995 resultados para chemical engineering


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Fugacity coefficients and isothermal changes of enthalpy have been calculated and reported. The calculations cover a temperature range of 0° to 75°C. up to gas densities of 1.0 gram per cc. The generalized Benedict-Webb-Rubin constants evaluated from generalized PVT relations is found to predict the experimental data with an over-all absolute deviation of 3.1%. Second virial coefficients and potential energy parameters for Lennard-Jones (12-6) potential energy function are reported also.


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Vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the system n-heptane-n-butanol have been reported. The thermodynamic consistency of the data was tested with Chao's modified Redlich-Kister equation and Tao's method.


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The vapor phase hydrochlorination of methanol to methyl chloride in fixed beds with silica gel-alumina (88 to 12) and γ-alumina catalysts was studied in a glass tubular reactor in the temperature range of 300° to 390°C. Of the two catalysts studied, γ-alumina gave nearly equilibrium conversions under the experimental conditions. The data are expressed in the form of second-order irreversible rate equations for both the catalysts studied.


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Benzene drops were formed in continuous media of water and glycerine of varying physical properties. The effect on drop volumes of variables like volumetric flow-rate, interfacial tension, continuous phase viscosity and capillary diameter was studied. An equation has been developed, based on a two stage drop formation mechanism, which predicts drop volumes within an average error of 7 per cent for the range of physical properties employed in this investigation.


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Data on pressure drop and heat transfer to aqueous solutions of glycerol flowing in different types of coiled pipes are presented for laminar flow in the range of NRe from 80 to 6000. An empirical correlation is set up which can account the present data as well as the data available in literature within ±10 per cent deviation. Conventional momentum and heat transfer analogy equation is used to analyse the present data.


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Free-fall terminal velocities of single spheres and of single-row assemblies containing up to six spheres, with line of centres of spheres perpendicular to the direction of motion, have been determined in the particle Reynolds numbers range 0.2-4, and interaction effects obtained in the case of assemblies relative to drag on single isolated spheres, are discussed. The observed decrease in the drag on a sphere of an assembly is explained on the basis of theoretical considerations governing flow phenomena in such systems.


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Catalytic dehydrogenation of 2-propanol over Cu-SiO2 catalyst was investigated. The undesired side reaction of dehydration can be controlled by a selective catalyst and choice of proper operating conditions. The kinetics of the heterogeneous catalytic reaction can be adequately expressed by a forward first-order and reverse second-order mechanism. The rate-controlling step with chemically pure 2-propanol is single-site surface reaction, while for the technical grade alcohol the adsorption of alcohol is rate-controlling. The static bed data are compared with the fluidized bed dat


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The temperature dependence of thermal conductivity of liquids as given by Horrocks and McLaughlin is re-examined and useful relations to estimate thermal conductivity are presented. In the case of the 12 homologous series considered the maximum deviation is about 5%.


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The association parameter in the diffuswn equaiior, dye fo Wiike one Chong has been interpreted in deferminable properties, thus permitting easily the calculation of the same for unknown systems. The proposed eqyotion a!se holds goods for water as soiute in organic solvenfs. The over-all percentage error remains the sarrse as that of the original equation.


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Free convection heat transfer in vertical concentric, cylindrical annuli is investigated analytically and experimentally. The approximate double boundary layer model used by Emery and Chu for the case of vertical parallel plates is extended to the present case in obtaining heat transfer correlations in laminar free convection. Different correlations for the inner cylinder depending on the radius to the length ratio of the inner cylinder and the Rayleigh number, were used in the derivation of correlations for the annuli. The results for the case of short cylinders inside tubes are in agreement (within about 10 per cent) with the existing correlations. For other cases, namely long cylinders in annuli and wires in annuli, experiments conducted show the agreement of the analysis with experiments.


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Bubble formation from porous discs submerged in liquids of different physical properties has been investigated. It is found the number of sites effective for bubble formation is much smaller than the total potentially available sites. The number of effective sites is found to be a function of the surface tension, viscosity, and density of the liquid and the gas flow rate through the disc. A model proposed on the basis of bubble formation from an isolated nozzle and the close packed arrangement of the formed bubbles, explains the phenomenon adequately. © 1970.


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A study of atomization has been made with an external mixing-type pneumatic atomizer. The drops were sampled on Vaseline-coated cells using a shutter arrangement and their sizes were measured under a microscope. The effects of liquid viscosity, liquid surface tension, liquid flow rate, air velocity, and nozzle angle on drop size have been studied. A model, which explains adequately the influence of various factors, has been proposed. This model predicts the values of average drop sizes over a wide range of operating conditions. The model also explains the data of other investigators who have used other kinds of pneumatic atomizers.


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An approach, starting with the bubble formation model of Khurana and Khumar, has been presented, which is found to be reasonably applicable to the formation of both bubbles and drops from single submerged nozzles. The model treats both the phenomena jointly as the formation of a dispersed phase entity resulting from injection, whose size depends upon operating parameters and physical properties.


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The ultrasonic degradation of poly (styrene-co-methyl methacrylate) (SMMA), poly (styrene-co-ethyl methacrylate) (SEMA) and poly (styrene-co-butyl methacrylate) (SBMA) copolymers of different compositions was studied. The copolymers were synthesized and NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the composition, and the glass transition temperatures were determined by DSC. The reactivity ratios were determined by the Kelen-Tudos method and it indicated that the copolymers were random. The effect of solvent, temperature and copolymer composition on the ultrasonic degradation rate of these copolymers was investigated. A model based on continuous distribution kinetics was employed to study the degradation kinetics. The degradation rate coefficients of the copolymers decreased with an increase in the styrene content in the copolymer. At any particular copolymer composition the rate of degradation follows the order: SBMA >SEMA > SMMA. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the copolymers was carried in order to assess their thermal stability. The same order of degradation was observed for the thermal degradation of the copolymers as that observed for ultrasonic degradation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.