the OMR basin. As a consequence of tributary influx, d15N-NO-3 values in the Oldman River increased from +6‰ in the downstream direction (W to E), although [NO-3 -N] increased only moderately (generally


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Neptune’s Cave in the Velfjord–Tosenfjord area of Nordland, Norway is described, together with its various organic deposits. Samples of attached barnacles, loose marine molluscs, animal bones and organic sediments were dated, with radiocarbon ages of 9840+/-90 and 9570+/-80 yr BP being derived for the barnacles and molluscs, based on the superseded but locally used marine reservoir age of 440 years. A growth temperature of c. 7.51C in undiluted seawater is deduced from the d13C and d18O values of both types of marine shell, which is consistent with their early Holocene age. From the dates, and an assessment of local Holocene uplift and Weichselian deglaciation, a scenario is constructed that could explain the situation and condition of the various deposits. The analysis uses assumed local isobases and sea-level curve to give results: that are consistent with previous data, that equate the demise of the barnacles to the collapse of a tidewater glacier in Tosenfjord, and that constrain the minimum extent of local Holocene uplift. An elk fell into the cave in the mid-Holocene at 510070 yr BP, after which a much later single ‘bog-burst’ event at 178070 yr BP could explain the transport of the various loose deposits further into the cave.


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In complex hydrogeological environments the effective management of groundwater quality problems by pump-and-treat operations can be most confidently achieved if the mixing dynamics induced within the aquifer by pumping are well understood. The utility of isotopic environmental tracers (C-, H-, O-, S-stable isotopic analyses and age indicators—14C, 3H) for this purpose is illustrated by the analysis of a pumping test in an abstraction borehole drilled into flooded, abandoned coal mineworkings at Deerplay (Lancashire, UK). Interpretation of the isotope data was undertaken conjunctively with that of major ion hydrochemistry, and interpreted in the context of the particular hydraulic setting of flooded mineworkings to identify the sources and mixing of water qualities in the groundwater system. Initial pumping showed breakdown of initial water quality stratification in the borehole, and gave evidence for distinctive isotopic signatures (d34S(SO4) ~= -1.6‰, d18O(SO4) ~= +15‰) associated with primary oxidation of pyrite in the zone of water table fluctuation—the first time this phenomenon has been successfully characterized by these isotopes in a flooded mine system. The overall aim of the test pumping—to replace an uncontrolled outflow from a mine entrance in an inconvenient location with a pumped discharge on a site where treatment could be provided—was swiftly achieved. Environmental tracing data illustrated the benefits of pumping as little as possible to attain this aim, as higher rates of pumping induced in-mixing of poorer quality waters from more distant old workings, and/or renewed pyrite oxidation in the shallow subsurface.


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Variability in nitrogen fate and transport in different catchments types is often not considered. This research considers the importance of such nitrogen processes within groundwater pathways in two agricultural catchments in Ireland; a well drained catchment, underlain by karstified Carboniferous limestone, and a poorly drained catchment, underlain by Silurian greywacke.
Depth specific low-flow groundwater sampling was used to evaluate the hydrochemical stratification in groundwater. Groundwater samples, as well as surface water samples, along river courses were analysed for nitrogen species (NO3, NH4 and NO2) and nitrate isotopes (d15N and d18O) as well as field parameters and major ions
The dominant nitrate (NO3) groundwater pathway in the poorly drained greywacke catchment is through the shallow weathered bedrock, as indicated by transmissivity values and the ionic and isotopic signatures, and a clear reduction in NO3 concentration is observed with depth. A similar chloride trend would suggest dilution is a major factor, however d15N and d18O isotopic values producing an enrichment ratio of 1.8 indicate that denitrification is also an important process involved in the fate of the NO3 within the groundwater flow system. This consistent trend with depth is in contrast to the stratification pattern observed in the karstified catchment. NO3 was not detected in the shallow groundwater pathway; the dominant groundwater pathway is in the deeper groundwater where there is little change in the nitrate isotope values with depth (d15N values range between 4.1 and 4.6 ‰). This deeper groundwater contributes the dominant proportion of the river flow through a number of springs. As a result, the deeper groundwater, springs and river have a similar ionic signature and NO3 concentration range (23 ± 3 mg/l). Despite this pattern, the NO3 isotopes show a distinct difference in isotopic values between the deeper groundwater in the diffuse karst and the springs indicating some denitrification is occurring during groundwater discharge into the river. Furthermore the isotopes give an indication of the variability of the spatial extent of the springs and the complexities of the fissures through which they are fed. The results of this study clearly show the importance of the geology in the fate and transport of NO3 in agricultural catchments.


