931 resultados para aywu (the word)


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Este projeto nasceu da vontade de seguir adiante, de pesquisar no sentido literal da palavra, de propor como objeto de estudo e reflexão novos e/ou pouco analisados aspectos das relações familiares e da construção de uma identidade masculina ou feminina' na vida cotidiana. Estimulada pela presença de perspectivas análogas e de toda uma florescente literatura sobre práticas e representações relativas à estruturação da identidade feminina através de festas; dos momentos de ruptura e de perda, etc., esta pesquisa procura introduzir também discurso dos homens e a fala das crianças no espaço das relações familiares.


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O artigo se propõe uma análise (mais imanente que genética, mais jurídica que sociológica) da projeção do Estado na obra de Casimiro de Abreu. É um estudo de literatura nacional, é um valor político. O objeto da política é o estado em toda sua extensão. Assim em relação ao governo, ele estigmatiza severamente a administração pública, a despeito da homenagem que presta à família real. Não aceita o conceito fechado, étnico de nação, mas sim, aceita o conceito aberto em que nação é igual a povo sem distinção de raça, classe... O território é o elemento dominante de sua obra. De território deriva o conceito de pátria, do conceito de pátria deriva o conceito de exílio e nostalgia. Não há pois nacionalismo no sentido forte da palavra em sua obra, mas civismo e sobretudo patriotismo onde pátria tem sentido arquétipo de terra dos pais. A pátria se torna, por conseguinte, uma isotopia de leitura que estrutura sua obra aparentemente apenas lírica e chorosa. This paper purports an analysis (more immanent / than genetic, more juridical than sociological) of the projection of the State in Casimiro de Abreu’s work. It is a study of national literature, national being a political value. The object of politics is the State in its whole extension. Thus, in connection with government, he severely stigmatizes public administration in spite of tribute he pays to the royal family. He does not accept the restrict, ethnic concept of nation, accepting instead the wide concept in which nation is equal to people without discrimination of race, class, etc. Territory is the dominant element in this work. The concept of country derives from territory, the concept of exile and nostalgia derives from concept of the country. Therefore, there is no nacionalism, in the strong sense of the word, in his work, but civism and, above all, patriotism, which means that country archetypically signifies the land of the forefathers. Thus, country becomes an isotopy of reading which structures his only apparently lyric and plaintive work.


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Researchers in the field of Augmentative and Alternative Communication point out the lack of instruments for assessing children and young people with a complex communication needs. This study's focus is the selection of words for creating an instrument for the vocabulary range in non-speaking children aged two to eleven years and eleven months. Three studies were performed. The first study identified and described tools available for assessing receptive vocabulary and their respective word lists. The second identified and described research that presented word inventories or word lists. The third study identified the vocabulary reported by parents and teachers. The words that were identified in the three studies were analyzed according to: the number of times they occurred; the Picture Communication Symbols system classification; and a semantic and syntactic classification. Based on these studies the following criteria for vocabulary selection were established for word selection: the 45 words which appeared in all three studies, the words that occurred five times or more, considering the three studies, representing 167 (14.14%) words; the words identified in study one or two, but that had been reported by the families - 183 (19.37% out of 945 words) - or by teachers - 108 (11.43% out of 945 words). The word list was composed of 269 items, classified in 18 semantic and syntactic topics; it represents an initial tool for professionals in the field of health and education to set goals for beginning assessment of children and teenagers who are users of Augmentative and Alternative Communication systems.


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This study aimed to develop procedures for assessing reading comprehension of words and phrases and characterize the performance of students of 2nd year of elementary school in this procedure. It was divided into two phases: 1) preparation of evaluation tests of reading comprehension, consisting of three events: comprehension of written word (CWW), sentences (CWS) and sentences through pictures (CSP) and 2) application of the elaborated evaluation in 120 students distributed in the following groups: GI, 60 students from a public (municipal) school and GII, 60 students from a private school. The CWW test obtained the highest average of score, followed by CSP and CWS for both groups, since the picture contributes to the comprehension of the meaning either of the word and sentences. The procedure was effective to assess initial skills of reading comprehension once it identified inherent difficulties related to the literacy process.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The use of the adjective radical to identify the variety of behaviorism proposed by Skinner is current nowadays. However, historically, this qualifier was not exclusively applied to Skinner's proposal and its polysemy tends to generate inaccuracies in the interpretation of what characterizes Skinner's Radical Behaviorism. This article aims to clarify the most appropriate sense of radical when applied to Skinner's behaviorism by means of four articulated activities: (1) the description of the etymological origins of the word radical and its different meanings in Portuguese, Spanish and English, (2) a reconstruction and analysis of the evolution of a historical setting that culminated in the use of the term in the behaviorist context, (3) an analysis of the main meanings of radical when associated with behaviorism, (4) an examination of some ways in which the use of the term associated with behaviorism is consistent, and the current and future implications for Radical Behaviorism and Behavior Analysis in a scientific context.


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There is in the literature a divergent description between lexical knowledge and word production accuracy. The aims of this study were: (a) to investigate the influence (effect) of the word lexical knowledge over production accuracy; (b) in case there is, to characterize acoustically this interference. Eight children (5-6 years old) with typical development language participated of this study. The methodological procedure consisted of: (a) survey of the children lexical knowledge concerning to IAFAC’s words; (b) recordings of the IAFAC’s words; (c) identifi cation and characterization of the linguistic cues, by acoustic analysis, in the IAFAC’s word production in function of the different knowledge degrees. Our results suggest a negative correlation (r=-0,13, p=0,000) between lexical knowledge and presence of the linguistics cues in word’s production. However, the linguistics cues refer to hesitative cues instead of phonological errors. Implications of these results for clinical practicing are discussed.


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The article deals, initially, from a theoretical point of view, the concept of function in the perspective of Vygotsky (2001), and functional equivalence from the point of view of Smith (1989) and articulates them with the letter funcion in the construction of words in discursive statements. Taking as reference these concepts, it was analysed writings of a student in early literacy at a school in a countryside city in the state of São Paulo, in a situation of writing letters of personal correspondence, whose data were collected in 2009 in order to determine which letters are chosen by the student and why they are chosen to record the speech. The concept of function in Vygotsky and the functional equivalence of Smith (1989) used for the analysis of corpus, revealed that the student’s decisions are characterized by diversity sources and criteria, and rely mainly on the basis that a letter can have the constitution of the word, in the process of enunciation, regardless of their phonetic correspondence. The letter, used as a basis, would lose its status as strictly technical element to achieve the status of a unit of sense since is a constituent part of discourse.


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From one dimension of culture, the word boundary breaks away from the idea of territorial boundary defined a priori as something fixed to the delineation of boundaries. Released this commitment, it can be thought of in other dimensions: as of transition moments of identity experienced by individuals, for women, compared to established norms. Questioning the determinant and connected speech processes of change, they left the banks in which they lived and sought recognition of self, identity and new choices have taken up other possibilities for being, social inclusion, coupled with the guarantee of their rights. Recognizing the existence of this movement, I propose a look at border on the inclusion of women as widows in order to observe the multiple identities of their female protagonists. This reflection aims to take account of social fraying beyond the limits and directions in taxes and if the widow, to expand the boundaries of its meaning and consider the possibility of hybrid subjects, differentiated, and therefore mobile and moving all the time an ongoing performance of operations, as well as contemporary studies have shown about gender relations that take into account the distinctions of race, class, ethnicity, and especially for generations.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA