940 resultados para bell`s palsy
Background and purpose: The effects of centrally administered cannabinoids on body core temperature (Tc) and the contribution of endogenous cannabinoids to thermoregulation and fever induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (Sigma Chem. Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) were investigated. Experimental approach: Drug-induced changes in Tc of male Wistar rats were recorded over 6 h using a thermistor probe (Yellow Springs Instruments 402, Dayton, OH, USA) inserted into the rectum. Key results: Injection of anandamide [(arachidonoylethanolamide (AEA); Tocris, Ellisville, MO, USA], 0.01-1 mu g i.c.v. or 0.1-100 ng intra-hypothalamic (i.h.), induced graded increases in Tc (peaks 1.5 and 1.6 degrees C at 4 h after 1 mu g i.c.v. or 10 ng i.h.). The effect of AEA (1 mu g, i.c.v.) was preceded by decreases in tail skin temperature and heat loss index (values at 1.5 h: vehicle 0.62, AEA 0.48). Bell-shaped curves were obtained for the increase in Tc induced by the fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor [3-(3-carbamoylphenyl)phenyl] N-cyclohexylcarbamate (Cayman Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, MI, USA) (0.001-1 ng i.c.v.; peak 1.9 degrees C at 5 h after 0.1 ng) and arachidonyl-2-chloroethylamide (ACEA; Tocris) (selective CB(1) agonist; 0.001-1 mu g i.c.v.; peak 1.4 degrees C 5 h after 0.01 mu g), but (R,S)-(+)-(2-Iodo-5-nitrobenzoyl)-[1-(1-methyl-piperidin-2-ylmethyl)-1H-indole-3-yl] methanone (Tocris) (selective CB(2) agonist) had no effect on Tc. AEA-induced fever was unaffected by i.c.v. pretreatment with 6-Iodo-2-methyl-1-[2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl]-1H-indole-3-yl](4-methoxyphenyl) methanone (Tocris) (selective CB(2) antagonist), but reduced by i.c.v. pretreatment with N-(piperidin-1-yl)-5-(4-iodophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide (AM251; Tocris) (selective CB(1) antagonist). AM251 also reduced the fever induced by ACEA or LPS. Conclusions and implications: The endogenous cannabinoid AEA induces an integrated febrile response through activation of CB(1) receptors. Endocannabinoids participate in the development of the febrile response to LPS constituting a target for antipyretic therapy.
An exact analytical solution is obtained for the transient dissolution of solid spheres in a diffusion-controlled environment. This result provides a useful reference point for drug testing in humans. The dimensionless solution is expressed in terms of a single parameter, which accounts for solubility, bulk flow, and stagnant fluid composition. A simple, explicit and exact expression was found to predict time-to-complete dissolution (TCD). An approximate solution was also found which tracks the exact case for low solubility conditions.
We show that quantum mechanics predicts a contradiction with local hidden variable theories for photon number measurements which have limited resolving power, to the point of imposing an uncertainty in the photon number result which is macroscopic in absolute terms. We show how this can be interpreted as a failure of a new premise, macroscopic local realism.
Leon Battista Alberti, 'On the Art of Building in Ten Books' Translated by Joseph Rykwert, Neil Leach and Robert Tavemor L. A. Zhadova (ed.), 'Tatlin' (Budapest 1984). English translation Helen Ross, 'Just For Living, Aboriginal Perceptions of Housing in North West Australia' Tony Fry, 'Design History Australia: A Source Text in Methods and Resources' Phillip Cox and David Moore, 'The Australian Functional Tradition' Lenore Coltheart and Don Fraser (eds.), 'Lamdmarks in Public Works, Engineers and Their Works in New South Wales 1884-1914' Peter Bridges and Don MacDonald, 'James Barnet, Colonial Architect' Don Watson and Judith McKay, 'A Directory of Queensland Architects to 1940' Russell Walden, 'Voices of Silence: New Zealand's Chapel of Futuna' Jeremy Salmond, 'Old New Zealand Houses 1800-1940' Victoria Middleton, 'The Legend of Green Valley' Dyranda Prevost and Ann Rado, 'Living Places' Mark Jackson and Mark Stiles (directors), 'Universal Provider' Lars Lerup, 'Planned Assaults'
The debate about the dynamics and potential policy responses to asset inflation has intensified in recent years. Some analysts, notably Borio and Lowe, have called for 'subtle' changes to existing monetary targeting frameworks to try to deal with the problems of asset inflation and have attempted to developed indicators of financial vulnerability to aid this process. In contrast, this paper argues that the uncertainties involved in understanding financial market developments and their potential impact on the real economy are likely to remain too high to embolden policy makers. The political and institutional risks associated with policy errors are also significant. The fundamental premise that a liberalised financial system is based on 'efficient' market allocation cannot be overlooked. The corollary is that any serious attempt to stabilize financial market outcomes must involve at least a partial reversal of deregulation.
The ability to predict leaf area and leaf area index is crucial in crop simulation models that predict crop growth and yield. Previous studies have shown existing methods of predicting leaf area to be inadequate when applied to a broad range of cultivars with different numbers of leaves. The objectives of the study were to (i) develop generalised methods of modelling individual and total plant leaf area, and leaf senescence, that do not require constants that are specific to environments and/or genotypes, (ii) re-examine the base, optimum, and maximum temperatures for calculation of thermal time for leaf senescence, and (iii) assess the method of calculation of individual leaf area from leaf length and leaf width in experimental work. Five cultivars of maize differing widely in maturity and adaptation were planted in October 1994 in south-eastern Queensland, and grown under non-limiting conditions of water and plant nutrient supplies. Additional data for maize plants with low total leaf number (12-17) grown at Katumani Research Centre, Kenya, were included to extend the range in the total leaf number per plant. The equation for the modified (slightly skewed) bell curve could be generalised for modelling individual leaf area, as all coefficients in it were related to total leaf number. Use of coefficients for individual genotypes can be avoided, and individual and total plant leaf area can be calculated from total leaf number. A single, logistic equation, relying on maximum plant leaf area and thermal time from emergence, was developed to predict leaf senescence. The base, optimum, and maximum temperatures for calculation of thermal time for leaf senescence were 8, 34, and 40 degrees C, and apply for the whole crop-cycle when used in modelling of leaf senescence. Thus, the modelling of leaf production and senescence is simplified, improved, and generalised. Consequently, the modelling of leaf area index (LAI) and variables that rely on LAI will be improved. For experimental purposes, we found that the calculation of leaf area from leaf length and leaf width remains appropriate, though the relationship differed slightly from previously published equations.
Pholeohedra overstreeti n. g., n. sp. (Digenea: Haploporidae) is described from Girella zebra (Kyphosidae) in South Australia. The new genus is compared with all genera of Haploporidae sensu late (including Atractotrematidae, Megasolenidae and Waretrematidae) and has a unique bell-shaped concavity at its posterior end. The genus otherwise resembles Hapladena in the arrangement of the testis, vitellarium and gut but also resembles Megasolena, Metamegasolena and Vitellibaculum except in having a single testis. This is the first haploporid reported from kyphosid fishes in Australia.
We demonstrate a contradiction of quantum mechanics with local hidden variable theories for continuous quadrature phase amplitude (position and momentum) measurements. For any quantum state, this contradiction is lost for situations where the quadrature phase amplitude results are always macroscopically distinct. We show that for optical realizations of this experiment, where one uses homodyne detection techniques to perform the quadrature phase amplitude measurement, one has an amplification prior to detection, so that macroscopic fields are incident on photodiode detectors. The high efficiencies of such detectors may open a way for a loophole-free test of local hidden variable theories.
Using data from an evaluation of methadone maintenance treatment, this study investigated factors associated with continued involvement irt crime during treatment, and in particular whether there appeared to be differences in effectiveness of treatment between different methadone clinics. The methodology was an observational study, in which 304 patients attending three low-intervention, private methadone clinics in Sydney were interviewed on three occasions over a twelve month period. Outcome measures were self-reported criminal activity and police department records of convictions. By self-report, crime dropped, promptly and substantially on entry to treatment, to a level of acquisitive crime about one-eighth that reported during the last addiction period. Analysis of official records indicated that rates of acquisitive convictions were significantly lower in the in-treatment period compared to prior to entry to treatment, corroborating the changes suggested by self-report. Persisting involvement in crime in treatment was predicted by two factors: the cost of persisting use of illicit drugs, particularly cannabis, and ASPD symptom count. Treatment factors also were independently predictive of continued involvement in crime. By both self-report and official records, and adjusting for subject factors, treatment at one clinic teas associated with greater involvement in crime. This clinic operated in a chaotic and poorly organized way. it is concluded that crime during methadone treatment is substantially lower than during street addiction, although the extent of reduction depends on the quality of treatment being delivered.
This paper presents general considerations for working with athletes with disabilities and the usefulness and possible modification of specific mental skills for those athletes. Common concerns for athletes with specific disabilities are discussed. Specific disabilities are considered under the headings of amputees, blind and visually impaired, cerebral palsy, deaf and hearing impaired, intellectual disabilities, and wheelchair. Arousal control, goal setting, attention/concentration, body awareness, imagery, self-confidence, and precompetition preparation are discussed in terms of disability-specific issues as well as suggestions for application.
We present a potential realization of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger all or nothing contradiction of quantum mechanics with local realism using phase measurement techniques in a simple photon number triplet. Such a triplet could be generated using nondegenerate parametric oscillation. [S0031-9007(98)07671-6].
Intracavity and external third order correlations in the damped nondegenerate parametric oscillator are calculated for quantum mechanics and stochastic electrodynamics (SED), a semiclassical theory. The two theories yield greatly different results, with the correlations of quantum mechanics being cubic in the system's nonlinear coupling constant and those of SED being linear in the same constant. In particular, differences between the two theories are present in at least a mesoscopic regime. They also exist when realistic damping is included. Such differences illustrate distinctions between quantum mechanics and a hidden variable theory for continuous variables.