559 resultados para bk: Berber
Esta investigación es un ejemplo de simbiosis entre criptoanálisis y desciframiento de lenguas. Es la búsqueda del sentido de una inscripción, un conjunto de casi doscientas letras latinas, en una talla de la Virgen María que estaba en la isla de Tenerife, en la localidad hoy de Candelaria, en las islas Canarias. La imagen desapareció en un temporal en el año 1826. No obstante, es posible lograr una gran certeza sobre qué letras tenía, acudiendo a las fuentes documentales textuales y artísticas. El conocimiento del significado, si lo hubiera, de la inscripción mariana, creemos que no puede lograrse sin la adecuada comprensión del contexto. Esto significa indagar en la historia de la misma talla, que se remonta hasta el siglo XIV o XV, en el estudio de la población autóctona canaria, así como de los pueblos que allí llegaron en sus diferentes momentos históricos. Además, es necesario conocer el redescubrimiento del archipiélago canario y sus procesos de conquista y evangelización. Todos estos datos irán ofreciendo un panorama nuevo y sorprendente para comprender no sólo las letras sino la misma imagen escultórica en madera. A partir de este momento la indagación se moverá en ver si las letras corresponden a alguna lengua posible, lo que nos ha llevado a analizar un amplísimo conjunto de textos lo más cercanos a la época bajo estudio, pertenecientes a alrededor de un centenar de lenguas. Tras el examen lingüístico se ha procedido a un estudio de las posibles formas criptográficas que se hubieran utilizado para generar el texto de la inscripción. Se ofrece un detallado y minucioso elenco de técnicas posibles que pudieran haberse adoptado y se criptoanaliza con exhaustividad las letras de la talla mariana. Al mismo tiempo se ofrece un nuevo marco criptológico de métodos y sistemas más ordenado y completo que el que hasta ahora venía considerándose, en especial desde el surgimiento de la criptografía de clave asimétrica. Continuamos la investigación sopesando la posible generación pseudo-aleatoria del texto, un texto que pudiera no tener sentido alguno. En este momento, y habiendo completado todas las posibilidades e hipótesis, habiéndose negado todas, volvemos a reconsiderar el cuerpo de conjeturas y supuestos. Desde ahí analizamos en profundidad el ámbito etnográfico y lingüístico bereber como hipótesis más plausible y probable. Tras la profundización en esta lengua y la corrección de los errores que nos llevaron a no detectarla en nuestro análisis precedente, llegamos a la conclusión de encontrarnos ante una lengua arcaica bereber, un conjunto de letras pertenecientes a una lengua y familia hoy no desaparecida, si bien muy modelada y difuminada por otras lenguas, en especial el árabe. Esto nos llevará a rescatar aspectos léxicos, morfológicos, sintácticos y fonéticos de este habla arcaica. Con todos estos datos realizamos un amplio estudio semántico de la talla tanto desde la perspectiva aborigen autóctona como cristiana. Finalmente, desde las voces lexicales y sus raíces de las lenguas bereberes e insulares amazigh, ofrecemos el significado de las letras inscritas en la talla mariana de Candelaria. ABSTRACT This research is an example of symbiosis between cryptanalysis and deciphering of languages. It is the search for meaning in an inscription, a group of about two hundred latin letters on a carving of the Virgin Mary that was on the island of Tenerife, in the town of Candelaria today, in the Canary islands. The image disappeared in a storm in 1826. However, it is possible to achieve a great certainty about what letters had, going to the textual and artistic documentary sources. The knowledge of the meaning, if any, of the marian inscription, can not be achieved without an adequate knowledge of the context. This means researching into the history of the same carving, which dates back to the fourteenth and fifteen century; the study of the canarian indigenous people and of the people who came there at different historical moments. Furthermore, it is necessary to know the rediscovery of the Canary islands and their processes of conquest and evangelization. All these data will offer a new and surprising outlook to understanding not only the letters but the same wood sculpture. From this moment the inquiry will move to see if the letters correspond to any possible language, which has led us to analyze a very large set of texts as close to the time under study, in a hundred languages. After the language examination, has been carried out a study of possible cryptographic forms used to generate the text of the inscription. A detailed and thorough list of possible techniques that could be adopted is offered. Then exhaustively we cryptanalyze the letters of the marian carving. At the same time a new crypto framework of methods and systems more orderly and complete, especially since the emergence of asymmetric key cryptography, is provided. We continue researching the possible pseudo-random generation of the text, a text that would not make any sense. At this time, and having completed all the possibilities and hypotheses, all having refused, we return to rethink our assumptions. From there we analyze in depth the ethnographic and linguistic berber sphere as the most likely hypothesis. Following the deepening of this language and correcting the mistakes that led us not to detect it in our analysis above, we conclude that this is an archaic berber language, a set of letters belonging to a language and family not extinct today but very modeled and influenced by other languages, primarily arabic. This will lead us to rescue lexical, morphological, syntactic and phonetic aspects of this archaic speech. With all this data we make a wide semantic study of the carving from the indigenous and christian perspective. Finally, from the lexical voices and roots of the berber languages amazigh and island-amazigh, we give the meaning of the letters inscribed in the marian carving of Candelaria.
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Acknowledgements We would like to thank the staff of the animal facility for their support and care for our animals. Funding was provided by the Wellcome Trust (102705) and Medical Research Council (UK) (MR/J004820/1) and a University of Aberdeen Studentship to BK.
Experiments were performed on uteri from estrogen-primed female rats. Bradykinin (BK) (10−8 M) significantly augmented biosynthesis of prostaglandin F2 α (PGF2α) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), and this synthesis was completely blocked by NG-monomethyl l-arginine (NMMA) (300 μM), a competitive inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Blockade of prostaglandin synthesis by indomethacin caused rapid dissipation of isometric developed tension (IDT) induced by BK. Blockade of NOS with NMMA had similar but less marked effects. Combining the two inhibitors produced an even more rapid decay in IDT, suggesting that BK-induced NO release maintains IDT by release of prostanoids. The decline of frequency of contraction (FC) was not significantly altered by either indomethacin or NMMA but was markedly accelerated by combination of the inhibitors, which suggests that PGs maintain FC and therefore FC decline is accelerated only when PG production is blocked completely by combination of the two inhibitors of PG synthesis. The increase in IDT induced by oxytocin was unaltered by indomethacin, NMMA or their combination indicating that neither NO nor PGs are involved in the contractions induced by oxytocin. However, the decline in FC with time was significantly reduced by the inhibitor of NOS, NMMA, suggesting that FC decay following oxytocin is caused by NO released by the contractile process. In the case of PGF2α, NMMA resulted in increased initial IDT and FC. The decline in FC was rapid and dramatically inhibited by NMMA. Receptor-mediated contraction by BK, oxytocin, and PGF2α is modulated by NO that maintains IDT by releasing PGs but reduces IDT and FC via cyclic GMP.
The vast majority of the known biological effects of the renin–angiotensin system are mediated by the type-1 (AT1) receptor, and the functions of the type-2 (AT2) receptor are largely unknown. We investigated the role of the AT2 receptor in the vascular and renal responses to physiological increases in angiotensin II (ANG II) in mice with targeted deletion of the AT2 receptor gene. Mice lacking the AT2 receptor (AT2-null mice) had slightly elevated systolic blood pressure (SBP) compared with that of wild-type (WT) control mice (P < 0.0001). In AT2-null mice, infusion of ANG II (4 pmol/kg/min) for 7 days produced a marked and sustained increase in SBP [from 116 ± 0.5 to 208 ± 1 mmHg (P < 0.0001) (1 mmHg = 133 Pa)] and reduction in urinary sodium excretion (UNaV) [from 0.6 ± 0.01 to 0.05 ± 0.002 mM/day (P < 0.0001)] whereas neither SBP nor UNaV changed in WT mice. AT2-null mice had low basal levels of renal interstitial fluid bradykinin (BK), and cyclic guanosine 3′,5′-monophosphate, an index of nitric oxide production, compared with WT mice. In WT mice, dietary sodium restriction or ANG II infusion increased renal interstitial fluid BK, and cyclic guanosine 3′,5′-monophosphate by ≈4-fold (P < 0.0001) whereas no changes were observed in AT2-null mice. These results demonstrate that the AT2 receptor is necessary for normal physiological responses of BK and nitric oxide to ANG II. Absence of the AT2 receptor leads to vascular and renal hypersensitivity to ANG II, including sustained antinatriuresis and hypertension. These results strongly suggest that the AT2 receptor plays a counterregulatory protective role mediated via BK and nitric oxide against the antinatriuretic and pressor actions of ANG II.
By evoking changes in climbing fiber activity, movement errors are thought to modify synapses from parallel fibers onto Purkinje cells (pf*Pkj) so as to improve subsequent motor performance. Theoretical arguments suggest there is an intrinsic tradeoff, however, between motor adaptation and long-term storage. Assuming a baseline rate of motor errors is always present, then repeated performance of any learned movement will generate a series of climbing fiber-mediated corrections. By reshuffling the synaptic weights responsible for any given movement, such corrections will degrade the memories for other learned movements stored in overlapping sets of synapses. The present paper shows that long-term storage can be accomplished by a second site of plasticity at synapses from parallel fibers onto stellate/basket interneurons (pf*St/Bk). Plasticity at pf*St/Bk synapses can be insulated from ongoing fluctuations in climbing fiber activity by assuming that changes in pf*St/Bk synapses occur only after changes in pf*Pkj synapses have built up to a threshold level. Although climbing fiber-dependent plasticity at pf*Pkj synapses allows for the exploration of novel motor strategies in response to changing environmental conditions, plasticity at pf*St/Bk synapses transfers successful strategies to stable long-term storage. To quantify this hypothesis, both sites of plasticity are incorporated into a dynamical model of the cerebellar cortex and its interactions with the inferior olive. When used to simulate idealized motor conditioning trials, the model predicts that plasticity develops first at pf*Pkj synapses, but with additional training is transferred to pf*St/Bk synapses for long-term storage.
The hemagglutination inhibition antibody titers against the JC and BK polyoma viruses (JCV and BKV, respectively) are significantly elevated in individuals exhibiting "rogue" cells among their cultured lymphocytes. However, the elevation is so much greater with respect to JCV that the BKV elevation could readily be explained by cross reactivity to the capsid protein of these two closely related viruses. The JCV exhibits high sequence homology with the simian papovavirus, simian virus 40 (SV40), and inoculation of human fetal brain cells with JCV produces polyploidy and chromosomal damage very similar to that produced by SV40. We suggest, by analogy with the effects of SV40, that these changes are due to the action of the viral large tumor antigen, a pluripotent DNA binding protein that acts in both transcription and replication. The implications of these findings for oncogenesis are briefly discussed.
A capillary electrophoresis system with single-cell biosensors as a detector has been used to separate and identify ligands in complex biological samples. The power of this procedure was significantly increased by introducing antagonists that inhibited the cellular response from selected ligand-receptor interactions. The single-cell biosensor was based on the ligand-receptor binding and G-protein-mediated signal transduction pathways in PC12 and NG108-15 cell lines. Receptor activation was measured as increases in cytosolic free calcium ion concentration by using fluorescence microscopy with the intracellular calcium ion indicator fluo-3-acetoxymethyl ester. Specifically, a mixture of bradykinin (BK) and acetylcholine (ACh) was fractionated and the components were identified by inhibiting the cellular response with icatibant (HOE 140), a selective antagonist to the BK B2 receptor subtype (B2BK), and atropine, an antagonist to muscarinic ACh receptor subtypes. Structurally related forms of BK were also identified based on inhibiting B2BK receptors. Applications of this technique include identification of endogenous BK in a lysate of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (Hep G2) and screening for bioactivity of BK degradation products in human blood plasma. The data demonstrate that the use of antagonists with a single-cell biosensor separation system aids identification of separated components and receptor subtypes.
The episcopal complex of Eio, located in El Tolmo de Minateda, was built between the end of the 6th century and the beginning of the 7th century, possibly as a political decision taken by the ecclesiastical authority in the capital of the Visigothic kingdom (Toletum). With the comprehensive study of the whole complex presented below (construction cycles, furniture, decoration and location of spaces), we can interpret the function of each space in the basilica and the domus episcopi, the liturgical and general movement routes, the existence of some hierarchical environments, and specify the chronological development of the buildings. After the Arab-Berber conquest of Hispania in the early 8th century, the whole complex will experience a series of transformations that will convert the religious and monumental public area into a private, residential and industrial Islamic quarter.
The episcopal complex of Eio, located at El Tolmo de Minateda, was built between the end of the sixth century and the beginning of the seventh century. It may have been created as a result of a political decision taken by the authority of the Visigothic kingdom (based at Toletum) to control the Byzantine territories of south-east Hispania. With a comprehensive study of the construction phases, and of the decoration and location of spaces, we can recreate and interpret the function of each space in the episcopal palatium or episcopium, and detail the chronological development of the building. After the Arab-Berber conquest of Hispania in the early eight century, the whole complex underwent alterations that converted the religious and monumental public area into a private, residential and artisan Islamic quarter.
Medieval fortified granaries known as “agadirs” are very common in southern Morocco, being catalogued as world cultural heritage by United Nations. These Berber buildings (made of stones and tree trunks) usually located on rocky promontories, constitute historical testimonials related to the origin of Morocco, and, as tourist attractions, have a positive impact on the local economy. The sustainability of these ancient monuments requires geological-risk evaluations of the massif stability under the agadir with the proposal of stabilization measures, and an architectonic analysis with appropriate maintenance of the structural elements. An interdisciplinary study including climate, seismicity, hydrology, geology, geomorphology, geotechnical surveys of the massif, and diagnosis of the degradation of structural elements have been performed on the Amtoudi Agadir, selected as a case study. The main findings from this study are that the prevalent rocks used for construction (coming from the underlying substratum) are good-quality arkosic sandstones; the SW cliffs under the agadir are unstable under water saturation; some masonry walls are too thin and lack interlocking stones and mortar; and failures in the beams (due to flexure, fracture, and exhaustion in the resistance due to insect attacks or plant roots) are common. The basic risk assessment of ancient buildings of cultural heritage and their geologic substratum are needed especially in undeveloped areas with limited capacity to implement durable conservation policies. Therefore, recommendations have been provided to ensure the stability and maintenance of this important archaeological site.
Thirteen slips of paper with fragments of handwritten alphabetical lists created by Isaac Smith presumably in his capacity as Harvard Librarian. Most of the entries are surnames or single-word subjects. For example, one slip with "M" entries includes: milway, miracles, miraculous, Mitchell, and Mitchell. Some of the lists have struck-through words or have entries annotated with numbers and the abbreviations "o" and "bk." The verso of one leaf has a brief, undated note regarding the transfer of books between Mr. Hilliard and Mr. Smith.
"October 1992."