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The marine topshell, Phorcus (Osilinus) turbinatus, is a common component of many archaeological sites in the Mediterranean. This species has been successfully used as a palaeoclimate proxy in Italy. To test whether d18O from P. turbinatus shells can serve as a reliable palaeoclimate archive for other regions of the Mediterranean, we collected live P. turbinatus from the northeast coast of Malta each month for a year. The d18OSHELL values of the outermost growth increments of these live-collected shells ranged between-0.4 and+2.4‰. These values correspond to growing temperatures calculated from shell edge d18O of between 15 °C and 27 °C. Calculated shell edge sea surface temperatures are highly correlated with instrumental records of sea surface temperature recorded over the period of collection. The individuals analysed for this study are smaller than P. turbinatus from populations studied elsewhere in the Mediterranean. Nonetheless, d18OSHELL provides a robust record of sea surface temperatures, suggesting that smaller/younger shells in archaeological deposits can still provide reliable palaeothermometry records. This study extends the upper growth limit P. turbinatus by 2 °C compared with the previous studies of P. turbinatus in the Mediterranean and suggests that, contrary to the previous studies, growth shutdown does not occur in all P. turbinatus when sea surface temperatures exceed 25 °C. This may reflect the higher sample resolution that can be obtained from smaller/faster growing shells, or it may reflect actual higher growth tolerances of P. turbinatus populations in Malta. By showing that P. turbinatus precipitate their shells in d18O equilibrium with surrounding sea water, this study reinforces the potential for the stable isotope chemistry of P. turbinatus shells preserved in Mediterranean archaeological sites to provide a window into the climate and seasonality regimes of the past.


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Afin d’étudier l’influence de la migration sur l’alimentation à Montréal aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, 64 individus de la collection du cimetière Notre-Dame, daté de 1691 à 1796, ont fait l’objet d’analyses ostéologiques et isotopiques. Les analyses isotopiques ont portées sur le carbone (d13C) et l’azote (d15N) du collagène des os, ainsi que sur le d13C et l’oxygène (d18O) du carbonate de l’apatite des os et des dents (prémolaires et troisièmes molaires). Le d18O des dents a permis de définir approximativement trois régions d’origine (région de Montréal, région enrichie en 18O (i.e. Acadie, Louisiane, Nouvelle-Angleterre, France, Antilles et Afrique) et région appauvrie en 18O (intérieur des terres et plus au nord) pour 58 individus, et sept possibles parcours migratoire (N=27). Plus de la moitié de l’échantillon est composé d’individus possiblement natifs de Montréal (55 %). De plus, les résultats indiquent que les gens étaient peu mobiles avant l’âge de 16 ans. Toutefois, 12 individus ont entrepris des déplacements entre 7 et 16 ans, majoritairement d’un environnement enrichi vers Montréal (N=5) ou de Montréal vers une région appauvrie (N=5). L’âge de recrutement des mousses sur les navires, la traite de la fourrure, la coupe du bois et possiblement aussi l’esclavage pourraient expliquer cette « jeune » migration. Sur le plan alimentaire, les végétaux de type C3, la viande nourrie aux ressources C3 et le poisson faisaient partie du menu montréalais. Les plantes C4 (majoritairement maïs mais aussi sucre de canne [rhum]) étaient consommées en quantité variable. La question de l’influence de la migration sur l’alimentation n’a pu être explorée en profondeur en raison de contraintes liées à la contamination du d18O du carbonate des os. La combinaison des données ostéologiques et isotopiques à la distribution spatiale des sépultures, a permis d’étudier un aspect de l’archéologie funéraire à l’échelle individuelle (identité possible), sans toutefois fournir de résultats probants, à l’échelle du cimetière et de son organisation globale.